
BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo*                                *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo
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BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo|     Letters to the Editor      |BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo
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BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo*  by: The people who sent them  *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo

From: The Quick Brown Fox <tqbf@cyberpunx.r.us>
Subject: 3ye ph3ar b0w
To: pluvius@io.org

AnD Yay, D0St ey3 StaNd iN th3 aLlMiGhtY Shad0wsZ of th3 0fT ph3ared buT 
n3v34 pHr1Ght3n3d l0Rd 0F wAr3sz h1Ms3lF?

1y Am wr1tiNg t0 c0rRecT y0u 0N tH3 Kurt C0bAin art1cl3, s1nC3 
n1rVanA.0rg is 0nLy a phr0Nt ph0r purd00. KurT iS r3AllY G3n3 SpaFf0rD, 
aS ey3 ph0uNd 0uT By y00siNg My k-rAd 8lGm sKriPtwAr3z t0 haqu3 th3 siGhT.

AnD n0 BugTrAq-ChAyZiN d3mi-SkRipT w0Uld b33 p0t3nt 3n0uGh tw0 crAqu3 th3 
s00pah-PhAt S3kuRitY phyR3WaLl 0f n1rVanA.0rg. 3ye HaD-t0-uS3 a 
K0mb1nAt10n of 1nfohAqs-SkR1ptwar3z anD Karl-Str1clAnd (AkA GanDalPh AkA 
Cl1ph St0ll-As iPh y0u d1dn't kn0w, iT's th3 Br1tiSh CraCk mupp3t 
1llUm1inAtuSZ k0nNeKti0N) sEnSz1iBilti3Z t0 br3ak Th3 WaLl, AnD 
SpRaYpA1nT (1n tr00 k0d3-bust1in kykkyn-K-wAr3z st1l3) iC3-KwAl1t13 b0W 
grApH1t1esZ 0n th3iR 1n3tD.k0nf ph1l3.

BuT th3 Pl0T Th1Ck3nSz. Ph0R ey3 1n m1e 1nF1niT3 SL1pp3Ry d1r3ct 
t33-s33-p33 k0nN3kt10n p0w3rZ maNag3D t0 pH1nD Th3 g1ffY KuRt K0Ba1N 
W0rlD W1D3 w3B payg3, Wh1ch wAs l0CaT3d 0n wWw.Cr1m3lAb.c0M! ChaYsZ1n 
HaSz S0m3th1Ng t00 Hyd33!!

T3lN3t isZ p0Rt tW3enTy-Thr33. 2+3=5=PENTAGON, 2/3=.666=th3 B3Ast 4666!

1tSz Th3 eY3-ee-t3e-ePh, anD Th3y'R3 0ut t0 R00l Th3 w0RlD b13 1mpLaNt1nG 
k0D3l1n3 nUmB3rs 1n StanDarDsz DrApHts! 0H, b0w, ey3 kn0W m13 m0ral3 
sh0Uld MaTch y0ur ph3arless 3xAmpl3, buT tr00l3y, ey3 am aph3ar3d. 

ey3 kn0w aLl ab0uT 1t. y0u r R3allY DaN Pharm3r, aNd th3 s3kr3t RaYz0r 
1911 cRaqu3 0f c0ps 99.9 bAytA CaN d3-krypT D3s... iPh y0u Y00s3 th3 
666th SaLt, iT D33-crYpTs t0 kl1nt0NsZ r3Al 3mAil Adr3sZ, wH1Ch iSz 
R3aLly 3r1ckB33@Cr1m3lAb.c0m... AnD 1tSz Th3 23Rd Ack0uNT iN th3 pAsSwD 

Pr0TekT M3, MaStuH! MaYk3 M13 B33-B3e-eSZ aN 0uTp0St ph0R th3 WaR3z 
R3siStAnZs phr0nt ey3 kn0w y0u ruN! L3T m3 b3 A R3bbL3 1N y0Ur kruSad3!


(th3 b33-b33-eSs Is 312(3+1+2=6, w0rlD wR1tbL3 b3aSt!)23(!)8-3585! HeLp UsZ!)

[editor's note: is it really true? I saw the 99.9 release of COPS, but I did
 not have enough file points to download it, so I am stuck with 99.8... for
 now. Your site has been added to the official koalition for faster warez
 site list, breeth deeply, inhale, for you have now joined those phearless
 enough to stand downwind from the phearsome VeLKR0 K0D3 WaRRi0R, bath
 in the darkness of his long shadow - all others be weary, for soon yee shall
 become roadkill on the information super highway as the 23 wheelers speed by
 on their way to domains where a single firewall separates their vast class-A
 network from us plebes in the .edu domain.]