URSoft W32Dasm Update News Page

W32dasm is the user friendly Windows Program Disassembler/Debugger

* The Ideal Tool To Learn How Windows Programs Operate
* Requires Win 95, 98, or NT - Not Tested for Win 2000 or ME
* Disassembles Both 16 and 32 Bit Windows Programs
* Displays for Exports, Imports, Menu, Dialog, and Text References
* Integrated Debugger for 32 Bit Programs (16 Bit Debug Not Available)
* Includes Text Search and Navigation Functions
* Latest Full Version is 8.94 (Price $75.00 via EMail)
* New in Ver 8.5 -> Disassembles MMX Instructions
* New in Ver 8.7 -> Code Patch Assembler
* New in Ver 8.8 -> Code Operand Value Display
* EMail
w32dasm@home.com for info on undocumented V8.7 feature


Demo Version 8.7 Available

* Save & Copy Functions Are Disabled in Demo.

* Demo Has a Limit on Number of Operations per Session.

* Demo Has File Size Limitations.

Download_W32Dasm_DEMO_Ver_8.7  (W32Dasm 8.9 *Regged*)  (W32Dasm v10)

Download_Intel_Assembly_Instruction_Reference_Manual[IntelManual.zip - MISSING]

Please direct all suggestions and inquiries to: W32dasm@home.com

w32d890p.zip  Welcome to this DREAD release: SDR Enabler for VB Apps (w32dasm 8.9)

w32d893p.zip  Welcome to this DREAD release: SDR Enabler for VB Apps (w32dasm 8.93)