Article from: The RESISTER - The Official Publication of the Special Forces Underground Volume I, Number 3. Winter 1995 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Canadian Dress Rehearsal for Brady II. November 30, 1994, the Canadian Government announced it will ban rifles and handguns not used for hunting or sport and introduced universal registration of firearms to crack down on "a rise in armed violence" (They did not specify by whom). Gun owners will be forced to register their firearms on a computerized system that will contain data on guns and their owners for the purpose of police monitoring. Justice Minister Allan Rock announced; "Canadians do not want to live in a society where they feel they need to own a gun to protect themselves. Canadians do not want to follow the approach to firearms taken by the United States." (In Canada, government speaks for individuals). Justice Rock said he will propose legislation in February that will ban almost all handguns currently on sale in Canada, because they have no legitimate "sporting purpose." Every five years owners will have to provide proof to government officials that they have handguns for a legitimate reason. Over 200 models of rifles and handguns will be banned January 1, 1995. Sound familiar? Try NAZI Germany, 1938. ==============================================================================