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Waste Tutorial

What is Waste ?

Waste is a peer-to-peer software package,
providing private/encrypted and decentralized communications,
( it is peer to peer in a mesh topology )

It allows :

» The secure exchange of all file types
» Secure instant messaging ( i.e. ICQ, MSN .. )
» Secure group chat capabilities in an IRC 'channels' style.


It is decentralized:

In the sense that functionality doesn't depend upon a single centralized host server you are one of the pillars of architecture relaying IP and public keys.

It is private :
All of the user connections are visible and you have complete control
over their actions : such as the banning of their connection address so that they may not connect to you.

It is secure :

As every user has a private and public key, every user is unique.
This allows for encrypted exchanges : encrypted chat and encrypted transfers.

A bit of history, the creator (Justin) was a member of the Nullsoft team (he also wrote Winamp 2, and was the Nullsoft founder). Justin created this software to share files between offices at Nullsoft and AOL, and do encrypted chat back and forth. The software was released to the public under the GPL. AOL later took down the software and then Justin quit the company. AOL/Time Warner magazine "Popular Science" claims that "Nullsoft disowned the project".

Then .. How does it work ?!

1 - You are the red dot and you presently have three cell members connected to you, one fine day another cell member connects to you with another cell connected to him.

2 - This cell member is intimately connected to another
cell member who happens to have good things to share..

3 -This member is also connected to another of his cells members.

4 - The beauty of Waste, is that this member is connected to a network assembly that is already full of people who are sharing thousands of files.

5 - Waste is an intelligent software package that keeps track of your new buddies, not only do you retrieve the keys of new network members, but a new connection has just been create between you and a green dot. On larger networks, and depending how many connections you set it to maintain, you may not (most likely will not) maintain a connection to everyone. The recommended connections to maintain is '4', and usually does a fairly good job. The more connections everyone keeps up, the better the routing is likely to be.

Is it necessary to remind you that all of these connections are encrypted? ?
Is it necessary to remind you that there is no central server? ?

Foot Note » To ensure anonymity, the transfers between you 1 )and your green friend ( 4 ) are not made via direct connection unless you have selected the option to do so. The data will be bounced between several relays before arriving at their end.


WASTE Tutorial

Download and install WASTE.

2. Enter Nickname and Network name/ID.

    NOTE: Everyone on our network has to use the same network name CSAnet.
    NOTE: Network names is case sensitive.


3. Click Run key generator.


4. Enter your password twice and click Generate.


5. Click Next.


6. Add at least one (preferably more) of your shared folders and then click Run.


8. In File => Preferences => Network pick port 1337 for the network to run on and click Update.
    NOTE: Everyone in our network has to use the same port.


9. In File => Preferences => Network => Private Key click Copy my public key to the clipboard.
    Now give your public key to your cells members,
 and get their public keys.
    Get the CSAnet main public key below.


CSAnet Main Public Key

10. In File => Preferences => Network => Public Keys click Add.


11. Paste the CSAnet public key into the window as shown below.
     Then click Load key text.


12. Before connecting make sure you have the network name set to IIRGnet and the port number set to 1337.

13. Mail your public key to:

14. Enter the IP address you were e-mailed in this format: IP:Port.
       Click connect (top right button)



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