____________________________________________________________________________ _ _ PRESS RELEASE ((___)) PRESS RELEASE [ x x ] \ / (' ') (U) ________________________http://www.cultdeadcow.com__________________________ -IT'S SPLITSVILLE FOR THE CULT OF THE DEAD COW AND THE HONG KONG BLONDES- [December 15, San Francisco] The CULT OF THE DEAD COW (cDc) and the Hong Kong Blondes announce with regret that we will no longer be working together. The original purpose of the union was to assist the Blondes in developing a lean mean hacking machine. That having been achieved - and with a wise eye to potential security breeches - we've decided to call it a job well done. Although most of the hacking community never quite got what we were trying to do together, we were heartened by the kind of generous support that came from all of the right people. The members of the Hong Kong Blondes would like to thank everyone who cheered from the sidelines for their encouragement and solidarity. And from our side, the CULT OF THE DEAD COW would like to express its admiration and support to the men and women of China who risk incarceration, even death, working for rights that the rest of us too often take for granted. The Blondes intend to continue their work in spite of the blundering oversight of some of the worst systems administrators known to the international intelligence community, and the CULT OF THE DEAD COW will continue to assist the Internet in remaining as accessible as possible to the largest number of people, lame attempts to the contrary notwithstanding. But in the meantime -- We would like to encourage everyone to take part in The Science and Human Rights Program of the American Association for the Advancement of Science's letter writing campaign regarding the trials of Lin Hai and Wang Youcai. Lin Hai was arrested in March after sending 30,000 Chinese email addresses to VIP Reference, an Internet pro-democracy newsletter. Wang Youcai, was arrested last month on several charges, including trying to form an opposition party and using email to communicate its objectives with pro-democracy groups in the West. Please go to this url and make your voice heard: http://www.eff.org/udhr/lin_hai_aaashran.html -- kindly follow the instructions. The year of the Tiger was great, but wait till you see what happens next year. For further details or lucrative film offers, please contact: The Deth Vegetable Minister of Propaganda CULT OF THE DEAD COW veggie@cultdeadcow.com ............................................................................ The CULT OF THE DEAD COW (cDc) is the most influential group of hackers in the world. Formed in 1984, the cDc has done everything from publish the longest running e-zine on the Internet to diddling military networks around the globe. We could go on, but who's got the time. Journalists can check out the Medialist link on our Web site for more background information. Cheerio. "cDc. It's alla'bout style, jackass."