Zen and the Art of Dongle Cracking
(A somehow 'general' essay about dongles).

by zeezee, (24 December 1997)

Disclaimer :- I don't publish here any dongle-protected program names since it's not my goal to make battles with lawyers, you see only relevant code snippets. This tutorial is not about one specified software or dongle. The example given is from a real program not widely available. The program itself isn't important. So, let's start with the basics. Dongles are small boxes connected to the LPT port (or sometimes to COM port) of your computer. They should be (in fact they are in 99%) invisible to printers connected to this port.

There are variants of dongles mounted inside computer but for us, the exact appearance of the dongle isn't important. Inside of the dongle is an EEPROM or ASIC. For us this is only a black box which receives / sends data from our application via a piece of software (dongle API) which is sold with the dongle to developers. The application writers call the API and check values returned to make good/bad guy jumps.

The most popular dongles are: - Sentinel (big family) from Rainbow Technologies (USA) - HASP (not bad) from Aladdin (Israel) - Fest (if I recall made in Germany) - Actikey (France) and tens of others... See your favourite Dr Dobb's page.

Tools needed are usual :-

IDA, SoftICE, Hiew & of course our application.

No logic analyzer, oscilloscope, maybe LED monitor if you really want it. So, first step in our tutorial is :-

1. Identify the dongle you are dealing with. It's not so hard in most cases. Either look at the dongle if you have access to it, or look at all files that install with your target, then you may search all .DLL's, .VXD's etc. for copyright text other than application authors. You'll find it quickly in almost all cases.

2. Gather all possible information from WWW pages of dongle vendors. This is A VERY IMPORTANT STEP!. You will wonder how much documentation you can get, full API, often with source, demo software, examples of how to use API with your future program etc. Get it all and study carefully. Remember :- ALL dongle vendors are present on the Net. Just find them. Don't panic when you read all about dongle security. They ARE secure. OK. You can't crack them unless they're done by complete idiots. OK. But you want to crack the application, NOT the dongle. When you read about RSA encryption, one-way functions and see in the API some interesting Question/Answer hashing functions, remember that it's only an API. No one uses it. Only simple functions like Check/Serial Number/Read and sometimes Write are used.

3. You may also get an evaluation dongle from dongle dealer for free. If not for free ask for 14-day lease. It works! They want to sell these boxes. Call these 0800 or 0130 numbers. They want to help you unless you say something stupid when asked for software you want to protect. The people at Rainbow and Aladdin are _extremely_ helpful.

4. Now you know the dongle/app you want to crack and have (or not) some additional info. Time to think. Imagine a software company making a program. The project is almost finished, then comes the boss and says: "OK, we're ready, now is the time to protect our fantastic product. We have a demo kit from dongle X. So, dear programmers, use it". And poor programmers are studying dongle documentation, API etc. and putting some API calls into their code. Sometimes it ends like this :-

or ax, ax
jz goodguy

Yes, you may not believe it, yet it's true. Sometimes they go a little further but in most cases, I repeat: in MOST cases the idea is stupid. But the chain is only as strong as its weakest link. And in all 4 different programs I tested with different dongles the weakest link was the interface :-

Application - Dongle API (mostly contained in a DLL).

The dongle manufacturers are smart guys, they know how to encrypt data, make self-modifying code, anti-debug tricks etc. I recommend :- Leave their code as is. The application side is much easier to crack. The first thing in real crack is to find THE call (rarely more than one) to the dongle API, Use IDA or W32Dasm and remember the name of the DLL containing dongle API and after several minutes (last time 2 hours and 40Mb .IDB file!) you have it.

There should be a part of API statically linked to the executable we are cracking which calls the DLL, funny people at Aladdin make self-modifying code here, so our further goal is to go up a bit. Our poor programmers are lazy. Everyone is lazy when it comes to calling the dongle. So they write their own functions like: QuickCheckIfDonglePresent(), GetDongleSerialNumber() ReadDongleByte( addr ) - or word, or dword, or even full table WriteDongleByte( addr, value ). Maybe they are exported by name? Maybe the name is ReadDongle or similar? Look carefully at references IDA gives you. You'll certainly find it.

You should find procs called only once - they should be interfaces between application/API. Who writes two wrappers to one function? The dongle API is very well structured in most cases, the function number is explicitly given, 0 - check, 1 - get number, 2 - read, 3 - write, etc... Identify where are params/results. And this is the thing which helps us crack. We may have also the API docs! The API producers want to make API maximally user-friendly. They make it also more cracker-friendly...

We may find quickly what the app expects from the dongle by studying API calls and 'cmp ax' following it.

5. Then comes the active part (you may need dongle for short period of time) patch the code inserting a CC byte in the 'App-API Interface' place(s). Run SoftICE with BPINT 3. Replace INT 3 with the original byte, then set BPX to this address, trace... Look what happens when there is no dongle. You may have luck and quickly find a checkpoint with bad/good guy switch. Try to go the other way and see what happens (maybe your target starts running). Try to patch the code to emulate QuickCheckIfDonglePresent function. Simply return a value which satisfies the calling proc. This may be sufficient in most stupid cases. Then try to emulate GetSerial# routine. Remember that dongle serial# may be stored and used to display in About box. See references IDA gives you. Not all dongles have GetSerial# proc. Sometimes serial# is read like normal data from dongle. This may be sufficient in most not-so-stupid cases. And then comes to dongle reading. Several bytes are read, I assume that you find the place where they are stored and all references to this place.

Several checks may happen and certainly will happen in programs with different options enabled/disabled by the dongle. (e.g. a real example from one of leading SCADA programs) :-

cmp eax, some_value1
je is_model_1
cmp eax, some_value2
je is_model_2

Or maybe (real example from Israeli program with Israeli dongle) :-

test eax, mask_1
jz lab1
call enable_option_1

lab1: etc.

Or maybe (electrical engineering tools made in France with french dongle) :-

12 words read from dongle are stored from [ebx]

mov ecx, 12

lab1: cmp word ptr [ebx], 1
jne lab2
call enable_option(cx)

lab2: inc ebx
loop lab1

Believe me. It's real. If you have a working dongle, read all values from it, and you know what to emulate (set BPX after API read function does the job and make notes). And here the real example. This app is useless to you, it isn't freely available, so let's study the disassembly I prepared for you.

1. Our dongle is french Actikey and the DLL is CCNMMNT.DLL.

2. We do a disassembly of our target (40 Mb) and look into .idata section. It takes a little longer than one cocktail... The result is astonishing, but I waited until ALL references were displayed.

3. Ctrl-S and go to .idata section. I found extern imported from CCNMMNT.DLL Go to reference of it.

00594510 ; Imports from CCNMMNT.dll
00594510 00594510 extrn CCNMM:dword ; DATA XREF: j_CCNMMr Only one reference!

The name j_CCNMM is assigned by IDA! then: 00408770 ; S u b r o u t i n e 00408770

00408770 j_CCNMM proc near ; CODE XREF: key_io+6Fp 00408770 jmp ds:CCNMM ; jump to Dongle DLL 00408770 j_CCNMM endp

The name key_io and other below are assigned by me, they are not exported ;-) Let's go one step up. See: Only one reference. A green light! We are on our good way. then:-

0040BA10 key_io proc near ; CODE XREF: main_key_check+8 0040BA10 ; main_key_check+18Cp.
0040BA10 ; key_check2+45p

After checking, I found that key_check2 is called only from the main_key_check, so we still only have one reference here. We are still inside dongle API code. Let's go up :-

0040B840 ; S u b r o u t i n e 0040B840 0040B840 main_key_check proc near ; CODE XREF: key_fun_00+4Dp 0040B840 ; keyfn_18_sernum+68p
0040B840 ; keyfn_02_write+5Bp
0040B840 ; keyfn_03_read+56p
0040B840 ; key_fun_1b+50p
0040B840 ; key_fun_1c+54p
0040B840 ; key_fun_1d+5Cp

Of course you may ask, how do I know that this is API and not our application? Quick answer: Functions 1b, 1c and 1d aren't called! Do you imagine writing wrappers that are never called? They were written by the dongle makers and linked to the app. In fact keyfn_02_write isn't called also. This is good news, the key should always respond with the same data. The names of the callers are self-explanatory. Where did I get them from? Studying the procs, that's all, see for example :-

0040A250 keyfn_18_sernum proc near ; CODE XREF: (several)

0040A250 0040A250 arg_0 = dword ptr 8 0040A250
0040A250 push esi
0040A251 call key_fun_00
0040A256 cmp ax, 1
0040A25A jnz short skc110
0040A25C mov ax, 1 ; 1 - error?
0040A260 pop esi
0040A261 retn 0040A262

0040A262 mov word ptr ds:key_fun, 18h ; function 18!!!
0040A26B xor eax, eax
0040A26D mov esi, [esp+4+arg_0]
0040A271 mov word ptr ds:key_result_1, magic1
0040A27A mov word ptr ds:key_par3, ax
0040A280 push offset key_par4
0040A285 mov word ptr ds:key_par4, ax
0040A28B push offset key_par3
0040A290 mov word ptr ds:key_par1, magic2
0040A299 mov word ptr ds:key_par2, magic3
0040A2A2 push offset key_par2
0040A2A7 mov [esi], eax
0040A2A9 push offset key_par1
0040A2AE push offset key_result_1
0040A2B3 push offset key_fun
0040A2B8 call main_key_check ; here our call
0040A2BD mov word ptr ds:main_result, ax
0040A2C3 add esp, 18h ....store results...

The magic values are identifying the dongle and the product, so I removed them... they are unimportant for our cracking. Now it's time to identify what the API is expected to return. Several 'cmp ax, something' and I was able to emulate API functions 00 (quick check) and 18 (get serial). I applied a short patch using Hiew to emulate these functions. After that my program started with all options disabled. Analyzing other 'cmp ax, something' was almost trivial. So I wrote a short emulator of key_fn_02_read and now the proggy opens all options to me.

Conclusions :- Dongle cracking is not much more complicated as serial # cracking. You need more theoretical background from dongle producers, a good disassembler which finds all XRefs and SoftICE of course. The shareware protections are often much more sophisticated than simple dongle calls in expensive commercial apps. Of course, there are programs protected better, but they are exceptions.

* Don't start cracking from BPIO on LPT ports. Try to find The Weakest Link!.

* Remember, programmers are lazy when it comes to putting foreign code into their own. Not all API calls are used. Check simplest functions first and see what happens.

* Let your cracked program run for several minutes. Almost always there is a dongle check performed each 1 minute or so. Your crack should survive this. Try all actions the program should perform. Select every item from menu. Or, if you prefer, study whole disassembly for dongle calls...

* Beware when cracking with real dongles connected. There is theoretically the possibility to destroy a dongle. Use dongles only to read their contents and remove them when SoftICE-ing your cracks. They aren't necessary at this time :-) However I never found any auto-destruction procedure when studying various dongles API. Neverthless, you have been warned! Good Luck!
