Questions I get:

Q: WTF is Dissident?

A: Dissident is currently the computer in my bedroom, and this web page. Dissident used to be a fast system with a fast link to the net where I gave free shell accounts to a lot of people.

Q: WTF is Multiple?

A: Multiple was a shell machine that Icon put up when Dissident got narqed/taken down. Multiple got jacked too, but it has very recently gone back up. It's rather private, so you will NOT be able to get an account.

Q: So who runs what? I'm confused.

A: Lynch (me) runs Dissident. Icon runs Multiple. Since I've got a much higher profile than Icon, a lot of people seem to think that I ran Multiple too. Such was not and is not the case.

Q: Can I have an account? I'll (pick one:) sell you my 1st born, buy you a car, marry you, blah blah blah!#$!#

A: Hmm. Nah. Read below (it's a lil dated but you'll get the idea. doesn't give out accounts. End of story. It's a system for me and a few of my friends to use; not for free accounts to be given out to anyone. At one point it wasn't particularly difficult to get on Dissident, but that was when Dissident had two T1's worth of bandwidth.

Back when Multiple was up, all sorts of people wanted accounts on the system.. here's an example of one of the worst:

How not to attempt to get an account at

Behold my mail file on Sept 1, 1995:

3 Sep 1 John Chase (32) Friend of the System.....
4 Sep 1 John Chase (27) Friend of the system
5 Sep 1 John Chase (27) Friend of the system
6 Sep 1 John Chase (27) Friend of the system...
7 Sep 1 John Chase (28) Friend of the system.....
8 Sep 1 John Chase (28) Friend of the system.....

All of the messages except for the top one said "Hello." and had this idiots .sig. The final message (#3) had an account beg, and a bunch of bullshit about inflating MY ego. God people if you havent figured it out by now, my (Lynch's) ego iz big enuf alr3ady!@!@#!@&(!$@&(!#$!!@#!@!!@

Dissident (May '95)
4 Gig DEC HD
SCSI-II Fast Caching Controller w/4mb RAM
3com Etherlink III NIC
Dual T1's

Multiple (Sep '95)
Various HD's totalling about 2 Gigs
Dual T1's

Dissident (Sep '95)
The world may never know...

Dissident (May '95)
Linux 1.2.5
CERN httpd 3.0
All sorts of weird stuff, custom screen, talkd, etc..

Multiple (Sep '95)
Linux 1.2.8
CERN httpd 3.0
Custom anti-flash/anti-zmodem talkd

Dissident (Sep '95)
Non-Microsoft O/S

Send your comments, suggestions and all that stuph to