They may not be creatures of the night but they sure do have their fangs deep in our necks. Read this article all the way through and you’ll see that this picture is not that far from reality. This will make your blood boil, alright – I guarantee it!
According to Thomas Stauffer, consulting economist in Washington, the State of Israel has cost us at least 1.6 trillion dollars from 1973 to 2002. That breaks down to $5,700 for every single man, woman and child in the United States of America. (divided out across the entire 2002 US population, including all non-taxpayers). Read more here
This is only what can be figured from public documents (natch) and is probably much worse for you, depending on your particular tax bracket. It could easily be twice as much, or more, for yourself. From 1949 to 1997, every single Israeli (5.8 million of them) has cost the US tax payers at least $23,240 (just in outright US grants — not including the peace bribes to neighbors). And this is what can be seen on the surface. It’s even worse when you dig deeper.
The 1.6 trillion figure includes the US tax payers money to Israel (see below), in addition to the money we’ve spent in aid to countries, like Egypt and Jordan, to get them to sign peace accords with Israel (the peace bribes). Basically, we’ve all been paying through the nose for the Nazi-like behavior of this one small country in the Mideast, down the years and it’s only getting worse. Far worse. Go on up to the local filling station and find out just how much it is today — due to paranoia from two-bit, oil future brokers over US and Globalist Zionist war-mongering in the region.
Just look at those grinning, waxy-yellow Bloodsuckers: 9/11 Traitor George W. Bush with Arch-Zionazis Shimon Peres and PM Ehud Olmert. They have lots to smile about. It’s the real-life ”Undead!”
For each Israeli family of five, they’ve received something like $116,000 of US money in aid and grants (below). Pretty good schtick they have going on all of us. And that’s not even figuring in all the blackmail and extortion that they play on the Germans and Britons. For example: Germany has paid over $61.8 billion in Holocaust reparations to the State of Israel. And the Israelis are still demanding more!
Basic Financial Benefits to Israel of U.S. Aid
Since 1949 to November 1, 1997 (make note of that: 1997)
Foreign Aid Grants and Loans: $74,157,600,000*
Other U.S. Aid (12.2% of Foreign Aid): $9,047,227,200
Interest to Israel from Advanced Payments: $1,650,000,000
Grand Total: $84,854,827,200
Interest Costs Borne by U.S.: $49,936,680,000
Total Cost to U.S. Taxpayers: $134,791,507,200
Total Taxpayer Cost per Israeli (1949-1997): $23,240
Read more here
*The loans will never be paid back by circuitous agreements with traitors in Washington, DC:
Currently, [Jan. 2001] Israel owes the U.S. government almost $3 billion in economic and military loans. Direct government-to-government loans are included in the above numbers for total aid, because repayment of several loans has been “waived” by the U.S. Israeli officials are fond of saying that Israel has never defaulted on a loan from the U.S. Technically, this is true. The CRS report, however, notes that from FY 1994 through FY 1998 $29 billion in U.S. loans have been waived for Israel. Therefore, it is reasonable to consider all loans to Israel the same as grants. Read more here
People have generally assumed our aid to Israel has been at 3 billion a year. But that’s not the whole story:
Recently Americans have begun to read and hear that “Israel receives $3 billion in annual U.S. foreign aid.” That’s true. But it’s still a lie. The problem is that in fiscal 1997 alone, Israel received from a variety of other U.S. federal budgets at least $525.8 million above and beyond its $3 billion from the foreign aid budget, and yet another $2 billion in federal loan guarantees. So the complete total of U.S. grants and loan guarantees to Israel for fiscal 1997 was $5,525,800,000.
Israel gets more in US Aid than any other country in the entire world combined:
This meant that for every dollar the U.S. spent on an African, it spent $250.65 on an Israeli, and for every dollar it spent on someone from the Western Hemisphere outside the United States, it spent $214 on an Israeli. Read more here!
Think about that one, for a moment, when someone sobs about some poor, starving African in the jungle or in the desert like the Sudan (white liberals and big-mouthed Jews want us to pay more for that, too). For every single dollar that we give one of those Africans, we give $250 dollars to some Israeli, basking in the warm Mediterranean sun!
But that’s not all! All of this is now estimated to approach 10 billion a year! That’s right, Dubya Bush has now signed a whole new pledge to give them 30 billion over the next 10 years in weapons. That’s another 3 billion a year. Yeah, it’s your money! Read more here Oh, they’ll say that 74% of the military part has to be spent with the US Military/Industrial complex so then it’s all just fine and dandy. But that’s not exactly true, it’s more like 60% they’ll spend with our national companies with all the Israeli sub-systems and parts that they make our companies use for their orders.
How about if we just spend our money here and get to keep all the cool toys and jobs?
And of the money that goes to Israel, some of it surely comes back to the US to manipulate our political process. The State of Israel exclaims that it’s a sovereign nation (I wonder how they’d like us saying that?) and will not discuss what it does with OUR money that we give them. AIPAC, too, refuses to disclose where it’s funding comes from. They could well be using our very own money to insure more future bloodsucking, by corrupting Capital Hill and elections all over the country, with none of us the least bit wiser! Cost of Israel
So it’s really not Zionist Occupied Government, but more like Zionist Owned Government.
But that’s not all! Dual-Israeli citizen and Zionist traitor Michael Chertoff has kindly decided that his fellow Jews are the most at risk from all the evil Islamo-Fascist’s running around America. He’s decided to give Jewish institutions the majority of U.S. federal funds designated this year to help secure nonprofit organizations! Of $24 million in grants nationwide, Jewish groups have been awarded $19.6 million. Sweet. Read more here
But that’s not all! On 9/10/01 (that’s right– the day before 9/11) the Pentagon released figures that said 1 trillion dollars had gone missing from the books of the Super-Zionist Comptroller of the Pentagon, Rabbi Dov Zakheim. Turns out that this may be in military equipment illegally transferred to Israel, at pennies on the dollar or free, totally unknown by our Government Accounting Office. And it may actually be 2.3 trillion. Read more here Boy, I sure do wonder why our media hasn’t reported on any of this! My blog post about this shady 9/11 character
Now, if our “government” is giving them free military equipment, unbeknownst to any accounting, someone is paying for it. And that someone is you. At 2.3 trillion, that’s an additional $8,000 dollars per every American. So that’s $13,700 and, again — depending on your tax bracket – quite possibly twice as much for you, or more. Looks like most Americans could have bought a brand-new car, a really nice car, for what the State of Israel has made off all us suckers! And that’s just part of it still, wait to you get to the rest.
And then there’s the Kosher tax that everybody pays at the grocery store. If you go into your kitchen and get a can of food, look for a small logo symbol like a “K” or a “U” with a circle around it – that’s a symbol that costs the producer in payouts to Orthodox Jew groups. It’s also on Meat, Diary and even, get this, non-edible products like aluminum foil. It’s estimated to be in the hundreds of millions! It’s an extortion racket on all of us.
Oh, wait, I forgot. The Jews over at Wikipedia say all this is nothing but an “urban legend.” NOT!
How much is it per product? No one really knows exactly since they refuse to tell us how much! It’s all “hush-hush” because that, too, is part of the deal they have in the contracts — for them to keep it quiet from all us poor schmucks. They say it’s only fractions of pennies on the dollar or some such BS. Yet no verifiable figures are ever released. But we all know how fractions quickly add up. The Wall Street Journal in 1959 estimated it at 20 million for just one Rabbinical group (there’s something like 275 of them). That’s a lot for 1959. I insist that you go to this site for an eye opening video and further information: Click here and see!
Just imagine if the Mormons did this kind of thing? Don’t you think we’d see TV exposés on it? It’s your money! Let’s say it only amounts to $10 dollars a month on your grocery bill. I’d say that’s a safe bet on about $400. That’s $120 a year (conservatively) that goes to some bearded men someplace who fervently wish to enslave you Goyim (they sit around studying the Talmud and live off the Kosher taxes). That’s right, you’re paying some religious SOB’s your own good money – every single time you go shopping – to those who literally work towards a future where they can tell you what to do! Read more here Here’s one of the laws that they have in store for us (there’s actually 66):
7. The Children of Noah [that's you] are permanently warned concerning the Seven Universal Laws. This means that ignorance of the law is not a valid defense. One cannot claim, for example, that he did not know that idolatry was one of the seven commandments. Nor can he claim that he did not know that bowing down to an idol constitutes idolatry [like having a Christian cross]. The 7 Laws You’d Better Start Studying
How’s that for some serious BS, Sports Fans?
But hell, you’re already slaves to these vampires, now. Your tax dollars go completely to paying off the interest on the National debt. How much money was deducted from your paycheck last week — how about over the entire year? This is where the mega-rich Globalist Zionist bankers behind the Federal Reserve create money for the Government to use and for us to end up paying off these Zionist allies to the World’s secret elite. The central banks behind all this scam have always been Rothschild and Bank of England-controlled. Woodrow Wilson brought all this on us when he signed the Federal Reserve act on December 23, 1913. Read more here
1838: Amschel Mayer Rothschild states, “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.”
1913: The Rothschilds set up the Anti Defamation League (ADL) in the United States designed to brand as, “anti-Semitic,” anyone who questions or challenges the Global Elite.
Of course, some people just have to think that these “powers that be” are not really all Globalist Zionists. Yeah, sure, and I have a bridge to sell you. This was well-proven to be the case at 8:46 am, on 9/11/01 when the some passenger Jet blew itself to smithereens inside the North Tower of the World Trade Center. Read more here
You think for one Jew York minute that it’s not Zionists? Israel has been their little pet project now, going back a century. It’s readily apparent, anymore. You think that they could get away with 9/11, the Iraq lies and all this Israeli extortion shit without owning our media and wielding a giant economic bludgeon over our politicians? You ever hear about any of this on the mainstream news? Ever see John Stoessel do a report on 20/20? And you just happen to think that 3% of our population is enough of a voting block to allow all this? Right.
People! How much more math do you have to do?
And the Iraq war has been part and parcel to the whole scheme, right along with the North American Union and the New World Order. So that’s another $2.4 trillion dollars right there. Right along with 4,000 dead Americans. 1.2 million Iraqi, as well. Oh yeah, 17 of the American dead from both Iraq AND Afghanistan are Jewish Americans. I forgot to mention that. Read more here The war in Iraq will eventually cost every American family of four, a staggering $46,400. That’s right, forty-six THOUSAND dollars! And all of that is completely separate from the rest of the Zionist bloodsucking going on. Read more here
We’ve built 14 permanent bases in Iraq, just to protect those oil lines now being built to end up in Haifa, Israel. It’s never been about Big Oil to begin with. It’s been about Big Zionist Oil, all along folks. Read more here And with many of the oil exporting countries, such as Putin’s Russia, now wanting to be paid in Euros instead of our collapsing Dollar, what’s a Rothschild Zionist to do? Get his hands on the black gold — what else? And people out there really think that Hillary or any of the other “approved” media candidates like McCain will ever be allowed to bring home the troops? What a laugh.
And then we have the Border fence. No, not between the US and Mexico. Are you kidding me? This border fence, or should I say, a huge giant wall, is to keep the Palestinians all penned up, and is being paid for by the World Bank. Yep, some more of your tax dollars for that apartheid endeavor comes from American tax dollars (in addition to what we give them, anyways). We sure can help pay for that wall in Israel but not for one to keep out all the illegals in this country. What a crock of utter BS! Read more here
So basically, America’s blood is being sucked dry as well as us getting screwed. Royally screwed.
So how much do each of us have to pay out to Israel? Pretty much, I’d say. My calculator didn’t have enough computing power, trying to figure out all the BS. Is it worth it? Sure, if you’re Jewish! Think about all the highways and bridge maintenance that this country needs. Think about health insurance for children. Think about when those children finally grow up — will they go off to fight a war for Israel?
And now our country is in a full-blown recession with massive debt piling up from wars for Israel’s oil and the ridiculous loaning practices allowed by greedy banks in the sub-prime market. Plus, the new thing, Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWF) are in a free-for-all in buying up our American infrastructure for foreigners. Add to all this, our manufacturing base is being exported along with Chinese and Mexican imports — well, you get the picture. America is being trashed from within and from without. And it won’t be long now, before they completely trash our Free Speech rights, to keep talk like this from coming out all over.
So, whether you know it or not, or even if you don’t give a dam anymore, the concept of America is now a weakened and sick victim of real-life vampires!
–Phillip Marlowe
You think that’s all?
Belgium is now (3/12/08] being fleeced for 170 Million. Read more here
It appears that the Zionists are on some kind of last role of the Holocaust gambit before our economies bite the dust or the so-called survivors (most have never been anywhere near a concentration camp) have died off. And make clear note that I filed this under Crime as well as Israel. Here’s some other links to check out on all this — you go look into it:
Dual-Citizenship and Loyalties?
The Real Cost of US Support for Israel
No one Knows the cost of Israel’s Settlement Ambitions
Comments feed for this article
January 15, 2008 at 6:44 pm
And what do we get back from Isreal for all of this money? 80% hooked-nosed jews making money by corrupting our children in Hollywood and jew bankers controlling everything including our laws? Not a fair trade. We need to get out of everyone’s countries and take care of our own. Let them fight it out among hemselves, but that isn’t even the real problem. Just a distraction.
This country is at its end. They are teaching our high-schoolers to go into Homeland Security with incentives. No more college paid for on being an electrical engineer or something. They need callous, hard, New World Order control freaks to out-number all of us that will protest. Our police are now militarized and can do what they want. I saw a video of a 60 year-old woman whose door was busted in after Katrina by black-hooded, black-vested cops to demand her gun. She asked why, all scared and suprised. She wasn’t a criminal. She wasn’t flooded in her house by water and had food in her pantry. Just because she asked why, she was tackled to the floor and hurt. Broke bones. Things are getting bad. Questioning a cop will get you tasered now-a-days.
They have cloned animals and will make us eat them. It will be worse than all the chemicals they already inject into normal animals and people will get sick, mark my words. Cloned animals are unatural. They transplanted a head on a monkey, so what is next? Technology just may let the very rich live forever.
They say 3 year-olds are reaching puberty and then give them hormones to stop that. The stuff in our food and water is causing this. It is feminizing our men to make them complacent. The flouride in the water is something each of you need to read about because it is awful. It subdues people and messes the brain up. They are now saying they took out the mercury from the vaccines, but they didn’t. They didn’t make all that stuff to lose money on it because people complained.
It is baffling to me to see whay we have to support all these other contries with our hard earned money. Just think how grand it would be if all the money was here, all the troops protected our borders and we got over $100,000 just for being an American every year free and clear. The jew has really screwed us good and the evil they and other bigwigs have is something I doubt we can change. Bush is a criminal and we can’t even impeach him! No one will do anything, so stand in your bread line in your FEMA camp when they come get you and remember the good old days if you ever had any.
January 17, 2008 at 11:02 pm
What are you guys complaining about? After all, the jews own everything, the goyim own nothing, not even their women.
Great, isn’t it?
With ‘friends’ like that, who needs enemies?
January 24, 2008 at 7:43 am
It’s quite a big scale robbery of the american people. International banks and military industrial complex’s don’t mind, I’m sure.
February 3, 2009 at 10:46 pm
Great stuff, Incog.
It appears some things never change. I’m gonna keep coming back till the end of time!
March 15, 2009 at 6:11 pm
Will The REAL jEW Please Stand Up – Bush jEWs CIA Crime Family ( the picture).
When are jews not jews? When they pretend to be Christians for multiple generations after coming to America for the Bolshevik’s infiltration process.
Or Britain where they try and blow up Parliaments. Etc…etc…
Or pretend to be Muslim Terrorist insighting violence in Palastine and all nations they wish to draw into their Pike’s Wars OF Terror.
December 8, 2009 at 9:41 am
I promised I’d be back!
Just out of curiosity, I thought I’d see what JEW-controlled wikipedia had to say about the KOSHER “TAX”:
Could an explanation be any more one-sided? Look at all the name calling in the first sentence, as if ONLY Whites would object! They really feel they have something to hide about his scam, and it’ll be my focus this week when I talk with people face to face. The good thing is that since JEWS are so thorough, I can pick up ANY product in a kitchen and be proven correct!