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Art of Assembly: Chapter Nineteen

19.1.2 - Exception Handling in DOS: The Break Handler
19.1.3 - Exception Handling in DOS: The Critical Error Handler

19.1.2 Exception Handling in DOS: The Break Handler

Whenever the users presses a ctrl-C or ctrl-Break key MS-DOS may trap such a key sequence and execute an int 23h instruction. MS-DOS provides a default break handler routine that terminates the program. However, a well-written program generally replaces the default break handler with one of its own so it can capture ctrl-C or ctrl-break key sequences and shut the program down in an orderly fashion.

When DOS terminates a program due to a break interrupt, it flushes file buffers, closes all open files, releases memory belonging to the application, all the normal stuff it does on program termination. However, it does not restore any interrupt vectors (other than interrupt 23h and interrupt 24h). If your code has replaced any interrupt vectors, especially hardware interrupt vectors, then those vectors will still be pointing at your program's interrupt service routines after DOS terminates your program. This will probably crash the system when DOS loads a new program over the top of your code. Therefore, you should write a break handler so your application can shut itself down in an orderly fashion if the user presses ctrl-C or ctrl-break.

The easiest, and perhaps most universal, break handler consists of a single instruction - iret. If you point the interrupt 23h vector at an iret instruction, MS-DOS will simply ignore any ctrl-C or ctrl-break keys you press. This is very useful for turning off the break handling during critical sections of code that you do not want the user to interrupt.

On the other hand, simply turning off ctrl-C and ctrl-break handling throughout your entire program is not satisfactory either. If for some reason the user wants to abort your program, pressing ctrl-break or ctrl-C is what they will probably try to do this. If your program disallows this, the user may resort to something more drastic like ctrl-alt-delete to reset the machine. This will certainly mess up any open files and may cause other problems as well (of course, you don't have to worry about restoring any interrupt vectors!).

To patch in your own break handler is easy - just store the address of your break handler routine into the interrupt vector 23h. You don't even have to save the old value, DOS does this for you automatically (it stores the original vector at offset 0Eh in the PSP). Then, when the users presses a ctrl-C or ctrl-break key, MS-DOS transfers control to your break handler.

Perhaps the best response for a break handler is to set some flag to tell the application and break occurred, and then leave it up to the application to test this flag a reasonable points to determine if it should shut down. Of course, this does require that you test this flag at various points throughout your application, increasing the complexity of your code. Another alternative is to save the original int 23h vector and transfer control to DOS' break handler after you handle important operations yourself. You can also write a specialized break handler to return a DOS termination code that the parent process can read.

Of course, there is no reason you cannot change the interrupt 23h vector at various points throughout your program to handle changing requirements. At various points you can disable the break interrupt entirely, restore interrupt vectors at others, or prompt the user at still other points.

19.1.3 Exception Handling in DOS: The Critical Error Handler

DOS invokes the critical error handler by executing an int 24h instruction whenever some sort of I/O error occurs. The default handler prints the familiar message:
I/O Device Specific Error Message
Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail?
If the user presses an "A", this code immediately returns to DOS' COMMAND.COM program; it doesn't even close any open files. If the user presses an "R" to retry, MS-DOS will retry the I/O operation, though this usually results in another call to the critical error handler. The "I" option tells MS-DOS to ignore the error and return to the calling program as though nothing had happened. An "F" response instructs MS-DOS to return an error code to the calling program and let it handle the problem.

Of the above options, having the user press "A" is the most dangerous. This causes an immediate return to DOS and your code does not get the chance to clean up anything. For example, if you've patched some interrupt vectors, your program will not get the opportunity to restore them if the user selects the abort option. This may crash the system when MS-DOS loads the next program over the top of your interrupt service routine(s) in memory.

To intercept DOS critical errors, you will need to patch the interrupt 24h vector to point at your own interrupt service routine. Upon entry into your interrupt 24h service routine, the stack will contain the following data:

MS-DOS passes important information in several of the registers to your critical error handler. By inspecting these values you can determine the cause of the critical error and the device on which it occurred. The high order bit of the ah register determines if the error occurred on a block structured device (typically a disk or tape) or a character device. The other bits in ah have the following meaning:

Device Error Bits in AH
00=Read operation.

1=Write operation.
1-2Indicates affected disk area.

00- MS-DOS area.

01- File allocation table (FAT).

10- Root directory.

11- Files area.
30- Fail response not allowed.

1- Fail response is okay.
40- Retry response not allowed.

1- Retry response is okay.
50- Ignore response is not allowed.

1- Ignore response is okay.
70- Character device error.

1- Block structured device error.

In addition to the bits in ah, for block structured devices the al register contains the drive number where the error occurred (0=A, 1=B, 2=C, etc.). The value in the al register is undefined for character devices.

The lower half of the di register contains additional information about the block device error (the upper byte of di is undefined, you will need to mask out those bits before attempting to test this data).

Block Structured Device Error Codes (in L.O. byte of DI)
Error CodeDescription
0Write protection error.
1Unknown drive.
2Drive not ready.
3Invalid command.
4Data error (CRC error).
5Length of request structure is incorrect.
6Seek error on device.
7Disk is not formatted for MS-DOS.
8Sector not found.
9Printer out of paper.
0AhWrite error.
0BhRead error.
0ChGeneral failure.
0FhDisk was changed at inappropriate time.

Upon entry to your critical error handler, interrupts are turned off. Because this error occurs as a result of some MS-DOS call, MS-DOS is already entered and you will not be able to make any calls other than functions 1-0Ch and 59h (get extended error information).

Your critical error handler must preserve all registers except al. The handler must return to DOS with an iret instruction and al must contain one of the following codes:

Critical Error Handler Return Codes
0Ignore device error.
1Retry I/O operation again.
2Terminate process (abort).
3Fail current system call.

The following code provides a trivial example of a critical error handler. The main program attempts to send a character to the printer. If you do not connect a printer, or turn off the printer before running this program, it will generate the critical error.

; Sample INT 24h critical error handler.
; This code demonstrates a sample critical error handler.
; It patches into INT 24h and displays an appropriate error
; message and asks the user if they want to retry, abort, ignore,
; or fail (just like DOS).

                include         stdlib.a
                includelib      stdlib.lib

dseg            segment para public 'data'

Value           word    0
ErrCode         word    0

dseg            ends

cseg            segment para public 'code'
                assume  cs:cseg, ds:dseg

; A replacement critical error handler. Note that this routine
; is even worse than DOS', but it demonstrates how to write
; such a routine. Note that we cannot call any Standard Library
; I/O routines in the critical error handler because they do not
; use DOS calls 1-0Ch, which are the only allowable DOS calls at
; this point.

CritErrMsg      byte    cr,lf
                byte    "DOS Critical Error!",cr,lf
                byte    "A)bort, R)etry, I)gnore, F)ail? $"

MyInt24         proc    far
                push    dx
                push    ds
                push    ax

                push    cs
                pop     ds
Int24Lp:        lea     dx, CritErrMsg
                mov     ah, 9           ;DOS print string call.
                int     21h

                mov     ah, 1           ;DOS read character call.
                int     21h
                and     al, 5Fh         ;Convert l.c. -> u.c.

                cmp     al, 'I'         ;Ignore?
                jne     NotIgnore
                pop     ax
                mov     al, 0
                jmp     Quit24

NotIgnore:      cmp     al, 'r'         ;Retry?
                jne     NotRetry
                pop     ax
                mov     al, 1
                jmp     Quit24

NotRetry:       cmp     al, 'A'         ;Abort?
                jne     NotAbort
                pop     ax
                mov     al, 2
                jmp     Quit24

NotAbort:       cmp     al, 'F'
                jne     BadChar
                pop     ax
                mov     al, 3
Quit24:         pop     ds
                pop     dx

BadChar:        mov     ah, 2
                mov     dl, 7           ;Bell character
                jmp     Int24Lp
MyInt24         endp

Main            proc
                mov     ax, dseg
                mov     ds, ax
                mov     es, ax

                mov     ax, 0
                mov     es, ax
                mov     word ptr es:[24h*4], offset MyInt24
                mov     es:[24h*4 + 2], cs

                mov     ah, 5
                mov     dl, 'a'
                int     21h
                rcl     Value, 1
                and     Value, 1
                mov     ErrCode, ax
                byte    cr,lf,lf
                byte    "Print char returned with error status %d and "
                byte    "error code %d\n",0
                dword   Value, ErrCode

Quit:           ExitPgm                 ;DOS macro to quit program.
Main            endp

cseg            ends

; Allocate a reasonable amount of space for the stack (8k).
; Note: if you use the pattern matching package you should set up a
;       somewhat larger stack.

sseg            segment para stack 'stack'
stk             db      1024 dup ("stack ")
sseg            ends

; zzzzzzseg must be the last segment that gets loaded into memory!
; This is where the heap begins.

zzzzzzseg       segment para public 'zzzzzz'
LastBytes       db      16 dup (?)
zzzzzzseg       ends
                end     Main
19.1.2 - Exception Handling in DOS: The Break Handler
19.1.3 - Exception Handling in DOS: The Critical Error Handler

Art of Assembly: Chapter Nineteen - 29 SEP 1996

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