100 People Raided by Spanish Computer Crime Police on 900 numbers ----------------------------------------------------------------- 18th January 2000 ----------------- by SET Staff In the last day or so about 100 well known people from the Spanish Underground have been raided by the Computer Crime Squad of the Guardia Civil. The raids were caused by the abuse of free 900 lines. The 900 prefix is equal to the 800 in US. Three companies had Internet dial-ups linked to their 900 numbers, the abused companies were Toshiba, Microsoft Spain and Novartis. The last claims the lost of around 14.000 $USD in just a few days, this company was the one that started everything. Some of the raided people are among the best Phreakers of Spain including some experts on GSM. Some groups have been completly raided, every single member, such as CPNE and APT. Around hundred people all over the country. The main conection method is using a NDS (Nokia Data Suite) or other cellular phones with data tranfer capabilities. Cellular with pre-paid GSM cards and IMEI changed. People where raided in Madrid, Barcelona, Murcia, Valencia and other areas, we dont know if there are going to be more raids in the following days but we belive it wont happen. Since the 19th a Conference on Electronic Comerce starts in Madrid with Police, Goverment, Telefonica and the software companies. This is a bit kind of show-raid since these people are going to be free in less than 72 Hours which is the maximun time you can be until the police decides what to do with you in Spain. Law, the Spanish law says that if you dont steal more than 350 $USD they can un punish you with little fines. If you do steal more between three and twelve months of service is what you expect. The Police called this the "Milenium" Raid. This is the first time spanish polices hits the underground so hard. Thats all for now. Well keep you informed. SET Ezine (c) 2000 - " Free information for free people " http://www.set-ezine.org http://www.imedia.es/set/900es.txt <- Spanish Version http://www.imedia.es/set/900us.txt <- English Version Mail: editor@set-ezine.org