Even today, I am almost incredulous when I hear chiefs of police on the radio urging the white rabbits to minimize the chances that they will be mauled or killed by the savages whom they tax themselves to nourish and whom they subsidize to breed faster: in the jungles that were once our large cities, the cringing white inhabitants are told they should not venture out of doors after dark, should walk only in the middle of sidewalks so that Congoids are less likely to pounce on them from doorways or from automobiles in the street, and must not show themselves in large areas of their own cities.
– Revilo P. Oliver, The Doom of Nations
From Council of Conservative Citizens
The “mainstream” media is censuring a race riot in Kansas City, MO where hundreds of black thugs went on a rampage and attacked random white victims.
According to local police between 750 and 1,000 “youngsters” rioted. Imagine if the races were reversed. THIS WOULD BE THE LARGEST NEWS STORY IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. Instead it is suppressed, censured, and blacklisted. Even the local media is censuring all mention of race and all photographs from the stories. Police say there were serious injuries, robberies, property damage, yet not a single arrest!
Local authorities are calling it a replication of the Philadelphia “flash mobs.” However these are far from the “artsy” flash mobs started by British college kids, which never resulted in racially motivated violence and destruction.
The Philadelphia “flash mobs” have been a series of all black race riots in which random white victims were beaten and/or robbed. The Philadelphia riots were organized in advance. People are “invited” to the mayhem on black social networking websites like blackplanet.com, ourspace.com, and cell phone chain messages.
America is experiencing a nationwide epidemic of vicious black on white racially motivated violence, that is getting worse every day.
Here is an example of an actual traditional “flash mob.” Recently in Charleston, SC college students organized a Lady Gaga dance-a-thon flash mob in a public square. Attendees were asked to bring a cash donation the black victims of Haiti’s earthquake.
In Philadelphia, and apparently now Seattle and Kansas City, the definition of a “flash mob” is when hundreds of black thugs get together to loot stores, break things, and commit mob assaults against white people.
The only reason that the media calls these black race riot “flash mobs” is to cover up what really happened!
This was the second in two weeks!
Black mobs riot in NYC and media covers it up
Rioters chanted “burn the city” in Philly
Make note on how the news media has been going on and on lately about some White college kid getting a little roughed-up (his injuries were a joke) by riot police on video after some basketball game.
Ask yourself this: Why does the mainstream media talk so much about this one story while totally ignoring Whites getting beat by mobs of violent Africans across America? The White college kid story was “PC safe” to talk about, that’s why. It’s now become too dangerous for the media to run a story on a black getting attacked by the police — entire cities may burn to the ground or more Whites may end-up victimized by “flash mobs,” chimping out over a fellow homie beaten down by “the man.”
I do believe that any White with any brains left from Jew diversity propaganda should see the utter hypocrisy and start to seriously reevaluate the whole stinking deal.
I was recently reading an article on Sarah Maid of Albion talking about British Whites being victimized by roving criminal gangs of Negroes and Muslims in England. The writer noted that when White victims described the perps to authorities they would invaribly add the following at the end: “Yes, yes, but I’m not racist!”
Has this what we’ve become? Spineless and stupid? Pathetic, I should add.
Isn’t it time for us to stand up and face the facts for what these people truly are? Negroes have long been a violent and worthless race — racist against Whites — no matter what we ever do for these people.
These spoiled, thrill-seeking black bastards will scream “racist” right as they smash your White face to a bloody pulp and then laugh about it all. Should they ever get popped for a crime — any crime – it’s just because of their skin color, since they are always the innocent victim of evil Whitey’s “oppressions.”
Haven’t you become sick of the bull? Why bother being Mr. Nice guy about these violent animals anymore?
Go here and read my Useless Tears for One Worthless Race!
Comments feed for this article
April 19, 2010 at 5:19 am
If you can’t see the threat this psychopath “正教会の智” has to us, and your need to rid this blog of yours from it, I have lost all respect for you INCOG MAN. Yeah, that goes for you wishy washy followers of his too. ARE YOU WHITE OR NOT?!?!
eff ‘em
Yeah, it was me.
April 19, 2010 at 5:26 am
Akira or whatever your current sockpuppet is called. If you aren’t a worthless Krakow getto rat like I’ve thought since I first read your ramblings, you need to sit the heck down and think about how brainwashed you are yourself.
April 19, 2010 at 5:35 am
Where are your favourite “goy bashing” friends now, you lunatic?
I had heard rumors of the power your full wrath might have on me. At first, I was trembling from the mere thought (HAHAHA!). Now I find it always just returns to calling people jews and insinuating they are gay. I find you laughable and puny in the mind. I have no need to threaten you physically.
April 19, 2010 at 5:53 am
Never heard of August Rothschild Belmont and his son-in-law Admiral Perry?
Hoff> He was?
Never heard of Jacob Rothschild Schiff’s Zio-camps inside Russian POW camps? Never heard of Schiff funding half of the Russo-Japanese War?
Hoff> Yes and Yes. Have any link to the first?
According to th jew Edwin Black the jew Jacob Schiff made a loan at 200 million, l assume US dollarim, to Japan before 19o4. According to Encyclopedia Judaica from 1971, entry: Schiff, Jabob, he made a loan to Japan on 400 million. Take X 30 for today value.
The mafia jew Jacob Schiff took control of America Dec 15 1911. The jew has been in control of the American state ever since.
This is MANDATORY read!!!
April 19, 2010 at 6:10 am
kerdasi amaq
American born
“Im a White akira.”
and I’m the Man in the Moon; broadcasting from Moonbase Alpha.
April 19, 2010 at 6:24 am
Wait, people with names like kerdasi amaq can get to the moon? Yeah, next you’ll tell me congoids have a space program. Sit down until your turn comes man with the foreign name.
April 19, 2010 at 6:24 am
Anti-Defamation League leader Abraham Foxman has raised the prospect of a Jewish march on Washington to protest Obama’s tilt against Israel. World Jewish Congress President Ronald Lauder has taken out full-page ads in major American newspapers to criticize Obama for pressuring Israel to retreat to the “indefensible borders” of 1967.
Hoff: The Jew MO page 1A – How to create your own opposition.
April 19, 2010 at 6:30 am
Yeah there you go Philip Marlowe, Big German Dave has given you your orders.
You must ban me from here! Doeff Deutscher Dave commandeth thee!
Dave has declared that I am the greatest threat to his tribe, und Fuehrer Dave has lost all respect for you. How can you live with the shame of being such a race-traitor?
+ + +
@ Hoff,
Sorry, too tired, gt the relationship in reverse:
August Belmont married Caroline Slidell Perry, the daughter of Commodore Matthew Calbraith Perry, in 1849.
Perry received the title of Commodore in June 1840.
Perry and the US Navy forced Japan to open its borders and enter into the Kanagawa Treaty. this was followed by the Harris Treaty:
– Edo, Kobe, Nagasaki, Niigata, and Yokohama were opening to foreign trade
– United States citizens were allowed to live and trade in those ports
– A system of extraterritoriality was enforced, whereby foreign residents were subject to the laws of their own consular courts instead of the Japanese legal system
– America dictated low import-export duties on Japan
+ + +
That’s “Yankee Free Trade” for you!
Fuck the Jews’ Big Nigger America!
April 19, 2010 at 6:49 am
Great picture here of the “foreign barbarians”:
From left to right: Adams, Perry, “Anan” (?)
I remember reading that Perry sold his daughter to the Jew Belmont. It was the Jew Belmont’s entry into American “society”.
The marriage settlement is filed in the Houghton Library of Harvard College Library. If you’re in Boston, try to get a copy!
(They also have Commodore Perry’s letters to the Jew Belmont, dated: New York, 14 Mar 1856, New York, 26 May 1856, New York, 23 Jul 1856, New York, 7 Nov 1856, Hot Springs, Va., 18 Aug 1857.)
Perry’s brother’s motto was “First marry for money! Then for love.”
The Perry’s were a spectacularly ugly breed.
April 19, 2010 at 6:53 am
I learned a lot here, most of it was psychological behavior. I have seen comments mysteriously come and go tonight. You don’t need to heed my complaints or requests INCOG MAN. I have already accomplished what I came here for.
This is not a pro-white site. It’s just a bunch of misguided fools that lack the balls to even represent themselves in words. Have fun with your race mixing and divisive ramblings. I’ll spread the word to make sure others don’t fall into the same pitiful trap you have.
BTW, My identification of a suspicious transmitter on NSA property was very real. Just as the flood of inbound traffic on my IP address was after I made other statements on this blog. Good luck in your efforts.
April 19, 2010 at 10:15 am
Cannibal Rabbi
What’s all the noise?
King Tut.
Who in the name of God is going to be guided in their lives by advice you dispense.
You are an unselfconcious, self obsessed, boring c&nt.
That’s the second time you’ve gone promising never to return.
It’s yer wife i feel sorry for, you arrogant muppet.
Do you have a wife dave? Have you ever been with a woman?
You display all of the characteristics of a furious queer, about to kick open the closet doors and mince into the daylight.
” Take me as i am….”
I’ve met a few characters like daveo in my life, and without exception they were mad, bad and twice as thick as pigshit..
April 19, 2010 at 10:24 am
Cannibal Rabbi
King Tut.
“BTW, My identification of a suspicious transmitter on NSA property was very real. Just as the flood of inbound traffic on my IP address was after I made other statements on this blog. Good luck in your efforts”.
That would be the ambulance and support on their way from Bellevue to administer the chemical cosh.
At least themadjewess, has it in her nom de guerre.
April 19, 2010 at 10:30 am
Ok, see ya Dave. Take care.
April 19, 2010 at 7:30 pm
Don Robison
How dare you criticize todays civil rights leaders! Reparations are paid in blood.
April 19, 2010 at 7:35 pm
GDL/White Master
If reparations are paid in blood then Jews and criminal niggers are going to fill an ocean Don!
April 19, 2010 at 9:28 pm
Brigid is a wonderful person and “thank you” to her.
Now, I don’t know What or Who The Hell “This” is:” 正教会の智”
Are you with White Nationalism or Against White Nationalism?
Other than that I am SICK of NEGROID SHIT.
April 20, 2010 at 9:42 pm
Another great moment from the mental delusions of “正教会の智”:
“Because … I’m at least 1000 times smarter and more literate and more interesting and amusing than a self-described “mutated homo-erectus ape” like you”
Judaic hyperbolic hubris? Typical Kikish Behavior? An IQ of (100*1000=100,000) one hundred thousand?
April 20, 2010 at 10:35 pm
American born
@kedasy amaq
Ive noticed that you take shots at me now and then. Ive pretty much ignored you till now. Yes Im a White guy. Yes Im American. And your arab or persian race is of no concearn to me. Im here to conversate with like minded Whites about the jew and nigger problem in my Country. Maybe you should return to yours. If you do live in The United States I doubt your loyalties are to The United States of America. Mine are, Iam concearned about the current affairs here. If pro White and pro American statments get under your skin this is your problem. Perhaps you share akiras views of “fuck America” but I dont.
April 21, 2010 at 12:10 am
The commenter named “kerdasi amaq” is just showing his tendency towards agreement with his fellow non-whites. I’d say pay no attention to him but, I’d be foolish to not point this out. Yes, he shares our contempt for the jew but, he also has contempt for you. You are a member of “The Hated White Race” he is just another member of the disillusioned mud hoards that hate you.
That said, FUCK AMERICA! “America” IS DEAD and it’s our responsibility to deal with it my brother. Whatever we call this land after the war, he will have little to do with it.
April 23, 2010 at 3:21 pm
Ending the Race Crisis in the 21st Century
by James Owens, Ph.D. (December 1999)
April 24, 2010 at 8:23 pm
White Devil
Whites should once again empowered to carry any kind of firearm they desire.
When these Nigger Beasts who are now empowered with high tech communications devices are detected organizing one of their Flash Riots, every available armed white person in the ares should immediately draw their firearms and begin eliminating these creatures from Hell right where they stand. Fuck these nigger motherfuckers!!! When they go this far over the line they need to get dropped! No questions asked!
When the Niggers begin to riot, it’s time to begin thinning out the heards!
Don’t think for one minute the same rules should apply to sub-human beasties!
April 25, 2010 at 10:03 am
I just confirmed that this Air Marshall is a negro. Here he is in charge of planes to protect, yet he thinks using the badge to rape white call girls is perfectly legitimate and within his privilege to do so with no consequences. Another A.Action negro with monkey brains abusing his power. Negroes in power are a travesty.
April 25, 2010 at 2:53 pm
Interesting comments about Flash mobs in Kansas City, the dismal education of blacks and a dire economy.
April 25, 2010 at 7:46 pm
Better be armed and ready if you are a ‘white supremacist’
April 25, 2010 at 8:05 pm
kerdasi amaq
Just because you say you’re White, doesn’t make it so. ‘American born’. Any hasbarat can say that.
P.S. that’s a made-up name, with an unPC meaning.
I guess anon 12.10 is a jew!
April 28, 2010 at 7:55 am
I hadn’t seen this part of the video before, when the oldster veteran gave this Negro a tune up:
Yeah, dark meat obviously intended to beat this guy up and post it on the internet, that’s why it was being filmed. It made it to Youtube alright!
May 11, 2010 at 2:07 am
Cannibal Rabbi
June 3, 2010 at 6:20 pm
From this black racist, I now realize that ‘all white people’ were made plantation masters or owners. hahahahahahaha, yeah right!
I never got that memo from the ‘powers that be’!!!!
I wonder why?
It’s the jews stupid!!
June 3, 2010 at 6:48 pm
Exterminate all white people they say. This is their solution. I guess that is why whites average and innocent whites are being attacked everywhere in USA, Europe an Africa.
BTW, it’s the jews stupid, as well as your low average negro IQ and violent tendencies that keep you down.
June 6, 2010 at 4:25 pm
Worthless French negroes; send ‘em back to Africa!