IRC Chat betweem me and JP in November

[4:42pm] (-[jp]-) and it is confirmed, the FBI talked to CPM about all that
[4:42pm] (-[jp]-) still not sure about the polygraph
[4:42pm] [JP(JP@] yeah
[4:42pm] [JP(JP@] i confirmed that
[4:42pm] [JP(JP@] today
[4:42pm] (-[jp]-) but someone verified it directly from her
[4:42pm] [JP(JP@] yeah
[4:42pm] [JP(JP@] i talked to her today
[4:42pm] (-[jp]-) the polygraph?
[4:43pm] [JP(JP@] yup, carolyn is a suspect
[4:43pm] [JP(JP@] haha
[4:43pm] [JP(JP@] shes already been questioned by the fbi
[4:43pm] [JP(JP@] and is being taken in for a poly test
[4:43pm] (-[jp]-) that is too funny
[4:43pm] [JP(JP@] tell me about it
[4:43pm] [JP(JP@] BUT, i was also to confirm
[4:43pm] [JP(JP@] the identity of HFG today as well
[4:44pm] (-[jp]-) through who?
[4:44pm] [JP(JP@] I cant say
[4:44pm] (-[jp]-) k
[4:44pm] (-[jp]-) seems like you could only confirm through on of the 4/5
members, no?
[4:44pm] [JP(JP@] Craig Witmore
[4:44pm] (-[jp]-) speaking of..
[4:44pm] (-[jp]-) who is that? (typing, sec)
[4:44pm] (-[jp]-) carolyn puts him as #2 on her HFG suspect list (me as #1)
[4:44pm] [JP(JP@] Modify
[4:44pm] (-[jp]-) and i know that name
[4:44pm] (-[jp]-) hahahah
[4:44pm] (-[jp]-) modify = craig
[4:45pm] [JP(JP@] erm, do i have my notes confused?
[4:45pm] (-[JP]-) yes
[4:45pm] (-[JP]-) or CPM has her names confused
[4:45pm] (-[JP]-) CPM told my source that craig was #2
[4:45pm] [JP(JP@] ill double check on my tape then
[4:45pm] [JP(JP@] Michael Shifman
[4:45pm] [JP(JP@] demon9
[4:45pm] (-[JP]-) hahaha.. not modify. route
[4:46pm] [JP(JP@] well, i got to listen to my tape again
[4:46pm] [JP(JP@] i just jotted stuff down from the tape
[4:46pm] [JP(JP@] kinda fast
[4:46pm] (-[JP]-) i cant think of who craig is
[4:46pm] [JP(JP@] might have gotten my arrows mixed up
[4:46pm] (-[JP]-) but i do know that name
[4:46pm] [JP(JP@] so anyways
[4:46pm] [JP(JP@] Modify and Demon9
[4:46pm] (-[JP]-) 3rd on her list is Col Panic
[4:47pm] (-[JP]-) so wait
[4:47pm] [JP(JP@] hrm
[4:47pm] (-[JP]-) she thinks its either modify or daemon9, or you are verifying
[4:47pm] [JP(JP@] Col Panic
[4:47pm] [JP(JP@] isnt he one of those
[4:47pm] [JP(JP@] scripters of doom
[4:47pm] [JP(JP@] people
[4:47pm] [JP(JP@] ?
[4:47pm] [JP(JP@] that was like a couple years ago though
[4:47pm] (-[JP]-) CP was, but someone else has used CP since then
[4:47pm] (-[JP]-) and i know for sure SOD = HFG
[4:47pm] [JP(JP@] yeah, me too
[4:48pm] [JP(JP@] I can confirm, with enough certainty to
convince me, but not with enough hard evidence to do a story
[4:48pm] [JP(JP@] that Modify is a member
[4:48pm] [JP(JP@] I got that from a source close to forbes
[4:48pm] (-[JP]-) i will go on the record as saying that is complete BS. I know
modify too well.
[4:48pm] (-[JP]-) your source is not valid then
[4:49pm] (-[JP]-) haha.. ok. i know where craig came from
[4:49pm] (-[JP]-) and yes..
[4:49pm] (-[JP]-) CPM thinks his real name is craig
[4:49pm] [JP(JP@] hrm, well, i didnt get this from carolyn
[4:49pm] (-[JP]-) (talking to modify right now)
[4:50pm] [JP(JP@] the interview with forbes magazine
[4:50pm] [JP(JP@] was done face to face in person too
[4:50pm] (-[JP]-) really...
[4:51pm] [JP(JP@] yup
[4:52pm] (-[JP]-) im gonna have to harass adam about giving you more info than
[4:52pm] [JP(JP@] haha no
[4:52pm] [JP(JP@] i havent even talked to adam
[4:52pm] [JP(JP@] im telling you
[4:52pm] [JP(JP@] i have a damn good source
[4:52pm] (-[JP]-) another person at forbes?
[4:52pm] [JP(JP@] at forbes
[4:52pm] (-[JP]-) obviously you do :)
[4:53pm] [JP(JP@] you
[4:53pm] [JP(JP@] so anyways
[4:53pm] (-[JP]-) modify is laughing about the craig whitmore thing
[4:53pm] [JP(JP@] yes, but is he laughing
[4:53pm] [JP(JP@] about being a member of HFG
[4:53pm] (-[JP]-) that too
[4:53pm] (-[JP]-) i know modify. he is not hfg. no way
[4:53pm] [JP(JP@] ;-)
[4:54pm] (-[JP]-) he is laughing about the name and her implicating him
[4:54pm] (-[JP]-) remember
[4:54pm] (-[JP]-) she dumps his name and my name for EVERY hack she ever hears
[4:54pm] (-[JP]-) including ones we had never heard of
[4:54pm] [JP(JP@] listen
[4:54pm] [JP(JP@] who do you think set up
[4:54pm] [JP(JP@] the meeting for Adam?
[4:54pm] (-[JP]-) between adam and who?
[4:54pm] (-[JP]-) hfg?
[4:54pm] [JP(JP@] at least, who pointed him
[4:54pm] (-[JP]-) no clue. you? cpm?
[4:54pm] [JP(JP@] in the direction of HFG

[4:55pm] [JP(JP@] CM
[4:55pm] (-[JP]-) i have said all along that i think she is in it
[4:55pm] (-[JP]-) if she is, she wouldnt be in it with modify
[4:55pm] [JP(JP@] is the one that talked to adam
[4:55pm] [JP(JP@] and gave him the names to interview
[4:55pm] [JP(JP@] but shes the one that gave adam
[4:55pm] [JP(JP@] a list of names
[4:55pm] [JP(JP@] and thats how adam got his interview
[4:56pm] (-[JP]-) i dunno..
[4:56pm] [JP(JP@] Ill tell you what
[4:56pm] [JP(JP@] either modify and/or demon9 are HFG
[4:56pm] [JP(JP@] OR i think adam got a faulty interview
[4:56pm] [JP(JP@] something is VERY fishy smellin with all of this
