Welcome toVirus Trading Center home page


This site is dedicated to trade viruses. Then, if you are looking for any virus or you are a virii collector, you´ll love this place. Here you´ll find all you need to trade with us, but you´ll not find any virus (infected files). Sites like WCIVR closed because the people used to download a lot and upload a shit.



Thanxs goes to:

Galar, Jack the Ripper, Malware, Poltergeist, Shadow Seeker, Slage Hammer, Sokrates and other people wich i´ve traded viruses.

AkKort, Alevirus, Anaktas, Assembler Head, AuroDreph, Blue Cat, Benny, Bfr0vrFl0, Billy Belcebú, Buddy Music, Bumblebee, Cicatrix, Clau, CyberYoda, darkman, Deadman, DeCaY, DrDope, Dr[yozak], Dr Zero, DuSTFaeRie, Fayte, Flitnic, GeneCode, GriYo, Guillermito, Int13h, Jack Liu, Jacky Qwerty, JFK_, J.S.Bach, Kid Chaos, Lethal Mind, Lord Asd, Lord Julus, Mandragore, Memory Lapse, Midnyte, Mister Sandman, Nigromant, Nightmare Joker, PaX, Phage, PoLyMaTh, Pruslas, Rajaat, Raid, Rebyc, Reptile, Retch, Ruiner, Septic, Serial Killer, Sizif, Slumdung, SSR, Super, Tally, Tcp, The Wizard, Vecna, [VEiN], VicodinES, ViruVox, wEiRd GeNiUs, Wintermute, Yanush Milovski, Z0MBiE, Zhuge Jin.


29A, Alternative Virus Mafia, CodeBreakers, Corean Virus Club, Dark Conspiracy, DDT, Duke´s Virus Labs, Feathered Serpents, IKX, Immortal Riot/Genesis, Metaphase VX Team, Nomercy Virus Team, NOP, Pinoy Virus Writers, Renegade, Stealth Group, Sign Of Scream, SLAM, Technological Illusions, Ultras, VBB, VLAD and all the other live/died virii groups.

1nternal's Virus Research and Development Outlet, AmTraK's ViRii PaGe, Association of Satanic Maniacs, BackOrifice and Trojans, Coderz net, Drop the virus, Dutch Virii Community, Hecatombe, HeMan Virus Page, Intergang, Knowdeth's Macro World, Lady Sharrows Playground, Lord Arz's Castle, Moonbug, nUcLeii's world, Opic´s VX-Netwerk, PATA SItEZ, Putoksa Kawayan´s Hex Files, Queen Hitman Virus inc., Simply Infinity, SkamWerks Labs, The Cram Virus, The FlyShadow homepage, The Ultimate Chaos Website, The Virus Bunkerz, The Virus Sensation, VDAT on-line, Virus Central Station, Virii on the web, Virus Info Center, Virusomania, Virus Brasil, World of the Viruses, Xfire, X-Vex 2000, Zordhak Virii Team. They are other good virii related sites.

Leugim San, the best CoSysOp of the world.

Stevie Ray Vaughan, Buddy Guy, Jimmy Thackery, Tom Principato and Popa Chubby for his music.

(c) 1998-99 VirusBuster

Last update: 05-May-1999