Win32ASM Programs with Source Code




Name : ASM Calculator v.001
Keywords : gui, calc
Author : Lord Lucifer - Visit Homepage - Email
Source : TASM Last Update : 08/18/1999
Desc : This is an unfinished project of a simple hex calculator/converter, written in assembly language using Turbo assembler 5.0. Source code is included and totally free of use.


Name : asmIRC v0.17
Keywords : winsock, irc, gui
Author : zathan - Visit Homepage
Source : MASM Last Update : 03/08/1999
Desc : asmIRC is of course an IRC client written in full Win32ASM. This version works but is still quite buggy, as the author noticed in the source. Anyway it's a very interesting project, which widely demonstrates the use of socket in asm... keep on going zathan ! :)


Name : ASPack Unpacker v1.0
Keywords : aspack, unpack
Author : bane / DTG - Email
Source : TASM (Extended DOS asm) Last Update : 08/28/1999
Desc : Self explanatory :p This is a little prog to unpack PE files compressed with ASPack (versions 1.02b, 1.07b, 1.08.00/1/2/3). Full DOS extended source included.


Name : BMP Viewer
Keywords : Bitmap, gui
Author : _HaK_ - Visit Homepage - Email
Source : TASM Last Update : 1998
Desc : This is a very simple BMP viewer, coded in pure win32asm. It just demonstrates use of Bitmaps APIs, and general window displaying.


Name : Boyer-Moore string search Algorithm Implementation Rev 3
Keywords : string search
Author : Jeremy Collake - Visit Homepage - Email
Source : MASM Last Update : 01/09/2000
Desc : This is just a 32bits asm implementation of the Boyer-Moore string search Algorithm, which will speed up your strstr functions. Compiled DLL & Full asm source included.


Name : Calculator v0.0
Keywords : gui
Author : Jimmy Moore
Source : TASM Last Update : 01/03/1999
Desc : This is a simple calculator. It is a VERY EARLY stage of development.


Name : CaptionChanger
Keywords : windows
Author : LaZaRuS
Source : MASM Last Update : 03/31/2000
Desc : This very simple & little tool lets you easily change the caption of any window. Full masm source included.


Name : CGI Coding in win32asm example
Keywords : CGI, environment
Author : Jeremy Collake - Visit Homepage
Source : TASM Last Update : 09/23/1999
Desc : This little program demonstrates CGI implementation in win32asm. It simply dumps the value of all filled CGI environment variables to the requesting agent. Full source included.


Name : CGI Hit Counter for WinNT
Keywords : CGI
Author : Jeremy Collake - Visit Homepage
Source : TASM Last Update : 01/09/2000
Desc : A very simple text hit counter for WindowsNT, with full assembly language source code.


Name : CommTerm
Keywords : COM Port
Author : hardCode - Visit Homepage - Email
Source : MASM Last Update : 01/09/2000
Desc : This simple program shows how to communicate with COM ports. (For example to test your modem, or a com terminal...etc). Full source included.


Name : CrueChat v1.1
Keywords : winsock, client/server
Author : +Cruehead - Visit Homepage - Email
Source : TASM Last Update : 1998
Desc : CrueChat is a nice little chat tool that shows an example of win32asm client/server program. The package includes both client and server sides of the app, with full source code. It well demonstrates the use of winsock APIs.


Name : Cruehead Patcher v1.0
Keywords : files, gui
Author : +Cruehead - Visit Homepage - Email
Source : TASM Last Update : 1999
Desc : This little 32bits patcher has been written by Cruehead as the second part of the 1999 +HCU strainer. It just demonstrates simple file operations.


Name : CrueMe v1.0
Keywords : encryption, protection
Author : +Cruehead - Visit Homepage - Email
Source : TASM Last Update : 02/13/1999
Desc : This is the sourcecode of a crackme that seemed to have been quite hard to beat. The crackme features some polymorphic code to hide the real encryption and check routine. A full explanation of how it works is included. It demonstrates polymorphic coding, lookup tables, etc... Very nice.


Name : Custom Window Boder and Caption Bar
Keywords : gfx, wnd border
Author : Incubus
Source : TASM Last Update : 06/10/2000
Desc : A very nice example about how to set custom window borders and caption bar from bitmaps. Very interesting for those who want to skin their programs. Included full TASM source code.


Name : DiskDrive Info v0.0
Keywords : diskdrive
Author : Jimmy Moore
Source : TASM Last Update : 02/28/1999
Desc : It is a simple Drive information tool. It demonstrates coding of diskdrives traversal routines.


Name : EdPad v1.0
Keywords : gui, commondialog
Author : Ed Pizzi - Visit Homepage
Source : TASM Last Update : 1998
Desc : This is a nice and quite well featured Notepad clone written in pure win32asm. Demonstrates edit box message processing, basic file operations, and 'Search/replace' common-dialog using.


Name : Elite Talker
Keywords : VXD, Service Hook
Author : Defiler
Source : MASM Last Update : 03/31/2000
Desc : This is a little vxd which hooks the keyboard input and 'converts' some characters to their 'elite' equivalents ;). Of course, it only works on win9x. Totally useless but VERY informative about VXD programming and system services hooking !. Full masm source included.


Name : Email Manager v1.0
Keywords : MAPI, winsock
Author : Jimmy Moore
Source : TASM Last Update : 03/22/1999
Desc : Self explanatory : just an email manager in win32asm. Demonstrates use of MAPI functions, asynchronous email checking on up to 10 pop3 servers ...etc.


Name : File Encrypter
Keywords : crypt, file
Author : device - Email
Source : TASM Last Update : 08/18/1999
Desc : This program will take in a variable length key, and encrypt a file using it. The maximum key size is 256 bytes(2048 bits). The encryption is strong enough to keep most hackers out(maybe not professionals though). It is written in win32 assembly and source is included.


Name : File Fat Remover
Keywords : gui, file mapping, pe
Author : NetWalker - Email
Source : TASM Last Update : 08/18/1998
Desc : This is a simple tool that resets EOF offset of a PE executable file to the real end of the last section. Demonstrates file memory mapping process, and simple PE header traversal. Full source included.


Name : File Manager v0.002
Keywords : gui, explorer, files
Author : Lord Lucifer - HomePage - Email
Source : MASM Last Update : 08/28/1998
Desc : This is an early version of an explorer-like File Manager that promises to be great :). Not much functions in it, but very interesting things anyway : it demonstrates use of treeview/listview, splitter bar, etc... Keep on going lucifer ! :)


Name : FrogsICE v0.31
Keywords : debug, sice, vxd
Author : Frog's Print+ - Visit Homepage
Source : TASM Last Update : 09/13/1999
Desc : FrogsICE is a VERY NCE vxd. It allows you to intercept programs (exe or COM, DOS/Win16 or Win32) which would try to detect if SoftICE is loaded. It is particularly useful for packed/encrypted programs. It intercepts and prevents detection right before it is executed, and display full register/mem informations. Full win32asm is included. Very good work by Frog's Print !


Name : GLCube
Keywords : 3D, OpenGL
Author : hardCode - Visit Homepage
Source : MASM Last Update : 01/09/2000
Desc : Simple testing application for OpenGL. Demonstrates simple use of OpenGL APIs. Full masm source of course included.


Name : GLFullScreen
Keywords : 3D, OpenGL
Author : hardCode - Visit Homepage
Source : MASM Last Update : 01/09/2000
Desc : Simple application to show how to run OpenGL at fullscreen using DirectDraw or ChangeDisplaySettings API. Full masm source included.


Name : GLTorus
Keywords : 3D, OpenGL
Author : Sergey Chaban / hardCode - Visit Homepage
Source : MASM & NASM Last Update : 01/09/2000
Desc : OpenGL torus in Assembly. Demonstrates use of OpenGL APIs. Full masm & nasm source included.


Name : GLTexture
Keywords : 3D, OpenGL
Author : hardCode - Visit Homepage
Source : MASM Last Update : 01/09/2000
Desc : Demonstrates use of textures in OpenGL. Full masm source included.


Name : Host-IP Resolver v0.1
Keywords : winsock, gui
Author : Jeremy Collake - Visit Homepage
Source : TASM Last Update : 09/13/1999
Desc : This is just an extremly simple, small utility that will resolve hostnames to IPs, or vice-versa. Full TASM source included.


Name : HTTP Download v1.5
Keywords : http, winsock, comctl
Author : Iczelion / PC - Visit Homepage
Source : MASM Last Update : 1998
Desc : This is a little tool that is able to download any file through HTTP. Very nice looking and interesting. Demonstrates use of winsock apis, http requests, status bar, progress bar...etc


Name : HTTP ZIP Downloader v1.2
Keywords : winsock, zip, comctl
Author : Iczelion / PC - Visit Homepage
Source : MASM Last Update : 1998
Desc : This great tool allows you to SELECT files you want to download from a remote zip archive, via http. Source is very interesting and demonstrates use of winsock APIs, basic file operations, and common controls (statusbar, progressbar, listview...). VERY NICE :)


Name : IceDump v6.016 & NtIceDump v1.8
Keywords : debug, sice, dump
Author : IceDump Team - Visit Homepage
Source : MASM Last Update : 06/10/2000
Desc : Generic extension for SoftICE for Win9x and NT. Includes MANY features, and full source is included. VERY interesting for those who want to deal with softice stuffs.


Name : IIS 4.0 Remote OverFlow Exploit
Keywords : exploit, buffer overflow
Author : Dark Spyrit - Email
Source : TASM Last Update : 08/18/99
Desc : This is an exploit of a remote buffer overflow hole in Microsoft IIS v4.0. It has been written and published by team. It contains win32asm source and a little explaining text. Read it !


Name : JCALG1 Compression Library r5.01
Keywords : compression, LZSS
Author : Jeremy Collake - Visit Homepage
Source : MASM (Full Source) Last Update : 09/23/99
Desc : JCALG1 is a fast and tight compression library that can easily be integrated into any application. Written in 100% assembly, compression is fairly fast, and decompression is rapid. It is coded in 100% 32bit x86 assembly language for maximum performance and minimum size. It provides an excellent compression ratio, typically much better than ZIP's deflate. Extremely small and fast decompressor. Compression window size is adjustable to allow for faster compression at the cost of compression speed. Decompression requires no memory. It is compiled as a DLL for easy integration in any application, and source code of the decompressor is included. Now released with FULL SOURCE and under a GPL license, it has btw been highly improved. Very Nice work ! :)


Name : JMP Logger
Keywords : debug
Author : Defiler
Source : MASM Last Update : 03/31/2000
Desc : This little program logs all conditional jumps in a selected file and writes it into a log-file. Nice example of how to use Windows debug APIs. Full masm source included.


Name : Keygen example
Keywords : keygen, gui
Author : The RudeBoy
Source : TASM Last Update : 1998
Desc : This is just an example of how to create a VERY simple dialog based application using win32asm. In this case, this is a bogus Keygen with full commented source.


Name : Keygen Example #1 with nice GFX effect
Keywords : keygen, gfx effect
Author : The+Q
Source : TASM Last Update : 03/31/2000
Desc : Nice keygen example by The+Q. The most interesting part is the nice little GFX effect. Full win32asm src included.


Name : Keygen Example #2 with nice GFX effect
Keywords : keygen, gfx effect
Author : The+Q
Source : TASM Last Update : 03/31/2000
Desc : Nice keygen example by The+Q. The most interesting part is the nice little GFX effect. Full win32asm src included.


Name : Mario
Keywords : GFX, DirectX
Author : LoAdAll -Visit Homepage - Email
Source : TASM Last Update : 12/16/1999
Desc : This is a (widely) unfinished Super Mario World Clone. Requires DirectX. Funny example in win32asm directx game development. Of course includes full tasm sourcecode.


Name : MDx.dll Message Digest Library v0.50
Keywords : DLL, crypt, MD5
Author : The RudeBoy
Source : MASM Last Update : 03/31/2000
Desc : DLL implementation of the MD5 & MD4 Message digest algorythms. Nice work by the rudeboy ! :). Masm source included.


Name : Memory Info v1.0
Keywords : memory, gui
Author : Razor'X
Source : TASM Last Update : 1998
Desc : It is a simple memory status grabbing tool. Shows status of physical/virtual/page memory, and physical memory load. Demonstrates simple gui coding, and memory infos grabbing api.


Name : MSSucks v2.10
Keywords : VXD, virus
Author : +Frog's Print - HomePage
Source : MASM Last Update : 03/31/2000
Desc : This is a funny virus example that will mess with Micro$oft useless apps: M$IE, OutlookExpress (+ addressbook, migration util), Frontpage, FrontpageExpress, Access, PowerPoint, Word, WordPad, Excel. Nice example of VXD programming in asm. Masm source included + explanations.


Name : NW Debug v0.3
Keywords : debug, gui
Author : NetWalker - Email
Source : TASM Last Update : 05/14/1998
Desc : It is a simple debug application which is very nice looking, and quite well featured. It demonstrates using of resource scripts in win32 applications, and use of basic win32 debugging apis for BP, dumps, etc etc... Very Nice :)


Name : NetBios Sample
Keywords : netbios
Author : Jimmy Moore
Source : TASM Last Update : 1998
Desc : This tools simply shows how to retrieve the hardware MAC address of your machine.


Name : Nice Win95 Example
Keywords : gui, comctl, comdlg
Author : ???
Source : TASM Last Update : 1998
Desc : It is a test app, which demonstrates many things about win32asm gui programming : resizing window, menu, toolbar, status bar, text painting, open/save common dialogs, help files...etc.


Name : Open/Close CDROM Example
Keywords : gui, winmm, cdrom
Author : Dolphinz - Email - Visit Homepage
Source : TASM Last Update : 09/23/99
Desc : This very simple program (it only runs under Windows 95/98) shows how to easily open/close your cdrom drive using MCI commands of WINMM.DLL. Full commented source included.


Name : Paysage
Keywords : GFX, DirectX
Author : LoAdAll -Visit Homepage - Email
Source : MASM Last Update : 12/16/1999
Desc : This program displays an infinite fractal landscape. Requires Direct6+ and a 3d accelerator (Has been sucessfully tested on a Voodoo2). Includes full masm sourcecode.


Name : Patcher Model
Keywords : gui, file mapping, patch
Author : NetWalker - Email
Source : TASM Last Update : 08/18/1998
Desc : This is a nice GUI file patcher written in win32asm. It demonstrates how to patch using memory mapped files APIs and common dialog to open a file. Full TASM source included.


Name : PCMail v1.0
Keywords : MAPI, winsock, gui
Author : Virogen / PC - Visit Homepage - Email
Source : TASM Last Update : 01/10/1999
Desc : Coded in win32asm, this little email client demonstrates usage of MAPISendMail. It may prove to be useful in times when you want to quickly send email without having to load up your bl0atware email client. Very Nice :)


Name : PE Header Editor v0.1
Keywords : PE file stuffs
Author : bart[CP]
Source : TASM Last Update : 06/10/2000
Desc : A nice little program to edit fields of a PE Header in any PE file. You can view/modify/save changes of the file. Included full TASM win32asm source code.


Name : PE Labs v1.0
Keywords : PE file stuffs
Author : Latigo - Email
Source : MASM Last Update : 03/31/2000
Desc : This little proggy will display the most important pieces of information about a given PE file. One of the most usefull feature is the one concerning the import table. Take a look at it :). Full masm source included.


Name : PE Rebuilder v0.96
Keywords : PE, align, import
Author : TiTi (Email) and Virogen (Email)
Source : TASM Last Update : 10/16/1999
Desc : This tool will allow you to rebuild and optimize PE files. It includes import table rebuilding, realignment, resource restructuring, and more. By now, the source isn't included anymore, but you can still get the v0.95 full win32asm src ( It demonstrates all of the above. Also included a little essay by me about how to rebuild corrputed import tables. Two brand new functions have been added in v0.95 that allow you to obtain optimal alignment for your PE Files. Try it ! :p. The v0.96 features some handy options to make it much more quick to use (shell integration...etc).


Name : PE Resource/Import Dumper v0.01
Keywords : PE, rsrc, imports
Author : Jeremy Collake - Visit Homepage
Source : TASM Last Update : 09/23/1999
Desc : Self explanatory... this little tool retrieves and dumps the resource and import directories of a PE file. Full source included.


Name : Petite v2.1 Brahma Client
Keywords : PE, compress, brahma
Author : Kill3xx for RingZ3r0 (Homepage)
Source : TASM Last Update : 07/25/1999
Desc : Here is a complete implementation of a Procdump Bhrama client for Petite 2.1 PE Compressor. Full Win32asm source is included and demonstrates how to bypass Petite21 anti-procdump tricks, and how to build a brahma client. Very nice :)


Name : Protected Execute v1.0
Keywords : process
Author : Virogen / PC - Visit Homepage - Email
Source : TASM Last Update : 1998
Desc : The aim of this little util is to easely recover from shell crashes (Litestep, explorer), however this program can be used with any win32 application. What it does is very simple : it executes the program specified in PROEXEC.INI and waits for the process to terminate, at which time it asks you if you want to re-execute the application. Full source is of course included.


Name : Raw TCP/IP v1.0
Keywords : winsock, raw, gui
Author : ???
Source : TASM Last Update : 1998
Desc : This tool permits you to simulate tcpip raw commands. You can either connect to a remote machine, or listen for connections. Demonstrates both client/server sides of winsock apis.


Name : Resource Meter v.1.0
Keywords : gui, RSRC32.DLL
Author : Dolphinz - Email - Visit Homepage
Source : TASM Last Update : 09/23/99
Desc : This little program (it only runs under Windows 95/98, and with the resource meter installed) shows the use of the RSRC32.DLL library. You can use it to retrieve System, User, and GDI resources. Full source included.


Name : Rich Text Editor v1.0
Keywords : word, comctl, comdlg
Author : Gary T. Desrosiers
Source : TASM Last Update : 1996
Desc : Yet another Notepad clone written in pure win32asm. This one is pretty more featured that EdPad. It demonstrates basic wordprocessing routines, richedit message processing, status bar, toolbar, basic file operations...etc. Old but very Nice :)


Name : Rotating Font v1.1
Keywords : gui, font, rotate
Author : Dolphinz - Email - Visit Homepage
Source : TASM Last Update : 09/23/99
Desc : This example shows how to create a rotating font under Windows 95 using assembly language. You can change to code to make a multi-coloured rotating font, or change the selected TrueType font. Demonstrates font, ext displaying, timer... APIs. Full source included.


Name : ScreeWrap
Keywords : windows
Author : LaZaRuS
Source : MASM Last Update : 03/31/2000
Desc : Move the Mouse to one screen border it will appear at the opposite border. A funny prog that shows how to handle mouse moving events.


Name : Shape Example
Keywords : custom shape, gui
Author : ??
Source : MASM Last Update : 08/28/99
Desc : This little example shows how to create windows that have a custom shape/color. Totally uncommented but anyway a nice example.


Name : Small Is Beautiful
Keywords : gui, comctl, comdlg
Author : Steve Gibson
Source : MASM Last Update : 1996
Desc : Same type of app than 'Nice Win95 Example'. No utility, it is just to dmonstrate win32asm GUI programming.


Name : Stone's PE Encrypter v1.13 Remover
Keywords : console, crypt, file
Author : ANAKiN
Source : TASM Last Update : 08/18/99
Desc : Self explanatory :p : This is a nice tool to decrypt executables encrypted by 'Stone PECrypt' program. Nice work by anakin, and interesting source. Demonstrates particular decrypt, console using, simple file operations.


Name : Sweet MIDI Player v0.99
Keywords : MIDI, MCI, mmsystem
Author : WiLSE - E-Mail
Source : TASM Last Update : 06/10/2000
Desc : Basically this is a simple .mid player using MMSYSTEM.DLL function mciSendCommandA(). It is very simple but useful for those who want to begin dealing with mci commands. Full TASM5 source included.


Name : Tunnel32
Keywords : 3D, framework
Author : Sergey Chaban/hardCode - Visit Homepage
Source : MASM Last Update : 01/09/2000
Desc : This provides simple framework for writing small graphic pieces, which will be able to be compiled for both DOS and Windows.


Name : Win32Proto
Keywords : gui, comctl, comdlg
Author : Philippe Auphelle
Source : MASM Last Update : 1996
Desc : Yet another bogus sample gui app coded in win32asm. Same type as 'Small is Beautiful' above.


Name : WinAmp Script Plugin
Keywords : winamp plugin
Author : The Q
Source : TASM Last Update : 03/31/2000
Desc : A nice example of how to make winamp plugins in win32asm language. Full source included as usual.


Name : Windows Background Randomizer v2.2a
Keywords : gui
Author : Lord Lucifer - Visit Homepage - Email
Source : TASM Last Update : 08/18/99
Desc : Background Randomizer is a simple useless program that randomly selects a new Windows backround. Thats all.... Incl full tasm commented source.


Name : WinPlasma
Keywords : GDI, gfx
Author : Wowka / hardCode - Visit Homepage
Source : MASM Last Update : 01/09/2000
Desc : A nice little example of Win32 GDI graphics coding, and MMX vs. CPU optimization. Full masm source included.


Name : WOW-Machine
Keywords : DirectX
Author : hardCode - Visit Homepage - Email
Source : MASM Last Update : 01/09/2000
Desc : This is the source code of a nice win32 demo using DirectX functions. Full source and explanations on how to compile it are included. You can get a compiled version on BizarreCreations' site (Here).


Name : XM Player
Keywords : directsound, XM, MMX
Author : Chris Dragan - Visit Homepage - Email
Source : TASM Last Update : 09/13/99
Desc : XMPLAYER.OBJ is a portable module for Win32 that using IDirectSound interface plays Triton's Fasttracker 2 Extended Modules (XMs). Written entirely in assembly it is one of the world smallest module players. It can be linked to assembly or to C language programs (or other languages). It has relatively fast mixing routines, with an optional version of routines supporting MMX, which are even faster. Finally, it supports most of the XM effects. Well it's a great example (and the only one I know) to DirectSound use with Win32ASM. In addition it demonstrates some of the MMX commands. VERY nice work :)


Name : ZAP! Accesstime To Filetime
Keywords : file, times, console
Author : Shadow
Source : TASM Last Update : 08/28/99
Desc : Just a little tool to set a filetime to the last access time. Demonstrates console i/o, and file time manipulations.


Name : Ztracer 2.0 Detection Utillity
Keywords : find windows
Author : Stone - Visit Homepage - Email
Source : TASM Last Update : 08/18/99
Desc : This utility uses a very simple method to detect Z-Tracer v2.0. Short but full commented source included :p

Total : 72 Sample programs