Blood-stained American survivors shortly after the attack. These men were earmarked for a watery grave by callous forces in Tel Aviv and Washington, DC and are still furious at our government about it. The only answers they ever get, to this day, are in form letters from AIPAC-corrupted Politicians.
Many years ago, I had read a slim paperback from a no-name publisher and written by a US sailor aboard the USS Liberty. Confused about why Israel, ostensibly a US ally, would blatantly attack a US ship, I gave it to my father to read. He, too, couldn’t understand why Israel would purposefully attack a USS warship. Little did we know that decades later, another crime like this would be perpetrated on America — but this time on innocent civilians!
The whole affair has never been covered by the US mainstream media to any real degree, even last year for the 40th anniversary there was little or no mention made by the network talking heads. Curious. Seems like 60 minutes or Dateline would’ve jumped all over the story, huh? What’s that tell you? No movies from Hollywood, no US documentaries (the History Channel did a shallow and antiseptic version – unlike their non-stop Hitler white hate shows – and it’s rarely aired if at all, anymore); it’s obvious that barely a whisper about this blatant attack, ever escapes the Zionist-controlled media in the US.
One exception to this was a blistering article by the Chicago Tribune, a few months after the anniversary but on the eve of final and total control after being bought out by the Zionists. It’s said to have been a parting shot by those in the editorial offices who knew full well of the Zionist’s perfidy on this country. Read the full story here
In recent years, conclusive proof has come out that it was indeed a purposeful attack. The Zionists have always claimed it was a case of mistaken identity. The Israeli claim’s have rung hollow down the years, yet they still cling to them like the liars they are. But the men aboard that vessel have always known otherwise. In fact, they were given express orders to stay silent about it and were threatened with court-martial should they even talk about it.
But even top brass, like Navy Chief of Staff, Admiral Thomas Moorer have since said it was on purpose and that the Israelis lied about it all. In case you didn’t hear about it, here’s a brief run-down:
During the Six-day war in June of 1967, when the Israelis instituted a war of aggression against the Arabs to cover their true agenda in capturing the Jew’s greatest city of old, Jerusalem; the US had a communications monitoring ship 14 miles off the coast of the Sinai Peninsula.
The Liberty was a SIGNINT ship, meaning it monitored Signal Intelligence, like in radio and code intercepts. On board were Arabic and Russian translators but no Hebrew speaking sailors. Some Jews have since claimed that they did it to stop us from spying on them and giving away their secret plan to attack the Golan Heights and steal this strategic position from the Syrians, which today is still occupied illegally by Israeli forces.
Several Israeli reconnaisance planes overflew the Liberty on the morning of June 8, coming so close that the propellers rattled the ship and sailors traded waves with the pilots. The ship had a large US flag waving in the wind and US letters on the side. To this day, the sailors insist that it was impossible for the pilots not to have not known it was an American ship.
That afternoon at 2 pm, from out of the blue, came 2 Israeli Mirage Jets that strafed the vessel with bullets and rockets. Two flaming Napalm bombs were also dropped on the bridge area. Then two more French-made Israeli Super Mystere Jets made strafing runs on the poorly-armed vessal. The attacks appeared specifically directed against the signaling equipment and the Israelis also made jamming efforts during all of the attacks. The one aerial that just happened to be missed, had been dysfunctional due to a minor problem and ended up saving their lives; after a hurried repair, it allowed them to broadcast an SOS to the US Sixth fleet.
LBJ and Robert McNamara, Secretary of Defense.
The attacking aircraft were unmarked and the sailors, at this point, really had no idea who was behind it. Make clear note of that. This gives the lie to all the Zionist’s excuses about lost orders and mixed-up communications to explain this all away. Why would the Zionists cover-up the plane’s Israeli markings before engaging in this operation? Ask yourself that.
This tells us that the whole thing was planned enough in advance and, along with the concerted effort to silence the vessel’s communications and bridge personnel, proves it wasn’t a mere mistake. Also, too, President Johnson knew in advance that it was an Israeli attack, calling off supporting US aircraft twice even before the sailors on board knew who they were. If LBJ knew this attack was planned by the Zionists, then it would make it definitely a false-flag operation by US traitors and Israel! How did he know?
These orders came straight from the White House, first from Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara and then from President Johnson himself. Johnson said he was not about to attack our “ally”, Israel. How did he know who was attacking our ship when we didn’t even know? –Phil Tourney
Thirty minutes after the initial Jet attacks, 3 Israeli torpedo boats appeared. Later, the Israelis would say that the torpedo boats only attacked because orders were lost or because the sailors first fired upon them. But this is total BS, not only because they used the same lousy excuse for the air force attack but also because the torpedo boats couldn’t help but see the giant holiday US flag run-up (7′ x 13′) and had only to stay outside of range of the ship’s few, still operable machine guns.
The Israelis launched five torpedoes at them (which were probably US surplus!), one of which exploded in a compartment, killing 25 US sailors, two of these men had just put in retirement papers before the voyage. The torpedo boats also raked the vessel and the ship’s deployed life-rafts with machine-gun fire. They even paused long enough to pick-up one of the deflated life-rafts to keep as a souvenir!
It was only by fate that the torpedo attack failed to sink the vessel. By hitting a steel support beam, the ship managed to stay in one piece and afloat. If it had been a foot either way, the ship would have broken in two and we would have never heard a word from any survivor, whatsoever. This appears to have been the plan all along, to eliminate all the communications capability as soon as possible, then sink the ship and machine-gun any surviving US personnel in the water.
Two Israeli helicopters then approached the ship, filled with commandos bristling with weapons. It was obvious that they were sent to board the stricken vessel to finish off the crew at close quarters. Think about that one. But they were called off at the last moment. The ship’s radio crew had managed to get off a message to the USS Saratoga and USS America, foiling the entire plans at the very last minute!
34 Americans were killed that day. 173 more were wounded, some horribly. American families were destroyed by this act of treachery. And they knew full well from the get-go that they were attacking a US ship. Plus, at some point in the past, cover-up efforts have been made to the records. A NSA audio recording and the transcripts of those tapes containing the Israeli attackers and ground control communications have been removed by unknown parties:
According to an October 4, 2007 article by Israeli journalist, Yossi Melman, a Haaretz Correspondent, “Oliver Kirby, the NSA’s deputy director for operations at the time of the Liberty attack, was quoted by the Chicago Tribune confirming that the Israeli Air Force was well aware the ship was the USS LIBERTY, an intelligence gathering ship and that the “U.S. National Security Agency was able to intercept Israeli Air Force communications according to which, at some stage, the pilots identified the ship as American but were nonetheless instructed to push ahead with the attack. According to the report, some of the transcripts and intelligence information have disappeared, while the rest can be found in U.S. government archives. Remembering the Liberty and Calling for a Second Revolution
This attack was definitely on purpose, with the Israelis knowing full-well it was an American vessal. What’s more, is that the Israelis wanted to sink it completely and ensure they were absolutely no survivors:
“The ground control station stated that the target was American and for the aircraft to confirm it,” Forslund recalled. “The aircraft did confirm the identity of the target as American, by the American flag.
“The ground control station ordered the aircraft to attack and sink the target and ensure they left no survivors.”
Forslund said he clearly recalled “the obvious frustration of the controller over the inability of the pilots to sink the target quickly and completely.”
“He kept insisting the mission had to sink the target, and was frustrated with the pilots’ responses that it didn’t sink.” Chicago Tribune Article
When the sailors on board succeeded in putting into operation that one last aerial, and getting off a distress call, the attacks ceased. The attempt to sink the Liberty had failed. Other sailors in the US Sixth Fleet were now aware of the attack and it was impossible for the plot to now work in secrecy.
Now, some have said it was to prevent knowledge of Israelis executing Egyptian POWs in cold-blood nearby. Others, with some reason, have said that the whole thing was to prevent the US from knowing about the Israeli attack on the Golan Heights (which they did anyways). But it may also have been a false-flag event designed to enrage the US population by accusing the Egyptians of sinking the vessel, much like the US Maine event that triggered the Spanish-American war – but this time to get us to attack Egypt. All just like the 9/11 Crime of the Century that eventually put us into Iraq!
–Phillip Marlowe
Continues in: A Leopard Doesn’t Change It’s Spots
Comments feed for this article
November 1, 2008 at 5:12 pm
bruno barsoum
Dear friends,
We are pleased to share with you our 40th year Commerative ring honoring USS Liberty,ships’ company,the heroes that served and died on that fateful june 8,1967 Israeli attack.
This ring is provided free of charge to Liberty widows of
those that perished on that day. Special consideration for all Liberty survivors.
Item:#110301898681 can be viewed on ebay or pictures can be emailed upon request.
June 9, 2009 at 9:56 am
The American Ship They Just Couldn’t Sink « Therearenosunglasses’s Weblog
[...] My blog posting on this: A Treacherous False Flag Attack Foiled by Fate [...]