Free Kevin Demonstrations
Moscow Pictures
Demonstrators brace "Hack The Planet" banner against wind

Demonstrators proudly display a flyer (translated to Russian)

A group of young people reading flyers

Two demonstrators display a red banner with the logo of the Moscow based Civil Hackers' School, 2600, and Free Kevin

Moscow organizer Ath holds up two flyers

A portrait of Ath

Ath passes out flyers to passers-by

Demonstrators display banner written in Russian

Local law enforcment appears delighted to be there

A police officer reads the flyer

Civil Hacker School members pose atop a carving of Lenin gesturing towards a Free Kevin bumper sticker

A lone figure sits on top of the Lenin wall with the bumper sticker

Lenin wall without anyone on it

Well lit close-up of Lenin wall

The display case of a computer store has a bumper sticker on it

A tree proudly displays a bumper sticker

A banner reading "Hack The Planet"

Same "Hack The Planet" banner, with more of the surrounding buildings visible

A sign for "R-Style" has a Free Kevin bumper sticker on it

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