The “hush” crime stories of 2007 that the media doesn’t want to cover. The following brief listings, are just a few of the horrible crimes committed against white people over the last year — victims ranging in age from 2 to 101 years old — all at the hands of violent Blacks. Any one of these crimes — if the races were reversed — would have been covered non-stop by the national media as yet another example of racist, “hate crimes” committed by Whites. Since it’s White people, forget about it. The links are only to local news stations — such things cannot be hidden from the nearby residents.
Remember when you look over this list that this is only some of the more “hateful” crimes that I’ve looked into. Everyday, similar things occur in many cities all across the country — just turn on your local news and read between the lines. Most of the time, all you have to go on is that the perp’s name sounds Black. You know what I’m saying. The national news will not cover stories like this — because they just spit in the faces of all white people — no matter how horrible the crime is, anymore.
Next time someone brings up some BS lying case about some crack-head Black chick getting raped by evil Whitey, you just tell them they’ve been smoking too much crack themselves and go and show them this. You may copy and paste freely. Email away. Credit me with a link, if possible. Please read on and see some really horrible crimes committed against whites — just over the last year!
Also, please note, that the statistics you see by the Dept. of Justice are flawed since the FBI has made police jurisdictions classify Latinos and Arab criminals as whites. This results in higher, skewed numbers for the white perps. Read part 5 from Jerry’s Racial Violence Statistics page here for more information on why they do this (go to the left on the screen for this info).
Even with this, Blacks kill Whites at 17 times more than the other way around. In fact, if Whites committed this kind of thing, per capita for 10 years, then the number of dead Negroes at the hands of the whites would exceed, by far, the number of US Soldiers killed during the entire Vietnam war!
Stats on Racial violence committed against whites: Click Here! Stories: Race Crimes Against White People For the sheer enormity of this problem, across the country these days, please take a look at this link: Ethnic
Now, the following are stories mostly about violent murder. A few crimes that the victims survived, would have generated much more media attention had the races been reversed. One was a 101 year-old lady slugged in the face for only $33. Another was a car-jacking where they threw the baby out the window. Only two are rapes, one that was cleverly ignored during the Duke/Lacrosse BS and another so graphic that such a crime would’ve have garnered huge media attention.
But here’s another statistic that will shock your socks off about rape statistics: In the year 2005, over 100 White women were sexually assaulted or raped by Negroes per day! And this is versus somewhere between 0 and 10 for white men raping Black women for the entire year! See the following DOJ (PDF) report, look at the bottom of table #42, Here.
The disparity in racial violence of Blacks on Whites is absolutely astounding. Simply put, all White people in America are being fooled by the lies of omission in our government and in the media today. Next time, when Reverend Sharpton starts flapping his fat gums about Black women being raped by the Evil Whitey — like he did over those white Lacrosse players in Duke, NC. — then you just tell him or any white liberals: ”BULLSHIT: Here, read this you dumb-ass!”
12/13/06: Eastern Michigan University Coed Laura Dickinson is raped and smothered by a pillow by Negro Orange Taylor III. University officials tried to hide the crime. Just recently, a black juror refused to convict him, resulting in a mistrial and costing tax payers hundreds of thousands of dollars, despite overwhelming evidence he committed the deed. Read More
12/29/06: Described as short, an unknown Negro shoots and kills Greek Immigrant, who just opened up his dream business in America: Read More
1/07/07: 4 Negro monsters and 1 Negress, carjack and kidnap a young white couple, out on a date, Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom, raping, sodomizing and torturing them, in front of one another. Christopher was then shot 3 times with a high-power rifle and burned. Negroes pour bleach down throat of a living Channon and then strangle her. They put Channon out with the trash. Read More
2/11/07: The real Duke Rape case you didn’t hear about: 21 year old Negro Michael Jerome Burch rapes 18 year old white girl in fraternity house bathroom. Read More
2/19/07: 3 Negroes shoot to death white man in road rage incident. Read More
2/28/07: White teenager strangled to death by two black men and left nude in Mississippi woods. Read more
3/04/07: Negro beats up a 101 year old woman for $33, caught on video. Read more
4/21/07: 60 year old white woman, Ellie Halfacre, devoted wife and mother, is shot to death inside her own home by a Negro who wanted to steal her car just so he could go see a football game. Read more
5/23/07: Negro runs down an entire white family and then backs up and runs over them again, in a MacDonald’s parking lot in Covington, GA. He seriously hurts family and kills their 2 year old little girl. In court, he even smiles about it all. Read more
6/13/07: Negro from Canton, OH, Policemen Bobby Cutts, Jr. kills white wife and rolls her up in a rug in front of 6 year old son. He enlists his Negress friend, Myeisha Ferrall to help clean up and then buries body. He allows massive community search parties to look for her, for days before finally fessing up. Read more
6/21/07: Two Negroes break into a random home and shoot to death a Chicago deputy. Read more
6/29/07: Negro brutally stabs in the neck multiple times, a 14 year old mentally disabled, hearing impaired white girl, killing her, when she wakes up on the couch as he was stealing car keys in the apartment. Read more
7/10/07: White man offers Negro water– in return gets beaten to death in his own garage. Read more
8/01/07: Two Negroes attack 85 year old white women with hammers but she fights back and survives. Read more
8/16/07: Negro Apt. Maintenance worker kills 80 year old white lady for money to take his white girlfriend out shopping at the Walmart. Read more
8/27/07: 2 Negroes shoot to death security guard in Houston. Typical robbery/homicide in this country, anymore: Read more
9/21/07: 5 Negroes, aged 16 to 19, break into rural NC home and then shoot 12 year old white girl Emily Haddock in the face and head with .22 caliber pistol. Read more See my article “Absolutely, Totally Senseless” here about it.
9/26/07: 3 Negro female teenagers beat and carjack a white mother and then throw her white baby out the window of the moving car.”The only way I found him was, I followed his crying, because he was screaming,” Blakeman said. Read more
10/04/07: Two white men, managers of Charlotte, NC restaurant are gunned down by crazed Negro. Read more
10/04/07: Negro Mustapha Ali guns down 2 security guards in cold blood to get a bag of checks and some cash from a ATM in Philadelphia. Read more
10/6/07: 15 year old Negro beats, stabs and kills 82 year old white woman. Read more
10/12/07: Negro runs over a jogging white man, Michael Cranston, severing his legs and then allows him to bleed to death by the side of the road without calling for help; then him and 2 other Negroes burn car to cover up the evidence. Read more
10/17/07: White woman is brutally raped and then beaten so hard with a 2 x 4 piece of lumber that it breaks: Read more
10/18/07: Unknown Negro with knife, brutally attacks 2 white women in a Church, who were working as volunteers for the Meals on Wheels program, resulting in the death of a 58 year old white women and the serious hospitalization of the other. Read more
11/12/07: 12 year old Corrie Baker is picked up at school by Marquis Bullock, the black boyfriend of her sister and possibly sexually assaulted, killed and her body thrown into a river. Read more or My article on the crime
12/12/07: Boca Raton, Florida. 47 year old mother Nancy Bochiccio and 8 year old daughter Joey, are put into trunk of own car by Negro Dave Goodman and then shot to death for no good reason. Read more here or My article on the crime
12/18/07: A white customer and 28 year old Jennifer Vincek, the convenience store clerk and mother of three young daughters, were shot to death by Negro Andrew Ramseur in Statesville, NC. Police say he shot them down even after they agreed to give him what he wanted. Read more here
12/25/07: Christmas day morning. Elderly 73 year old white man, Anthony Chairamonte, is found beaten to death by 38 year old Negro. Merry Christmas White America. Read more here
1/4/08: Negro Christopher Lee McCuin abducts and kills White Girlfriend, 21 year-old Jana Shearer, and then proceeds to boil and eat her. Now imagine if this was a white guy, this would be on the news non-stop! Read more here Read David Duke’s article about the subject!
1/7/08: Anniversary of the brutal torture murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom. Never forget!
Note: Some news links may get broken as these kinds of sites often achieve these stories away, it appears sometimes purposefully. As of now, they seem to be working. Go here for more: Ethnic
Now, if you just reverse the races in many of these cases and then imagine all the uproar in the media we’d have. They would be reporting on it non-stop and race-baiters, all over, would be sermonizing about all us evil whiteys. We are being purposefully, both ignored and demonized by the powers that be. Have been for quite some time. No question about it.
I don’t know about you, but I’m sick of these brutal bastards.
— Phillip Marlowe
Comments feed for this article
November 13, 2007 at 2:19 am
I can’t get the link to download the book to work. It tells me the site isn’t found.
I would like to read it!
November 13, 2007 at 7:22 pm
Adam Bartlett (WER)
Julia caused quite a stir on SF. I myself at one point fell for her emotive innocence game (I’m far too much of a softy) and feel very stupid for doing so.
Julia, being priviliged as she is cannot truly understand the plight multiculturalism has on the working class white American (or brit in my case) and for this I somewhat pity her.
Keep up the good work my friend.
Adam a.k.a White English Eocker
November 30, 2007 at 5:50 am
Would you please update the PC Apostate link on your blog? It is now
I’ve added your link at the PCA
December 3, 2007 at 11:53 am
I really like that hush crime piece, I wish more whites would know about all these hidden crimes….it might wake a few up finally!
January 17, 2008 at 11:39 am
SELECT * FROM white_nationalists WHERE clue == TRUE; 0 rows returned
Have you considered that the elevated incidence of crimes by black people against white people could be the result of white people having more, y’know, money?
January 17, 2008 at 12:21 pm
Yeah, Brainiac, I guess that just explains all the Negro NFL players and RAP Gangsta’s behavior! You ever see the crime stats for poor whites compared to the “oh so downtrodden and oppressed” blacks? Spend some time with the links on stats that I provide, Mr. Jew liberal, because you’re not fooling anyone here, Honcho Schmo:
And that’s with skewed DOJ figures where they include hispanics and JEWS with the whites! So carry on, Schmo.
February 8, 2008 at 7:27 pm
“Have you considered that the elevated incidence of crimes by black people against white people could be the result of white people having more, y’know, money?”
No, the phenomenon of negroids attacking whites and blaming it on “PAHvuhtee” (or “slavery” or “Jim Crow” or “disadvantage”, etc.) is wearing thin.
The glaring reality is that blacks aren’t necessary or conducive to a First World existence.
March 30, 2008 at 5:16 am
Wow, it’s nice to see material like this and those who are not ashamed to publish it.
Check out my site sometime if you have time (esp the stuff black people like):
November 4, 2009 at 4:43 pm
There is no such thing as hate crimes on white people... - Great Debates - Page 4 - City-Data Forum
[...] [...]
November 4, 2009 at 5:20 pm
Shhhhh, I’ll let you people in on a little secret. Come closer, no closer, ok now your too close, back off a little bit. Ok good. Now I’ll tell you–Black people..hate..white people. Its a shocker I know. Great article Incogdude.
January 7, 2010 at 11:28 pm
gene willis
i read alot about these things happening to whites all over this nation,and yet,no one has protested the jewish owned media about these hush crimes comitted by blacks and other minorities.when well we let the jewish own media hear our voices?
January 7, 2010 at 11:32 pm
GDL/White Master
The Jew needs to hear something that goes bang coming for their asses!
January 7, 2010 at 11:40 pm
Check out this site on White victims ignored by the Jew media. You will be pissed!
January 7, 2010 at 11:46 pm
GDL/White Master
The Jew media hushes up crimes committed by non-Whites and the White victims are swept under the rug like they are not even human beings!
Call me a Nazi, call me racist, I have my sights set on the criminal Jew, and I have NO LOVE for the bastards!
May 30, 2010 at 3:41 pm
gene willis
what we have here in most cases is,self hating white people feeling sorry for the wronged minorities of this country.they want to dishout eric holders brand of justice,full justice for minorities and onesided justice for white people.that is,when a white person commits a crime even in the heat of the momment,it’s political racism,but not so much for minorities.may be 2% of minorities will be charged for hate crimes,but only if it can be proven beyond all political and media by 210%.these people were killed by animals,the only thing is,if race was a factor,the jewish owned media will never convey such a story.r.i.p. to those murdered on the mantal of die-versity!
May 30, 2010 at 4:30 pm
Just watched “Book of Eli ” online, for some brain-free sunday entertainment.
Synopsis? All white men are evil, cruel rapists and savages. Black man is noble, pure and holy. With some confused messages about the Bible -evil white man wants it to control the people, noble black man memorises the whole bloody thing and acheives “sainthood “….but with NO mention of the New Testament whatsoever. Very jewy indeed.
Watch “The Road ” instead – fantastic movie.
May 30, 2010 at 4:32 pm