[Chapter Eighteen][Previous] [Next] [Art of Assembly][Randall Hyde]

Art of Assembly: Chapter Eighteen

18.5 - Installing a TSR
18.6 - Removing a TSR
18.7 - Other DOS Related Issues

18.5 Installing a TSR

Although we've already discussed how to make a program go resident, there are a few aspects to installing a TSR that we need to address. First, what happens if a user installs a TSR and then tries to install it a second time without first removing the one that is already resident? Second, how can we assign a TSR identification number that won't conflict with a TSR that is already installed? This section will address these issues.

The first problem to address is an attempt to reinstall a TSR program. Although one could imagine a type of TSR that allows multiple copies of itself in memory at one time, such TSRs are few and far in-between. In most cases, having multiple copies of a TSR in memory will, at best, waste memory and, at worst, crash the system. Therefore, unless you are specifically written a TSR that allows multiple copies of itself in memory at one time, you should check to see if the TSR is installed before actually installing it. This code is identical to the code an application would use to see if the TSR is installed, the only difference is that the TSR should print a nasty message and refuse to go TSR if it finds a copy of itself already installed in memory. The following code does this:
                mov     cx, 0FFh
SearchLoop:     mov     ah, cl
                push    cx
                mov     al, 0
                int     2Fh
                pop     cx
                cmp     al, 0
                je      TryNext
                byte    "Randy's INT "
                byte    "10h Extension",0
                je      AlreadyThere
TryNext:        loop    SearchLoop      
                jmp     NotInstalled

AlreadyThere:   print
                byte    "A copy of this TSR already exists in memory",cr,lf
                byte    "Aborting installation process.",cr,lf,0
In the previous section, you saw how to write some code that would allow an application to determine the TSR ID of a specific resident program. Now we need to look at how to dynamically choose an identification number for the TSR, one that does not conflict with any other TSRs. This is yet another modification to the scanning loop. In fact, we can modify the code above to do this for us. All we need to do is save away some ID value that does not does not have an installed TSR. We need only add a few lines to the above code to accomplish this:
                mov     FuncID, 0       ;Initialize FuncID to zero.
                mov     cx, 0FFh
SearchLoop:     mov     ah, cl
                push    cx
                mov     al, 0
                int     2Fh
                pop     cx
                cmp     al, 0
                je      TryNext
                byte    "Randy's INT "
                byte    "10h Extension",0
                je      AlreadyThere
                loop    SearchLoop      
                jmp     NotInstalled

; Note: presumably DS points at the resident data segment that contains
;       the FuncID variable. Otherwise you must modify the following to
;       point some segment register at the segment containing FuncID and
;       use the appropriate segment override on FuncID.

TryNext:        mov     FuncID, cl      ;Save possible function ID if this
                loop    SearchLoop      ; identifier is not in use.
                jmp     NotInstalled

AlreadyThere:   print
                byte    "A copy of this TSR already exists in memory",cr,lf
                byte    "Aborting installation process.",cr,lf,0

NotInstalled:   cmp     FuncID, 0       ;If there are no available IDs, this
                jne     GoodID          ; will still contain zero.
                byte    "There are too many TSRs already installed.",cr,lf
                byte    "Sorry, aborting installation process.",cr,lf,0

If this code gets to label "GoodID" then a previous copy of the TSR is not present in memory and the FuncID variable contains an unused function identifier.

Of course, when you install your TSR in this manner, you must not forget to patch your interrupt 2Fh handler into the int 2Fh chain. Also, you have to write an interrupt 2Fh handler to process int 2Fh calls. The following is a very simple multiplex interrupt handler for the code we've been developing:
FuncID          byte    0               ;Should be in resident segment.
OldInt2F        dword   ?               ; Ditto.

MyInt2F         proc    far
                cmp     ah, cs:FuncID   ;Is this call for us?
                je      ItsUs
                jmp     cs:OldInt2F     ;Chain to previous guy, if not.

; Now decode the function value in AL:

ItsUs:          cmp     al, 0           ;Verify presence call?
                jne     TryOtherFunc
                mov     al, 0FFh        ;Return "present" value in AL.
                lesi    IDString        ;Return pointer to string in es:di.
                iret                    ;Return to caller.
IDString        byte    ""Randy's INT "
                byte    "10h Extension",0

; Down here, handle other multiplex requests.
; This code doesn't offer any, but here's where they would go.
; Just test the value in AL to determine which function to execute.

MyInt2F         endp

18.6 Removing a TSR

Removing a TSR is quite a bit more difficult that installing one. There are three things the removal code must do in order to properly remove a TSR from memory: first, it needs to stop any pending activities (e.g., the TSR may have some flags set to start some activity at a future time); second it needs to restore all interrupt vectors to their former values; third, it needs to return all reserved memory back to DOS so other applications can make use of it. The primary difficulty with these three activities is that it is not always possible to properly restore the interrupt vectors.

If your TSR removal code simply restores the old interrupt vector values, you may create a really big problem. What happens if the user runs some other TSRs after running yours and they patch into the same interrupt vectors as your TSR? This would produce interrupt chains that look something like the following:

If you restore the interrupt vector with your original value, you will create the following:

This effectively disables the TSRs that chain into your code. Worse yet, this only disables the interrupts that those TSRs have in common with your TSR. the other interrupts those TSRs patch into are still active. Who knows how those interrupts will behave under such circumstances?

One solution is to simply print an error message informing the user that they cannot remove this TSR until they remove all TSRs installed prior to this one. This is a common problem with TSRs and most DOS users who install and remove TSRs should be comfortable with the fact that they must remove TSRs in the reverse order that they install them.

It would be tempting to suggest a new convention that TSRs should obey; perhaps if the function number is 0FFh, a TSR should store the value in es:bx away in the interrupt vector specified in cl. This would allow a TSR that would like to remove itself to pass the address of its original interrupt handler to the previous TSR in the chain. There are only three problems with this approach: first, almost no TSRs in existence currently support this feature, so it would be of little value; second, some TSRs might use function 0FFh for something else, calling them with this value, even if you knew their ID number, could create a problem; finally, just because you've removed the TSR from the interrupt chain doesn't mean you can (truly) free up the memory the TSR uses. DOS' memory management scheme (the free pointer business) works like a stack. If there are other TSRs installed above yours in memory, most applications wouldn't be able to use the memory freed up by removing your TSR anyway.

Therefore, we'll also adopt the strategy of simply informing the user that they cannot remove a TSR if there are others installed in shared interrupt chains. Of course, that does bring up a good question, how can we determine if there are other TSRs chained in to our interrupts? Well, this isn't so hard. We know that the 80x86's interrupt vectors should still be pointing at our routines if we're the last TSR run. So all we've got to do is compare the patched interrupt vectors against the addresses of our interrupt service routines. If they all match, then we can safely remove our TSR from memory. If only one of them does not match, then we cannot remove the TSR from memory. The following code sequence tests to see if it is okay to detach a TSR containing ISRs for int 2fH and int 9:
; OkayToRmv-    This routine returns the carry flag set if it is okay to
;               remove the current TSR from memory. It checks the interrupt
;               vectors for int 2F and int 9 to make sure they
;               are still pointing at our local routines.
;               This code assumes DS is pointing at the resident code's
;               data segment.

OkayToRmv       proc    near
                push    es
                mov     ax, 0                   ;Point ES at interrupt vector
                mov     es, ax                  ; table.
                mov     ax, word ptr OldInt2F
                cmp     ax, es:[2fh*4]
                jne     CantRemove
                mov     ax, word ptr OldInt2F+2
                cmp     ax, es:[2Fh*4 + 2]
                jne     CantRemove

                mov     ax, word ptr OldInt9
                cmp     ax, es:[9*4]
                jne     CantRemove
                mov     ax, word ptr OldInt9+2
                cmp     ax, es:[9*4 + 2]
                jne     CantRemove

; We can safely remove this TSR from memory.

                pop     es

' Someone else is in the way, we cannot remove this TSR.

CantRemove:     clc
                pop     es
OkayToRmv       endp
Before the TSR attempts to remove itself, it should call a routine like this one to see if removal is possible.

Of course, the fact that no other TSR has chained into the same interrupts does not guarantee that there are not TSRs above yours in memory. However, removing the TSR in that case will not crash the system. True, you may not be able to reclaim the memory the TSR is using (at least until you remove the other TSRs), but at least the removal will not create complications.

To remove the TSR from memory requires two DOS calls, one to free the memory in use by the TSR and one to free the memory in use by the environment area assigned to the TSR. To do this, you need to make the DOS deallocation call . This call requires that you pass the segment address of the block to release in the es register. For the TSR program itself, you need to pass the address of the TSR's PSP. This is one of the reasons a TSR needs to save its PSP when it first installs itself. The other free call you must make frees the space associated with the TSR's environment block. The address of this block is at offset 2Ch in the PSP. So we should probably free it first. The following calls handle the job of free the memory associated with a TSR:
; Presumably, the PSP variable was initialized with the address of this
; program's PSP before the terminate and stay resident call.

                mov     es, PSP
                mov     es, es:[2Ch]    ;Get address of environment block.
                mov     ah, 49h         ;DOS deallocate block call.
                int     21h
at allows multiple copies of itself in
memory at one time, such TSRs are few and far in-between. In most cases,
having multiple copies of a TSR in memory will, at best, waste memory and,
at worst, crash the system. Therefore, unless you are specifically written
a TSR that allows multiple copies of itself in memory at one time, you should
check to see if the TSR is installed before actually installing it. This
code is identical to the code an application would use to see if the TSR
is installed, the only difference is that the TSR should print a nasty message
and refuse to go TSR if it finds a copy of itself already installed in memory.
The following code does this:
                mov     cx, 0FFh
SearchLoop:     mov     ah, cl
                push    cx
                mov     al, 0
                int     2Fh
                pop     cx
                cmp     al, 0
                je      TryNext
                byte    "Randy's INT "
                byte    "10h Extension",0
                je      AlreadyThere
TryNext:        loop    SearchLoop      
                jmp     NotInstalled

AlreadyThere:   print
                byte    "A copy of this TSR already exists in memory",cr,lf
                byte    "Aborting installation process.",cr,lf,0
In the previous section, you saw how to write some code that would allow an application to determine the TSR ID of a specific resident program. Now we need to look at how to dynamically choose an identification number for the TSR, one that does not conflict with any other TSRs. This is yet another modification to the scanning loop. In fact, we can modify the code above to do this for us. All we need to do is save away some ID value that does not does not have an installed TSR. We need only add a few lines to the above code to accomplish this:
                mov     FuncID, 0       ;Initialize FuncID to zero.
                mov     cx, 0FFh
SearchLoop:     mov     ah, cl
                push    cx
                mov     al, 0
                int     2Fh
                pop     cx
                cmp     al, 0
                je      TryNext
                byte    "Randy's INT "
                byte    "10h Extension",0
                je      AlreadyThere
                loop    SearchLoop      
                jmp     NotInstalled

; Note: presumably DS points at the resident data segment that contains
;       the FuncID variable. Otherwise you must modify the following to
;       point some segment register at the segment containing FuncID and
;       use the appropriate segment override on FuncID.

TryNext:        mov     FuncID, cl      ;Save possible function ID if this
                loop    SearchLoop      ; identifier is not in use.
                jmp     NotInstalled

AlreadyThere:   print
                byte    "A copy of this TSR already exists in memory",cr,lf
                byte    "Aborting installation process.",cr,lf,0

NotInstalled:   cmp     FuncID, 0       ;If there are no available IDs, this
                jne     GoodID          ; will still contain zero.
                byte    "There are too many TSRs already installed.",cr,lf
                byte    "Sorry, aborting installation process.",cr,lf,0

If this code gets to label "GoodID" then a previous copy of the TSR is not present in memory and the FuncID variable contains an unused function identifier.

Of course, when you install your TSR in this manner, you must not forget to patch your interrupt 2Fh handler into the int 2Fh chain. Also, you have to write an interrupt 2Fh handler to process int 2Fh calls. The following is a very simple multiplex interrupt handler for the code we've been developing:
FuncID          byte    0               ;Should be in resident segment.
OldInt2F        dword   ?               ; Ditto.

MyInt2F         proc    far
                cmp     ah, cs:FuncID   ;Is this call for us?
                je      ItsUs
                jmp     cs:OldInt2F     ;Chain to previous guy, if not.

; Now decode the function value in AL:

ItsUs:          cmp     al, 0           ;Verify presence call?
                jne     TryOtherFunc
                mov     al, 0FFh        ;Return "present" value in AL.
                lesi    IDString        ;Return pointer to string in es:di.
                iret                    ;Return to caller.
IDString        byte    ""Randy's INT "
                byte    "10h Extension",0

; Down here, handle other multiplex requests.
; This code doesn't offer any, but here's where they would go.
; Just test the value in AL to determine which function to execute.

MyInt2F         endp

18.6 Removing a TSR

Removing a TSR is quite a bit more difficult that installing one. There are three things the removal code must do in order to properly remove a TSR from memory: first, it needs to stop any pending activities (e.g., the TSR may have some flags set to start some activity at a future time); second it needs to restore all interrupt vectors to their former values; third, it needs to return all reserved memory back to DOS so other applications can make use of it. The primary difficulty with these three activities is that it is not always possible to properly restore the interrupt vectors.

If your TSR removal code simply restores the old interrupt vector values, you may create a really big problem. What happens if the user runs some other TSRs after running yours and they patch into the same interrupt vectors as your TSR? This would produce interrupt chains that look something like the following:

If you restore the interrupt vector with your original value, you will create the following:

This effectively disables the TSRs that chain into your code. Worse yet, this only disables the interrupts that those TSRs have in common with your TSR. the other interrupts those TSRs patch into are still active. Who knows how those interrupts will behave under such circumstances?

One solution is to simply print an error message informing the user that they cannot remove this TSR until they remove all TSRs installed prior to this one. This is a common problem with TSRs and most DOS users who install and remove TSRs should be comfortable with the fact that they must remove TSRs in the reverse order that they install them.

It would be tempting to suggest a new convention that TSRs should obey; perhaps if the function number is 0FFh, a TSR should store the value in es:bx away in the interrupt vector specified in cl. This would allow a TSR that would like to remove itself to pass the address of its original interrupt handler to the previous TSR in the chain. There are only three problems with this approach: first, almost no TSRs in existence currently support this feature, so it would be of little value; second, some TSRs might use function 0FFh for something else, calling them with this value, even if you knew their ID number, could create a problem; finally, just because you've removed the TSR from the interrupt chain doesn't mean you can (truly) free up the memory the TSR uses. DOS' memory management scheme (the free pointer business) works like a stack. If there are other TSRs installed above yours in memory, most applications wouldn't be able to use the memory freed up by removing your TSR anyway.

Therefore, we'll also adopt the strategy of simply informing the user that they cannot remove a TSR if there are others installed in shared interrupt chains. Of course, that does bring up a good question, how can we determine if there are other TSRs chained in to our interrupts? Well, this isn't so hard. We know that the 80x86's interrupt vectors should still be pointing at our routines if we're the last TSR run. So all we've got to do is compare the patched interrupt vectors against the addresses of our interrupt service routines. If they all match, then we can safely remove our TSR from memory. If only one of them does not match, then we cannot remove the TSR from memory. The following code sequence tests to see if it is okay to detach a TSR containing ISRs for int 2fH and int 9:
; OkayToRmv-    This routine returns the carry flag set if it is okay to
;               remove the current TSR from memory. It checks the interrupt
;               vectors for int 2F and int 9 to make sure they
;               are still pointing at our local routines.
;               This code assumes DS is pointing at the resident code's
;               data segment.

OkayToRmv       proc    near
                push    es
                mov     ax, 0                   ;Point ES at interrupt vector
                mov     es, ax                  ; table.
                mov     ax, word ptr OldInt2F
                cmp     ax, es:[2fh*4]