00029 Deac 00039 Nippon Electric Co. (NEC) Mountain View, CA 00046 Unitrode Corp. Lexington, MA 00350 Exar Integrated Systems, Inc. Sunnyvale, CA 00575 Western Digital Corp. Newport Beach, CA 00746 ROHM Corp. Irvine, CA 01250 GTE Sylvania Elek Components Group Waltham, CA 01352 Germanium Power Devices Corp. Andover, MA 01394 Gates Energy Products 01420 Burgess, Inc. 01425 Standard Microsystems Corp. Hauppauge, NY 01447 Gould, Inc. 01542 HP Div. 01 - OED San Jose CA 01590 Plessey Semiconductors Santa Ana, CA 01691 TRW, Inc. - Semiconductor Div. Lawndale, CA 01698 Texas Instruments, Inc. - Semicond. Cmpnt. Div. Dallas, TX 01795 Synertek Santa Clara, CA 01876 HP Div. 02 - SCD ICs Santa Clara, CA 01921 RCA Corp. - Solid State Div. Somerville, NJ 01973 GE Co. - Semiconductor Prod. Dept. Auburn, NY 01979 Lansdale Transistor & Elek, Inc. Phoenix, AZ 01991 Transitron Electronic Corp. Wakefield, MA 02000 Muirhead Inst., Inc. 02023 Illinois Tool Works Inc. - Licon Div. Chicago, IL 02037 Motorola Semiconductor Products Phoenix, AZ 02037 Motorola Semiconductor Products Roselle, IL 02062 HP Div. 05 - Microwave Semiconductor San Jose, CA 02086 Westinghouse Elec. Corp. - Semicon. Dept. Youngwood, PA 02158 Edal Industries, Inc. East Haven, CT 02180 Precision Monolithics, Inc. Santa Clara, CA 02237 Fairchild Semiconductor Corp. Mountain View, CA 02290 Raytheon Co. Semiconductor Div. HQ Mountain View, CA 02369 Gulton Battery Corp. 02413 Clevite Corp. - Burgess Batt. Div. 02526 Semicon, Inc. Burlington, MA 02537 Diodes, Inc. Chatsworth, CA 02569 Crystalonics Div. - Teledyne Cambridge, MA 02598 Unitrode Corp. Watertown, MA 02619 Solitron Devices, Inc. (Diodes) Tappan, NY 02634 Sprague Elect. Co. - Semiconductor Div. Concord, NH 02664 Semtech Corp. Newbury Park, CA 02682 ITT Semiconductors - Div. of ITT Corp. Tustin, CA 02686 Watkins-Johnson Co. Palo Alto, CA 02688 Microsemi Corp. Scotsdale, AZ 02713 General Instr. Corp. - Semicon. Prod. (Diode) Hicksville, NY 02763 Teledyne Semiconductor Mountain View, CA 02783 International Diode Corp. Jersey City, NJ 02788 M/A-Com, Inc. Burlington, MA 02803 Codi Semiconductor Linden, NJ 02838 Dynamic Measurements Corp. Winchester, MA 02865 Alpha Industries, Inc. Woburn, MA 02882 Zeltex, Inc. - Sub. of Redcor Corp Concord, CA 02883 Siliconix, Inc. Santa Clara, CA 02910 Signetics Corp. Sunnyvale, CA 02919 MSI Electronics Industries 02967 General Electric 03038 International Rectifier - Semicon. Div. Los Angeles, CA 03113 Eppley Lab, Inc. 03171 Solitron Devices, Inc. Palm Beach, FL 03172 TRW Microwave 03183 HP Div. 22 - Data Systems Cupertino, CA 03191 Solitron Devices, Inc. San Diego, CA 03285 Analog Devices, Inc. Norwood, MA 03287 General Semiconductor Industries. Tempe, AZ 03291 Avantek, Inc. Santa Clara, CA 03334 Amperex Corp. - Semicon. & MC Div. (Philips) Slatersville, RI 03406 National Semiconductor Corp. Santa Clara, CA 03447 Hughes Aircraft Co. - Newport Beach Div. Newport Beach, CA 03545 Teledyne Philbrick Nexus Dedham, MA 03551 Castall, Inc. 03571 Lansdale XSTR Elek Co. - Advance Line Colmar, PA 03602 Sonotone GSD - Marthon Battery 03627 Solid State Devices, Inc. La Mirada, CA 03658 Optimax, Inc. Colmar, PA 03677 American Micro Systems Inc. Santa Clara, CA 03688 Analogic Corp. Wakefield, MA 03714 Intersil, Inc. Cupertino, CA 03755 Hybrid Systems Corp. Burlington, MA 03758 Electronic Arrays, Inc. Mountain View, CA 03776 Kertron, Inc. Riviera Beach, FL 03780 Intech, Inc. Santa Clara, CA 03793 Silicon General, Inc. San Jose, CA 03794 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Sunnyvale, CA 03795 Motorola, Inc. Franklin Park, IL 03799 Harris Semicon. Div. - Harris-Intertype Melbourne, FL 03811 Intel Corp. Mountain View, CA 03941 Honeywell, Inc. 03947 NCR Corp. Dayton, OH 04077 Cermetek, Inc. Div Republic Corp. Mountain View, CA 04078 Mostek Corp. (SGS-Thomson) Carrollton, TX 04092 Monolithic Memories, Inc. Sunnyvale, CA 04135 Universal Products, Inc. 04161 KSW Electronics, Inc. 04183 Nitron Div. - McDonnell Douglas Corp. Cupertino, CA 04200 Sprague Electric Co. North Adams, MA 04304 Union Carbide Corp. 04486 ITT Corp. New York, NY 04504 General Instrument Corp. Clifton, NJ 04507 TRW, Inc. Cleveland, OH 04550 General Electric Co. Fairfield, CT 04583 Bradley Semiconductor Corp. New Haven, CT 04781 Ray-O-Vac Div. - ESB, Inc. 04910 Union Supply Co. 05027 Lucas Ledex, Inc. Vandalia, OH 05088 Varo Semiconductor, Inc. Garland, TX 05131 Electronics Devices, Inc. Yonkers, NY 05139 MacLeod & Handpol, Inc. 05176 TRW - Capacitor Div. (American Shizuki Corp.) Canoga Park, CA 05296 RCA Corp. - Electronic Comp. 05436 Burr-Brown Corp. Tucson, AZ 05452 Globe Battery Div. - Globe-Union, Inc. 05469 Duracell International, Inc. 05542 Honeywell, Inc. Minneapolis, MN 05644 Philco-Ford Corp. - Sierra Elek Opn Menlo Park, CA 05695 Microwave Associates, Inc. (M/A-Com) Burlington, MA 05840 Delco Elek - Div. of Genl. Motors Corp. Kokomo, IN 05917 Rifa, Ab Stockholm, SW 05946 Valvo, Gmbh. Hamburg, GM 05980 Aglo La Pile, SARL 05987 Saft 06002 RTC - Div. of Cogeco Paris, FR 06023 Mullard, Ltd. EG 06078 International Rectifier, Ltd. IR 06121 Siemens AG Munich, GM 06195 Varta Battery, Ag. 06338 SGS Ates Milan, IT 06344 Fujitsu Microelectronics, Inc. Santa Clara, CA 06347 Hitachi America, Ltd. Sunnyvale, CA 06354 Toshiba Corp. Tokyo, JP 06394 Ferranti Ltd. - Electronics Div. Oldham Lancs, EG 06418 Hughes International, Ltd. Glenrothes Fife, SC 06450 Yuasa Denki, Kk 06508 Japan Storage Battery Co. 06545 Lambda Electronics Corp. Melville, NY 06563 Siemens Corp. - Components Group Scottsdale, AZ 06592 SGS Ates (14) Milan, IT 06632 Semiconductor Technology, Inc. Stuart, FL 06852 Data Delay Devices Clifton, NJ 06861 Micro Networks Corp. Worcester, MA 06916 Sony Corp. Toyko, JP 07050 Micro Power Systems Santa Clara, CA 07221 Supertex, Inc. Sunnyvale, CA 07230 Sonnenschein, Gmbh. 07245 Panasonic 07371 Sanyo Electric, Inc. Tokyo, JP 07397 Engineered Components Co. San Luis Obispo, CA 07653 Zilog, Inc. Cupertino, CA 07766 La Radiotechnique Complec Villevrbanne, FR 07810 Texas Instruments - France Nice, FR 07915 Hytek Microsystems, Inc. San Diego, CA 08323 HP Div. 49 - CICO Cupertino, CA 08507 Interdesign Scotts Valley, CA 08565 Computer Labs, Inc. Greensboro, NC 08608 Silicon Systems, Inc. Tustin, CA 08661 Telaris Telecommunications, Inc. Irvine, CA 08709 Panasonic Industrial Co. Secaucus, NY 08810 Rockwell International Anaheim, CA 08852 Metelics Corp. Sunnyvale, CA 08891 Power Conversion, Inc. 09161 Mitel Semiconductor Kanata Ottowa, CN 09274 Analog Systems Tucson, AZ 09283 Topaz Semiconductor / Semi Processes, Inc. San Jose, CA 09593 Electrochem Industries, Inc. 09839 Plainview Electronics Corp. 09914 Unitrode Corp. Lexington, MA 10253 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. Santa Clara, CA 10321 Datel-Intersil Mansfield, MA 10421 Epson Torrence, CA 10464 Thomson-CSF - Brazil 10646 Sanken Electric Co., Ltd. Tokyo, JP 10674 Diode Transistor Co. Union, NJ 10743 HP Div. 57 - SRTC Santa Rosa, CA 10760 Hybrid Die 10818 H-lbrape Electronica BR 10858 Linear Technology Corp. Milpitas, CA 10881 Thomson-CSF Courbevoie, FR 10978 Frequency Sources 11021 Semi Dice, Inc. Santa Clara, CA 11111 Seeq Technology, Inc. San Jose, CA 11152 Composants Semicond. De Protection 11302 Maxim Integrated Products Sunnyvale, CA 11345 Cypress Semiconductor Corp. San Jose, CA 11452 Anaheim Automation Products Div. Anaheim, CA 11561 Reliability, Inc. Tipperaty, IR 11596 Circuit Technology, Inc. Farmingdale, NY 11604 Comlinear Corp. Loveland, CO 11668 Rockwell International - Semiconductor Div. Newport Beach, CA 11688 Calex Manufacturing Co., Inc. Pleasant Hill, CA 11699 Central Semiconductor Corp. Hauppauge, NY 11708 Thomson Semiconductors Velizy Villacou, FR 11825 Analog Solutions Concord, CA 11943 Sierra Semiconductor San Jose, CA 12010 Fujitsu, Ltd. Tokyo, JP 12125 Samsung Semiconductor, Inc. Santa Clara, CA 12147 Telmos, Inc. Sunnyvale, CA 12276 Nippon Gakki Co., Ltd. Tokyo, JP 12810 Rectron Taipei, TN 12928 Micro Quality Semiconductor, Inc. Garland, TX 13127 Linear Integrated System, Inc. Fremont, CA