Oh, I remember that bickering, shuffling crowd and those forever nights so long ago. We all marched along, sometimes stumbling, but ever forward we went — never stopping, never thinking, never saying no.
It was never a silent crowd, by any stretch. Although most just grumbled far too quietly to be heard by anyone but their closest neighbors, still quite a few raised their voices loudly and indignantly over the least little thing. Usually, I had no idea what was shouted because I had long since tired of listening to it. Yet, I do remember that almost all the marchers stridently insisted that we continue the course we were on and those who disagreed were shouted down as misguided, evil or derisively hooted into embarrassed silence as crazy.
And I was never exactly sure of the shape to that marching crowd. Most thought it to be widely amorphous and impossible to measure, but the only thing I was ever sure about was that we were all marching forward, towards some final destination, of what no one seemed to really know.
Often, I gave thought to the further sides, maybe off someplace to the left or right of me. But never could I see much other than all the bobbing, gibbering heads that surrounded me in the darkened gloom. Likewise, it was dangerous to turn around and go backwards — the pressing legions behind would quickly overwhelm you and grind you into the ground.
The crowd appeared guided and controlled by unknown people with loud electronic bullhorns off on the distant sides and, as we went along, we were prodded and cajoled with syrupy pleadings, needling commentaries and, far too often, explosive exhortations, angry denunciations and insistent demands.
The apparent purpose of those bullhorn messages — usually disguised in dripping altruism — was for us all to mix together into a babbling, chaotic and diverse mass, one that would not even know who we were, let alone think or talk about what was going to happen to us down the road.
They seemed expressly designed to confuse and divide any like-minded individuals, making it impossible for any one group of us to form coherent strategies to deal with our plight or to set our own direction.
Knots of marchers would sometimes coalesce together by virtue of some similarity with each other, comfortable with those that looked and thought alike. But these groups aroused the immediate interest and ire of the bullhorn people, who angrily denounced them as enemies to all the rest. Soon, these groups would break-up from internal dissensions egged on by the bullhorn voices and dissolved back into the surly, anonymous morass once again.
I also remember that the unseen bullhorn people off on the right, would accuse the unseen bullhorn people way off on the left with trying to run things and vice versa. Fellow marchers would then take sides with one or the other of them, adding their own voices and accusations to all the electronic shouting, but often much more acute and vitriolic in their rhetoric than even the bullhorn people themselves.
Most of us just tried to gravitate toward the middle so we could have some measure of peace while lost in the main part of the crowd.
We were a confused and easily frightened herd — whose only thought was to be the middle, away from any extreme. To be surrounded by ourselves gave us silent comfort, so that we would seek the center, even if it meant knowing little or nothing about what we were dealing with off to the sides.
This effect propelled us marchers along the way, at first heading off to the left, but soon it came back towards the right again before being lost in the distance. Every so often, we heard panicky rumors about people way off to either side just disappearing, it was said that they were plucked from the ranks by sinister unknown forces, or maybe they were lost in that dark and swirling miasma that we could sometimes see surrounding us. These disapearences created a sense of urgency to move away from those dangerous and troubled sides.
This back and forth, left and right rhythm seemed to be the method that fueled us ever onwards. I realized that it might be possible to find out what was going on by moving towards the sides to get a look around, yet I knew it was much riskier, since I really did not know the actual fate of those who became lost. It was easier and safer to stay in the middle, where it was also faster to gain ground on your neighbors — which everyone seemed eager to do.
You could not just stop right then and there because it was nearly impossible with the immense crowds behind you, ever pushing forward. Some would appear to want to help you along by grabbing and lifting you back up, but most were quite willing and even happy to walk right over you, forcing you down into the dirt, giggling with selfish pleasure. Doing so allowed them to get closer to the front sooner and this alone was enough of a reward.
I’d asked those around me where we were going a thousand times. A million. Everybody seemed to have some imaginative idea, often with quite detailed and convoluted stories to back them up, but none, that I could really tell, knew anything when you got right down to it.
A lady that I was walking along with for some time said she knew exactly what was going on and where we were headed. She was so sure about it all. She had talked to some people before joining up with me and they told her about this hill awhile back, that allowed them to see the final destination. It was all so beautiful they insisted: Bright sunlight, white marble columns shrouded in gold and purple banners, blue skies and fluffy clouds — all surrounded by green fields, rolling pastures and bountiful fruit trees where all of us could rest beneath!
But after talking to her more closely, I could gather that no one she had known had actually witnessed that vision for themselves. Only others had told them about what still others had said, no one she or myself had ever known any to have seen it with their own eyes. Others had heard about it too and weaved in wildly different details and versions. Her ideas were fascinating to listen to, but rarely could I get a word in edgewise in her continuous babble and self-absorbtion; nor could I convince her of her fallacies, so I eventually tired of her and edged away.
Although it was difficult to make out in the continual gloom we were in, I could note the vain preoccupations of my fellows, who seemed more concerned by what they wore and the petty status symbols adorning their clothing — as if any of that made the least little difference. Small, silly bits of individualism were rewarded by fellow marchers by hearty slaps on the back and shoulders, or envious looks and jealous comments. Those that sported what some considered the wrong symbols were sullenly ignored or sneered at.
Growing weary of all this petty drama, day after day after day, I thought to hell with it and decided to see what was off to the sides. “What was there to lose?” I told myself resignedly.
Unobtrusively as I could, I laterally eased my way in-between the other marchers; as I tried to slip past them they would quiz me about what I was doing, about my beliefs or if I was another part to their group. After listening to the arguing and bellyaching for so long, I knew exactly what to say and when.
Gradually, making my way further and further to the outer edge, the people seemed to get angrier and more paranoid, continually they bitched about why the rest of the crowd could not see what they did so clearly. The attitudes became acutely belligerent the further I went along, with much shouting and remonstrances, about this or that.
Sooner than I anticipated, I suddenly sensed that there was no crowd to the right of me. It took me a long time before I even had the guts to look over to confirm it, after being surrounded on all four sides with marching people my whole life.
I could make out nothing but a heavy, dark and fog-like gloom mere feet away on my right side. Peering closer into the swirling clouds, I thought I could see dark, asiatic faces buried within; monstrous faces with thick, bulbous noses, puffy lips and heavily-lidded eyes, which seemed to follow me closely moving in short, spasmodic jerks. Or so I thought.
Some of these faces spouted slanderous threats at me, some pleaded, while others whispered tempting offers of secret advantage. Trying my best to ignore them, they resorted to calling me vicious names, rancorously declaring me insane if I didn’t resume my privileged place back in the middle of the marchers. Just looking over at them seemed to increase their interest in me. Now quite mortally afraid, I felt that I had to stay in the column or else fall victim to whatever fate those alien visages held in store for me.
I noticed someone up ahead of me drift off to the side even further than anyone else ever did. He kept his head up defiantly, but still looked over to his right side quickly and nervously. The fog-like gloom soon surrounded him and, just as I went past the point where he was swallowed up, I heard what seemed to be a muffled screaming or bellowing, way, way off in the distance inside the fog.
I kept thinking to myself, “oh, to hell with it,” wanting to just step out of this march and get it all over with. I had asked people about doing this all along and everyone told me that doing so would be far worse than I could ever imagine. Funny thing, they seemed to have no idea of exactly what would happen to a person, only that it was really bad.
With a palpable fear in my gut, but along with a growing curiosity that had now grown into driving obsession, I decided to just do it and then stepped off to the side.
As the dark billows surrounded me, I immediately felt an odd tingling sensation deep within my head, a dizziness not unlike deja vu, but far more intense. At first, I thought I was done for, but just as quickly as the sensation invaded my brain, it was gone. And, right along with that, the fog before my eyes. Yet I could still see the other marchers, slogging along on the forever march, right there in front of me. But they now seemed totally oblivious to my presence, for some reason.
It was all so easy. So easy. The dangerous wall that we thought contained us was as flimsy and inconsequential as rice paper.
I tried to yell something to them, telling them I was OK, that I was still alive and it was all cool, but they seemed not to hear me at all as they cast nervous glances off in my direction, exactly as I had done when I heard the muffled screaming earlier. I begged them to stop and come through the fog with me, but they just shook their heads sadly or laughed hysterically at the ground.
I felt naked and so very, very alone. I had never experienced that feeling before and it scared me.
I decided to get a better view of things, if possible. Although it was still pretty dark still around me, I could make out that it became lighter and lighter the further from the crowd I went. I also sensed, with some trepidation, that the further I walked away from the marchers, the less chance I would ever have in rejoining what I now saw from my new perspective, to be a long, snake-like column stretching off in both directions as far as the eye could see.
With every step I took, my mind seemed to clear more and more, the fog I once saw surrounding us had disappeared from my head. Giddy with surviving the nothing barrier and the sensation of my mind now clear as a bell, everywhere I now looked stood out in a stark, dazzling clarity. And no longer did I even hear the continuous bickering of all those nameless souls, or the incessant electronic blaring of those infernal bullhorns!
I made out a copse of trees sitting on a nearby mountain-top and made going there the first decision in my new life. I wanted to see the line of marchers from a higher elevation and it seemed to fit the bill. Climbing it was harder than I thought it would be, with downed trees and boulders barring my every step. Strange and frightening animal noises whistled from dark recesses nearby; loose, mossy stones made me slip and fall, sweat stung my now clear eyes.
But eventually, I reached some kind of pathway, weaving it’s way back and forth up the hill. At first, it appeared to be the barest of animal trails, but then gradually widened, becoming more defined and much easier to hike.
All of a sudden, close-by on my right, I spotted what I first thought was a skinny black dog, his ribs poking out, looking down at me from a opening in the brush. Then I heard a scrambling sound nearby and, looking quickly to the left, I saw two chubby, well-fed bear cubs scramble down the side of an old rotten tree trunk, probably feasting on some beehive honey when I interrupted things.
Before I knew what happened to the bears, the top of the mountain came into view. The little copse of trees that I saw from down below had turned out to be expansive forest glade, sitting on a wide plateau, joined together with another by an open saddle ridge. Magnificent, knarled oak trees seemed to have lived here forever with no brambly undergrowth or fallen timbers blocking my way. It was as open and pastoral a scene as I could have imagined.
I couldn’t quite understand if the sun was setting or rising, then I realized with a start that I had never actually seen the sun in that always darkened crowd of marchers below. The rays from the warm sun slanted in from the right side of the glade like a glowing, airborne carpet and a little ways off in the distance, I saw a large cinnamon-colored bear looking back at me, her flanks warmly bathed in the golden rays of the sun.
Instinctively I knew she was the mother to the three cubs that I just saw, the two fat and happy, along with the third skinny runt that I first thought was a black dog. She looked back at me for a long moment and turned, walking slowly and patiently away with her offspring hidden nearby.
Somehow, I felt welcomed by her. It was then that I noticed I was not the only person who had reached this beautiful mountain-top plateau, for I could now see several others standing and sitting here and there, too. They smiled at me as I went up and plaintively asked each of them if I was really dead. They all laughed pleasantly and said no, that I was now very much alive. Alive, at long last, they happily assured me.
This night was the solstice to the rest of my life. The sun was indeed setting off to the right side of the plateau and I could see a bright, full moon rising up at the exact same time on the other. It seemed so close to me in the sky that I could literally reach up and touch the craters and mountains.
Even with all the questions that now filled my mind to ask of my new-found friends, I stood there as silently as they all did; taking in that glorious, oil-painted landscape arrayed around and before us. I could even see the long dark line of marchers winding their way down below, bathed in that strange forever moonglow I had once mistakenly believed was sunlight.
A large, dark and solitary bird could be seen circling above the marchers, which I first thought to be a vulture, but upon looking closer as it soared nearby in the updrafts, I could make out was a coal-black, malevolent war eagle with sinister, bright red eyes.
I then noticed, standing next to me was an older woman with long blond hair streaked in gray, with a face that bore a strong, noble countenance and a steely glint in her bright blue eyes. This woman then gently tugged at my wrist to get my attention and pointed off sharply at the distant marchers down below us. She said: “Look now and thusly you will see the fate you have escaped.”
At that exact moment, the rays of the setting sun suddenly burst forth from the mountain saddle off to my right, and illuminated in a harsh light what looked like the very front to the column, not too far off in the distance. Only it wasn’t anything like what I or the other marchers had ever foreseen.
For the line of marchers was now hemmed in close to the sides of a steep, rocky ravine — funneling them directly to what looked to be a sharp cliff-edge, with a yawning black abyss just beyond. Even at the distance I was at, I could just make out the marchers at this point bunching up, frantically trying to back-peddle or climb away from what they now saw was their final destination — as the unseeing, uncaring, unbelieving crowd behind them pressed onwards.
Ever onwards!
— Phillip Marlowe
Comments feed for this article
August 15, 2008 at 7:10 am
Very good Phillip.
An allegory often conveys more truth than any straight out news item.
Looking forward to more.
August 15, 2008 at 8:05 pm
Anyone get the signifigance of the black eagle?
August 15, 2008 at 11:38 pm
I hope that someday the heretics of our race – who otherwise would be plunging into oblivion with the rest of the herd – do find a real place from which to rebuild and restart. As of now we can only coexist virtually in a seemingly futile and inescapable ghetto.
BTW, might the eagle be the corrupted White elite insuring their betrayed flock stays within the suicidal zeitgeist of Judah?
August 16, 2008 at 1:23 am
Lanner Falcon
Black eagle… Hmm…
Well, several things.
Firstly, a sign of the Judeo–corrupted USA.
Secondly, the zionist war against our race— after we commit suicide, the eagle will starve.
Thirdly, a sign of resistance— that could be the Black Eagle of Germany, declaring war on the evil below.
And many more; the eagle holds myriad significances.
Regardless, the jew will fail, as he always failed. His victories are shallow; pure negations of the good, and so long as a single man remains of us, victory is assured. ’till then, enjoy diversity stew.
August 16, 2008 at 10:29 am
The Israeli Airforce.
Although, they only use the Winged Vol (modeled on something they dug up). “Idolotry” is supposedly frowned on, but many of the right-winger, secularists want the Black Eagle as their symbolic bird.
Recently, the country voted on the bee-eating Hoopoe as the bird of Israel (a completely ridiculous choice). The Black Eagle is sometimes seen in Israel migrating from Africa.
August 16, 2008 at 11:18 am
Beautiful allegory, Philip, and wonderfully written and voiced. As in all allegories, there are so many layers of meaning … as our serpentine antagonists like to say, between the profane/exoteric and the initiated/esoteric. I do hope people will take a moment and pause to reflect on as many as they can think of.
Anyone get the significance of the black eagle?
Asiatic Eskimo [father ties his little son in canoe, lets it float away; canoe comes to the land of Eagles; two Eagle sisters raise the boy; their father gives him eagle skin; he seizes fire-breathing whale, is almost driven into the water, his Eagle sisters help him to carry the whale home; old Eagle wants to eat human meat; the lad brings him his father; brings his mother, she lives happily with the Eagles]: Menovschikov 1985, no.39: 88-93; St. Lawrence Island [White Eagle flies away to hunt, Black Eagle comes to his wife, carries their son away; White Eagle comes to Black Eagles, kills the abductor, brings back both his and Black Eagle sons; two boys grow together; father warns them not to go to old women mountains; Black Eagle boy insists on going, mountain swallows them; they prick it from the inside with feathers, are vomited, lose many feathers because of heat that was inside; tell mountains that they are their father's sisters, they are pleased; father warns not to go to whale that is stuck to the bottom; white eagle boy inserts his claws only slightly, black eagle boy deeply, makes the whale loose, it dives, black eagle boy is drowned]: Slwooko 1979: 109-116.”
Also, the black eagle is native to Asia, unlike the native bald and golden eagles. As a side note, there was apparently quite a heated debate by the founding fathers on which variant was to be the avatar or symbol of the newly minted nation. The bald eagle is bald because it is a scavenger, a thief, and a carrion eater. Many were of the opinion that this was an unworthy ideal to represent the lofty ideals of the greatest nation on earth, the first and only nation founded upon the God-given and inalienable sovereignty of man, where each citizen was a king unto himself, and freedom his covenant with his peers. Though time has sadly borne out the irony of the selection of the bald eagle, never forget that in the annals of human history, only in America, oh if for such a brief yet treasured moment, was man truly free. When America chooses the Golden Eagle, as she is ordained, she will once more be truly free, as was the intent of her founding fathers. Then she will become the beacon of the true light of God once again, and no more be the sullied whore of Babylon, the torch-bearing slut of fallen Lucifer and his offspring. That glorious day is nigh. In point of fact, it is already under way. But just like boiling water, nothing is apparent in the beginning, just a few tiny bubbles, a wisp of steam, then gradually bigger bubbles and more of them, and then as if by miraculous decree, after a seemingly interminable wait, the water suddenly is boiling.
August 17, 2008 at 12:34 pm
Alternatively, the eagle could be the US eagle, it’s white head and legs turned black by Jewry’s lies and eagerness to open up this country to non-White third-worlders.
For those Whites who come here and have failed to make the connections, or won’t make the connections out of fear of being called a “anti-Semite” or “hater” or the innumerable slanderous terms organized Jewry now has for us whites who dare to speak out; then I don’t know what to say to you.
Our country is being purposefully destroyed and the White race is under the crosshairs. Has been for quite some time. If you can’t see it by now, then you will see it tomorrow.
I have said often that 2008 will be the last year of relative normalcy for this country. You mark my words clearly: What I think and say out loud now, will soon be shut down and you will realize that I was right all along. That is, of course, if you’re able to have any concerns at that point — beyond mere day-to-day survival.
August 18, 2008 at 12:41 pm
Alternatively, the eagle could be the US eagle
It is, Philip, it is. I went from memory by this post by a native White American from Austin, Texas:
The Golden eagle is a truly magnificent bird. It eats ONLY what it kills itself. It was chosen first, over the bald eagle, but rejected because golden eagles are also found in Europe, unlike the native bald eagle.
In comparison to a Golden eagle, the bald eagle is a seagull with talons.
The bald eagle will eat carrion/garbage/road kill first, if at all possible. Second, if at all possible, it will steal food from other animals. Third, it will hunt its own food.
Benjamin Franklin defended the turkey as his choice because it was “more respectable” than the “thieving, scavenging bald eagle.”
“I wish the eagle had not been chosen as the representative of this country. He is a bird of bad moral character; he does not get his living honestly. You may have seen him perched in some dead tree where, too lazy to fish for himself, he watches the labor of the fishing hawk and, when that diligent bird has at length taken a fish and is bearing it to his nest for his young ones, the bald eagle pursues him and takes the fish. With all this injustice, he is never in good case.”
In retrospect, this is also neo-America in a nutshell. All flash, strong, mighty and impressive, but beneath the sensual impressions lies the black heart of scoundrel.
Come to think of it, McCain even looks like a bald eagle.
The bald eagle is the symbol of the US:
August 18, 2008 at 12:51 pm
For those Whites who come here and have failed to make the connections, or won’t make the connections out of fear of being called a “anti-Semite” or “hater” or the innumerable slanderous terms organized Jewry now has for us whites who dare to speak out; then I don’t know what to say to you.
Our country is being purposefully destroyed and the White race is under the crosshairs. Has been for quite some time. If you can’t see it by now, then you will see it tomorrow.
How about this: We Whites are engaged in a race war, whether we know it or not, like it or not, accept it or not. It is not in our nature, being White (and as a result not being jealous of other races) and the chosen of Christ (predominantly but not exclusively), unlike the chosen of deposed Lucifer, nor our choice, nor desire, but it has been thrust upon us through subterfuge and deceit. Racism is a made up word, yet another spurious, specious neologism. All it means is anti-White, anti-Christ. Think about it. Here, let our accusers teach you:
“The Jewish people as a whole will be its own Messiah. It will attain world domination by the dissolution of other races…and by the establishment of a world republic in which everywhere the Jews will exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this New World Order the Children of Israel…will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition…” (Karl Marx in a letter to Baruch Levy, quoted in Review de Paris, June 1, 1928, p. 574)
Israel Zangwill dreamt up “The melting pot” [turning the White race into street mutts], and Paula Rosenberg dreamt up “Multiculturism” [multiracialism/miscegenation/mongrelisation]. The genocide of the White race is the common theme.
“Our race is the Master Race. We Jews are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves.” (Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin in a speech to the Knesset [Israeli Parlament], quoted by Amnon Kapeliouk, “Begin and the Beasts,” New Statesman, June 25, 1982)
The White race is the cancer of the world. Susan Sonntag.
“Some call it Marxism — I call it Judaism.” [65 million White Russian and Ukrainian Christians starved to death, enslaved and worked to death, hideously tortured and murdered]
(The American Bulletin, Rabbi S. Wise, May 5, 1935).
* It is allowed to cheat a gentile and take usury of him (Baba Mezia 61a, Abhodah Zarah 54a).
* The goyim [Christians] are regarded as unclean (Schabbath 145b, Abhodah Zarah 22b).
* It is not allowed to rob a brother Jew, but to rob a gentile is allowed (Baba Mezia 61a; Sanhedrin 57a).
* The goyim are not like men but are as animals (Kerithuth 6b). The seed of a goy is worth the same as that of a beast (Kethuboth 3b; Baba Mecia 114, 6).
* A Jew must not enter the home of a Christian (Gittin 62a).
* The goyim are not to be cured or helped when sick, even for money (Abodah Zarah 27b; Iore Dea 158, 1).
* It is permitted to deceive a goy (Babha Kama 113b). Jews must try to deceive Christians (Zohar I, 160a).
* A Jew may lie and perjure himself to condemn a Christian (Babha Kama 113a-113b).
* A Jew shall not do injury to other Jews, but the law does not prohibit injury to a goy (Mishna Sanhedryn 57).
* Those who do good to the Christian . . . will not rise from the dead (Zohar I, 25b).
* All the festivals of the followers of Jesus are forbidden, and we must conduct ourselves towards them as we would towards idolaters (Abodah Zarah 2a, 78c).
* Do not save a goy in danger of death (Hilkkoth Akum, XX, 1).
* When a Jew and a goy come to court, you must absolve the Jew and take his side as far as possible according to Jewish law. If, however, the Jew can be absolved according to gentile law, absolve him (Babha Kama 113a).
* A Jew may keep anything he finds belonging to the Akum [Christian], to return it is a sin (Choschem Ham 266, 1).
* Thou shalt surely kill him (Gentile). Thou shalt surely smite him with stones that he die (Abodah Zara 4b).
* For murder, whether of a goy or a Jew by a goy, punishment is incurred; but murder of a goy by a Jew, there is no punishment (Sanhedrin 57a; Abodah Zara 13b).
* Christians, informers, and apostates may be cast into a pit, and need not be rescued (Abodah Zarah 26b).
* A goy who studies the Law deserves death (Sanhedrin 39a).
* It is certain that our [Jews'] captivity will last until the princes of the gentiles are destroyed” (Zohar I, 219b).
* Even the best of the goyim should be killed (Abodah Zarah 26b, Tosephoth).
* The Christian birth rate must be diminished materially (Zohar II, 64b).
* Take the life of the gentile [Christian] and kill them, and you will please God the same as one who offers incense to Him (Sepher Or Israel 117b).
* Jews are innocent of murder if intent was to kill a Christian (Makkoth 7b).
* The disciples of Christ are tried in court and executed (Sanhedrin 43a).
In the United States alone, I have read that there are over 2,000 jewish organisations. Just think how these demons would howl if there was just one White European organisation: WEPAC: the White European Public Affairs Committee. So who is racist? The Mexicans can freely have la Raza (the Race), blacks can have the NAACP, Nation of Islam, Black Panthers etc., Koreans, Vietnamese, Chinese etc. can all have their associations. BUT WHO IS DENIED SUCH EQUAL RIGHTS AND CALLED RACIST AND HATER IF THEY DARE? ONLY WHITES. Now why do you suppose that is?
The term racist is just another made up word. What it means is that if you dare to demand just, equal rights and representation for Whites, you are a hater, a racist. Let us analyse racism: in any country you care to go, India, Pakistan, Africa, Japan, China etc., light skinned people are naturally preferred, in marriage, employment and positions of authority, to the extent that people will artificially bleach their skin and avoid the sun. Why? Because over time, the natives realised that the lighter skinned were more competent and reliable, and have an aesthetic desire for European features, plastic surgeons in China are creating “round eyes.” In the Bahamas you have sambos, browns, light browns and high yellow locals, and indeed, the high yellow is preferred. This is no unspeakable secret, btw, it is freely mentioned in travel books. In ersatz Israel, mongol-turk/mongurk blooded jews will have nothing to do with dark skinned Sephardic-Maghrebi jews, and even segregate them(viz. Jack Bernstein), and have murdered their children with radiation to lower their numbers. So who is racist? The Palestinians are the true native Semites of the region, daily murdered by the “who are they that call themselves the Judaeans (original Greek Iodaioi) and are not, but are the Synagogue of Satan?” Book of Revelation.
Here is what some famous men said of these devils, the chosen of Lucifer, the spawn of the ungodly sexual union of Satan and the shekinah (which bloodline to preserve they are matrilineal and have inbred to the point of having their own diseases (Tay-Sachs/Amaurotic Idiocy, and about 4 times the average incidence of mental illness):
Incidentally, that ungodly sexual union is commemorated in the lighting of the [new] Olympic torch ceremony in Greece.
The vestal virgins represent the shekinah aka Whore of Babylon, the “[7] daughters of man.” The sun is Lucifer, “the sons of God descended [were cast out from heaven] and took for their wives the daughters of man.” The cups are then lit and placed on an altar, keeping the sacred light [seed] of Lucifer alive, since he is missing, and imprecating him to return [be reborn]. Then the official torch (penis/lingam of Osiris/Nimrod) is lit from a cup [enters the womb] and passed [gives birth] to the New Man, the Super Man, the New Soviet Man, the Aryan Superman, aka Horus/Tammuz (always the same theme…I think they need some new scriptwriters). Thence the illuminating light of Lucifer tours the world and is idolatrously adored and worshipped by millions of ingenuous sheeple. Essentially, the virgins take the light/penis/seed and fill their cups/wombs (representing the soul-gene connexion) and give birth to the New Man [fallen man]. Or as it says in the bible, the serpent had his way with Eve and all she got was one lousy apple. And poor Adam fell off his rocker. And what is the slogan of the Beijing Olympics? One World, One Dream. That’s what Zionism ultimately means, and Tikkun Olam. Preparing the world for the rule of jews, the extermination of White Christians, by internecine conflicts, miscegenation/mongrelisation and Holocaustolic Noahide apostasy, and harkening the return of Lucifer. The New World Order.
The jews have been expelled 109 times in the world since 250 A.D.! Coincidence? If it happens once, it’s happenstance. If it happens twice, it’s circumstance. If it happens thrice, it’s enemy action.
This is merely a smattering of the available data, hardly a comprehensive effort. But people do need to open their eyes and SEE. Someone once said, “How can they be the chosen of God when they are so hideously ugly? What sort of a God would choose them?” Well…?
Let the reader see for himself:
Ersatz Israel is the “Light unto Nations.” Which light is that? The “Light of God” which issues forth brotherly love, community cooperation, enlightenment, lessens the burdens of life, practices forbearance and forgiveness, and ennobles the mind and spirit? Or the light of Lucifer, which seeks to deprave, debase, divide, destroy, dominate, torment, murder, torture, and profit from others’ labours and toil and induced misery? What is “the abomination of devastation” exactly?
This is what Thomas Jefferson wrote 221 years ago:
Those who labor in the earth are the chosen people of God, if ever He had a chosen people, whose breasts He has made His peculiar deposit for substantial and genuine virtue. It is the focus in which he keeps alive that sacred fire, which otherwise might escape from the face of the earth. Corruption of morals in the mass of cultivators is a phenomenon of which no age nor nation has furnished an example. It is the mark set on those, who, not looking up to heaven, to their own soil and industry, as does the husbandman, for their subsistence, depend for it on casualties and caprice of customers. Dependence begets subservience and venality, suffocates the germ of virtue, and prepares fit tools for the designs of ambition. (Jefferson 1781-1785, 678)
I note (from memory) that the Israeli historian Israel Shahak wrote that “the jews ceased farming in the 8th century A.D.” They graduated to tax farming (arenda), usury, counterfeiting and every conceivable wickedness.
History records that a healthy nation can only endure these vipers at 1-2% of its population before it becomes febrile with corruption, usury, nepotism, societal depravities, economic depredations, systemic subornation and internecine machinations. History also records that just 4% of the general population of the 13 colonies secured America’s liberty in the Revolution.
The jew is infamous for taking a truth and twisting it into a lie. To a jew, the truth is whatever conforms to his will. Hence pilpulism. Good folks buy the truth, and are caught in the lie. People do have to overcome their sublingual brainwashing and think long and hard at the difference between racism and racialism, for example, and the difference between freedom and liberty, and jew/hebrew/Israelite. Likewise, the neologism “Jew” is meant to occlude layers of greater truth beneath it, as is the deception of “Khazar.” This eternal evil predates the Ashke-nazis by nearly five millennia. That distinction alone marks it as preternatural. The fact that rabbis bewail the loss of 50% of their Cult of Aten acolytes each generation marks it as genetic [parable of the wheat and tares, parable of the sower and the seed]. To recognise enduring, malicious and deliberate evil in this world today at this late stage is no longer an option. It is an obligation.
Now is the time we must all bear witness to the truth. For only the truth will set us free. Is it a wonder that when David Icke started speaking of “lizards,” one and only one group went amok? Was that a “tell?” Or maybe, just maybe, they know something we don’t. And it’s well past time for us to figure it out too. We are in the twilight of the Dawn of a New Day.
August 18, 2008 at 12:55 pm
The term racist is just another made up word. What it means is that if you dare to demand just, equal rights and representation for Whites, you are a hater, a racist. Let us analyse racism: in any country you care to go, India, Pakistan, Africa, Japan, China etc., light skinned people are naturally preferred, in marriage, employment and positions of authority, to the extent that people will artificially bleach their skin and avoid the sun. Why? Because over time, the natives realised that the lighter skinned were more competent and reliable, and have an aesthetic desire for European features, plastic surgeons in China are creating “round eyes.” In the Bahamas you have sambos, browns, light browns and high yellow locals, and indeed, the high yellow is preferred. This is no unspeakable secret, btw, it is freely mentioned in travel books. In ersatz Israel, mongol-turk/mongurk blooded jews will have nothing to do with dark skinned Sephardic-Maghrebi jews, and even segregate them(viz. Jack Bernstein), and have murdered their children with radiation to lower their numbers. So who is racist? The Palestinians are the true native Semites of the region, daily murdered by the “who are they that call themselves the Judaeans (original Greek Iodaioi) and are not, but are the Synagogue of Satan?” Book of Revelation.
Here is what some famous men said of these devils, the chosen of Lucifer, the spawn of the ungodly sexual union of Satan and the shekinah (which bloodline to preserve they are matrilineal and have inbred to the point of having their own diseases (Tay-Sachs/Amaurotic Idiocy, and about 4 times the average incidence of mental illness):
Incidentally, that ungodly sexual union is commemorated in the lighting of the [new] Olympic torch ceremony in Greece.
The vestal virgins represent the shekinah aka Whore of Babylon, the “[7] daughters of man.” The sun is Lucifer, “the sons of God descended [were cast out from heaven] and took for their wives the daughters of man.” The cups are then lit and placed on an altar, keeping the sacred light [seed] of Lucifer alive, since he is missing, and imprecating him to return [be reborn]. Then the official torch (penis/lingam of Osiris/Nimrod) is lit from a cup [enters the womb] and passed [gives birth] to the New Man, the Super Man, the New Soviet Man, the Aryan Superman, aka Horus/Tammuz (always the same theme…I think they need some new scriptwriters). Thence the illuminating light of Lucifer tours the world and is idolatrously adored and worshipped by millions of ingenuous sheeple. Essentially, the virgins take the light/penis/seed and fill their cups/wombs (representing the soul-gene connexion) and give birth to the New Man [fallen man]. Or as it says in the bible, the serpent had his way with Eve and all she got was one lousy apple. And poor Adam fell off his rocker. And what is the slogan of the Beijing Olympics? One World, One Dream. That’s what Zionism ultimately means, and Tikkun Olam. Preparing the world for the rule of jews, the extermination of White Christians, by internecine conflicts, miscegenation/mongrelisation and Holocaustolic Noahide apostasy, and harkening the return of Lucifer. The New World Order.
The jews have been expelled 109 times in the world since 250 A.D.! Coincidence? If it happens once, it’s happenstance. If it happens twice, it’s circumstance. If it happens thrice, it’s enemy action.
This is merely a smattering of the available data, hardly a comprehensive effort. But people do need to open their eyes and SEE. Someone once said, “How can they be the chosen of God when they are so hideously ugly? What sort of a God would choose them?” Well…?
Let the reader see for himself:
Ersatz Israel is the “Light unto Nations.” Which light is that? The “Light of God” which issues forth brotherly love, community cooperation, enlightenment, lessens the burdens of life, practices forbearance and forgiveness, and ennobles the mind and spirit? Or the light of Lucifer, which seeks to deprave, debase, divide, destroy, dominate, torment, murder, torture, and profit from others’ labours and toil and induced misery? What is “the abomination of devastation” exactly?
This is what Thomas Jefferson wrote 221 years ago:
Those who labor in the earth are the chosen people of God, if ever He had a chosen people, whose breasts He has made His peculiar deposit for substantial and genuine virtue. It is the focus in which he keeps alive that sacred fire, which otherwise might escape from the face of the earth. Corruption of morals in the mass of cultivators is a phenomenon of which no age nor nation has furnished an example. It is the mark set on those, who, not looking up to heaven, to their own soil and industry, as does the husbandman, for their subsistence, depend for it on casualties and caprice of customers. Dependence begets subservience and venality, suffocates the germ of virtue, and prepares fit tools for the designs of ambition. (Jefferson 1781-1785, 678)
I note (from memory) that the Israeli historian Israel Shahak wrote that “the jews ceased farming in the 8th century A.D.” They graduated to tax farming (arenda), usury, counterfeiting and every conceivable wickedness.
History records that a healthy nation can only endure these vipers at 1-2% of its population before it becomes febrile with corruption, usury, nepotism, societal depravities, economic depredations, systemic subornation and internecine machinations. History also records that just 4% of the general population of the 13 colonies secured America’s liberty in the Revolution.
The jew is infamous for taking a truth and twisting it into a lie. To a jew, the truth is whatever conforms to his will. Hence pilpulism. Good folks buy the truth, and are caught in the lie. People do have to overcome their sublingual brainwashing and think long and hard at the difference between racism and racialism, for example, and the difference between freedom and liberty, and jew/hebrew/Israelite. Likewise, the neologism “Jew” is meant to occlude layers of greater truth beneath it, as is the deception of “Khazar.” This eternal evil predates the Ashke-nazis by nearly five millennia. That distinction alone marks it as preternatural. The fact that rabbis bewail the loss of 50% of their Cult of Aten acolytes each generation marks it as genetic [parable of the wheat and tares, parable of the sower and the seed]. To recognise enduring, malicious and deliberate evil in this world today at this late stage is no longer an option. It is an obligation.
Now is the time we must all bear witness to the truth. For only the truth will set us free. Is it a wonder that when David Icke started speaking of “lizards,” one and only one group went amok? Was that a “tell?” Or maybe, just maybe, they know something we don’t. And it’s well past time for us to figure it out too. We are in the twilight of the Dawn of a New Day.
August 18, 2008 at 12:57 pm
The term racist is just another made up word. What it means is that if you dare to demand just, equal rights and representation for Whites, you are a hater, a racist. Let us analyse racism: in any country you care to go, India, Pakistan, Africa, Japan, China etc., light skinned people are naturally preferred, in marriage, employment and positions of authority, to the extent that people will artificially bleach their skin and avoid the sun. Why? Because over time, the natives realised that the lighter skinned were more competent and reliable, and have an aesthetic desire for European features, plastic surgeons in China are creating “round eyes.” In the Bahamas you have sambos, browns, light browns and high yellow locals, and indeed, the high yellow is preferred. This is no unspeakable secret, btw, it is freely mentioned in travel books. In ersatz Israel, mongol-turk/mongurk blooded jews will have nothing to do with dark skinned Sephardic-Maghrebi jews, and even segregate them(viz. Jack Bernstein), and have murdered their children with radiation to lower their numbers. So who is racist? The Palestinians are the true native Semites of the region, daily murdered by the “who are they that call themselves the Judaeans (original Greek Iodaioi) and are not, but are the Synagogue of Satan?” Book of Revelation.
Here is what some famous men said of these devils, the chosen of Lucifer, the spawn of the ungodly sexual union of Satan and the shekinah (which bloodline to preserve they are matrilineal and have inbred to the point of having their own diseases (Tay-Sachs/Amaurotic Idiocy, and about 4 times the average incidence of mental illness):
Incidentally, that ungodly sexual union is commemorated in the lighting of the [new] Olympic torch ceremony in Greece.
The vestal virgins represent the shekinah aka Whore of Babylon, the “[7] daughters of man.” The sun is Lucifer, “the sons of God descended [were cast out from heaven] and took for their wives the daughters of man.” The cups are then lit and placed on an altar, keeping the sacred light [seed] of Lucifer alive, since he is missing, and imprecating him to return [be reborn]. Then the official torch (penis/lingam of Osiris/Nimrod) is lit from a cup [enters the womb] and passed [gives birth] to the New Man, the Super Man, the New Soviet Man, the Aryan Superman, aka Horus/Tammuz (always the same theme…I think they need some new scriptwriters). Thence the illuminating light of Lucifer tours the world and is idolatrously adored and worshipped by millions of ingenuous sheeple. Essentially, the virgins take the light/penis/seed and fill their cups/wombs (representing the soul-gene connexion) and give birth to the New Man [fallen man]. Or as it says in the bible, the serpent had his way with Eve and all she got was one lousy apple. And poor Adam fell off his rocker. And what is the slogan of the Beijing Olympics? One World, One Dream. That’s what Zionism ultimately means, and Tikkun Olam. Preparing the world for the rule of jews, the extermination of White Christians, by internecine conflicts, miscegenation/mongrelisation and Holocaustolic Noahide apostasy, and harkening the return of Lucifer. The New World Order.
The jews have been expelled 109 times in the world since 250 A.D.! Coincidence? If it happens once, it’s happenstance. If it happens twice, it’s circumstance. If it happens thrice, it’s enemy action.
This is merely a smattering of the available data, hardly a comprehensive effort. But people do need to open their eyes and SEE. Someone once said, “How can they be the chosen of God when they are so hideously ugly? What sort of a God would choose them?” Well…?
Let the reader see for himself:
August 18, 2008 at 1:26 pm
I have said often that 2008 will be the last year of relative normalcy for this country. You mark my words clearly: What I think and say out loud now, will soon be shut down and you will realize that I was right all along. That is, of course, if you’re able to have any concerns at that point — beyond mere day-to-day survival.
Martial Law is the immediate aim, and I am sorry to agree with you. 2009 marks an “11″ year (2+9=11) which is what the jews are using in numerology. 11 means “Israel” :
See also this thread if you are interested in greater revelation of this:
Links to restored data are on that thread…you can skim quickly to find them, starting at pg. 14 iirc.
In brief, 11 is a master number, meaning ascension. By invoking it on 9/11, Flight 11 etc., the jews hope to “work the system” kabbalistically.
The crucial year is 2012, when the “false messiah” MUST be unveiled, being 30 years of age in the precession year, and born on the summer solstice. He is identified by the original blogger, Rik Clay.
His downed blog is reconstituted here:
We should also keep in mind the progression:
1) Randy Weaver, Ruby Ridge. 2 dead
2) Branch Davidians, Waco TX. 60? dead
3) Murrah Federal Building, OK City, 294 dead
4) 911, 3000 dead
America is due for some hardship, I don’t think there is any way around it at this point, and people should follow their instincts and make the necessary preparations. Killing the internet will be exceedingly difficult, since
1) More people are on the internet than watch TV, in many countries. They will be royally peeved.
2) It was designed from the ground up to survive cyber and nuclear attacks.
Every day that passes, more and more people awaken to the ancient evil that slithers through this world masquerading as piety. The truth is eternal and constant, and therefore needs only dissemination, speaking or itself. Lies on the other hand require constant attendance and doting, their very own “bodyguard of lies.”
August 19, 2008 at 12:48 pm
This comment from you had needs to be carefully considered by any Whites now reading from this, since it really sums up the real deal:
In the United States alone, I have read that there are over 2,000 jewish organisations. Just think how these demons would howl if there was just one White European organisation: WEPAC: the White European Public Affairs Committee. So who is racist? The Mexicans can freely have la Raza (the Race), blacks can have the NAACP, Nation of Islam, Black Panthers etc., Koreans, Vietnamese, Chinese etc. can all have their associations. BUT WHO IS DENIED SUCH EQUAL RIGHTS AND CALLED RACIST AND HATER IF THEY DARE? ONLY WHITES. Now why do you suppose that is?
Think about it, people. Why is this really? For if we did organize in such a fashion, then the real power structure would be truly threatened. This reality should make you think. You had better start thinking, like now!
August 19, 2008 at 2:47 pm
I’m also open to the idea of you doing 1 single giant comment and for me to turn it into a article, if you wish. Then I’ll delete the other comments here. Just say the word.
I’m thinking how best I can help you out to awaken our sleepwalking kith and kin. Give me a day to mull it over. Here is where we have obstacles to overcome:
1) Our folks have been brainwashed. It’s not an overstatement to say that most everything we were taught has been a lie. And worse, a TRUTH twisted into lie.
2) Folks have limited attention spans, owing to TV, radio, and magazine blurbs.
3) We’re really talking about the mother-of-all conspiracies here. As far as the detective digs, he can always dig deeper. Alice in the Looking Glass.
4) Our religion has been corrupted from almost the beginning. This was no accident. Hell, just look at the Vatican. The colonnade around St. Peter’s Square is said to represent the Shepherd’s Staff, when in truth, viewed from above, it is the Eye of Horus. People don’t even register why there is a Penis of Osiris/obelisk/stele/lingam right smack in the middle. Idolatry, anyone? But viewed from above, the “all seeing eye” must have a pupil.
5) The “Jews” have minted the words for our debate. I refuse to play this game. I am neither a “goy” cattle/beast, nor a “Gentile” heathen, nor a “Klipa” soulless empty husk (literally the worthless skin or peel of a fruit). But then, their God, the God of Cain, Esau and the Hyksos\Habiru\Edomites/Idumaeans/Canaanites, Pharisees and Sadducees is not mine. Nor does he exist any more.
And so on it goes.
If you wish to use anything I’ve offered freely, then in the same spirit pass it on freely entirely as you wish, I don’t care for credit or quotes and such. I don’t matter in this fight, but collectively WE WHITES ALL DO!
If you would like me to make an article for you from the posts, let me know by all means. It would be very helpful if you could narrow my focus by giving me a specific question, for example, of what you would like answered. This would help keep things tighter and more focused for the reader. All the same, if I try to put in more info, the astute reader should call my claims: if I speak the truth, then it is readily verifiable, and investigation leads to even greater truth. If I speak a lie, that will quickly die of its own falseness.
At the same time, Philip, you have a gift, and a true grit. Remember that number, 4%. 2% got us into this mess. 4% will get us out.
August 19, 2008 at 2:59 pm
As to topics, I’m not so much a religious kind of guy, but I’d love to see something on how the Jew is corrupting the Gentile Christians and why.
As to specific questions: Why are they seeking to turn Christian churches into a universal Noahide religion. I know it’s being done, since I’ve read from their orthodox people that this is an ambition of theirs. Plus, the first Noahide convention was recently held (Florida, I believe).
This part of things really spooks me when I think about it.
You can do whatever, just put a note at the top that says this is your submission and I’ll illustrate it for here. You can also PM it to me at Stormfront, should you wish.
July 5, 2009 at 9:09 pm
The number of muslim negroes from Ethiopea, Somalia is increasing every year, these muslims will convert Christian churches into mosques the same way they did it in UK, France.
Muslim negroes like Obongo are the mortal enemy of America, they will keep America in a state of permanent conflict for a long time.
The jews will use Islam to destroy the white race.
July 6, 2009 at 12:19 am
I’m on board Incog.
I’m dying from Hep C/malignant HBP, but I have skills most don’t.
I know a variety of sciences, chemistry, physics, ordnance,
Like I said; when my old mum dies…
I’m “on the road”.
July 6, 2009 at 12:22 am
You’re an impressive writer, and that can only come from the Heart.
I nominate (carefully).
You may not wnat it, and look it over carefully…All of it….
July 6, 2009 at 8:25 am
kerdasi amaq
Which of these, is the most valuable metal on the planet?
gold, silver or lead.
July 6, 2009 at 9:44 am
Randall – I am sorry to hear of your physical ills. Randall – we are all dying, in one way or another. Me – I’d rather go out with my boots on.
July 6, 2009 at 10:19 am
The National Association for the Advancement of Caucasian People should be simple and direct enough for all to accept.
July 6, 2009 at 10:28 am
Steve in TN
A day of rejoicing. McNamara dead.
July 6, 2009 at 3:07 pm
Dark Dave
Excellent piece of writing but the problem is that none of us can really escape that fate separately. The bulk of our people must escape together or they’ll drag us and our grandchildren down to hell with them.
July 6, 2009 at 4:22 pm
Rifleman Dodd
That was Awesome.
Thank you Incog Man.
July 6, 2009 at 5:12 pm
I truly appreciate your fine work here, Incogman, thank you.
Btw, I found this @ Curt Maynard’s site:
From a Major General, in his own words regarding 9/11, and our hijacked government.
July 6, 2009 at 7:15 pm
Thanks American.
July 7, 2009 at 1:16 am
What’s frustrating is that our enemies are allowed to die in their sleep, like the traitor of all traitors, Kennedy, is about to do. THAT IS A CRIME!!!!!
July 7, 2009 at 9:45 am
Regarding Wikipedia, and the JEW:
As an example, Andrew Jackson is best known for his quote (and epitaph) “I killed the bank”, but JEWS don’t like non-jews to see heroes that hate the Federal Reserve (called Central bank back then). You’d think they would mention his single greatest accomplishment (in his own eyes), but instead there is a whole section on his supposed ethnic cleansing of Indians. JEWS are twisted, and like the little boy that cried wolf, this time they’re correct that anti-semitism is on the rise! Naturally, they are not in any way responsible!
July 7, 2009 at 9:47 am
Tried to embed the Wiki video, but here’s the link:
July 7, 2009 at 9:31 pm
White Master
Great writing Incog,
The Jews are the Anti-Christ. They are the deceivers of the world.
Jesus said that all weeds planted apart from the Father would eventually be dug up and thrown into the fire.
No doubt Jewish lies are weeds planted apart from God and their day is coming.
Listen closely everyone, the TRUTH is on the march. Its coming, are you ready?? If not what are you waiting for??
July 7, 2009 at 10:03 pm
kerdasi amaq
“Which of these, is the most valuable metal on the planet?
gold, silver or lead.”
The correct answer, of course, is LEAD. Gold and silver derive their value from LEAD. Without LEAD they are worthless! That is, if you don’t own LEAD, you own nothing.
Understand, everyone?
Now, why is Lead the most valuable metal on the planet?