_______    _________ ___________  _______  _____    ___    ___ _________
_________  _________ ________  ________  _________  ____   ___ _________
___   ____ ___       ___      ____      ____   ____ _____  ___      ___ 
___    ___ _______   _______  ___       ___     ___ ______ ___     ___  
___    ___ _______   _______  ___       ___     ___ ___ ______    ___   
___   ____ ___       ___      ____      ____   ____ ___  _____   ___    
_________  _________ ___       ________  _________  ___   ____   ___    
_______    _________ ___          _______  _____    ___    ___   ___    

.    . .    .  .. . .  Hack Canada @ DEF CON 7.0  . ..  . .  .   .     .


July 8: [Grrr]
[July 8 Flood]
[July 8 Flood]
July 9: [Emmanuel Goldstein]
[Not an abduction]
[Holy Cow]
[DEF CON Dogtag]
[Breakout area]
[Kevin Poulsen]


[0wned by cDc]

July 10:

[cDc] [Cult of the Dead Cow] [Grand Master Ratte gives us the gospel] [Dildog demos BO2K] [cDc]
[Wet t-shirt contest] [Sexy gold payfone] [Wildman]
[Sexy gold payfones]

[Freemont Street]

[The Mirage]

[MGM Grand]

[Treasure Island]

[New York, NY] [How to Hack Coney Island arcade]
[Pink Taco] [JP of AntiOnline]

July 11:
[HC] [b33r] [b33r] [b33r] [b33r] <-- HC Beer
[Space Rogue of L0pht] [b33r] [b33r] [Fountain 'sploit]

July 12:

[Crack Rock Cafe] [Somewhere in Nevada] [Somewhere in Nevada] [Salt Lake City 2600]


July 13: [cyb0rg/asm] outro...


.    . .    .  .. . .  Hack Canada @ DEF CON 7.0  . ..  . .  .   .     .
