You know, when I sit down here and decide to pound out a blog posting, I always start thinking about what kind of image I’ll end up using to illustrate what I’m trying to say. I think it’s important since it gets people’s attention and makes them want to read the copy. It’s the copy and what I want to say, that’s really important. Or so I tell myself.
The photo artwork is only a kind of compilation of what the article says. There is that old saying of the Chinese about a picture being worth a thousands words — which I think is true. Sometimes I want to use (with good reason) a picture of a thermonuclear mushroom cloud, but try not to. Why? Because it’s a bit hyped-up and paranoid to do so. Yet it’s really these people who are over-doing the paranoia bit on your White butt.
So I’m watching this show called Glenn Beck on FOX Jew news yesterday, and this image comes up in spades. Now, Glenn Beck appears to be some kind of good old boy type cable news personality, basically just another entertainer (who gets tantalizingly close to off-limit topics — the best kind of disinfo tactic). And you can tell they are entertainers, because they talk more than the guests they bring on (Bill O’Reilly especially). The guests are really there just to sell a book, while the personality is really there just to be personable.
Anyway, Beck had this smarmy little Jew on named Joel Rosenberg (above left). Rosenberg is some kind of “born again” Neocon who apparently loves jerking the chains of the Dispensationalist Evangelicals with all the “End Times” business, writing both fiction and non-fiction (supposedly). So now he’s on Beck’s show pushing all the Iran paranoia biz so he can sell copies of his new book “Epicenter” to the Mideast-concerned Goyim masses.
Beck and Rosenberg both turn into little Dr. Strangeloves over the Iranian threat — all the Mad Mullahs and nuclear bomb stuff — and going off about Iran launching a satellite into orbit. But Beck doesn’t forget to keep chiming in that most of Iranians are still “good people,” just to keep it all PC palatable for the indoctrinated Diversity people. How considerate — too bad none of that makes one whit of difference to the real powers that be.
The History Channel has been on a tear lately with “End of the World” programming for some odd reason — from the usual Nostradamus crap to Aztec 2012 prophecies to the Bible code. What’s up with that? Oh yeah, sometimes they do have shows on the evil Hitler and Chupachapras.
Basically, all this Dispensationalist “End Times” stuff is a take-off from the Revelation part of the New Testament, where this hermit guy named John, living in a cave on a island called Patmos, scribed away some wacked-out parchments about the hated Roman emperor Nero. It’s full of breaking of the seals or jars or something in the heavenly abode, the Whore of Babylon (I love that one) and horses of the Apocalypse riding through the fires of hell — all right in your face, the viewer of tonight’s History Channel show.
Jews, like this smiling Rosenberg creep, have glommed onto all this Dispensationalism crap, not only to make big shekels off books, but also to feed the Israel-supporting American putzes who hope that all the End Time catastrophes will usher in the real Jesus, who will put a stop to all the sleaze out of Hollywood (Jews always seem to work both sides of the equation).
But the religious Jews believe it will be a Jewish Messiah showing up to the really big show and who’s name could be anything, so far. Even Mikey, I guess.
So, Rosenberg is talking about the Mad Iranian Mullahs believing in a Messiah, something called the 12th Iman, whom they think is due to make his appearance and will destroy the Great Satan (us) and the little Satan, Israel (his bros). This is all truly nightmarish since they are on the verge of getting the Bomb and looky-here America, they just launched a missile into outer space, so they can now come drop the Big One on us!
All the while watching this, I’m thinking to myself, hell, everything this Rosenberg Jew is blathering about is exactly, not a little, what many crazy Jews themselves think and can really do now. And what’s worse is that some of them believe their Jew Messiah (Moshiach in Hebrew) will either wipe out or enslave all the Gentiles — not just those pesky Iranians, but even all those dam fool Christian Evangelicals back here giving them money!
The Chabad-Lubavitchers (also called Chabad Hassids) think that once the Great Rabbi of the Sanhedrin appears, he’ll magically increase the borders of Israel to include the entire globe. What this really means is, of course, you’ll be under their yoke and a slave to them, or be one dead Goyim.
These Lubavitchers are everywhere (70 nations — exactly what they think is needed for the big takeover) and have a multi-million dollar operating budget. This is not some poor minor sect at all. The Mossad is said to use them for safe houses all over the world, for the usual kinds of Zionist shenanigans. Remember the terrorist business Mumbai, India? That Jewish Center (Nariman House), where the husband and wife where killed, was a Chabadist house. Many suspect, with good reason, that they were really sacrificed for a Mossad false-flag operation. They’ve done it before.
All these Orthodox Jews are big time right-wingers or Likudniks who love Bibi Netanyahu, now in a tight race for PM with the Kadima party’s hard-liner woman and daughter of Irgun terrorists, Tzipi Livni (the elections were just today). They love to chant “Netanyahu is good for the Jews.” And let’s not forget what Netanyahu once said was so good after witnessing all the death and destruction of 9/11 — when he just happened to be in New York that day (curiously, he was also in London during the subway bombings of 7/7):
”It’s very good,” he said, then quickly added “Well, not very good, but it will generate immediate sympathy (for Israel).”
But you’ll never, ever see one dam thing about any of this Jewish religious craziness in the US media, though. That, my friends, is the power of Jewry. They can go off all day to us about the dangers of mad Muslims and all their efforts at making a nuke, but not breath a word about themselves doing and thinking exactly the same mad things.
Ask yourself these questions: Why do they absolutely never mention the Jew’s Talmud whenever the History Channel does a program on religion? Or discuss the Federal Reserve’s beginnings? Why do we never see the History Channel doing something on Israel secretly building the nuke? For that matter, why do we absolutely never hear one word about Israel’s nuclear capability on the mainstream news? Most Americans don’t even know that Israel has 200 to 400 nukes, ballistic missiles, US Stealth bombers and even ocean-capable, German-made submarines for crying out loud.
You should check out the story of Mordecai Vunanu (above), the brave Israeli (called a “self-hating” Jew), who converted to Christianity and brought to the West concrete evidence of the extant of Israel’s nuclear program. The Mossad then literally kidnapped him from a sovereign country (Italy) and threw him in jail for 18 years. When they finally released him, he wanted to leave the country (who wouldn’t?), so the evil Jews threw him back in jail to keep him from becoming a symbol in the West. He’s still there, last I heard.
This is one guy who really should win the Nobel prize (note how they give them to Zionist terrorists like Begin), but you’ll never see that one happen. Wonder why? Check out this quote from Vunanu, when he temporarily had his freedom, about the situation in America with the US media:
“Israel is only a democracy if you are a Jew… Thanks to Jesus Christ I survived…This US media who are here in Jerusalem are afraid of Israel. Because I am under orders and they don’t want trouble, they cooperate with Israel. A good example is the US media who talk about freedom of knowledge, freedom of information like CNN, ABC, 60 Minutes. In this case they are all silent and cooperate with Israel; they fear the Israel lobby and the Israeli authority here. My view is the US Media is totally under the Israeli control. Very sad, very bad that US Media is not free. The Zionist lobby in Washington decides what people in the US should know and hear about. Not just the West Bank is under occupation, but the US Media is under Israeli occupation too.” Read more here
Just the barest time researching this on the Internet will show you all this about Israel. But that’s not the issue. Get it straight in your head: Why do we not hear about things like this on the telly? Should that not well-prove to you the power and will of these people to keep you in the dark in the US? Note the operative verb there — the “will” to keep you in the dark over what they don’t want you to think or know!
The Iranians are not a threat to the US of A. We can melt them into a sheet of glass within 30 minutes should we want. They know this, we know this. The Iranians are simply fighting against the Jew’s hegemonistic designs in the region and genocides of fellow Muslims, the Palestinians. The Jews cannot have the Iranians become a power in the region because of what they want to eventually do with the Palestinians and their “Greater Israel” designs on Iraq and Syria. Already, Kurdish Jews are being moved into areas of Iraq and forcibly displacing the Chaldean Christians, who lived there for eons.
And there is plenty of reasons to think the Iranians want peace. Even Ahmadinejad. Hell, the Jews often lie when it comes to this guy (he’s the new Hitler of the world and it’s 1939 all over again!). The Jews at 60 Minutes and Mike Wallace did a interview with him and carefully edited the piece to make him look evil to the American public. That’s the kind of Jew-job propaganda tactics they employ on your head!
Jew embedded propagandists (mistakenly termed “journalists”) are all over the airwaves and in print, too. Not only in America, but Britain (bottom left), Canada or any White country really. White Americans have little idea of the pervasiveness of their viewpoints and how vigorously they work to protect Jewry’s image, no matter what they do.
All Jews wants you to believe that they are the “good guys,” unmercifully attacked simply because they are always “eternally victimized.” They are the masters at this schtick on the stupefied, sleeping White populations of the West. It’s like this: You accept their view of things, but if you dare to say anything about it, then it’s you who are the terrorist supporter, anti-Semite, Hater, or NeoNazi, blah-blah, blah-blah.
Glenn Beck is just another Goyim media personality who knows what he can and can’t talk about. All of the talking heads on the air are like this, on both sides of the political equation — MSNBC, CNN, FOX. That’s right. Have you ever noticed how people define themselves on who they watch on TV? You can be a Kieth Oberman guy (tough guy liberal) or a Bill O’Reilly fan (tough guy conservative) or a middling quisling, like the friendly Charles Gibson of ABC.
But all of them are really just Jew tools when you get down to it. They would be gone in a Jew York minute should they dare mention “the Jews” or any inconvenient fact about the sacred State of Israel. You can see how they tiptoe around it with all the careful wordage used in any story involving Jews or Israel. Most of the time they take the easy way out and just try to ignore it entirely. That’s how it works, people.
Let’s look at a little thing that happened last night on Obama’s first press conference. These kind of things are carefully staged, the reporters with questions specifically selected and seated; they won’t take questions from just any journalist and if you present problems about the whole deal, then you’ll never get another chance — which could easily end your entire career.
An ancient fixture in all this, Helen C. Thomas (right), asked a question about the ”so-called terrorists” in Afghanistan and Pakistan. She ended by asking him directly “do you know what countries in the Mideast have nuclear weapons?” Simple question, really.
Obama went on and on about Pakistan, etc. but deftly skipped on by the question on exactly what country in the Mideast has the nuke, saying he wasn’t going to speculate and how he didn’t want to see things “proliferate.” Then he quickly he went on to another reporter just as Helen Thomas vainly tried to ask the question again: “the question was on what countries have them!’ Which Obama blatantly ignored.
After the show, Bill O’Reilly had the Neocon Bernie Goldberg on to dissect the press conference and wax Jewish on Obama’s performance. Both of them had a big laugh about Thomas as being too old and out of it; saying Thomas should have quit her job back in the days of Lincoln (the first one). And, of course, they never once mentioned her very sharp and important question about nukes in the Mideast. Funny, huh?
They know the deal!
Dick Morris and Eri Fleischer also joined Bernie on Bill O’Reilly’s little show to dissect Obama’s hot air. Guess what? All of them are damn Jews. Hell, Ari Fleischer is an ordained rabbi in the Chabad Lubavitcher Orthodox Jew group I talked about earlier; the ones who are real-life religious crazies and are every bit as bad as the mad Muslim fundamentalists. Every G-Damn bit.
All Jews, all the time: 1) Bernie Goldberg, Bill O’Reilly’s guest “pragmatic, conservative” Jew mouth and book-pusher (all of them write Iran paranoia books, even the liberal ones). 2) Goldberg with CNN’s Old Jew, Larry King, who recently gushed about his kid wishing he was born Black. 3) Dick Morris, a “crypto-Jew” who, supposedly, is not Jewish (because he married a Shiksa) and 4) Ari Fleischer, former Bush spokes-liar and now a Chabadist-Lubavicher Rabbi. Fleischer doesn’t wear the usual Chabadist attire, nor grow his beard out, like the bunch (5) chumming it up with former Bush White House Chief of Staff, JoshUA Bolten (yep, another Jew). Fleischer obviously makes the effort to look as Goyish as possible for when he goes on the Jew News. He’s also the guy who spoke into Bush’s ear on 9/11 at that school in Florida.
It’s all Jews and how they view the issues. It’s their perspective and if you dare to see it any other way and have the temerity to speak openly, then out comes all the “Nazi” business. Not only with all us out here in sheep land, but also with the real White news people, too (or the rapidly increasing number of on-air Negro talking heads).
It’s all a sham folks. All of this is a set-up to keep YOU from seeing THEM. Why? Well, if you cannot talk about the almighty Jews and what they do and want to do in the world, then that’s what it is. All a distraction to keep you from asking the real questions. Questions they don’t want you asking or even thinking.
And it’s not only TV, people. These Jews are all over the media — top to bottom — writing stories and editorials in newspapers from the New York Times to your local rag. Magazines too: Newsweek, Time magazine and any of the political “organs” (weird Commie term). They might write about conservative or liberal topics, but pretty much every one of them protects Jewry and toes the Israeli, Zionist line.
Now, I’m certain that some of you who come here are yelling “he’s a conspiracy nut!” and all that. If you read so far, then I want to thank you for at least that. But the majority of people who jump to this conclusion will not bother to hear me out any further — they want to live in the false world created for them by the Jew-controlled media. The very same media that stays silent about real things that makes this world much worse and possibly very dangerous to all of us in the near future.
It’s dangerous because of what some of these people propose to do. The Iranians learned from the Jew’s out-of-the-blue attack on the Osirik reactor that Saddam Hussein built in Iraq, so they buried everything underground, as well as spreading things out. To fully put a stop to it, they’ll need to use tactical nuclear weapons. Anything less, will only be damaging and just serve to piss off the entire Muslim world and maybe even Russia and China.
Look, we don’t want these kind of bald-faced liars telling us the news, always giving us the Jew perspective and leaving all kinds of stuff out. We don’t want them hypocritically manipulating the religious thinking of people in the US, people that are already messed around with by the elite Jew liberals in the media. One would hope you can see all this and be willing to speak out about it to everyone you know.
Hell, maybe I will put in that nuclear bomb image after-all.
— Phillip Marlowe
Go to my History of PC (Politically Correct) page to learn exactly how all of this has been done to minds in the US over the years and why!
Note: Be careful when visiting Wikipedia, since they have so many embedded Jew Zionist editors who carefully go over and edit any Jew-related entries to protect Jews and Israel. You can pick up on it sometimes when you read over the editing decisions. Here, read this revealing article: CAMERA: Rewriting History on Wikipdedia
Comments feed for this article
March 13, 2010 at 11:10 pm
I was talking about “Ride with the Devil” only, and you know that. Have much time do you have on your hands to be able to screen all those?
March 13, 2010 at 11:44 pm
“Ride with the Devil” is written by the Jew Schamus, a Zionist, Holohoaxer, queerist, and proponent of lachrymose Judaism. But, sure, perhaps you’re right, perhaps that’s the “White Ethos”, as you say.
You don’t mind if I call you Brokeback Octo from now on, do you?
March 13, 2010 at 11:44 pm
March 13, 2010 at 11:53 pm
Re: Ride with the Devil
It has some distasteful elements in it, surely; Jewish influences. The black man fighting for the Confederacy (which some did) and his “freedom” was quite pat.
Like you, I agree the American Slavocracy was immoral, not for touchy feely reasons, but because slaves always become masters eventually and the wages of every Southern White working man were eviscerated due to it.
March 14, 2010 at 12:47 am
Re: the American Slavocracy
For Americans, the Civil War was our Holocaust, a genetic loss from which we will never recover. This was never the banner of White independence:
The Slavocracy imported raw materials and imported finished products: a sure formula for eternal dependence. Dependent on whom? The European Central Banks: Rothschilds. Had the South won (probably the real intention was just to bleed America white) Whites would have been slaughtered from S America to Canada, as was the intention with the planned 1941 Soviet invasion of Europe. The French weren’t in Mexico at that time for nothing.
“I also feel that in fighting the Jewish-Bolshevik regime of Russia that Germany is performing a service for Western civilization which will be properly appreciated and recognized in the future. Of course there are unpleasant features of Germany’s war for survival. I only need to mention Mr. Himler (sic). But when somebody mentions this I ask them to remember that Berija is still commissar of the GPU in Soviet Russia and that this terrorist organization has been functioning in Russia and abroad since 1921 whereas the German counter-organization only appeared a few years ago. I further ask them to remember that it is impossible to fight a forest fire with a fire engine and that the only way Germany can defend herself and Europe against the GPU is through the use of severe and stern measures.”
— from the book “Onward Christian Soldiers: 1920-1942: Propaganda, Censorship and One Man’s Struggle to Herald the Truth” (Torrance, CA.; The Noontide Press, 1982) by American journalist Donald Day, page 203.
March 15, 2010 at 3:25 am
@ Octo, re:
Kinji Kameda (the ‘idiot’; Kameda = “Turtle Field”, btw) as manipulator? Passive-aggressively, sure.
Kurosawa had a very, very superficial understanding of The Idiot. It makes no sense outside of the context of Judeo-Masonic subversion of Orthodox Christian civilization. Instead, Kurosawa and the Indian adapter just make him a generic, Ghandiesque, non-Christian “Christ-figure”.
It would have made more sense to have him afflicted with his ‘idiocy’ (hakuchi, ‘white disease’) as a result of ‘blessings’ of the post-war Masonic occupation (as Myshkin went ‘idiotic’ after his trip to the West), rather than from his experience barely escaping the firing squad.
Kurosawa mixes Myshkin/Kameda’s experience with Dostoevsky’s, which is annoying and way too bloody “meta”/”post-mod”.
+ + +
BTW, the best movie about post-WWII Japan and American occupation, and Japan’s “liberation” is probably Gate of Flesh / 肉体の門 / Nikutai no mon [Suzuki Seijun, 1964], which is on YouTube: …
March 15, 2010 at 6:47 pm
“It would have made more sense to have him afflicted with his ‘idiocy’ (hakuchi, ‘white disease’) as a result of ‘blessings’ of the post-war Masonic occupation”
I definitely got a sense of Kurosawa intending to portray that in the film, and I agree it works both in the novel and film: a very Dostoevskian, nationalistic notion. Kameda is even wearing American GI issue. The American military occupation is a recurring theme in his films, and it never means anything good for anyone or Japan itself, which is only fair, natural, and evident reality.
The nation in general is humiliated and Japanese males in particular are a conquered tribe; emasculated. I get that in every film of his set in post war Japan. The film would have worked better dramatically if he went further in the above direction, I agree.
I saw the Kameda character as actively manipulating the more or less vulnerable and hapless people around him. I’d like this to be the one post on this blog that doesn’t allude to the tribe, but I see him casting himself in the victim role while actually being an unseen hand, guiding those around him to destructive behavior.
Admittedly, I had trouble with the novel. I didn’t get the things from it that I got from his other work, but I can’t help but think there’s something that I missed. What’s your essential take on the novel? Is it that Myshkin left tradition/the Motherland and so withered on the vine?
I’m not deliberately pissing on Japanese culture by bringing this up, I think you know that by know, but there are two significant things I came away with from this vid, which I feel dovetail into this postwar theme.
(1): “It’s often said that Japanese people cannot do anything alone but, instead, have a group mentality.”
(2): “Ever since we were defeated in WWII Japanese men have not been able to recover. They have got weaker, while women have become stronger. Men have developed an inferiority complex. That’s why they like to read ‘Rapeman.’”
Do you agree at all with the first statement, do you think it applies to other Far East Asians, and do you think it’s purely envionmental?
The second group of statements is the JewsWar2 humiliation taken a step further, possibly a Judeo-psycho babble interpretation of Japanese male behavior, but I think there is some truth in what he said, and it certainly applies to the West as well. What’s your take on it?
“…rather than from his experience barely escaping the firing squad…
Kurosawa mixes Myshkin/Kameda’s experience with Dostoevsky’s, which is annoying and way too bloody “meta”/”post-mod”.”
I also thought Kurosawa’s transposing the obviously biographical Dostoevsky firing squad detail onto Kameda, and even using it as a leitmotif, was…quite clumsy.
March 15, 2010 at 9:06 pm
Japanese society is definitely very … social … group-oriented.
Could be mostly from environmental factors. Islands, no linguistic connections to Chinese, only very faint connections to Korean (only the syntax is the same). Small arable land. Mostly mountainous. Many earthquakes, etc.
The second comment, about ‘humiliation’ isn’t quite right. It’s more about lack of direction — spiritually lost — lack of purpose.
+ + +
Fr Raphael on Dostoyevsky:
The Orthodox Medievalist: Dostoyevsky 01 [2009.05.28]
- Dostoyevsky as theologican and philosopher
- Russia must reject the West.
13 MB | 1 hour
The Orthodox Medievalist: Dostoyevsky 02 [2009.06.04]
- The Idiot & Notes from the House of the Dead
- Middle Class life is easily replicated in prison
- Faith in God essential for prison survival. Prison as metaphor for world.
- Innocence, since it cares not for reputation, cannot be harmed
- Social movements just create another world of grasping politicians
14 MB | 1 hour
The Orthodox Medievalist: Dostoyevsky 03 [2009.07.23]
Dostoyevsky’s The Possessed
Dostoyevsky’s critique of ideology
Two views of Human community: Russian and European
Why the West is incapable of saving itself
15 MB | 1 hour
The Orthodox Medievalist: Panteleimon Kulish [2009.09.17]
Ukrainian nationalist views on education
Dostoyevsky on the middle class
The destruction of capitalism and urbanism
Dostoyevsky and Kulish on the evil of cities (the destructive aspects of cities)
12 MB | 49 minutes
March 16, 2010 at 3:38 pm
Marshall —–
March 19, 2010 at 1:20 pm
Expect 25 mins of Israeli promotion and Christian bashing. What else?
A first look at the Simpsons’ upcoming visit to Israel
The first images from the upcoming episode of The Simpsons, in which the animated family visits Israel, were released this week after six months of
buzz over the special show to be aired in the United States on March 28.
The episode, titled “The Greatest Story Ever D’ohed,” includes scenes of Homer and Bart at the Western Wall with their Israeli tour guide, who will be voiced by British comedian Sascha Baron Cohen, of Borat and Bruno fame.
March 19, 2010 at 1:21 pm
So its a”special” show. Now why is that?
March 19, 2010 at 1:46 pm
It’s a Chosen Special.
March 30, 2010 at 10:37 am
I just heard a 10 minute “debate” on the insipid Jeremy Vines show on National BBC Radio 2 in UK. It was about a so called controversial blog article by Rod Liddle in which he said ( I paraphrase ) “Most of the stabbings, muggings, robberies and street crimes in London are commited by youth from the Afro-Carribean community. In return we get Goat curry ”
Funny how even the black man on the “con” side didnt even try to deny it, just mumbled about how one has to be “careful” when saying such things.
He shot himself in the foot when he tried the old, “Its not about race, but upbringing ” crap. Because there are plenty of white kids being “brung up” in the same places.
Someone else mentioned the old “most serial killers and pedophiles are white ” fallacy. To which I would say , read this :
Rogues Gallery
The tiniest fraction of those first and second-generation immigrants, who have killed, raped and otherwise violated British men, women and children in Britain, is represented below. All of them, with the exception of Kenneth Erskine and Curtis Howard, committed the crimes cited since Stephen Lawrence was killed. We’ve all heard of Stephen. How many of these were you aware of before you saw them here?
Peter Bryan is a serial killer of at least three people. He was frying the brains of one of his victims when the police caught up with him. Since his incarceration he has murdered a fellow mental patient.
Nicknamed “The Stockwell Strangler” by the media, Kenneth Erskine was convicted of the murder of 7 London pensioners in 1986. The police are sure that he killed many more. He buggered all of his victims before or after they died.
In 1999, the black homosexual, Richard Fielding, murdered Lee Day, his girlfriend and 5 members of Lee’s family. He killed them because he blamed Lee for preventing him becoming a “famous male model” and a “famous DJ”
and it goes on for 1765 pages:
Just for our amusement I include here some choices from todays schedule on the oh so PC BBC radio 4:
Between Ourselves
Series 5, Episode 2
7 days left to listen
2/6. Olivia O’Leary talks to an Iraqi Kurd and an Iranian Azeri about being refugees in the UK.
A Musical Trip to South Africa – with Lenny Henry ( Has-been black comedian-gtrman )
Episode 1
7 days left to listen
1/5. Lenny Henry opens the series at Soccer City in Johannesburg and enjoys the ‘Kwaito’ vibe.
Book of the Week
Burying The Bones, Episode 2
7 days left to listen
2/5. Pearl Buck’s missionary family face violence and famine in early 20th-century China.
Ravi Shankar: Sitar Hero
Nitin Sawhney explores the life of the Indian musician Ravi Shankar.
Afternoon Reading
Unaccustomed Earth, Hell-Heaven
1/5. A lonely Indian mother, living in America, meets a charismatic young immigrant. (R)
Word of Mouth
Why do people always want to ‘improve’ your English? Michael Rosen ( jew) investigates.
Front Row
Mark Lawson talks to architect David Adjaye about his photographic survey of urban Africa.
Between Ourselves
Series 5, Episode 2
7 days left to listen
2/6. Olivia O’Leary talks to an Iraqi Kurd and an Iranian Azeri about being refugees in the UK.
Oh, and the UK govt. have just announced some “changes” to our Health Service that sound at first glance very similar to Obamas………small world, eh?