Mammon_'s Tales to his Grandson
On The Fruit of Labor II

Project1 * Project2 * Project3 * Project4

Project Four

The Target

It has become somewhat popular in the school of web page design to try to increase the paranoia of audiences by showing them their autoexec.bat, their config.sys, their .pwd files, or even their IP address. It is the last of these that is the most irritating, usually because it implies that the browser is actually transmitting the IP address to the server, perhaps to a log file, but a quick perusal of the code for such pages--this one gathered from Fravia's noanon.htm page-- will demonstrate that this is not the case:

myAddress  =;
myAddress2 =;
host = myAddress.getHostName();
ip   = myAddress2.getHostAddress();
document.write("Your host name is "+host);
Your IP address is "+ip);
As can be seen, the Javascript sequence simply calls a class using LiveConnect in order to determine the local host name and IP address; these are written directly to browser's current display (document.write is similar to printf), and are not trasnmitted to any foreign server (which Java/script would not allow). Nevertheless, it would be useful to know--without doing a "View Source"--which web pages are pulling this info from the function, and which have actually used a CGI script (or something even more malicious ;) to pull the information directly using the Winsock functions.

A quick look into the Netscape\Program directory (version 3.01 Gold, of course) will reveal the target file very quickly: JRT3230.dll which, if dll naming conventions have not changed, should be the Java Runtime Library file.

The Job

Quick View Plus reveals no exports from the file; to gather more information, load it into IDA Pro (version 3.7) and select View->Names from the menu. A small bit of scrolling will reveal functions with names sych as "Java_java_io_FileOutputStream_wr" and Java_java_lang_Double_toString_s; this seems to be the correct file. Scroll through the Names window to "Java_java_net_InetAddress_getLoc" and press enter; the code display will jump to subroutine ...InetAddress_getLocalHostName at location 10060F69, which calls a single subroutine at location 10076E40.

This subroutine calls one Winsock function at location 10076E4F:

10076E4F E8 5A 1A 00 00    call     j_WSOCK32_57        ; GetHostName(buffer,length)
Looking up oridinal 57 in Wsock32.dll demonstrates that the function is GetHostName (hence the above user-added comment), and that it takes the location fo a buffer to receive the local host name as one of its parameters. The code for the call looks like this:
10076E46     push     ebx
10076E47     push     esi
10076E48     push     edi
10076E49     push     40h
10076E4B     lea      eax, [ebp+var_44]
10076E4E     push     eax
10076E4F     call     j_WSOCK32_57
10076E54     lea      eax, [ebp+var_44]
10076E57     push     eax
10076E58     call     j_strlen
The buffer is therefore [ebp+var_44]; therefore, the code between 10076E49 and 10076E54 can be replaced with code that loads the value into [ebp+var_44], as follows:
Old Code
6A 40 		push 40h
8D 45 BC 	lea eax, [ebp+var_44]
50	 	push eax
E8 5A 1A 00 00	call j_WSOCK32_57

New Code
33 C0           xor ax, ax 
68 01 00 00 7F  push 0100007F
58              pop eax
89 45 BC        mov [ebp+var_44], eax   

Byte Patch
from 6A 40 8D 45 BC 50 E8 5A 1A 00 00
to   33 C0 68 01 00 00 7F 58 89 45 BC


It happpened that while working on this project, the Dialup Networking on my 95 machine started to crash each time I ran it more than once in a single sitting. As I tend to approach the Internet with a "hit-and-run" mindset rather than a "channel-surfing" one, this proved quite an irritation. On to work:

Symptoms: At the second instance of Rnaapp.exe (the Dialup Networking executable), the system breaks into Soft-Ice in a GPF loop that cannot (normally) be broken out of. Execution has halted in segment RNAAPP.text (code segment of RNAAPP) at the address 014F:004025F3:

:004025EB FF7634                  push [esi+34]
:004025EE E8FD020000              call 004028F0
:004025F3 F6430C40                test [ebx+0C], 40 ;this causes GPF
:004025F7 57                      push edi          ;this is never reached
:004025F8 7407                    je 00402601
:004025FA E8DB000000              call 004026DA
:004025FF EB05                    jmp 00402606
Nothing is to be lost by a little experimentation; use the A command in Soft-Ice to assemble location 004025F3 into four nop instructions:
a 014F:004025F3
nop [enter]
nop [enter]
nop [enter]
Ctrl-D to return control back to the program; instantly another GPF, again an endless loop that traps execution at location 014F:00402701:
:004026FA FFD6                    call esi
:004026FC 8BF0                    mov esi, eax
:004026FE 8B432C                  mov eax, dword ptr [ebx+2C]
:00402701 394630                  cmp dword ptr [esi+30], eax  ;this causes GPF #2
:00402704 7548                    jne 0040274E                 ;this is never reached
:00402706 50                      push eax
:00402707 8D5E38                  lea ebx, dword ptr [esi+38]
:0040270A 57                      push edi
:0040270B E8CA020000              call 004029DA
Use the A command once again to assemble the three bytes at 00402701 into three nop statements. Ctrl-D to return control to the more GPFs. Not very elegant, but serviceable.

Time to patch the program: search for Rnaapp (you will find it as Rnaapp.exe in the Windows\System directory; right-click->properties reveals that this is the main Dialup Networking executable), send it to a hex editor. Search for the string E8FD020000F6430C40, replace the F6430540 with 90909090. Next, search for the string 8B432C394630754850 and replace 394630 with 909090. Save the file (with a backup copy, of course), run Dialup Networking a few thousand times to more GPFs. Faulty MS programming fixed with a simple nop patch: film at eleven.

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