Statement of facts

On July 13th 2004 at about 5:25 p.m. Robert
James Fischer("Bobby" Fischer)
entered the Japanese immigration dept. on
his way to Japan Airlines flight JL 745 departing
from Tokyo/Narita airport at 6:20 p.m. for
Manila Philippines. Bobby gave the immigration
lady his passport and she quickly stamped
his exit visa. However he'd forgotten to
fill out the immigration departure form.
She told him to fill it out at a nearby writing
stand. He took it over there and filled it
out. But when Bobby returned a couple of
minutes later an immigration man had replaced
her. Bobby gave him back his passport and
the filled out immigration form. However
when the immigration man put his passport
under a special light a beep went off or
was set off and Bobby was detained. Bobby
was asked to take a nearby seat while they
found out what was the problem. Bobby took
the seat and as he was waiting he heard someone
on the phone fiercely barking instructions
to an immigration official. The immigration
official kept repeating in a loud militaristic
manner "hai, hai!" After Bobby
had waited there about 15 minutes or so he
told the immigration official talking on
the phone that his plane was leaving shortly
and that he didn't want to miss the flight.
By now all pretense of civility was gone
and the immigration official fairly shouted
at Bobby "I know that sit down!"
and went back to his bullshit phone call.
After waiting there on his seat for about
half an hour or so altogether Bobby was told
to accompany various immigration security
officials. Bobby went with them through the
office to the left of the immigration exit
counters and then down a ways to an elevator.
Bobby and the security officials took the
elevator down at least one floor. Then Bobby
and the immigration security officials took
a long walk down the dark and narrow corridor
to Bobby was told not where. The atmosphere
had turned threatening, foreboding, hostile
and sinister. The place was completely apart
and isolated from other passengers. There
were only immigration types. Bobby asked
"Where are we going?" He was told
they were going to an office to talk. Bobby
stopped walking and said "What's the
problem?" Bobby was told that he should
just go to the office to talk. Bobby said
"About what?" Bobby was told "We
just talk." At some stage a young extremely
fat half Japanese and half Latino translator
made his portly appearance. By now Bobby
said "I'm not moving until I know what
this is all about." Bobby tried to start
walking in the direction of where he'd come
from. He was blocked by a smirking young
immigration security type. Bobby was now
surrounded by about at least 4 or 5 immigration
security types plus the translator. The security
types kept coming and going but overall their
number slowly increased… Bobby demanded
to know if he was under arrest and if so
what were the charges against him. Bobby
said he wasn't moving until he found out
what this was all about. Over and over and
over again Bobby was asked if he wished to
see someone from the U.S. embassy. Bobby
was told he had a right to contact the U.S.
embassy. Bobby was told maybe they can help
you. Bobby always answered immediately and
vehemently and with finality that he did
not wish to see anyone from the U.S. embassy
nor did he wish to contact the U.S. embassy.
Bobby explained that the U.S. embassy was
itself the problem not the solution. Bobby
explained that the U.S. government is evil
and that they were out to "get"
him. Even the translator conceded to Bobby
in Spanish that in his opinion Bush is a
monster! Bobby asked to call a friend many
times but they refused. After everyone was
standing in the hallway for about 45 minutes
or so a half-crazed security official came
out with Bobby's passport and they showed
Bobby what they said was his arrest warrant.
But they wouldn't let Bobby touch it. It
appeared to be a 2 page document. It was
in Japanese and English. Bobby tried to read
the first page from a distance but only got
a glimpse of the second page. The first page
said that Bobby had illegally entered Japan
and illegally left Japan!!! Bobby asked "When
did I illegally enter Japan?" He was
told it was all there on the arrest warrant.
Bobby said "Where's the date I illegally
entered?" Bobby said maybe it's in Japanese
but that he didn't see it in English. They
said it's there in English too. They said
that everything on the arrest warrant was
in Japanese and English. If the date when
Bobby allegedly illegally entered Japan was
in English or western numerals Bobby sure
didn't see it. The older half-crazed higher
level immigration official told Bobby that
his passport was not valid. Bobby said "Since
when is it not valid? You mean it was not
valid when I entered Japan a few months ago?"
The kook answered "That's right!"
Bobby continued "It wasn't valid when
I entered Japan 3 months ago? Since when
hasn't it been valid?" The kook answered
"Oh, long before that!" Bobby pressed
on "Since when hasn't it been valid?"
The kook answered since last November!!!
The immigration kook said that the U.S. government
told them that Bobby's passport wasn't valid
since then. (Let's leave aside for another
occasion the extremely important constitutional
question of whether the U.S. government purely
by edict has the right to restrict, revoke
or invalidate etc. a U.S. passport that is
otherwise perfectly valid i.e. is not counterfeit
or forged, has not been altered, has not
expired, is not being used by a person other
than to whom it was originally issued to
etc. It's not hard to imagine where Bobby
would stand on that issue.) The kooky higher
level immigration official then took out
his immigration stamp and stamped Bobby's
entry visa and Bobby's exit visa in the passport
invalid. All this without any investigation
or getting Bobby's side of the story. Simply
on the word of the great United States! Bobby
found all of this to be slightly incredible
because Bobby's passport was perfectly valid
in every way with about 2 and half years
left on it till it expired on January 23rd
of 2007. Furthermore in October and November
of 2003 Bobby had personally visited the
Bern, Switzerland U.S. embassy(the same U.S.
embassy that had originally issued the 10
year passport No. Z7792702 to Bobby on January
24, 1997) because Bobby's passport was almost
completely full with almost no place left
for more visa stamps. Bobby had been sternly
advised on several occasions by both Japanese
and Hong Kong immigration officials that
his passport urgently needed to get more
pages put into it immediately so there would
be space for more visa stamps. In about late
October of 2003 Bobby told the people in
the U.S. embassy at Bern, Switzerland that
he needed more pages for his passport otherwise
he soon wouldn't be able to travel for lack
of space to make visa stamps. After about
10 days and many phone calls back and forth
and at least 2 visits to the embassy in Bern
they finally gave Bobby the extra pages for
his passport. The U.S. embassy at Bern never
explained to Bobby what the delay was all
about except to say that the state department
needed time to make the decision whether
or not to give him the extra pages. To Bobby's
surprise on November 6, 2003 they gave him
the 24 or so extra page insert which they
professionally bound into his passport free
of charge! Such service! But that was about
8 months ago in neutral Switzerland. Now
Bobby was in U.S. occupied-excuse us-U.S.
controlled Japan. But it is highly significant
and important to reemphasize that when Bobby
personally presented his perfectly valid
U.S. passport No. Z7792702 to the U.S. Embassy
at Bern, Switzerland on November 6, 2003
far from confiscating and destroying his
passport they actually gave him an about
24 page insert for it! The embassy perfectly
sewed the insert into Bobby's passport themselves
in some high-tech manner so that it appears
to be an integral part of the passport. If
Bobby's passport were "illegal"
or "revoked" or "invalid"
or whatever then one would think that that
was the time for the embassy to make their
claim however false, unlawful and illegal
that claim might be… But that would be overlooking
the political dimension to all of this. Obviously
the filthy Jew-controlled U.S. government
preferred to illegally and criminally grab
and destroy Bobby's passport only when Bobby
was not in neutral Switzerland. So instead
they planned to do the job elsewhere at a
time and manner of their own choosing… The
U.S. not only wanted to grab and destroy
Bobby's U.S. passport but far more importantly
they wanted to grab and destroy Bobby too.
And neutral Switzerland was not the right
place to do it… Of course, after Bobby had
received his about 24 page passport insert
from the U.S. embassy at Bern, Switzerland
on November 6, 2003. Bobby had assumed that
he was "home free" at least until
January 23, 2007 when his passport would
expire. Little did Bobby suspect the devilish
criminal plot that the "moderate"
Colin Powell had in store him… By now Bobby
felt certain that there was a real possibility
of his being chained and handcuffed and flown
back to the filthy Jew-controlled U.S.A.
with a bag over his head that very night.
So he decided not to go down without a fight!
The immigration officials security types
and the translator told Bobby that he was
being detained and/or arrested and that he
had to go with them. Bobby said "No,
I'm not moving." At this point Bobby
was surrounded by a total of about 15 people
including the translator and a young man
with a video camera out and filming. At this
point the immigration security guards made
their move and attacked Bobby. Bobby didn't
touch them until they attacked him first.
Of course Bobby was overwhelmed. A short
scuffle broke out where Bobby tried to bite
one of the guards but only bit into his heavy
shirt (but anyway Bobby could tell by the
expression on the guard's face that he felt
it). Bobby also got in a few good kicks before
they subdued him. They then put a black or
brown bag over Bobby's head and lifted him
up by his legs and arms and carried him in
a horizontal position to wherever they were
taking him. Hands and arms and legs were
all over Bobby pummeling him, pushing him,
twisting him, suffocating him. One or more
guards was deliberately inflicting great
pain by constantly twisting Bobby's right
arm. Bobby was sure it was going to break
but it didn't. Also Bobby felt one or more
guards were trying to put handcuffs on him.
Finally Bobby was dumped into a room where
one or more guards was sitting on or otherwise
putting strong pressure on Bobby's back.
All of the air was forced out of Bobby's
lungs. What very little breathing Bobby could
even attempt to do was also blocked by the
black or brown bag on his head. Bobby shouted
over and over again that "I can't breathe,
I can't breathe" but they paid no attention.
Bobby twisted his head back and forth furiously
all the while shouting "I can't breathe
I can't breathe!" This went on for what
seemed like about a minute or two. Bobby
only had about a second or two left before
he would have passed out and/or died. Bobby
was already thinking: "So this is how
I will die. Will my friends and loved ones
ever really know the truth about how I was
murdered? What will the press say about it?
It was all planned this way by the Jews…
It really is true all the horror stories
all the "suicides' all the murders in
custody… It's so damned easy…it's so quick…
"Suddenly after what seemed like an
eternity the guy or guys got off of Bobby's
back and he could breathe! Apparently they'd
just been taking their sweet time about robbing
Bobby's belongings, taking his belt and shoes
off taking his handcuffs off etc. Maybe they
didn't want Bobby to see the handcuffs. Or
maybe one or more of them wanted to kill
Bobby but one or more of them didn't. Whatever
Bobby is still alive! The bag was gone from
Bobby's head the cuffs were off and Bobby
was alone in a prison cell. Bobby's belt
was gone and so was his money his wallet,
shoes, etc. The young man continued to video
Bobby from outside the bars for sometime
even after the guards left the prison cell.
Now Bobby had time to survey the damage.
His right arm hurt very much but apparently
was not broken. His right wrist was bloodied
and bruised with a good sized gash on the
outside part of his right wrist about an
half an inch above the wrist-bone. A number
of his teeth had been chipped or broken or
worse in the melee. After the fight Bobby
took out a piece of one of his teeth and
saved it. Bobby's left cheekbone was also
sore and obviously was hurt during the fight.
OK. Let's move on to the next phase. The
next day on July14th 2004 the guards came
into Bobby's cell and told him that he had
a visitor from the U.S. embassy in Tokyo
who wanted to see him. Bobby told them he
didn't want to see anyone from the U.S. embassy.
They told Bobby that he had no choice. Bobby
refused to go. They told Bobby that he was
going to see the visitor from the U.S. embassy
whether he liked it or not! They forcefully
grabbed Bobby's arms and legs and started
to lift and carry him in a similar manner
to the night before. Bobby was still hurting
badly from the night before so on the spot
he decided to "surrender" and go
and see his unwelcome visitor without any
further struggle. They took Bobby to a room
(not the special "visitors room"
where the prisoner and the visitor are separated
by a glass window) where the U.S. embassy
man was either already there waiting or else
came in a minute or so later. The embassy
man did all the talking while Bobby didn't
say a word. He had in front of him on his
side of the table what appeared to be the
remnants of Bobby's U.S. passport. It now
had numerous large holes in it along the
edges. Also something appeared to be stamped
on the inside of it. The embassy man also
had a photo copy of a letter or a purported
letter to Bobby from the United States embassy
in Manila, Philippines dated December 11,
2003 advising Bobby that his passport was
revoked. The embassy man explained to Bobby
with what can only be described as a deliberate
tongue in cheek or mock cat that ate the
canary look on his face and obvious malicious
glee that since the State department didn't
know exactly where to reach Bobby they thought
that this would be the best chance to notify
Bobby of the revocation of his passport because
they know that Bobby visits the Philippines
from time to time… (Needless to say Bobby
had never seen or heard of this letter before
his forced meeting with the embassy man on
July 14, 2004. We'll have more to say about
this letter later on.) The embassy man further
explained to Bobby that the revocation of
his passport would not hinder him from receiving
from the U.S. embassy in Tokyo a special
one time one trip passport only good to return
to the United States… The embassy man then
added that well if Bobby had no further questions
he'd be leaving. Then he looked at Bobby
intently and maliciously and with twinkling
eyes shot out: "Well, Mr. Fischer if
you have no objection I'll be taking your
passport back to the embassy with me."
This was meant to be his coup de grace or
piece de resistance. What would Bobby say?
What would Bobby do? If Bobby remained silent
the embassy man would say that Bobby didn't
object to him taking Bobby's mutilated and
destroyed passport back to the embassy with
him. And then by extension the embassy man
would claim or imply (with a straight face)
that well, maybe Mr. Fischer didn't really
mind that the U.S. had grabbed and destroyed
his passport because after all he knew that
we had the legal right to do so… On the
other hand if Bobby answered and said that
he does object he would break his silence
and then the embassy man could say that Bobby
had voluntarily met with him and that they
had a voluntary conversation and that Bobby
didn't say this or he didn't say that or
he didn't assert his rights here or he didn't
assert his rights there etc. Bobby answered
and said, "Give me back my passport
you son of a bitch!" At which the embassy
man winced and replied that oh well yes I'll
leave it here with the security people with
your belongings. (He broke that promise about
5 minutes later when he left the Narita airport
immigration lockup with Bobby's passport!
Jesus, usually it takes even a Jew a little
longer than that to break his word!) Bobby
asked the embassy man if he was a Jew. The
embassy man said "Are you?" Bobby
said "I asked you first!" The embassy
man said that oh, no he wasn't going to play
that game, that he didn't have answer that
question. Bobby asked the embassy man his
name. The embassy man said his first name
was "Peter." Bobby asked "Peter"
"What's your last name?" "Peter"
told Bobby that "that doesn't concern
you!" The arrogance and criminality
of the U.S. embassy people is almost unbelievable.
And at just about that point their conversation
came to an end and "Peter" left
their meeting room. As Bobby was waiting
in the meeting room with the door open for
the guards to come and lead him back to his
prison cell he saw "Peter" being
so kind and effusive and "respectful"
with the Japanese immigration authorities
as he shook hands with them one by one and
bid them goodbye… A real gentleman, a real
gentleman… By the way we should mention
at some point and this is as good a time
as any that after he was illegally arrested
and imprisoned on July 13, 2004 Bobby never
again saw his expensive European buffalo
leather U.S. passport holder. Bobby bought
it in Vienna Austria about 8 or 9 years ago
for a about $50 or $60 dollars and it's still
in perfect condition. The Japanese immigration
authorities swear that they don't have it
so that points to "Peter" and the
U.S. embassy. Of course it's a very "trivial"
point but if Bobby stole someones expensive
leather passport holder he might go to prison
for a while. Perhaps now that the issue has
been brought up "Peter" and the
U.S. embassy will hasten to return the stolen
leather passport holder to Bobby. But perhaps
not! O.K. Let's move on. Anyway, for a moment
we forgot that it's completely "legal"
for the Jews to rob and plunder Bobby to
their heart's content. Immediately after
"Peter" left the immigration lock-up
dept. the immigration authorities gave Bobby
on behalf of "Peter" a photocopy
of the aforementioned purported letter from
the U.S. embassy in Manila to "Bobby."
But it's just a joke of course. This purported
2 pages letter is from the embassy of the
United States of America, Manila, Philippines
dated December 11, 2003 to Robert James Fischer
and signed by Theodore Allegra consul of
the United States of America. The purported
letter has no other address! It seems when
it comes to the Jews and the Jew-controlled
U.S. government trying to "screw"
Bobby anything goes! This garbage people
(the Jews) have no self-respect. Along with
the letter they gave Bobby the letter's supposed
"enclosure" something called "22
CFR Ch.1(4-1-97 Edition) Department of State"
pages 252, 253, 254, 255, 256 and (presumably)
257. The absolute first time Bobby ever saw
or heard of this supposed letter to him and
it's supposed enclosure was July 14th 2004.
Bobby never ever goes to the Philippine embassy
in Manila. Bobby doesn't think he's ever
been there in his life! But if he ever did
go there at anytime in his life it was surely
many decades ago!!! It's an absolute joke.
As a matter of fact and just for the record
Bobby is not in the habit of visiting or
calling U.S. embassies anywhere in the world.
Since Bobby left the U.S.A. in about July
of 1992 (and he hasn't been back to the U.S.A.
since then) the only embassy he has visited
was the U.S. embassy in Bern, Switzerland.
He visited the Bern embassy on January 24,
1997 to purchase his U.S. Passport No. Z7792702.
He again visited the Bern embassy on or about
October 27, 2003 and again on November 6,
2003 to get the aforementioned about 24 page
passport insert. That is it. Those are his
sole contacts with any U.S. embassy worldwide!
The only other exception is a onetime visit
in about 1994 or 1995 to the U.S.A. library
reading room in Budapest, Hungary. Bobby
made the visit with Mr. Pal Benko and at
Mr. Benko's urging. However Bobby found the
atmosphere there to be so oppressive and
downright scary (guards, body check, bag
check etc.) that he never went there again.
Bobby's attitude has been, especially since
he was indicted by the U.S. government on
trumped up political charges on December
15, 1992, that the less contact with U.S.
government officials the better. Bobby's
only exception to this rule was regarding
his desire to keep and maintain a valid U.S.
passport. The last time Bobby was in the
Philippines was around last summer. Months
before this December 11, 2003 alleged letter
was written. Bobby hasn't been back to the
Philippines since then. How in the world
was Bobby ever to receive or even hear about
this alleged letter? Now Bobby has a few
"impertinent" questions he'd like
to ask the U.S. government about the supposed
original handsigned copy of the now infamous
purported 2 page letter from the embassy
of the United States of America, Manila,
Philippines dated December 11, 2003 to Robert
James Fischer and signed by Theodore Allegra
Consul of the Unites States of America. The
purported letter has no other address! The
purported letter also has a purported 3 page
enclosure something called "22 CFR Ch.1(4-1-97
Edition) Department of State" pages
252, 253, 254, 255, 256 and (presumably)
257. Question No. 1. Where is the letter
now? Question No. 2. Is the letter still
just sitting like a lump in the U.S. embassy
in Manila, Philippines? Question No. 3. How
was Bobby served with the letter? Did service
take place by hand by someone personally
placing the letter in Bobby's hand or was
service done by certified mail? Question
No. 4. Whether service was effected by hand
or by certified mail when, where, how and
by whom and at what precise address was Bobby
served with the letter. Let's see those proofs
of service. Question No. 5. When Bobby spoke
to "Peter" of the U.S. embassy
in Tokyo on the morning of August 10, 2004
"Peter" said he believed that the
letter had been mailed to Bobby at an address
in the Philippines but that he didn't know
where because he didn't have that information
in front of him. "Peter" also did
not say when the letter was allegedly mailed
to Bobby at the unknown address in the Philippines
that "Peter" didn't have in front
of him. When and how did the letter at this
unknown address in the Philippines and sent
there at an unknown date supposedly reach
Bobby? What proof does the U.S. government
have that the letter which was allegedly
sent to an unknown address in the Philippines
and at an unknown date ever reached Bobby?
Question No. 6. Does the letter still exist?
Question No. 7. Did the letter ever exist??????
Yet supposedly this sick joke of a "letter"
is the heart of the Dept. of State's case
for "lifting" and then destroying
Bobby's passport! The dirty Jews used very
similar vicious illegal and criminal tactics
to, in about late 1998 or early 1999, rob
and plunder all of Bobby's cash, valuables
and other belongings including his gold and
silver coin collections that he kept in storage
at the Bekins Moving and Storage company(Pasadena,
California branch). The robbery was committed
by Mr. Bob Ellsworth, Bekins Moving and Storage
company and the United States government.
In terms of monetary value the robbery was
one of the biggest if not the biggest robbery
in the history of the United States!! But
getting back to the matter at hand. Page
254 of the 22 CFR Ch.1(4-1-97 Edition) Department
of State paragraph 51.75 reads: "Notification
of denial or withdrawal of passport."
"Any person whose application for issuance
of a passport has been denied, or who has
otherwise been the subject of an adverse
action taken on an individual basis with
respect to his or her right to receive or
use a passport shall be entitled to notification
in writing of the adverse action. The notification
shall set forth the specific reasons for
the adverse action and the procedures for
review available under paragraphs 51.81 through
51.105." Then continuing to paragraph
51.81 "Time limits on hearing to review
adverse action." "A person who
has been the subject of an adverse action
with respect to his or her right to receive
or use a passport shall be entitled, upon
request made within 60 days after receipt
of notice of such adverse action, to require
the Department or the appropriate Foreign
Service post, as the case may be, to establish
the basis for its action in a proceeding
before a hearing officer. If no such request
is made within 60 days, the adverse action
will be considered final and not subject
to further administrative review. If such
request is made within 60 days, the adverse
action shall be automatically vacated unless
such proceeding is initiated by the Department
or the appropriate Foreign Service post,
as the case may be, within 60 days after
request, or such longer period as is requested
by the person adversely affected and agreed
to by the hearing officer." Bobby was
never properly notified in writing in the
manner prescribed for by the law that his
passport had been revoked. Bobby doesn't
have to prove that he was never properly
notified in writing in the manner prescribed
for by the law that his passport had been
revoked. The U.S. government has to prove
that Bobby was properly notified in writing
in the manner prescribed for by the law that
his passport had been revoked. That's the
way the system is supposed to work and everybody
knows that. That's basic. Bobby challenges
the U.S. government to prove that Bobby was
properly notified in writing in the manner
prescribed for by the law that his passport
had been revoked. The U.S. government can't
do it because it's not true that Bobby was
properly notified in writing in the manner
prescribed for by the law that his passport
had been revoked! We all know that the U.S.
government has a huge worldwide spy apparatus.
At last count, the U.S. government has some
14 different spy organizations. So we take
this a step further. We challenge the U.S.
government to come up with any hard, genuine
evidence whatsoever that demonstrates that
Bobby had ever seen or even heard about or
had any knowledge of any kind about this
alleged letter to him from the U.S. embassy
in Manila, Philippines revoking his passport
dated December 11, 2003 and signed by Theodore
Allegra Consul of the United States of America
before his forced meeting with "Peter"
of the U.S. embassy in Tokyo on July 14,
2004 in the Narita International Airport
immigration lockup!!! It simply can't be
done. Because Bobby didn't. Here's another
point well worth considering. Page 255 to
page 256 of the 22 CFR Ch.1.(4-1-97 Edition)
Department of State "Subpart F-Procedures
for Review of Adverse Action." Paragraph
51.80 reads: "Applicability of paragraphs
51.81 through 51.89" " The provisions
of paragraphs 51.81 through 51.89 apply to
any action of the secretary taken on an individual
basis in denying, restricting, revoking or
invalidating a passport or in any other way
adversely affecting the ability of a person
to receive or use a passport except action
taken by reason of noncitizenship, refusal
to grant a discretionary exception under
the emergency or humanitarian relief provisions
of paragraph 51.71(c) or refusal to grant
a discretionary exception from geographical
limitations of general applicability. The
provisions of this subpart shall constitute
the administrative remedies provided by the
Department to persons who are the subject
of adverse action under paragraph 51.70,
paragraph 51.71 or paragraph 51.72."
Paragraph 51.81 reads: "Time limits
on hearing to review adverse action."
"A person who has been the subject of
an adverse action with respect to his or
her passport shall be entitled, upon request
made within 60 days after receipt of notice
of such adverse action, to require the Department
or the appropriate Foreign Service post,
as the case may be, to establish the basis
for its action in a proceeding before a hearing
officer. If no such request is made within
60 days, the adverse action will be considered
final and not subject to further administrative
review. If such request is made within 60
days, the adverse action shall be automatically
vacated unless such proceeding is initiated
by the Department or the appropriate Foreign
Service post, as the case may be, within
60 days after request, or such longer period
as is requested by the person adversely affected
and agreed to by the hearing officer."
Paragraph 51.82 reads: "Notice of hearing"
"The person adversely affected shall
receive not less than 5 business days' notice
in writing of the scheduled date and place
of the hearing." Paragraph 51.83 reads:
"Functions of the hearing officer"
"The hearing officer shall act on all
requests for review under paragraph 51.81.
He shall make findings of fact and submit
recommendations to the Administrator of the
Bureau of Security and Consular Affairs.
In making his or her findings and recommendations,
the hearing officer shall not consider confidential
security information unless that information
is made available to the person adversely
affected and is made part of the record of
the hearing. "Paragraph 51.84 reads:
"Appearance at hearing." "The
person adversely affected may appear at the
hearing in person or with his or her attorney,
or by his or her attorney. The attorney must
possess the qualifications prescribed for
practice before the Board of Appellate Review
or be admitted to practice before the courts
of the country in which the hearing is to
be held." Paragraph 51.85 reads: "Proceedings
before the hearing officer" "The
person adversely affected may appear and
testify in his or her own behalf and may
himself, or by his or her attorney, present
witnesses and offer other evidence and make
argument. If any witness whom the person
adversely affected wishes to call is unable
to appear in person, the hearing officer
may, in his or her discretion, accept an
affidavit by the witness or order evidence
to be taken by deposition. The person adversely
affected shall be entitled to be informed
of all the evidence before the hearing officer
and of the source of such evidence, and shall
be entitled to confront and cross-examine
any adverse witness. The person shall, upon
request by the hearing officer, confirm his
or her oral statements in an affidavit for
the record." Paragraph 51.86 reads:
"Admissibility of evidence." "The
person adversely affected and the Department
may introduce such evidence as the hearing
officer deems proper. Formal rules of evidence
shall not apply, but reasonable restrictions
shall be imposed as to relevancy, competency
and materiality of evidence presented."
Paragraph 51.87 reads: "Privacy of hearing."
"The hearing shall be private. There
shall be present at the hearing only the
person adversely affected, his or her attorney,
the hearing officer, official stenographers,
employees of the Department directly concerned
with the presentation of the case, and the
witnesses. Witnesses shall be present at
the hearing only while actually giving testimony
or when otherwise directed by the hearing
officer." Paragraph 51.88 reads: "Transcript
of hearing" "A complete verbatim
stenographic transcript shall be made of
the hearing by a qualified reporter, and
the transcript shall constitute a permanent
part of the record. Upon request, the appellant
or his or her counsel shall be entitled to
inspect the complete transcript and to purchase
a copy thereof." Paragraph 51.89 reads:
"Decision of Assistant Secretary for
Consular Affairs; Notice of right to appeal."
"The person adversely affected shall
be promptly notified in writing of the decision
of the Assistant Secretary for Consular Affairs
and, if the decision is adverse to him or
her, the notification shall state the reasons
for the decision and inform him or her of
the right to appeal the decision to the Board
of Appellate Review (part 7 of this chapter)
within 60 days after receipt of notice of
the adverse decision. If no appeal is made
within 60 days, the decision will be considered
final and not subject to further administrative
review." On paper at least that's a
considerable amount of rights for the person
who has been adversely affected with respect
to his or her passport rights! And at no
cost to the appellant unless he or she wants
to get a lawyer or purchase a copy of the
transcript of the hearing! Now except for
the Jews and their friends and supporters
(or people who have been brainwashed by them)
Bobby is generally considered to be an intelligent
and rational person. Why in the world would
he ignore and bypass these rights? It doesn't
make any sense. At the very least the debate
between him and the hearing officer would
give Bobby a golden opportunity to bring
out the enormity of the crimes against him
by the Jew-controlled U.S. government! And
that by simply purchasing a copy of the transcript
and putting it immediately on the internet.
Why, Bobby would have everything to gain
by appealing the adverse action against him
regarding his passport rights and virtually
nothing to lose. And then if he so chose
after he would inevitably (and in violation
of justice and his legal rights) lose the
appeal he could still appeal again and bring
out even more information for the internet…
So (even leaving the constitutional issues
aside) why in the world would Bobby throw
away all his passport appeal rights in this
matter by ignoring the infamous Allegra letter???
Very simple. He never got it. He never heard
about it. Ever, ever, ever, before he received
a photocopy of it on July 14, 2004. And that's
exactly the way it was planned by the Jew-controlled
U.S. government… But the snake-like Jews
will hiss: "No, no, no! Don't you understand
my friend? In your ignorance and naivete
you really don't get it, do you? You're completely
missing the point. In mid-December of 2003
or January of 2004 or thereabouts Fischer
did in fact receive the original hand signed
copy of the Allegra letter to him dated December
11, 2003. That's undeniable. Fischer was
properly notified in writing in the manner
prescribed for by the law that his passport
was revoked. Fix that in your mind. (If you
don't we'll repeat it a hundred million times
in our press radio and T.V. until you do.)
O.K.? That's settled. Now, my dear, dear
friends look at me. I'm very honest and sincere
any fool can tell that. No, no wait I didn't
say that correctly. What I meant to say was
I'm very honest and sincere anyone can tell
that. Now here's the real truth. Don't be
taken in by Fischer's lies. Fischer is a
hermit. He's a recluse. He's a certified
paranoid-schizophrenic! He's a nut-case.
He's a wacko. So, when Fischer received the
original hand signed copy of the Allegra
letter dated December 11, 2003 Fischer went
bananas! He had a panic attack! He shouted
over and over and over again to himself 'I
can't appeal the passport revocation and
go to the hearing! I can't appeal the passport
revocation and go to the hearing! I can't
appeal the passport revocation and go to
the hearing! They're trying to invade my
privacy! They're trying to invade my privacy!
They're trying to invade my privacy!' There
you have it. That's the real reason why Fischer
never answered and never appealed the December
11, 2003 Allegra letter revoking his passport.
Fischer voluntarily let those precious 60
days run out because being the hermit that
he is he couldn't face appealing and then
personally going to the hearing to review
the adverse action by the State Department
in regards to his passport…" But wait
a second Jew-boys. As you know very well
Bobby never saw or even heard of the alleged
Allegra letter to him of December 11, 2003
until he was given an alleged photo copy
of it on July 14, 2004. And in any event
even if he had received the original hand
signed copy of it in mid-December of 2003
or January of 2004 or thereabouts as you
claim (which he didn't) his reaction to it
would surely have been completely different
from what you've described. Your arguments
don't hold any water. Here's why. First of
all paragraph 51.87 "Privacy of hearing."
Clearly states: "The hearing shall be
private. There shall be present at the hearing
only the person adversely affected, his or
her attorney, the hearing officer, official
stenographers, employees of the Department
directly concerned with the presentation
of the case, and the witnesses. Witnesses
shall be present at the hearing only while
actually giving testimony or when otherwise
directed by the hearing officer." No
press or the public allowed! That's pretty
damned private Jew-boys. Even if Bobby were
anywhere near as paranoid, delicate, loony
and off-the-wall as you Jew-boys pretend
to believe he is he should have been able
to withstand the "pressure" of
such a hearing. (But of course having said
that nowadays after what the U.S. government
has just pulled on Bobby in Japan he would
surely think twice about personally meeting
U.S. government officials on U.S. government
property anywhere in the world!) Secondly,
Jew-boys your argument doesn't hold water
because paragraph 51.84"Appearance at
hearing." Clearly states: "The
person adversely affected may appear at the
hearing in person or with his or her attorney,
or by his or her attorney. The attorney must
possess the qualifications prescribed for
practice before the Board of Appellate Review
or be admitted to practice before the courts
of the country in which the hearing is to
be held." So, Bobby wouldn't even have
had to go to the hearing in person at all
if he didn't want to. He could just have
sent his attorney!!! Jew−snakes losing their
cool: "Fool! Firstly you obviously have
no idea as to the megalomaniacal degree of
Fischer's paranoia and delusions of grandeur.
Nothing can ever be private enough for him!
Anyway, Fischer didn't believe that the U.S.
government would enforce the law and keep
out the press and the public. Secondly, do
you really believe all those lies by Fischer
that he still has millions of Swiss francs
in the Union Bank of Switzerland(UBS)? Don't
be so gullible. Fischer is flat broke. He
couldn't possibly have afforded to hire an
attorney to represent him at the hearing
to appeal the revocation of his passport
so he would have had to go there himself
after all…" And the Jewish lies go
on and on and on and on endlessly. Truly
it is a wise old Rumanian saying that "Jews
live by lies and die when coming in contact
with the truth." In Bobby's opinion
there's a real possibility that this infamous
alleged "letter" to Bobby dated
December 11, 2003 from the U.S. embassy in
Manila, Philippines and signed by Theodore
Allegra Consul of the United States of America
was actually cooked up for prompt release
in its precise final form by the CIA sometime
on or after July 6, 2004 the day Bobby bought
his Japan airlines round-trip ticket to the
Philippines and made his reservation for
flight JL 745 departing Tokyo, Japan on July
13, 2004 at 18:20 for Manila, Philippines!
You say that can't happen? What world are
you living in? The alleged Dec. 11, 2003
Allegra letter to "Bobby" was just
meant to give the Japanese immigration authorities
a cheap excuse a pretext a cover however
false for cooperating with the Tokyo U.S.
embassy. Then the Japanese immigration authorities
"acting in good faith" and on "reliable
information from the Tokyo U.S. embassy "Would
have an excuse and pretext and a cover (though
of course it still wouldn't be legal) for
illegally canceling Bobby's entrance visa
to Japan of April 15, 2004 and illegally
cancelling Bobby's exit visa from Japan of
July 13, 2004 for illegally arresting Bobby
and illegally and brutally throwing him in
the Narita international airport immigration
lockup (and nearly killing him in the process)
for illegally turning Bobby's passport over
to the Tokyo U.S. embassy for its illegal
destruction by the Tokyo U.S. embassy and
then for illegally forcing Bobby to meet
with "Peter" of the Tokyo U.S.
embassy. The final step for this charade,
for this travesty of justice is if all goes
according to plan is for the Japanese immigration
authorities and the U.S. embassy in Tokyo
to illegally deport Bobby to the U.S.A. where
he will face a kangaroo court on trumped
up political charges. Then Bobby will be
tried, convicted, imprisoned, tortured and
murdered. Furthermore it is Bobby's conviction
that the CIA has spread money around in the
right places and in the right amounts to
both the Japanese government and with the
Narita international airport immigration
authority to grease the wheels to accomplish
all of their dastardly plans for Bobby…
All right. As we've explained repeatedly
Bobby's passport was never revoked because
it wasn't revoked in a legal manner. End
of the story. But purely for the sake of
argument let's say that Bobby's passport
had been revoked by the U.S. government and
it had been revoked in a completely legal
and above board manner. Would that then give
the Japanese immigration authorities the
right to confiscate Bobby's passport and
turn it over to the U.S. embassy in Tokyo
and then for the U.S. embassy in Tokyo to
physically destroy it??? Absolutely not.
Let's go back to 22 CFR Ch.1(4-1-97 Edition)
paragraph 51.76 "Surrender of passport"
"The bearer of a passport which is revoked
shall surrender it to the Department or its
authorized representative upon demand and
upon his or her refusal to do so such passport
may be invalidated by notifying the bearer
in writing of the invalidation." No
strong-arm tactics allowed by the Department.
Unless the bearer of the passport voluntarily
surrenders his or her passport to the Department
the Department has no right to even touch
the passport let alone to physically mutilate
or destroy it. That's the law. And you had
better believe that the Department and the
Japanese immigration authorities know it
very well. Furthermore, if the Japanese immigration
authorities truly believed that Bobby had
entered and left Japan with a revoked passport
and they considered that to be a crime then
under no circumstances could they mutilate
or destroy the passport because the passport
would be the key evidence of the "crime."
And by the same token how could the Japanese
immigration authorities turn over Bobby's
"evidential" passport to the Tokyo
U.S. embassy for destruction and mutilation?
Anyway you slice it destroying Bobby's passport
was completely illegal. By doing so both
the Japanese and the U.S. government have
committed a serious crime. Bobby is still
appealing his arrest for allegedly illegally
entering Japan on April 15, 2004. But even
if he wins the appeal so what? His U.S. passport
has already been destroyed by the Japanese
and U.S. government working in collusion!
This amounts to pre-judgement of Bobby's
appeal. Finally both the Japanese and U.S.
government by illegally and in collusion
destroying Bobby's passport have violated
in a most brazen way Bobby's constitutional
rights. Because the U.S. constitution says
that a person cannot be deprived of his property
without due process of a law… Bobby has
spent most of his time in Japan since January
of 2000. He's made a few good friends and
acquaintances here. He's spent hundreds of
thousands of dollars visiting Japanese "Onsen"
(mineral bath). He's spent over three hundred
and fifty thousand dollars working with the
Seiko corporation trying to further develop
his high-tech dream chess clock. He's spent
a small fortune on Japanese electronic products
and other Japanese products. But all this
is outweighed by one lying phone call and
one lying fraudulent letter from the U.S.
government. Irregardless of how this goes
Bobby says "fuck you" to the corrupt
and evil Japanese government and Sayonara
to Japan. Even if he lives and ever gets
out of jail again he will never return to
Japan again until every U.S. military base
in Japan is closed and Japan is a free and
independent country again. In closing and
in haste a few more words. Bobby swears that
prior to his being detained in the Narita
airport by Japanese immigration officials
on about 5:30 p.m. on July 13, 2004 Bobby
had never seen or heard a word or even a
whisper from anyone at anytime anywhere to
the effect that his U.S. passport No. Z7792702
was "revoked" "invalid"
"expired" "cancelled"
etc. Absolutely nothing ever, ever, ever.
If anyone says otherwise they are a LIAR.
Furthermore, Bobby swears that prior to his
forced involuntary Narita immigration jailhouse
meeting with the Tokyo U.S. embassy man "Peter"
on July 14, 2004 Bobby had never seen or
heard of and had no knowledge of any kind
whatsoever at anytime in his entire life
of this alleged letter to Bobby dated December
11, 2003 from the U.S. embassy in Manila,
Philippines and signed by Theodore Allegra
Consul of the United States of America. Bobby
had no knowledge of it and never ever saw
it or even heard about it prior to July 14,
2004. Never, ever, ever , ever, ever. If
anyone says otherwise they are simply a LIAR.
Now, here's something to think about if anyone
is really interested in the truth of this
matter. Bobby arrived in Switzerland (from
Japan) in about the middle of October 2003.
Bobby left Switzerland for Japan on December
16, 2003. (To be precise Bobby left Switzerland
for Japan on Swiss Airlines flight LX 168
departing Zurich International airport on
December 16, 2003 at 13:05 with a scheduled
arrival time at Tokyo/Narita international
airport on December 17, 2003 at 08:55. When
Bobby arrived at Tokyo/Narita international
airport on the morning of December 17, 2003
the Japanese immigration officer stamped
his usual 90 days tourist visa in Bobby's
newly spacious U.S. passport.) During all
of this time Bobby never left Switzerland,
not even for a second. When Bobby visited
the Bern, Switzerland U.S. embassy he gave
them in writing his swisscom mobile telephone
sim card number in Switzerland. The Bern
U.S. embassy called Bobby at that number
several times. They had the number there's
no question about that. Except for charging
the phone's battery occasionally (and for
whatever reason it charges very quickly in
Switzerland) that same sim phone number was
on and with a strong signal 24 hours a day!
The infamous Allegra letter to "Bobby"
(ha, ha, ha) was dated December 11, 2003.
If the U.S. really wanted to let Bobby know
that his passport was "revoked"
why not just give Bobby a call on his swisscom
sim card mobil phone and tell him all about
it????? The U.S. is so full of shit it's
not even funny. No wonder they're getting
their asses kicked in Iraq and Afghanistan…
Japan beware you're backing a loser. Don't
go down the drain with the filthy Jew controlled
U.S.… P.S. Here's a stunning example of
what must be the absolutely enormous behind
the scenes pressure the Jew-controlled U.S.
government is placing on the press all over
the world to lie about Bobby's illegal arrest
at Narita International Airport on July 13,
2004. In an associated press story on page
3 in "The Japan Times" of July
29, 2004 entitled" CHESS MASTER PONDERS
NEXT MOVE-Fischer's deportation appeal rejected."
We read: "Fischer was apprehended two
weeks ago after trying to board a flight
at the Narita International Airport for allegedly
traveling with a revoked U.S. passport."
Heresy! How dare the press say only "for
allegedly traveling with a revoked U.S. passport."
My god are they doubting the word of THE
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA??? We can just imagine
the phone call the editor of "The Japan
Times" must have received from the U.S.
embassy on July 29, 2004. It probably went
something like this: "Look you fucken
little Jap-bastard you don't say about Fischer's
passport that it was only 'allegedly revoked.'
You got that? Are you doubting the word of
the United States of America? Listen you
pull another fucken stunt like that and not
only are you no longer the editor of 'The
Japan Times' but you'll never work as a journalist
again. And not only that we may put your
little ass in the slammer! Now I want to
see a front page story in tomorrow's 'The
Japan Times' where you unequivocally state
that Fischer was traveling with a revoked
U.S. passport. You fuck up again and you're
history mother fucker!" The next day
a front page story of "The Japan Times"
"corrected" the previous day's
"mistake" by lying! The front page
of "The Japan Times" of July 30,
2004 ran an article entitled: "Supporters
of Fischer seek asylum for chess legend in
Germany" by Akemi Nakamura staff writer.
In the article we read: " Fischer, 61,
was detained on July 13 after trying to board
a flight to the Philippines at Narita International
Airport. He was traveling with a revoked
U.S. passport."