IDA v5.5 Setup


Amante4's IDA Plugins - W32Dasm style IDA add-ons (80k).
BinDiff v2 Evaluation Version - Plugin for IDA for graphical DIFF'ing and binary analysis (6.79Mb's).
Delphi 6 & Delphi 7 signature files for recognition (691k & 797k).
FLAIR tools v4.9 for IDA - Fast library recognition for IDA (1Mb).
Gerbay's Plugin - enables FLIRT by loading obj/lib files (38k).
ida-x86emu - IDA plugin for single stepping through obfuscated code and updating the disassembly, v0.9.3.2 here (76k).
IDA Free v5.0 - Free version 5.0, perfect for getting started (15.6Mb's).
IDA to SoftICE Symbol Loader v0.02 - Mostek's IDA invaluable plugin (1.25Mb).
IDA IDC Scripts - Courtesy of IDA guru Mammon_ (65k).
IDA MFC 7.0/7.1/8.0 ordinal imports to meaningful names conversions, mirrored here (369k).
IDA Utilities v5.2 - Flair v5.2, idsutils v5.10, TVision, LoadInt v5.2 (2.08Mb's).
IDA Utilities v6.1 - Flair, idsutils, LoadInt, TiLib & TVision v6.1 (4.57Mb's).
Procdump v1.62 IDB - Procdump IDB released and commented by Rolf Rolles (365k).
The IDA Pro Book 2nd Edition - Excellent unofficial guide by Chris Eagle (6.02Mb's).
Zynamics BinDiff v4.0.1 - Premium Diff'ing tool for IDA (16.5Mb's).
Zynamics BinNavi v4. - Premium graph visualization tool for IDA (49.8Mb's).
Zynamics BinDiff & BinNavi patchs - Use at your own risk! (1.65Mb's).


IDA SDK v4.1.4 - SDK for v4.1.4 kernel (402k).
IDA SDK v4.3 - SDK for v4.3.0.735 kernel (554k).
IDA SDK v4.5 - SDK for v4.5 (640k).
IDA SDK v4.7 - SDK for v4.7 (v4.7 Build 830) (4.08Mb's).
IDA SDK v4.9 - SDK for v4.9 (v4.8 Build 849 kernel) (6.37Mb's).
IDA SDK v5.0 - SDK for v5.0 kernels (6.58Mb's).
IDA SDK v5.1 - SDK for v5.1 kernels (7.10Mb's).
IDA SDK v5.2 - SDK for v5.2 kernels (7.25Mb's).
IDA SDK v5.5 - SDK for v5.5 kernels (6.28Mb's).
IDA SDK v5.6 - SDK for v5.6.0.931 (5.8Mb's).
IDA SDK v5.7 - SDK for v5.7.0.935 kernel (5.3Mb's).
IDA SDK v6.1 - SDK for v6.1 kernel (7.67Mb's).

IDA Small Logo

Guides & Links

Hex Blog - Blog authored by Ilfak.
IDA Palace - Lots of useful plugins, guides and scripts for IDA.
IDA Plug-In Writing in C/C++ - Introduction to writing IDA plug-ins by Steve Micallef (530k).
IDAPython - Python integration for IDA allowing scripts to be run (requires Python to be installed).
IDA Tutorial by |nAbOo| - Must read guide to using IDA for newbies (502k).

Released Versions (Archive)


v6.1 (June to July 2011)

2 versions of IDA v6.1 have thus far been leaked, the first circa June 2011 was a Chinese copy in the name of "Gu Tian Ren, Cai", this was a functional release although lacking the full file set. The second v6.1 leak has been released to the scene by the group RDW, specifically by sp0raw (an old friend). This is a fully functioning multi-user licensed copy belonging to the security company Eset spol. s.r.o. I can confirm after having spoken with sp0raw this is a 100% leaked copy, a name that appears continually is 'Juraj Malcho' the Chief Research Officer of ESET, sp0raw indicated that as an insurance policy he also obtained other confidential ESET property. The RDW nfo file documents sp0raw's long standing disagreement with Ilfak regarding the licensing of IDA, this should serve as an example to everyone that it is best to heed the advice of Sun-Tzu and "keep your friends close and your enemies even closer".

v5.5 (18th December 2009)

This is v5.5.0.925t (the 't' denoting a training copy), the file dates suggest the leak came from someone who had attended IDA training a few months earlier and then shared the copy with a few friends. The keygen however isn't nearly as clever as the release would have you believe, a simple patch having been applied to the modulus. Soon after this became public Ilfak announced v5.6. The release name is IDA.Pro.Advanced.v5.5.incl.Hex.Rays.Decompiler.v1.1-iND.

Incidentally, Hex-Rays worked out very quickly who leaked this copy, it has been known for a while that IDA is watermarked based on link-time ordering, i.e. the order in which you pass the object files to the linker, as there are probably many modules there are plenty of 'orderings' which makes this a rather good scheme.

v5.2 (31st November 2007) & Hex-Rays v1.0

This is v5.2.0.098. Few details are known at the moment about this release, however identity theft seems a likely explanation.

v5.1 (9th October 2007)

This release is v5.1.0.899 and is a full advanced version licensed to 'GVU - Gerhard Uphoff'. Not much information has yet surfaced about this release, but as is per usual with IDA releases, an illegally obtained purchase or unfortunate customer seems the most likely explanation.

IDA v5.1 Leak

v5.0 (20th July 2006)

This release is v5.0.0.879 and is a full version licensed to 'Paul Ashton - Blue Lane Technologies', it seems likely to me this version was either shared or stolen and then leaked to the scene, oddly this also seems to be Pierre's synopsis as well. Some images I've retained for when they disappear from other parts of the web.

The initial ExeTools advertisement for the leak:

IDA v5.0 Leak

A screen grab of the directory:

IDA v5.0 Leak Directory

Finally a whois of the domain:

IDA v5.0 Leak WhoIs

A full explanation has now been provided by Ilfak in his Hall of Shame. It doesn't seem to have hurt Andre's career though ;-).

26th August 2006

DataRescue have decided fairly recently to close their Message Boards to public access, this seems likely to be a direct result of the wide-spread leaking of v5.0 to the scene, the desired effect of this decision is probably to try and snuff out support requests from pirates, yet this pretty much neglects the status quo since no-one who wasn't a legitimate customer could post any requests or download updates before anyway.


This release of IDA is v4.9.0.863 (Datarescue.IDA.Pro.Advanced.v4.9.0.863.Russian.Retail.Cracked-ZWT if you are looking for something to plug into Google), this is apparently a legitimate Russian version released by a disgruntled end-user, when launching the program (under a non-Russian version of Windows) a message box will be displayed and IDA will then close.

The best solution is from the group Lz0 (DataRescue.IDA.Pro.Advanced.v4.9.0.863.PROPER.FIX.READ.NFO-Lz0), their fix ships the following files to replace.


I have not 'extensively' tested this fix, but the nfo file mentions 2 names I do know fairly well so I'd be inclined to trust it unless information surfaces to suggest otherwise.

v4.3.0.740 (12-1-3)

This release of IDA is v4.3.0.740 (DataRescue.IDA.Pro.Advanced.V4.3.0.740.RETAIL.READNFO-ZENiTH). This is apparently a leaked copy with a license in the name of 'Roger Cross', updated files patch the license to the name of Thomas Wright (DVDMods), apparently once a legitimate customer, this release is notable as being the first to claim that DataRescues watermarking scheme could be overcome, Pierre later confirmed over 200 watermarks still remained.