Thank you for visiting with us.

We have never posted anything on this web site except our training curriculum and related business items. However, on April 23rd, AntiOnline News published a piece of grossly irresponsible journalism that cannot be left unchallenged. In this era of grave concern over hate crimes and racial tensions, the author made the conscious decision to post on their front page a shockingly inflammatory headline concerning minorities, concentration camps and other preposterous assertions.

Was the author guilty of nothing more than having regurgitated an unreliable source's venom? Was the overriding concern to produce a sensational, racially slanted headline instead of checking the veracity of such preposterous statements? Was the timing of this headline simply a coincidence or was it timed to fan the fears and stir racial unrest in the aftermath of the events in Littleton, Colorado?

I feel that in light of the gross irresponsibility of this action, a commentary is necessary.

The hacker world is a fascinating world of its own and shrouded in mystery for most. Sometime ago, NDI decided that, in order to have our students fully understand the Internet environment, we needed to add presentations to our courses that would shed light on this present-day phenomenon. In a series called HACKERS, CRACKERS & SNIFFERS, NDI explored the fascinating aspects of the hacker underground and its culture. This gave the students insight into an environment that has become part of the national and international societal landscapes but is often misunderstood.

We knew from the outset that such a decision carried certain risks. Hackers are colorful, diversified and at times their interaction is marked by jealousies, competition and "vendettas" That is simply part of the culture and we were prepared to deal with it.

I must admit, however, that foreign to us has been this small cluster of people who are REJECTED by the hacker community. No matter how much these individuals may DESPERATELY want to belong to the hacker world (not unlike groupies or stalkers in other segments of our society), they somehow never seem to be able to get into "the inner circle."

As a result of this ongoing rejection, over time, they appear to become obsessed and disturbed. Sadly, these rejected individuals then become determined to make it their life’s work to spread disinformation, spew their bitter poison in online postings and to engage some in the media to serve as a tool to accomplish their hateful mission.

One of these rejected individuals has chosen, for some time now, to perpetuate the most outlandish things about me and my company. It quickly becomes obvious that the intent and strategies are designed to damage NDI as retribution for not using this person’s services when they were offered to us.

I would encourage our students to view some of these thought processes. Not only do they read better than fiction, they also give valuable insight into the warped mindset of this worrysome fringe element of Internet users -- the want-to-be hacker groupie.

In this case, this individual uses a series of allusions and mega-fabrications that keep spiraling and take on more surreal overtones as time goes on. (The events in Colorado leave one to wonder about the dangers such perennially disgruntled, disconnected individuals REALLY pose.)

In the past, NDI absolutely stayed out of "hacker wars," personality battles, vendettas and other controversies. Our only mission is to teach safe and secure computing. HOWEVER, recent activities have gone too far. Fortunately, the April 23rd AntiOnline piece contains an important erroneous "clue" which was intentionally given to only one person, so we have now been able to confirm our suspicions. This finally gives us the opportunity to explore the remedies available to us.

To those who know NDI and respect the positive contributions we have made and to the hundreds of students who have successfully attended our training -- if you have read the recent garbage on the Internet, I want to share only this information with you at this time:

As to the statements in the AntiOnline article of 4/23,

  • Yes, it is true that, while in a government position over 15 years ago, I was caught up in a politically motivated smear campaign, initiated against me by a disgruntled employee. I was accused of a great many things. These accusations were investigated by the proper authorities and I was cleared of all charges. That is politics in Washington.

  • No, I have not tried to round up 400,000 undocumented immigrants in case of a military invasion:

  • No, I have not schemed to place an estimated 21 million African Americans into concentration camps in case of rioting;

  • No, I am not a self-proclaimed "subversives expert." (I like what I do for a living in the computer security arena.)

  • No, I have never taught in courses like "Finding the Names and Members of Suspected Groups;"

And to respond to earlier similar statements:

  • No, the feds have not funneled money to NDI to run counter-subversive operations through me;

  • No, I have not worked with Oliver North on Iran Contra;

  • No, I have not conspired with General Haig to control the government;

  • No, I have never attended any Senate hearings that were "blacked out;"

  • No, I have not been asked by Congress to write a Presidential Succession Plan that conflicts with the Constitution.

Deranged allusions to national implications made by this individual, some of which were again eagerly repeated by AntiOnline in the April 23rd article, are simply beyond comprehension for any rational mind.

As to the tales about the alleged "true heads of the hacker hierarchy" in the article, I cannot comment because I do not know what is fact and what is fiction. The individuals NDI uses for presentations at our courses work for us on an as-called-upon basis. They are not NDI employees and have never asked to be. They live their own lives and pursue their own endeavors. However, it should be noted that at least three of the individuals mentioned in the article are currently employed by major U.S. corporations.

In the apparent eagerness to sensationalize the article, the author somehow "forgot" to mention this rather significant and relevant fact -- or perhaps his source withheld this information from him? What separates responsible from irresponsible reporting is objectivity and the veracity of content. Unless they are simply looking for tabloid sensationalism fluff, it would behoove the reader to be leery of information AntiOnline distributes until this web site chooses to verify its information and check out its sources.

Detailed responses to some of these bizarre statements I will leave to my lawyers who will do so at the appropriate time and in the appropriate forum if necessary.

However, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. I will give you candid answers. Contact me at 760-436-5618.


Fred J Villella

President, NDI
