What's "really" New (incl. Scene News)

This page is for those of you who might wish to visit my site more than once in your lifetime or for those of you marooned on a desert island sometime recently :-). I'll catalogue here by date all of the new additions made to my site so that you don't waste time perusing tutorials which you may have already read or downloading tools which you have sourced elsewhere. This page has now been merged with my Scene News, its just easier for me that way :-).


 Additions & News

January 2005 
Minor additions and fixes.

October 2003 - December 2004

CivilCAD 2000 (v7.6) - Time trial analysis, FLEXlm 2004 - The latest versions of FLEXlm and how to elegantly patch targets to accept old licenses, GenStat 7th Edition - following a license scheme, Paint Shop Pro v8.0 - tutorial from an old friend (Santa Clawz), RSA (Lockless CM 3) - RSA tips & examples courtesy of Evilcry.

HASP Emulator PE XP v2.33.A002w - HASP 4 emulator, KeyLok II - Disclosure of internal kfunc(), Lmv8gen - Generate vendor keys for v8.x+ of FLEXlm, Proteq Dongle Emulator - includes source code, SavaGe [PC] keygen source codes, SentinelLM SDK Serial # Generator & SentinelLM Toolkit, Sentinel NSLMS emulation library - courtesy of MeteO, VB Net keygen source codes.

October 2003
ckInfo.v1.08 - Latest CrypKey information (142k).
Dongle Signatures for IDA updated - Hardlock & WibuKey signatures added (36k).
Fleur Cryptography CrackMe Archive (222k).
FLEXlm v8.1 ECC patcher (with source code) (31k).
IDA SDK v4.5 - for use with kernel version 4.5.0 (627k).
PC Magazine March 2003 - a mainstream review of an old mirror of my site.
PESuite - PE editing tool and more courtesy of Strom (335k).
Sentinel Shell p-code Format - function definitions for the Sentinel Shell.
TrashMan v2.0 - basic reversing tutorial by Stars2k2.
VB p-code Information - a translation of Mr. Silver's original paper, further editing by me.
x3chun's Crypto Key Generator Sources (679k).

January - September 2003

CrypKey 5.4 : The Power of (Self-) delusion by exefoliator (highly recommended), FLEXlm ECC cracking : Details of the weak RNG vulnerability, Site Search Facility - Search this site.

CrackZ's HASP pack, Crude Ice (Unofficial page for this Windows 2K/XP SoftICE clone), FLEXlm SDK v8.1a , Kmos [tNO] Generator Sources , IDA v4.3 *leaked* , IDA v4.3 SDK , Macro'vision' : the latest chapter in censorship attempts, ReloX v1.0 - Relocation rebuilder courtesy of Mackt, Safedisc 2.0 information archive, Super Sentinel Pro v6.2 IDA signature.

December 2001 / December 2002
Site closed.

September / December 2001

Ansoft Serenade v8.5/v8.7 : inaccuracies fixed, KeyLok by Sab (introduction to KFUNC()), KGL Essay #3 (Serial # Protections), SentinelLM investigations (courtesy of me!), VISI v9.1 Update (DK2 improvements?), WISE install password decrypting (courtesy of xor37h).

FLEXlm SDK's (v7.2h, v8.0c), Hiew v6.76 (581k), SentinelLM SDK Download.

February 2001 / August 2001

Breaking the shell :- Sentinel shell courtesy of CyberHeg. Centra Conference v3.01 :- InstallShield interpreting, Cimatron v12.0 Update : Whats new in v12.0, CSA Nastran :- Courtesy of MTB, DOTNET :- Microsoft's .NET framework (courtesy of ZenLoren), Duelist's Cryptography Links, Hang2000 1.31, Inec Investor 7.3 : Fast HASP envelope unpacking courtesy of aSL!, KGL tutorial site, Surfcam 2000, TMG's Keygen-Me #2 :- Courtesy of goatass, SoftICE Internals by +spath :- Simply superb paper discussing SoftICE internals, Zendenc : More FLEXlm tips courtesy of Nolan Blender.

Armadillo v2.01, DaPatch v2.0b :- Courtesy of Ates, Deskey DesLock PE Prot. Remover v1.00B :- Courtesy of ExeLord, FLEXlm v7.2a SDK, FLEXlm SDK :- Sun version added, IDA v4.3 beta (demo), Revirgin :- IAT Rebuilding Tool by Tsehp, NuMega DriverStudio v2.01 :- Released, MicroGuard (dongle) IDA signatures, SPUICA v1.05.1 :- UnforgiveN's automated Sentinel unsheller, Visual Protect v2.x Unwrapper :- Courtesy of UCF, Wibu Hacker Challenge :- Download the file here, Win32 Parameter Labelling Script for IDA :- by +spath.

August 2000 / January 2001

Aprobe v3.18, Armadillo v1.84 :- Includes key generator, ASPack v2.11 Key Generator, ASProtect v1.1 Key Generator, AutoCAD R14 (French Version) :- Courtesy of ACiD BuRN, Cimatron v11.02 :- The KeyCode scheme, FLEXlm Code v1.0, Mastercam v8.1 BETA 2 :- HASP & access code reversing, SentinelLM Programmers Guide, Stars! (courtesy of the asmonaut) :- Disabled functions reversing, Vero VISI Series v7.2 :- DESKey DK2 & DESlock.

Armadillo v1.83 :- Silicon Realms latest offering, CDRWin v3.8 Key Generator Source Code, DumpSentinel v0.2 :- Sentinel dongle dumper, FlexSeedGen v0.3 :- An old UCF FLEXlm tool, FLEXlm v7.0c :- SDK added. FLEXlm v7.0f :- latest SDK, FrogsICE v1.08.5 :- Latest version, HASP 3 Reader, Hiew v6.55, i6comp v1.03 beta :- Continuing the support (bugs though?), r!sc's Petite v2.1/v2.2 Enlarger v1.2 :- A Petite unpacker, Sentinel SuperPro Tools :- DOS/Windows & I/O capture tools, SoftICE for Windows ME, UnArmadillo v1.4 - Continuing the support.

June / July 2000

3D Studio Max R3.1 :- Tutorial uncensored and updated, ALLDATA v4.25 :- Update posted, Ansoft Serenade v8.5 :- A closer look at FLEXlm, Auto IP Publisher v2.32 :- ManKind's 7th tutorial, AZPR v3.01 :- ASProtect under the scope by HobGoblin, BugTrapper v3.0 Addition :- Update posted as the CORE cryptoanalysts have produced a key generator, CrypKey Part 1 :- Investigation into the weaknesses of this commercial scheme, details eXtremeDNC Server v4,0,3,0 & VIA v5.1b, Dr. ME!'s Basic Tutorials on Key Generation & Key File Routines & Dr. ME!'s Assembly Language Reference, FlexiSign PRO :- Sentinel cracking from goatass, ImageMaze :- ManKind's second Java Decompiling tutorial, Matchmover :- Kashmir's tutorial regarding InstallShield & HASP cracking, mIRC v5.71 :- Rith's tutorial, strictly for newbies., Nero Burning Rom v5.0.0.9 Addition :- Update, SoftICE Command Reference :- Quick SoftICE Command reference.

Amante4's IDA Plugins (v0.6) :- 3 plugin enhancements for IDA v4.04, DESKey API, FLEXGen (final RBS version) :- Source code is also available, HASP 4 Archive :- documentation, envelope and developer files (link removed, these are all available from HASP's website), IDA v4.04 released :- Controversial to say the least, LL32ICA v1.20B & SG4ICA v1.00B - Utilities for LaserLock & SoftGuard 4 CD protections, MASM 6, Miscellaneous Dongle Archive - KeyPro DOS Emulators, WKPE v1.01/1.2/1.5 & 1.8 added, Sentinel SuperPro Signature File for IDA :- courtesy of Killer_3K, invaluable for dongle reversers, TextScan v1.02 :- Another potential tool of our trade, TRW2000 v1.22 Update, UCF's UnVBox :- VBox unwrapper, unSafedisc v.1.3.4 :- CD tools archive, Virtual DOG v1.04 - Dongle emulator (similar in operation to WKPE).

February / May 2000

ALLDATA CAR v3.2 :- HASP update note, Borland C++ v4.0 :- 'InstallShield and time-trial reversing', BugTrapper v3.0 :- A real potential tool of our trade (and how to enjoy it), CaptRE's "Reversing the hell out of Muad'Dib's ReverseMe1" :- how to add code to take control of our targets, CleanPC & Scribe 95 v2.65 :- 'Key generating with JavaScript', FlOrEsTaN's Cracking Tutorial for Newbies :- A well-written Getting Started Guide, IDA v4.01 by +Tsehp :- 'Removing the watermarks from IDA', Immortal Descendants CrackMe 8 :- VB6 reversing basics, Interlok VxD :- anti-debugging related, Kro_baR's Tutorial :- (HexDecOctBin Converter v1.0) - 'nag screen and time-trial removing for newbies', Nero Burning Rom v4.0 :- How to generate yourself a valid serial #, Opera v3.62 :- A great browser with an interesting serial # scheme, Petite v2.x :- A very good tutorial by Accz, PWA busted, SillyScrolls v1.0 :- Java decompiling and cracking, StruCad Drawing Viewer v2.05 :- Recommended Sentinel reading, Vellum Solids 99 :- WIBU key dongle reversing, Visi Font Gold 2.0 :- SmartCheck Key Generating.

ASPack 2.001, BlackCheck's C-Dilla Brute-Forcer, Dinkey Dongle Guide, DongleSpy BETA 1, DriverStudio v1.5 Final, eXeScope v5.11, ExeSpy98, FLEXlm SDK's added, FrogsICE v1.0 build 13, HexEdit v1.0, IceDump v6.016, josephCo's VB Decompiler, Patch Finder v3.1b, SafeSoft HASP Emulator, SoftICE Updates, Soft-Pro HASP Emulator Source Code, Tony Lee's HASP Dongle Emulator v1.3, TRW 2000 v1.13, UnArmadillo v1.2, unSafedisc v1.3.2, Wibu-Key API Guide.

 October 1999 / January 2000
Armadillo v1.7 :- 'patching SoftICE and unwrapping', Barudan Punchant v6.0G :- 'is it the end for HASP?', CAD Viewer v3.2 A.30 :- 'key generating with zoltan', CASMate-Pro v6.52, Cracking the Challenger Interactive CME, Cimatron v10.6 :- 'bye bye HASP and the version 7 envelope', Cuentapasos v3.75 :- 'VB nag screen removing from the WKT team', ecBuilder Pro v4.0 :- 'a very basic serial number reversing'. FTP Voyager v6.1.1.1 :- 'factoring RSA by PaRKeR', Muad'Dib's 4 Tutorial's :- 'keeping the newbies amused', Petite, Remote Administator v1.1, SQL Navigator v3.1, ThoughtSpeed v1.0 :- 'adding code to our targets by Kathras', VBox v4.2, Zillions of Games ASM Key Generator.

ACDSee v2.x Source Code, Angus v3.0, C.u.Dilla, eXeScope v5.0, FrogsICE v0.43, Hex Workshop v3.02 Key Generator, IDA 4 crack, Implant, lmvkey5 v1.0, PFTW Password Cracker, ProcDump v1.6, SoftICE Backdoor Keeper, softSENTRY v3.0, UCL's HASP emulator, UltraEdit-32 v7.00a, UltraHEM II, WKPE v1.81.

 June / September 1999

ASPack v1.08.03, Bentley MicroStation /J, ChromaPIX v1.0fc, Crystal FTP v1.0, EyeCU v1.1, FabriCAD v3.0, FLEXlm & SDS/2 v6.112, Mech Warrior 3, Melody v1.51, RSA Paper, Stamping the import table by ZenLoren, TextPad v3.2.5, The JPEG Wizard v1.2.1, Ulead PhotoImpact v4.2, ZetaFax v6.00.

eXeScope v4.21, FLEXlm 6.1 SDK, FrogsICE v0.31, IceDump v5 beta, IDA v3.84, InstallShield v5.5 tools, McLallo's CD Cops decryptor, SoftICE v4.01, VBRef.

 Apri / May 1999

Anti-Debugging Tricks, ARJShell 1.3, Cimatron v10 BETA, Friendship's Tutorial No.3, L0phtCrack v2.52, SmoothMove v2.0, Solid Pipe Designer 98, Virtus OpenSpace 3D Author, WebGenie ShoppingCart v2.07, WinHex 8.03, WinImage v5.00, Zip File Password Cracking.

DeShrink v1.5, IS CRC corrector, MASM 6.14, Memory Editor v1.0, ProcDump v1.4, SalesAgent crack, Snippet Creator v1.05, SoftICE 3.25, The Customiser, TRW v0.72, VBox 4.10, VBox 4.2.

 February / March 1999

ALLDATA CAR v3.0, Beyond Compare v1.7c + ASM Key Generator, ClipMate v5.08 (build 76) by widYa-cL & C++ Key Generator, ERDAS IMAGINE v8.2, EyeSys Windows WorkStation v2.11W, E-Z Credit '98, Graphic Equalizer Pro v1.1 with ASM Key Generator by Rezel, In-Depth Guitar v2.0 ASM Key Generator, Inscriber CG Supreme v3.3, Little Drummer Boy by Bomber Monkey, Hollywood FX v3.08, mIRC v5.5, Paint Shop Pro v5.0 by Santa Clawz, Sound Gadget Pro v1.2.4 + ASM Key Generator, Vulcan Notes v2.13 for newbies, Wave Events v2.0, widYa-cL's guide to VB5 serial catching, WinPatch v1.1 + ASM Key Generator, WinRAR v2.06, WPlay 1.7 Beta.

isDcc v1.22, PkCrack v1.2, ProcDump v1.3, IDASYM, SoftICE v3.24 95/98/NT Bad Jump Fixes.

 December 1998 / January 1999

Bubba's VB Cracking, Chief Architect 97 v5.0, CopyTo v2.14, CTMailer v1.55 + Key Generator, Extensis PhotoFrame v1.0, Fortres 101 v4.0, GodeZip v2.0, Hippie98 v3.1 updated, HVS ColorGIF v2.008, LaunchPad v2.87 + Key Generator, MS PhotoDraw TM 2000, MusicMatch JukeBox v2.51, PaRKeR's CrackMe v1.0, Personal Inventory 98, Teleport Pro v1.29 + Key Generator, TrialBlazer v2.5 (fixed), VBox 4.1 Paper, Visual DialogScript v2.5 + Key Generator, Virtual Gibbs v5.03, WinArj98 + Key Generator.

ICEPATCH, ProcDump v1.2.

September / November 1998

3D Studio Max R2.5, APP LAUNCHER v5.0, Advanced Disk Catalog v1.20c, Cimagrafi v5.0, CPS v1.16, DigiSHOW.vld v1.25, DLL Show v3.4 Key Generator, DAYO Accounting in-memory patcher, Revelation ViP Designer v2.5, Sixx's tutorial added, SubmitWolf Pro v3.06 Key Generator, TZ-Strip Poker, WinImage v4.00.4000 ASM key generator, Win Sensual Jack.

BoundsChecker v6.0, CUP386 v3.4, NuMega SmartCheck v6.0 FULL, SoftICE v2.0, SoftICE v3.24 (95/NT), SoftPro Hasp Emulator, W32Dasm v8.93.

 July / August 1998

3D View v2.5x Key Generator, AddSoft v2.11, Championship Chinese Checkers v2.1, CHKFILES v1.5a, Dutoon, FileNotes v3.2, GeoPath Power CAD/CAM, Hippie 98 v3.0b, HyperChem v5.02, Markin32 v1.3 + ASM key generator, MicroChart/32 v7.02, Net-It Now v1.6, News Poster Pro v5.3.4, Nico's Commander v4.02, Quintessential CD v1.0, Phrozen Crew CrackMe No. 3, Search/Replace v6.1.0, Tarantula Release 1.9, TrayExplorer v1.0.

ASCII Table, HEdit v2.1.11, heXEdit v3.6, Intelligent Disassembler Pro v3.75, MASM 6.11 full, MASM 6.13 Update, OpenTrap v1.1, SenZap, SoftDump 95/NT, SoftICE 3.2 (NT), Symantec ResourceStudio.

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