
BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo*                                *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo
W BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo* + ------------------------------ + *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW
BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo|       The Search for Kurt      |BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo
W BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo* + ------------------------------ + *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW
BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo*       by: Centagram Sam        *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo
	A sad day for the world of grunge has passed in early April with the
alleged suicide death of Kurt Cobain, lead singer of Seattle grunge group
Nirvana.  It appeared so nice and tidy.  It was the storybook stereotypical
rock star suicide.  We`ve seen it before so the events and motives made sense 
to us, almost TOO much sense.  Well all of us here at BoW knew something stunk 
and we put our heads together to get to the bottom of thiz mess.  You won't
believe what we found.

	During the weeks following the death of Kurt Cobain BoW's most talented
collection of haqrs spent their dayz and nights exploring the internet,
searching for truth.  What we found startled us, and is sure to send chillz up
the spines of every cyberpunk on the globe.  Kurt Cobain is still alive and 
more shockingly, he's a haqr!  We will present you with overwhelming evidence,
including actual logs of our voyages throughout the net in search of the real
truth and possibly more significantly, a search for ourselves.  I`m sure that
after you carefully and objectively review the following material you will 
share the opinion that Kurt Cobain is indeed a ueberhacker and is far from 

Log started: Saturday, April 9, 1994.

Trying ...
Connected to BoW.ORG.
Escape character is '^]'.


login: C-Sam
Password: M0th3r
Last login: Fri Apr  8 22:43:35 on ttyp1
SunOS Release 4.0.2 (SDST386) #1: Mon Aug 7 18:34:12 EDT 1989
{BoW:s00pah3133+} who
U4EA      console Apr  9 10:07
pluvius   ttyp0   Apr  9 10:33
carsenio  ttyp1   Apr  9 10:45
Mael      ttyp2   Apr  9 10:50
C-Sam     ttyp3   Apr  9 10:53
{BoW:s00pah3133+} wall
s0 w3 g0nna d0 th1z 0h wut?

Broadcast Message from C-Sam@BoW (ttyp3) at 10:54 ...

s0 w3 g0nna d0 th1z 0h wut?

Broadcast Message from U4EA@BoW (console) at 10:54 ...

y00 b3t y0 azz w3 g0nna d0 1t muh numbah 0n3 aYCh PeE h0m13!!
0k 3v3ry0n3 r3m3mbahz th13r ass1gnm3ntz r1ght?

Broadcast Message from Mael@BoW (ttyp2) at 10:55 ...

ahh h3uuuuulllll y3ah!!

Broadcast Message from pluvius@BoW (ttyp0) at 10:55 ...

eYe r3m3mb3r alr1ght muh bruddah!

{BoW:s00pah3133+} wall
t3n-f0 b33yatch!

Broadcast Message from C-Sam@BoW (ttyp3) at 10:55 ...

t3n-f0 b33yatch!

Broadcast Message from carsenio@BoW (ttyp1) at 10:56 ...

w00p w00p.

Broadcast Message from U4EA@BoW (console) at 10:56 ...

0k th3n p30pl3... l3tz d3w 1t!!
m33t back h3r3 t0 r3p0rt at 17 hundr3d h0urz!!
g00d luck m3n!

{BoW:s00pah3133+} archie Cobain
No matches.
{BoW:s00pah3133+} archie Kurt
No matches.
{BoW:s00pah3133+} archie foulplay
No matches.
{BoW:s00pah3133+} archie Cobain_conspiracy
No matches.
<<hmm..  maybe i'm not spelling his name right.>>
{BoW:s00pah3133+} telnet
telnet> o
(to) cobain.com
cobain.com: unknown host
telnet> o
(to) kurt.com
kurt.com: unknown host
telnet> o
(to) kurt.cobain.com
kurt.cobain.com: unknown host
telnet> o
(to) cobain.org
cobain.org: unknown host
telnet> o
(to) kurt.org
kurt.org: unknown host
telnet> o
(to) kurt.cobain.org
kurt.cobain.org: unknown host
telnet> o
(to) cobain.us
cobain.us: unknown host
telnet> o
(to) kurt.us
kurt.us: unknown host
telnet> o
(to) kurt.cobain.us
kurt.cobain.us: unknown host 
telnet> o
(to) grunge.com
grunge.com: unknown host
telnet> o
(to) grunge.org
grunge.org: unknown host
telnet> o
(to) grunge.us
grunge.us: unknown host
<<this is odd.. all my leads came up empty.  someone buried this and buried it
well.  well i'm not about to give up.  if kurt wants a game of cat and mouse
he's got one!>>
telnet> quit
{BoW:s00pah3133+} whois cobain
Cobain, Kurt (KC296)           Kurt@NIRVANA.ORG
   P.O. Box 31337
   Grunge Circle
   Seattle, Washington 90210
   (206) 976-KURT

   Record last updated on 08-Apr-94.

The InterNIC Registration Services Host ONLY contains Internet Information
(Networks, ASN's, Domains, and POC's).
Please use the whois server at nic.ddn.mil for MILNET Information.
<<muahahah!!  eYe found him at last!  it wasn't easy... someone wanted to keep
this on the QT!  but now eYe have all his d0x!  and l00k!  the record wuz last
updated yesterday!!  baha.. suicide ind33d.. eYe think n0t!  BoW will get h1m
now.  now excuse me please.. i've got some haqn t0 dew!>>
{BoW:s00pah3133+} irc
/join #warez
*** #warez Sorry, cannot join channel. (Invite only channel)
/msg w00pb0t 1nv1t3 muh
*** w00pb0t invites you to channel #warez
/j #warez
*** CSam (C-Sam@BoW.ORG) has joined channel #warez
*** Topic for #warez: 0ld war3z 1z n0 war3z
*** Users on #warez: C-Sam @U4EA @Mael @pluvius @carsenio kradguy kradd00d
    ap0g33b0t MSb0t @w00pb0t SpAb0t 0dayb0t aNs1b0t war3zguy war3zd00d @Eagle_1
>y0y0y0 muh h0m13z!!
*** Mode change "+o C-Sam" on channel #warez by U4EA
<U4EA> w3rd b1yatch!
<pluvius> y0y0
<Mael> w3rd!
<carsenio> y0 sam
> what are all y00 guyz d01ng here?  eYe th0ught we were l00k1ng for Kurt?!!
<U4EA> d00d w3 tr13d.. but n0n3 uv uz k0uld f1nd h1m.. w3 l00k3d 3v3rywh3r3.
<U4EA> s0 w3 d3c1d3d t0 kum 0n eYe ar3 s33 and g3t da 0-day sh1t.
> w3ll l00k n0 furt3r d00dz!!  eYe f0und h1m!!  1t wuz t0ugh but i gawt da
+0-day haqn tal3ntz...
<U4EA> so why d1d y00 kum 0n irc?  f1n1sh h1m!!
> uhh.. w3ll eYe just want3d t0 brag ab0ut hav1n Kurt Cobain's 1nph0..
<U4EA> y00'll g3t y00r chanc3 t0 brag d00d.. but w3 must k33p th1z und3r wrapz
+f0r a wh1l3.  s33k h1m 0ut and c0nfr0nt h1m.  try t0 f1nd 0ut why h3 fak3d h1z
+death and sh1t.. w3 must kn0w all t0 pr1nt 1t 1n BoW.  s33k th3 pur3 truth.
> y3z my l3ad3r.. eYe shall.  w3 w1ll hav3 th3 wh0l3 truth.  w3 w1ll 3xp0s3 
+all.  w3 w1ll l3av3 n0th1ng unt0uch3d.  all shall b3 l1b3rat3d.  and th3 
+3nt1r3 w3rld shall ph3ar 0ur p0w3r and ad0r3 uz.  
<U4EA> y3z fr13nd.  w3ll put.
> y3z... y3z... 0h gawd y3z... w3ll anyway, eYe must b3 g01n.  n0 t1m3 t0 
+waste... l8r.
<U4EA> g00d luq..
<Mael> l8r.
<carsenio> lat3z sammy.
<pluvius> s33 y00 s00n sam.
> g00dby3 all.. 1f eYe am n0t baq w1th1n an h0ur, y00'll kn0w eYe hav3 fa1l3d
+and eYe l3ave all my 3arthly b3l0ng1ngz t0 y00.
<Mael> eYe g3t h1z k0ns0l3 k0p13r!
<U4EA> shut up fewl.  g00dby3 sam..
> bye
/signoff 0ur t1m3 1z at hand.
{BoW:s00pah3133+} finger @NIRVANA.ORG
Login       Name              TTY Idle    When    Where
Kurt     Kurt Cobain           co      Sat 07:01
Courtney Courtney Love         p0      Sat 07:33 
{BoW:s00pah3133+} finger Kurt@NIRVANA.ORG
Login name: Kurt                        In real life: Kurt Cobain
Directory: /home/Kurt                   Shell: /bin/csh
On since Apr  9 07:01:17 on console 
No unread mail
No Plan.
<<he'z min3 n0w.. eYe g0t da 0-day chas1n haqn teWlZ..>>
{BoW:s00pah3133+} cd haqn_tewlz
{BoW:s00pah3133+} ls
{BoW:s00pah3133+} sh smail NIRVANA.ORG
{BoW:s00pah3133+} telnet
telnet> o
(to) NIRVANA.ORG 7001
Trying ...
Connected to NIRVANA.ORG.
Escape character is '^]'.

Warning! No job contol in this shell.
% w
  8:30am  up 7 days,  8:18,  2 users,  load average: 0.25, 0.12, 0.01
User     tty       login@  idle   JCPU   PCPU  what
Kurt     console   7:01am        03:45  01:35  irc 
Courtney ttyp0     7:33am        02:03  01:13  -bin/csh
<<y0y0 he'z 0n eYe ar3 s33!!  th3 t1m3 haz kum t0 c0nfr0nt h1m!>>
% exit
Connection closed by foreign host.
{BoW:s00pah3133+} irc
/whois Kurt
*** Kurt: No such nick/channel
<<hmm.. thatz 0dd h3 must b3 uz1n an al1as.. eYe w1ll f1nd h1m th0ugh.. y00
can't eskap3 fr0m uz..>>
#suicide  @e_vedder  H       Kurt@NIRVANA.ORG (Kurt Cobain)
<<muahaha.. eYe hav3 h1m n0w..>>
/j #suicide
*** #suicide Sorry, cannot join channel. (Invite only channel)
/msg e_vedder y0 d00d c0uld y00 1nv1t3 t0 #suicide?  just wanna talk t0 y00..
*e_vedder* fuq d00d 0k..
*** e_vedder invites you to channel #suicide
/j #suicide
*** C-Sam (C-Sam@BoW.ORG) has joined channel #suicide
*** Topic for #suicide: g0 wall0w 1n y00r wannab3 d3pr3ss1on s0m3wh3r3 3ls3!
*** Users on #suicide: C-sam @e_vedder
> y0y0 kurt whassup w1th dat nick?
<e_vedder> man dew y00 m1nd?  eYe'm try1ng t0 tak3 0v3r a chann3l h3r3 0k?  
+um uz1n th1z n1q t0 g1v3 dat p3arl jam phag a bad nam3..
> kewl well why'd y00 3v3n 1nv1t3 m3?  eYe c0uld b3 just an0th3r #suicide phag
+f0r all y00 kn0w..
<e_vedder> n0 man eYe kn0w y00'r3 1n BoW.. eYe luv BoW.. 1t r0x.
> y00 r3ad BoW?!!  wh0a eYe'm sp33chl3ss.. da k1ng uv grung3 r3adz BoW.  eYe'm
+n0t w0rthy.
<e_vedder> yeah d00d.. 1tz da b3st z1n3 ar0und.
> hmm w3ll that's a b1t 1r0n1c cuz eYe'm actually h3r3 t0 r3s3arch an articl3
+f0r an upc0m1ng BoW..  dew yew m1nd 1f eYe ask y00 s0m3 qu3st10nz?
<e_vedder> n0 pr0b d00d.. g0 ah3ad.
>0k.. w3ll w3 at BoW w3r3 just w0nd3r1n why yew fak3d y00r d3ath and sh1t.
<e_vedder> w3ll that'z pr3tty s1mpl3 d00d.. th0z3 pearl jam phagz w3r3 start1n
+t0 0uts3ll uz a b1t w1th th3ir n3w album.. s0 w3 th0ught ab0ut 1t and d3c1d3d
+that w3'd pr0bably s3ll m0r3 albumz 1f eYe wuz d3ad.. s0 h3r3 eYe am.. dew yew
+r3al1z3 h0w w3ll 0ur albumz r s3ll1n n0w?  eYe d0n't r3gr3t a th1ng..
> that's kewl.. s0 h0w hav3 y00 b33n uz1n th1z n3w vacat10n?
<e_vedder> w3ll eYe haqd all uv pearl jam'z 1nt3rn3t acc0untz and put "eYe am
+a phag.  eYe am a puzzy.  d0n't buy my albumz, eYe am w3ak."  in each of their
+.plan filez.. eYe sent th3m an0nym0us mail thr3atz that sa1d sh1t lyke "yer
+fuqn ded d00d.  yer 0n da lizt.  yer fuqd.  0ur t1m3 1z at hand." hehe..
> muahaha that'z h1lar10us d00d.. w3ll h0w r y00 manag1ng t0 k33p yers3lf 
+h1dd3n fr0m th3 publ1c?  1t must b3 hard..
<e_vedder> y3ah w3ll eYe pr3tty much tr13d t0 stay h1dd3n m0st uv th3 t1m3 wh3n
+w3 g0t r3al w3ll kn0wn anyway  s0.. 1t's n0t t00 d1ff1cult.
> and wut duz th3 futur3 h0ld f0r y00 n0w?
<e_vedder> w3ll eYe'm just g01n t0 ch1ll and l1v3 0ff my w1f3's band.. 3v3n  
+th0ugh th3y suq sh1t.. eYe'll just hang 0n eYe ar3 s33 and tak30ver channelz 
+and sh1t.. mayb3 eYe'll start play1n muh mus1k aga1n s0m3t1m3.. but eYe doubt
+1t.. mayb3 wr1t3 f3r BoW?  
> sure d00d any t1m3 yew want t0 subm1t man..
<e_vedder> sw33t man.. 0h sp3ak1n uv BoW, yer n0t g01ng t0 pr1nt all uv th1z
+sh1t eYe just t0ld y00 r yew?  1t'z k1nda s3ns1t1v3 stuph..
> uhhh.. n0 way man.. w0n't pr1nt any uv 1t... yew hav3 my w3rd.
<e_vedder> 0k kewl d00d.. w3ll eYe g0tta run.. Courtney'z b1tch1n at m3..
> alr1ght man.. thanx f0r yer t1me.. l8r.
<e_vedder> w3rd
*** Signoff by e_vedder (phear BoW.. :))

End of log: Saturday, April 9, 1994.

	Well there you have it friends.  Kurt Cobain iz indeed alive and he's
quite a proficient haqr.  You have seen everything that we saw during that 
fateful day of April 9, 1994.  And so we leave the facts in front of you to
decide for yourself, should you have any doubt.  We seek to manipulate no one
at BoW.  We simply report the truth, pure and untarnished.  Of course truth iz
a relative term and can be a bit distorted in the minds of the insane but hey..
in a world with so little truth anymore, we can't afford to be nitpicky.  We 
hope to keep you updated on the new life of Kurt Cobain.  Note that we changed
all of hiz real inpho to protect hiz privacy.  Until next time...

                        Phear the truth.  Phear BoW.