by Jeff Davis
A number of politicians and preachers in a few Protestant churches seem to think the Jews still have some special relationship with God. They still think the Jews are “Chosen People” despite that incident, involving His Son. Well, here’s a little story that peers into the Jewish soul which will hopefully wake up a few people.
The latest bit of kosher sleaze comes from “Heeb Magazine” (and no, I am not making that name up). An article in Heeb reports: “For just $4,799, gay porn star Michael Lucas will provide you an inside look at Israel and, possibly, a few Israelis. A Zionist and the owner of Lucas Entertainment, New York’s largest gay pornographic film studio, he’s organizing a group tour inspired by several of his adult films: Men of Israel, Inside Israel and Auditions 31: Israeli Auditions. ‘I’ve illustrated how the country is a modern, chic, desirable destination. Now because of my films, a lot of people have emailed me, saying that they would love to go to Israel. Naturally, I’ve decided to bring tourists there,’ Lucas told Heeb.”
I am sure the Tel Aviv Chamber of Commerce is jumping with joy. A much larger percentage of Jews seems prone to homosexuality. While only about 1.5 percent of Whites are inclined to this perversion, the percentage of Jews who are homosexual or bisexual likely is somewhere from 10 to 30 percent. Further, the attitude of Jews toward homosexuals is overwhelmingly positive. Only a small percentage of modern Jewry (the Orthodox Jews) oppose this abomination.
The article continues “Through his website, the gay porn impresario promises guests will enjoy Tel Aviv, ‘one of the most gay-friendly cities on earth’ and Gaash Beach, where they’ll ‘watch any number of hot guys have sex up and down the shore!’ Also, travelers will be able to tell friends and family touching stories of visiting sites like the Western Wall, Masada and Holocaust museum Yad Vashem in the company of performers, such as Naor Tal and Jonathan Agassi. Lucas received media attention last year for Men of Israel, the first gay adult film featuring an all-Israeli cast. The actor and director, infamous in some circles for his anti-Islamic statements, says the project was designed to promote Israeli culture and tourism.”
Yup, that’s modern Israeli culture all right.
Well, let’s see. There are Israeli doctors who steal kidneys from murdered Palestinians and then sell them around the world. There’s the notorious involvement of Jews in organized crime. Jews in Israel kidnap and force into slavery White women, who are lured to Israel with the promise of legitimate work. There’s the fact that numerous Jewish child molesters have fled to Israel out of reach of the American court system. And now there’s the Gay tourist industry. Plus of course the genocidal slaughter of the Palestinians and the fact that Israel is the only country in history to effectively put a whole nation of people in jail with their Apartheid Wall, minefields, checkpoints and curfews.
Does anyone really believe this moral blight is anything more than a rogue bandit state?
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February 15, 2010 at 1:44 pm
White Patriot
Marshall- go to any good smoke shop and get some Golden Harvest tobacco. It’s 100% made in the usa. The Natural brand is the best, the Full Flavor is pretty good. $20 bucks for a big 6 oz bag that lasts me two weeks or a month or $7 for a small bag plus some papers or a pipe. The kikes last tobacco tax more than doubled the price of ‘cigarette’ tobacco by the bag, but not ‘pipe’ tobacco, it is still less than half the cost. So some companies have tried market the pipe tobacco as the same shit but it’s not. Seriously man, the so called ‘cigarettes’ are KIKE DEATH. You are falling victim to kike death. Just look into the lung cancer statistics like I said before. They want you Marshall. Get some REAL tobacco, don’t go crazy with it, and in a couple days you will be done with kike death for five bucks a box.
What sayeth you Marshall?
February 15, 2010 at 1:51 pm
Man…here I am, born and bred in NC…you would think I would know better about my tobacco right?
I used to smoke “Drum” roll-yer-own many years ago which tasted great!!! You’re right, I’ll check into it. Still would like to put a filter on a roll-yer-own…there must be a way to do it. A pipe is too much of a hassle to carry around and not my style. I don’t smoke pot so I have no existing pipe-er-nalia
February 15, 2010 at 3:48 pm
February 15, 2010 at 3:56 pm
Marshall, why do you drink
why do you roll smoke
why must you live out the songs that you wrote?
February 15, 2010 at 5:23 pm
With help, the Palestinians will successfully defend their own land, turning crimnal Israel’s beloved walls into their own prison. I’m confident Israel will fall long before the Gentile world, it’s just a matter of sharing the facts as quickly as possible.
February 15, 2010 at 5:43 pm
That’s right ISIS, oh Agatha Christie of the lost phallus!!! B’Nai B’rith and the Egyptian obelisk…secret lodges under Jerusalem…the plot doth thicken far beyond “Angels & Demons” hmm?
February 15, 2010 at 5:53 pm
Octo, I wasn’t raised “cowboy country.” Nevertheless, if Shania Twain asked me to drink her bathwater, I would not hesitate.
February 15, 2010 at 6:17 pm
marsh – filters for rollies. Very popular in UK
February 15, 2010 at 6:22 pm
Shania Twain is a Canadian. I’m not drinking from someplace where “Mutt” Lange has been.
Still, I guess she’s more Country/Rock/Folk/Blues than Jewish Indian Robbie Robertson.
Why don’t you smoke cornsilk instead?
February 15, 2010 at 6:37 pm
GTRMAN!!! I’m glad you’re back dude…I have a couple of “must see links” that I KNOW you will like…
February 15, 2010 at 7:43 pm
White Patriot
Hey Marshall, Drum is not bad, the Bali shag is top shelf tobacco a lot like Drum. The less treated the better. Go to an Indian pow wow and buy some real tobacco leaf (or hell there’s fields of it where you’re at grab some and cure it). Real tobacco is strong and you don’t need much. All kinds of filters and rolling machines. Saves a lot of money if not a lot better smoke.
What Texe Marrs is saying is don’t worry god will come in and save us? It sounds too much like turn the other cheek. Also, there is a good possibility that the jews made the whole thing up just for that reason. I can’t take that chance.
Bike week starts a week from Friday. Know where the Cabbage Patch is?
February 15, 2010 at 9:40 pm
Jews from US looking for blood – find Greece
“As in the American subprime crisis and the implosion of the American International Group, financial derivatives played a role in the run-up of Greek debt. Instruments developed by Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase and a wide range of other banks enabled politicians to mask additional borrowing in Greece, Italy and possibly elsewhere.
In dozens of deals across the Continent, banks provided cash upfront in return for government payments in the future, with those liabilities then left off the books. Greece, for example, traded away the rights to airport fees and lottery proceeds in years to come.
Critics say that such deals, because they are not recorded as loans, mislead investors and regulators about the depth of a country’s liabilities.
Some of the Greek deals were named after figures in Greek mythology. One of them, for instance, was called Aeolos, after the god of the winds.
The crisis in Greece poses the most significant challenge yet to Europe’s common currency, the euro, and the Continent’s goal of economic unity. The country is, in the argot of banking, too big to be allowed to fail. Greece owes the world $300 billion, and major banks are on the hook for much of that debt. A default would reverberate around the globe.
February 16, 2010 at 5:35 am
filthy zionist jew cult leader with 21 wives. is anyone surprised?
March 28, 2010 at 4:09 am
The NAZI’s lost already. Get over it…