Desert Rat Copyright Statement
Revised 12/15/95
Retained for historical interest only. Address no longer valid. Do not send money (Jan. 2014)
Unless otherwise clearly indicated, all issues of the Groom Lake
Desert Rat newsletter, as well all original supporting documents linked to it, are copyrighted © by Glenn Campbell, PO Box 448, Rachel, NV 89001. Copyright dates are 1994, 1995 and 1996 (depending on issue). All rights reserved. May not be reproduced in any form without permission.
Desert Rat User's Fee: $5.00.
You are welcome to browse the Desert Rat WWW area on a free trial basis, but if you derive any significant amusement or information from the Desert Rat, you are obligated, by your own conscience, to send $5.00 to the address below. (Make check payable to "Area 51 Research Center." We also accept U.S. cash or the equivalent in any foreign paper currency.) This fee entitles you to
guilt-free reading of all issues of the Rat on the internet
for one year, as well as the privileges listed below.
If you wish, you may make your payment anonymously (five bucks in an envelope clears your conscience), but if possible we would also like at least some of following information about you (in order of importance):
- Email Address
- Name
- Customer number, if you have one
- City, State, Zip, Country
- Street Address
Area 51 Research Center
PO Box 448, Dept. DR
Rachel, NV 89001 USA
If you include your email address with your payment, we will send you an acknowledgment by email. (If two weeks go by and you have not received a message from us, it may indicate an error in the email address, and you may want to contact us at
Frequency and Posting
The Groom Lake Desert Rat is published at irregular intervals, usually about once a month. It is issued strictly at the convenience of the author, who makes no guarantee that any future issues will be published at all.
The Rat is primarily a World Wide Web publication, with hard copy and email versions later derived from the web version as a courtesy to readers without Web access. Each issue is posted on the day of publication to the World Wide Web at A few days later, it is sent by email or hard copy to paying subscribers who have requested this service. Following initial publication on the web, the author may continue to make minor corrections, additions and changes to each issue, but most of these changes will take place prior to publication of the next issue.
Prior Permissions
Consistent with previously granted permissions, issues #1 through #31 (only) may be reproduced and distributed on the internet for one year after the date of their publication or Dec. 31, 1995, whichever comes later. After this expiration date has passed, no further free reproduction and distribution is allowed without permission, and the expired issue may not be posted at any location where it might be distributed (like an FTP site or newsgroup). The free distribution period for the last of these prior issues will end on Dec. 9, 1996.
Back issues of the Desert Rat will continue to be available on the Web site and by hard copy.
Privileges of Paying Subscribers
By paying your $5 guiltware free, you obtain these benefits for one year from the day we receive your payment:
- The right to read all issues of the Desert Rat guilt-free in any on-line form.
- The right to download any Rat issue or supporting files to your local disk for personal use only.
- The right to subscribe to one of our email distribution lists, either for the full email Rat or a notice which tells you when the
latest Rat is available.
- The right to be given a customer number. (Sent by email.)
- The right to contact us without incurring our scorn because you haven't paid.
- The comfortable feeling that you have paid your dues and are not a freeloader.
Email subscriptions to this newsletter are available without additional charge to paying subscribers only. To subscribe (or unsubscribe), send a brief message to after you have paid your guiltware fee (or you can enclose your subscription request with your guiltware fee). Although this is a human operated address, please include the word "subscribe" in the title of your message for proper handling. Subscription requests are handled by our staff as time permits, so acknowledgment of your subscription request may take up to a week.
We maintain two subscription lists. One for the full length
text-only version of the Rat, usually shipped in 3 parts. The other is a brief notification that the latest Rat is now available on WWW. Be sure to specify full or notice in your subscription request.
Subscriptions are also available in hard copy by regular mail for $15
for the next 10 issues, postpaid to the US or Canada (or $25 overseas). The hard copy Rat is a compact printout of the web version, including pictures. New issues are published as a booklet--usually 8
pages--pre-punched for storage in a three-ring binder. The $15 subscription fee covers only the hard-copy version of the Rat. (If you plan to also read it on-line, you need to send an additional $5 for guiltware.) Send payment to the same address above as for guiltware, but be sure to say what your payment is for. To respond to charges that we are getting rich from the hard-copy Rat, here is our Statement of Profit for it.
Back Issues
Back issues are available on the web site or by hard copy. Hard copy back issues are published in a spiral-bound book for each prior year. Price is $20 for 1994 and $15 for 1995, plus postage ($4 to US/Canada for one or two books). The price for individual hard copy issues is the pro-rated equivalent of the subscription fee: $1.50 each, postpaid to US/Canada ($2.50/issue overseas). See mail order catalog.
Email Contact
Suggestions, comments and corrections on the newsletter are encouraged. These should be sent to Please keep your message brief because we receive a lot of email.
All inquiries regarding subscriptions and guiltware should be directed to
Specific Permissions and Restrictions
Unless our written permission is given to the contrary, the following restrictions and permission apply to distribution of the Desert Rat include (but are not limited to) the following...
- You may not copy the Rat source files from our Web site to any other public internet site. Source files include the html for each issue and any original graphics or original supporting files attached to it. However, if you have paid your guiltware fee, you may copy these files to your local disk for personal use provided you do not further redistribute them.
- You need no permission from us to establish URL links in your own Web pages to any portion of the Rat. (We will even add html labels to specific areas of a Rat page upon request.) However, if you link directly to any graphic or supporting text file in a Rat directory, we ask that you indicate its source and provide a link to the full Rat issue in which it was used.
- Beginning with DR#32, new issues of the Rat will no longer be posted to newsgroups or the FTP site, and for other users to do so will be considered a violation of our copyright. You also may not legally forward the Rat by email to any other user unless that user has also paid his guiltware fee.
- You may not legally photocopy or otherwise reproduce any hard-copy version of the Rat without permission (except for one-year permissions previously granted for Rats before #32.) This will also be considered a violation of our copyright.
- You may freely post or redistribute the "notice" version of the Rat (the table-of-contents-only version that tells Web users that the Rat is available). The notice version will continue to be posted to newsgroups.
- Internet users will not be added to either of our email distribution list unless they have paid their $5 guiltware fee. This applies to both the full-text list and the notice version.
- The $5 guiltware fee covers unlimited guilt-free on-line reading of all issues of the Rat for one year from the date we receive your payment. We will gladly accept more than $5 if you choose to send it, but we cannot credit the additional amount to the next year.
- About one year after your guiltware payment was received, we will ask for a $5 renewal fee if you continue to read the Rat, and we may cut off any of the above privileges to you if you do not pay.
This Copyright Statement may be modified in the future and by notice published in future issues of the Desert Rat.
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Area 51 Research Center, PO Box 448, Rachel, NV 89001