Is Israel Controlling Phony Terror News?
By Gordon Duff and Brian Jobert
Who says Al Qaeda takes credit for a bombing? Rita Katz. Who gets us bin Laden tapes? Rita Katz. Who gets us pretty much all information telling us Muslims are bad? Rita Katz? Rita Katz is the Director of Site Intelligence, primary source for intelligence used by news services, Homeland Security, the FBI and CIA. What is her qualification? She served in the Israeli Defense Force. She has a college degree and most investigative journalists believe the Mossad “helps” her with her information. We find no evidence of any qualification whatsoever of any kind. A bartender has more intelligence gathering experience.
Nobody verifies her claims. SITE says Al Qaeda did it, it hits the papers. SITE says Israel didn’t do it, that hits the papers too. What does SITE really do? They check the internet for “information,” almost invariably information that Israel wants reported and it is sold as news, seen on American TV, reported in our papers and passed around the internet almost as though it were actually true. Amazing.
Do we know if the information reported comes from a teenager in Seattle or a terror cell in Jakarta? No, of course not, we don’t have a clue. Can you imagine buying information on Islamic terrorism from an Israeli whose father was executed as a spy by Arabs?
It is quite likely that everything you think you know about terror attacks such as the one in Detroit or whether Osama bin Laden is alive or dead comes from Rita Katz. Does she make it all up? We don’t know, nobody knows, nobody checks, they simply buy it, print it, say it comes from Site Intelligence and simply forget to tell us that this is, not only a highly biased organization but also an extremely amateur one also.
Is any of this her fault, Ritas? No. She is herself, selling her work. The blame is not Site Intelligence, it is the people who pass on the information under misleading circumstances.
Imagine if a paper carried a story like this:
Reports that Al Qaeda was responsible for bombing the mosque and train station were given to us by an Israeli woman who says she found it on the internet.
This is fair. Everyone should be able to earn a living and information that comes from Israel could be without bias but the chances aren’t very good. In fact, any news organization, and most use this service, that fails to indicate that the sources they use are “rumored” to be a foreign intelligence service with a long history of lying beyond human measure, is not to be taken seriously.
Can we prove that SITE Intelligence is the Mossad? No. Would a reasonable person assume it is? Yes.
Would a reasonable person believe anything from this source involving Islam or the Middle East? No, they would not.
SITE’s primary claim to fame other than bin Laden videos with odd technical faults is their close relationship with Blackwater. Blackwater has found site useful. Blackwater no longer exists as they had to change their name because of utter lack of credibility.
What can be learned by examining where our news comes from? Perhaps we could start being realistic and begin seeing much of our own news and the childish propaganda it really is.
Propaganda does two things:
1. It makes up phony reasons to justify acts of barbaric cruelty or insane greed.
2. It blames people for things they didn’t do because the people doing the blaming really did it themselves. We call these things “false flag/USS Liberty” incidents.
Next time you see dancing Palestinians and someone tells you they are celebrating a terror attack, it is more likely they are attending a birthday party. This is what we have learned, perhaps this is what we had best remember.
FOX news video broadcast on 9/11 purported to show Palestinians celebrating the WTC “terrorist attack,” but the video was really taken back in 1991 and had nothing to do with terrorism.
From an AFP article on Site Intelligence:
Rita Katz and S.I.T.E. are set to release yet another “Al-Qaeda” tape
Despite a massive manhunt by the world’s intelligence agencies, BL seems to evade their combined efforts, staying on the run. But he still has time to drop into his recording studio and cook up a fresh tape for the likes of Rita Katz and her outfit called S.I.T.E. SITE is staffed by TWO people, Katz and a Josh Devon.
WASHINGTON (AFP) The head of the Al-Qaeda network Osama bin Laden is expected to release a taped message on Iraq, a group monitoring extremist online forums said Thursday. The 56-minute tape by the hunted militant is addressed to Iraq and an extremist organization based there, the Islamic State of Iraq, said the US-based SITE monitoring institute, citing announcements on “jihadist forums.”
It said the release was “impending” but did not say whether the message was an audio or video tape. Despite a massive manhunt and a 25-million-dollar bounty on his head, he has evaded capture and has regularly taunted the United States and its allies through warnings issued on video and audio cassettes.
Source: ME Times
Yes, despite a massive manhunt by the world’s intelligence agencies, BL seems to evade their combined efforts, staying on the run. But he still has time to drop into his recording studio and cook up a fresh tape for the likes of Rita Katz and her outfit called S.I.T.E. SITE is staffed by TWO people, Katz and a Josh Devon.
Yet these two individuals manage to do what the ENTIRE combined assets of the world’s Western intelligence can’t:
Be the first to obtain fresh video and audio tapes from aL-Qaeda with Bin Laden making threats and issuing various other comments. If BL appears a bit “stiff” in the latest release, that’s because he is real stiff, as in dead.
How is it that a Jewish owned group like S.I.T.E. can outperform the world’s best and brightest in the intelligence field and be the first to know that a group like al-Qaeda is getting ready to release another tape?
How is it possible that Rita Katz and S.I.T.E. can work this magic? Maybe looking at Katz’s background will help:
Rita Katz is Director and co-founder of the SITE Institute. Born in Iraq, her father was tried and executed as an Israeli spy, whereupon her family moved to Israel [the move has been described as both an escape and an emigration in different sources]. She received a degree from the Middle Eastern Studies program at Tel Aviv University, and is fluent in Hebrew and Arabic. She emigrated to the US in 1997.
Katz was called as a witness in the trial, but the government didn’t claim she was a terrorism expert. During the trial it was discovered that Katz herself had worked in violation of her visa agreement when she first arrived in America in 1997.
She also admitted to receiving more than $130,000 for her work as an FBI consultant on the case.
Article from: VETERANS TODAY
Another source for “radical Islamofascist” videos is the IntelCenter, run by Jews Ben Venzke and Jim Melnick (president: Friends of Russian Jewry). Melnick is a former senior military “psyops” officer who once worked for Donald Rumsfeld. Venzke used to be senior intelligence director at a company called “IDEFENSE.” Read more here.
Analysis of video JPEG compression artifacts points to the phony ”Al-Qaeda” media logo and IntelCenter’s logo being saved at the exact same time within the files.
These are the people who put out the “Azzam The American” videos — a supposedly disaffected American youth who went to Pakistan to join up with Al Qaeda as a “spokesman.” But guess what? The guy is a Jew named Adam Pearlman and his grandfather was on the board of the Jewish ADL!
Pearlman is a ”double agent” — actually an actor performing a giant Jew Job on America’s head. The videos undoubtedly come straight from MOSSAD headquarters in Herzilay, Israel and right now Pearlman is sitting there, laughing his subversive Jew ass off!
This is all ”psyops” created for the media to decieve the gullible American public.
Fake Al Qaeda Actors Exposed!
“Al Qaeda Doesn’t Exist” prologue from The Corbett Report documentary. Go HERE for the documentary.
Comments feed for this article
April 9, 2010 at 8:05 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
No Quarter. Ye sound gallus , right enough!
April 9, 2010 at 8:05 pm
And it’s not just the poor Palestinians, you JEWS do this to any Gentiles whenever it might benefit criminal shit-hole Israel:
April 9, 2010 at 8:05 pm
No Quarter
She’s a “jew” – she’s typing – she’s lying “oy vey”
April 9, 2010 at 8:27 pm
No Quarter
Well, Cannibal R, – anglo/celtic to be precise – but alas! there wull be nae jammy dodgers tha’ nicht.
April 9, 2010 at 8:28 pm
No Quarter
Perhaps some irn-bru.
April 9, 2010 at 8:29 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
American. Watched that f/t vid. The freaks of nature make cancer appear as party favours , by comparison. They are the Abyss. Back away, and let nature exact it’s toll.”Evil” as a concept, is found wanting.
April 9, 2010 at 8:33 pm
Krazy Kikess Kunt,
There is still time, but death could come at any moment. Repent.
Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour, said that the Pharisees (the Rabbinate) convert the innocent to their devilish cult and thereby lead their victims to hell:
Dear Krazy Kikess Kunt, with love I urge you to repent.
Leave that filthy cult you were unfortunately born into and turn to God.
April 9, 2010 at 8:36 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
No Quarter.Ye dont sound like a heed the ba’.Night Night.
April 11, 2010 at 8:49 am
Who controls America?
April 13, 2010 at 7:04 pm
Julian Lee
The PsyOp Sea Surges Daily:
When Jews Become Republicans:
“No Iran Nukes For a Year”
Here is the Jewish news article (Reuters) that accompanied the Drudge photo choice.
No mention of Iranians parading happily in the streets over it.
April 14, 2010 at 9:59 pm
A blast from the past…
April 15, 2010 at 4:05 pm
Is South Africa Sucks a jewish creation designed to keep Whites from a rational knowledge and cooperation with each other? I have suspected that to be the case since they have repeatedly rebuked and attacked very mild criticisms directed against the jewish involvement in the past.
Purportedly, there is a new management or at least a reshuffling. I’m interested to see whether this comment, now awaiting moderation, is given a place within the public comments.
It should show at this photo-captioned posting:
The photo caption should read, “The evolution of jewish policies and media attacking all White men”. The policy of ALL true Americans is supportive of South Africa.
It is only those who pretend to be Americans while supporting policies favorable to only one group of people (jewish) and only one “nation”, Israel – who promote the slaughter of Whites in South Africa or elsewhere.
Those fanatics attack their own people in order to advance their treacherous policies. Promotion of communists such as Mandela while attacking Richard Goldstone shows their myopic agenda based solely on what is good for jews and for Israel.
“Richard Goldstone, a former South African judge, has been effectively banned from attending his grandson’s bar mitzvah which is to be held in Johannesburg next month.
Goldstone, who authored a UN report on the war crimes committed by Israel in the Gaza Strip, has been barred by the South African Zionist Federation (SAZF) from attending the event, South African and Israeli newspapers reported on Thursday.
“A very ugly feature of the response to the Goldstone report has been personal attacks like this on him and his family over a sustained period,” Doron Isaacs, a Jewish South African, told Al Jazeera on Thursday.”
April 15, 2010 at 4:16 pm
SBD TV, Thanks for that video of Congressman Larry McDonald. He may have been one of the last true representatives for the American people in Congress until he was murdered in the JAL 007 (I think that is the correct number, and maybe it is KAL?) crash along with hundreds of other innocent passengers. I think he was viewed as the most dangerous American to the JNWO plans, and I have heard rumors, but I have been unable to confirm with facts, that he was preparing to deliver facts to the public which would, at that point in time, have caused people to revolt and to overturn all of the JNWO plans.
Have you ever come across any information about this? If so, can you provide us with some links to track and to expand on it?
April 15, 2010 at 5:18 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
SBD. Great stuff.
The slimey bastard to Mr Mcdonalds right, used the same approach to debate as howie stern, in his attempted debunking of Glenn Miller else where on this blog. Pretend ignorance, interruption, faux surpriseand “who me?”. All dealt with graciously and with adherence to facts and sources by Mr McDonald.
April 17, 2010 at 10:44 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
X-war technologies caused the deaths of well-known Russian politicians
Most air traffic is grounded for the forseeable future across Europe.
Also the unprecedented number of Earthquakes recently, combined with economic stagnation. The vaccine false flag. you don’t have to be alky jewnes,to think, WTF.
April 17, 2010 at 10:58 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
Face of the volcano:
A radar image shows the crater of Eyjafjallajokull in southeast Iceland which has caused the cloud of volcanic ash to spread over Europe.
Looks like a screaming demon, no?
Forgot to give a link to that last post.
April 18, 2010 at 9:28 am
Cannibal Rabbi
Collected here are photos of the most recent eruption, and of last month’s eruptions, which were from the same volcano, just several miles further east.
April 18, 2010 at 9:33 am
Cannibal Rabbi
April 18, 2010 at 9:39 am
Cannibal Rabbi
April 18, 2010 at 9:47 am
Cannibal Rabbi
One for Marshall.
April 18, 2010 at 10:08 am
May 1983, on In The Crossfire, with Tom Braden and Pat Buchanan, Congressman Larry Patton McDonald exposed the OWG plot, and predicted the NWO. Braden was a CIA man, former assistant to CIA director Allan Dulles, and go-between with the communist allies.
“The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining super-capitalism and communism under the same tent, all under their control. … Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent.”
Unfortunately for McDonald, he believed that his “right wing” John Birch Society was opposed to Communism, and probably didn’t suspect that JBS brothers were relaying his every word and action on to their brothers in the lodges and in the Kremlin. “Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent.”
The Anglo-Calvinist-Judeo-Masonic banking-industrialist clique (Rockefeller-Carnegie-Mellon-Morgan-Warburg-Schiff etc), installed Brother Kerensky, then had him overthrown by Lenin, Trotsky and their Jews. The goal was to crush the Orthodox Christian world, the Romanovs, Russia, and obtain a monopoly over Russian resources and banking. Stalin eliminated the Lenin, Trotsky, Zinoviev, and Kamenev. After some difficulties, the conspirators adapted to Stalin, while also building up Hitler against the USSR. After Stalin was eliminated, US-USSR convergence renewed. “Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent.”
Eventually, Gorbachëv would ally with the West as the most effective means of effecting World Government; also handing Russia over to the oligarchs. This was when Bush and Clinton could come out and speak openly of the New World Order. Putin and Medvedev have again taken back native control of Russia, resulting in the current NATO encirclement plan. “Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent.”
McDonald clearly identified this convergence in May, 1983. On September 1, 1983, a Korean plane (KAL 007) carrying McDonald was shot down by America’s Soviet allies, after the CIA directed the pilot into Soviet air space.
According to freelance (?) investigators from the Zionist Entity, he was rescued from the sea and held at the Lubyanka and Lefortovo prisons, at Sukhanova, and at the Karaganda and Temir Tau prisons in Kazakhstan, where he was likely executed.
April 18, 2010 at 10:12 am
1983: Larry McDonald exposed One World Government plot, killed by US’s Soviet allies
April 18, 2010 at 10:16 am
Cannibal Rabbi
He survived the plane crash???
Do you have any links to that?
April 18, 2010 at 10:16 am
Cannibal Rabbi
April 18, 2010 at 10:45 am
Cannibal Rabbi
Japan Islanders reject US military base
Thousands of political activists in Tokunoshima have rallied against the possible re-location of a US military base to the Japanese island.
April 18, 2010 at 10:54 am
Cannibal Rabbi
I forgot the link to my comment. Excuse me.§ionid=351020406
April 18, 2010 at 11:01 am
Cannibal Rabbi
With great appreciation, last week I was invited to talk on a PressTV program – and it is true that I have worked in TVJounalism in war zones, in times of war and in Israel/Palestine.
.Morris from DTN on Press TV.
April 18, 2010 at 11:14 am
For your honorable consideration:
April 18, 2010 at 11:21 am
I’m heading off now, before the resident Dark Hasbarat Jews crawl out from under their rocks.
April 18, 2010 at 11:26 am
Cannibal Rabbi
Thanks for that.
Bon voyage.
April 18, 2010 at 11:33 am
GDL/White Master
Everything is ok America just keep paying attention to the most worthless garbage….keep on being color blind and don’t worry about walking into walls we the Jews will guide you to the promised land.
BTW, the economy will be just fine,
Is anyone still buying their bullshit?
April 18, 2010 at 12:03 pm
kerdasi amaq
I’ve decided. This eruption in Iceland, is God’s way of commenting on the murder of Lech Kaczynski.
April 18, 2010 at 1:08 pm
Cannibal Rabbi, I may have more links if I can ever get access to some old files. Here is some information about the survivors of KAL007:
Extensive tracking information on McDonald is cited with the last notation being:
“In the summer of 1990, he [McDonald] was taken to the transportation prison in Karaganda. Here, as an unknown prisoner whose file is sealed by the KGB, he remained. As of 1995, all efforts to obtain additional information from the Karaganda prison have failed. The congressman’s present location is unknown—it may be there or he may have been moved since then.”
More info:
April 18, 2010 at 2:54 pm
BBC News
Saturday, 1 April, 2000, 14:44 GMT 15:44 UK
The volcano in Iceland exploded because of the Jews.
By BBC News Online’s Dr Damian Carrington
Volcanoes are the dramatic and deadly consequence of our restless planet .
Scientists have become much better at predicting eruptions and how dangerous a volcano is. It turns out it all depends fundamentally on one thing – how sticky the Jewish magma is.
This type of Jewish eruption is much less predictable and therefore much more dangerous. The explosions at ancient Pompeii, Mount St Helens, Pinatubo, Montserrat and Mount Usu were caused Also by of the Jews.
April 18, 2010 at 2:59 pm
Right. We really think that way.
That’s how these people play things. Come up with something ridiculous and act like that’s our thinking pattern. It’s easy to see the real deal, should one take the time to look into it and think beyond what THEY want. The Jew’s dirty, pudgy fingers are all over the place.
April 18, 2010 at 4:29 pm
GDL/White Master
Funny Olsen would imply something like that seeing how Jews never fail to blame White western civilization for ALL the ills of the world.
April 18, 2010 at 4:34 pm
Or the Vatican, or something absurd like “secret nazis.” Jews can’t be fingered, that’s why they are now getting away with MURDER.
April 18, 2010 at 5:05 pm
GDL/White Master
Not to mention how Jews make up fake stories like that holocaust one, when the Jew has been the prominent mass murderers throughout history. Isn’t that right Olsen?
April 18, 2010 at 5:17 pm
Speaking of America getting conned, Kevin MacDonald has a few thoughts about the staged ‘nazi’ rally in LA this week. My take is that it’s purpose is not only to get the “anti-White” left riled, but also to teach Whites they’ll get beaten! LMAO!!!! Where do they find these guys?!
And don’t forget to DUMP ISRAEL, the ONLY terrorist state!
April 18, 2010 at 8:35 pm
Re: “This eruption in Iceland, is God’s way of commenting on the murder of Lech Kaczynski.”
Kaczyński was an extreme Zionist, and spoke out in defense of the Zionist Entity, quite often against prevalent European positions. The Jewish Telegraphic Agency described Kaczyński as “a staunch supporter of Israel [sic].” Kaczyński visited the Zionist Entity’s Yad Vashem tourist attraction twice, and boosted Polish-Zionist military ties. The Zionist newspaper Ha’aretz reported that Kaczyński’s death “had special resonance in Israel [sic]” as it came on the eve of the annual “Holocaust Memorial Day”. Zionist Entity Prime Minister Benjamin Natanyahu opened his weekly cabinet meeting on the Sunday after the crash by eulogizing Kaczyński and calling him “a great friend of the state of Israel [sic].” He coninued, “President Kaczyński led an important process for opening a new page in relations between the Polish and Jewish people and developed Polish-Israeli [sic] relations. During this painful hour we bow our heads, together with all of the citizens of Israel [sic], over the huge loss…to all nations that seek freedom and peace.”” Zionist Entity President Shimon Peres issued a statement, saying, “the news of the tragic accident that has taken the lives of my friend, President Lech Kaczyński, his wife Maria Kaczyńska…has been received with a great deal of pain, shock and distress.” Zionist Entity Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said the Zionist Entity’s people share the grief of the Polish people at the death of Polish President Lech Kaczynski, adding that he was a true friend of the Zionist Entity, as evidenced by his important contribution to the formation of strategic relations between Poland and the Zionists.The director of Yad Vashem expressed “deep sorrow” and praised Kaczyński’s “commitment to preserving the memory of The Holocaust.” The Zionist Entity’s military chief, Lt. Gen. Ashkenazi, called his Polish counterpart, Gen. Franciszek Gagor, who died in the crash, an amazing military man. Ashkenazi said he was impressed by Gen. Gagor’s efforts to teach Polish officers about “The Holocaust”, and to encourage professional and personal relationships between Polish and Zionist soldiers. In 2008, Kaczyński became the first Polish Head of State to openly attend services at a synagogue, in Warsaw.
April 18, 2010 at 8:53 pm
“Kaczyński was an extreme Zionist”
It seems fitting then, that he be buried so near his fellow Kraków ghetto rats.
April 18, 2010 at 9:27 pm
kerdasi amaq
Words are cheap. The can say all the nice things they want about him, now that he’s pushing up daisies. How do you know that they’re not celebrating in secret?
April 18, 2010 at 9:47 pm
Why would they be celebrating?
April 18, 2010 at 9:50 pm
Words are cheap! That is the truth!
Nonetheless, words have great value in a society of complacency. Anger is the goal of our enemy’s words. She intends to control us by turning us against each other. We will prevail! Hey, don’t take me wrong here but, nationalism is very real. Regardless, of how our enemies distort our beliefs we must trudge on.
And for all my Polish Brothers… I Salute You!
April 18, 2010 at 10:03 pm
The Jewish Trudge Report
April 18, 2010 at 10:14 pm
thanks American, you be right about that – but here found this article about Churchill next to it from Prof. Kevin Mac Donald (with further links and 128 comments)
April 18, 2010 at 10:19 pm
Words have many different symbols and icons used to express them today. These expressions are only outnumbered by those that seek to destroy their value. Just as how the currency you value can be undermined by the federal reserve printing more of it. Your words become less valuable by printing more of them.
Use them wisely my friend.
April 18, 2010 at 10:20 pm
From the JSA’s Jewish Ambassador Holbrooke’s briefing at the state department, March 2, 2010, on his Recent Trip to Afghanistan, Pakistan, Central Asia, Georgia and Germany:
“We went on to Georgia. Now, Georgia … and we visited the Georgian battalion outside Tbilisi which will…will be deployed next month to Afghanistan. The U.S. Marines, who are advising the training and who do this as a profession, said these are among the best troops that they’ve ever seen. These…many of these troops fought in Iraq with the coalition. [...] And they are going into Afghanistan with no national caveats, and after they unpack and get acclimatized, they will be integrated into the Marine operations in Helmand. On a per capita basis, right now, they are…they appear to have the highest per capita troop contribution of any country in the world. They’ll be up to about 950 troops when this battalion gets there. It’s an extremely important deployment and we are grateful for it. President Saakashvili and I had discussed this a year ago and started the process which has led to the deployment, and he accompanied me on this trip to the training mission. I was not there on any other subject. [...] But I want to express with great strength on behalf of the entire U.S. Government how much the United States Government appreciates the Georgian contribution. It came by coincidence on the same day that the government in the Netherlands fell. No, this is an important deployment and it’s gotten far too little attention.”
April 18, 2010 at 10:22 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
The thing about the jews is. Even though they buy the like of bush, obama,blair,kaczinski etc. There is no love there. They hold even their closest non jew allies in contempt. Perhaps more than their enemies.
Even though Koscynski may have been an arsecreeper to the jews.
The jews wouldn’t hesitate to betray him in the cause of another scenario closer to their “hearts ” ( Think of it as poetic license. ).
If he had to be cut loose,, as a bargaining chip, don’t doubt the jews would lose no sleep, desoite the honeyed words. They will already have someone in place to move into position.
Traitors are ten a penny. The main problem is stopping them developing ideas above their station. Getting ideas.
April 18, 2010 at 10:24 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
Flanders. Thanks for the links.
April 18, 2010 at 10:30 pm
Should “America” take all advice as truth from non-citizens? Tell me, do foreigners really know what’s going on here? Do they directly talk to the people on the street or do they interpret what they see on the internet and in the media?
Thus far it seems to me some think every street has a synagogue on it and that we are all jews. Yeah, that don’t impress me much!
April 18, 2010 at 11:21 pm
Jew: “Every street has a synagogue on it”?
Where? Where The Streets Have No Name?
Thanks for that Jewey wisdom.
Shania Twain Wannabe: “Yeah, that don’t impress me much!”
Did you run out of Jewess Pat Benatar quotes?
How about the Jewess Carly Simon ‘s song about you?
“Jew had one eye in the mirror as Jew watched Jew’reself gavotte, and the Mad Jewesses dreamed that she’d be your partner, she’d be your partner, and Jew’re so vain, Jew probably think this song is about Jew. Jew’re so vain! I’ll bet Jew think this song is about Jew. Don’t Jew? Don’t Jew?”
April 19, 2010 at 10:43 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
Some more links to the latest HAARP/(?) volcano eruptions in Iceland.
Apparently there is activity at the Hekla volcano. Which is much larger than the one that blew recently.
April 19, 2010 at 10:45 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
This might come in handy for the above.
April 19, 2010 at 10:50 pm
@正教会の智 – “Did you run out of Jewess Pat Benatar quotes?
How about the Jewess Carly Simon ’s song about you?Jew had one eye in the mirror as Jew watched Jew’reself gavotte, and the Mad Jewesses dreamed that she’d be your partner, she’d be your partner, and Jew’re so vain, Jew probably think this song is about Jew. Jew’re so vain! I’ll bet Jew think this song is about Jew. Don’t Jew? Don’t Jew?”
Hey that’s pretty clever! lol
April 19, 2010 at 11:17 pm
@ Flanders – quote “SBD TV, Thanks for that video of Congressman Larry McDonald. He may have been one of the last true representatives for the American people in Congress until he was murdered in the JAL 007 (I think that is the correct number, and maybe it is KAL?) crash along with hundreds of other innocent passengers. I think he was viewed as the most dangerous American to the JNWO plans, and I have heard rumors, but I have been unable to confirm with facts, that he was preparing to deliver facts to the public which would, at that point in time, have caused people to revolt and to overturn all of the JNWO plans.” unquote
Interesting in that he was related to Gen. George S. Patton who, as we all know, met an unfortunate demise by accident just as he was angering the wrong people in global politics. So too died Austrian nationalist leader Joerg Haider by “accident” at the wheel of an Audi, which are pretty dang stout vehicles. Think about the Israeli hit team which offed a Hamas leader, for every one of those we hear about how many don’t make it to the news? The number has got to be huge. (note – I’m wondering if Mossad possibly planned that hit in Dubai with the full intent to expose it for intimidation value?)
April 19, 2010 at 11:21 pm
Congressman Larry McDonald quote from his Wikipedia page;
“[T]he drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government, combining super-capitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control … Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent.”
He was right.
April 20, 2010 at 2:55 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s letter to Ban Ki-moon
by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
You are certainly familiar with the name of Abdulmalik Riggi, a terrorist and gang leader who had used Afghanistan and Pakistan as safe havens over the past years to infiltrate into Iran’s southeast borders for conducting armed robberies and terrorist acts. More than 140 innocent Iranians including women, men and children were killed with the most horrendous methods, and more than 260 were wounded.
I have attached to this letter a video featuring, a very small part of the crimes committed by this terrorist, and the way he enjoyed media supports. It also contains part of the confessions he made on the backings provided by NATO members for his activities. As the Secretary General of the United Nations you are expected to take the following measures based on your legal and humanitarian responsibilities, and inform the people of Iran and all nations of its results:
April 20, 2010 at 8:38 pm
Frank Fredenburg
Noam Chomsky Has ‘Never Seen Anything Like This’
I use to like Chomsky. That was back when I thought that he was one of the many good Jews.
He says in this article, that he thinks America is where Germany was, when Hitler rose to power. I hope he is right!
April 21, 2010 at 8:53 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
F.F. Me too. Back when i was less cynical of a jew’s primary motivations. I think it was when i found out he was a card carrying zionist, and when he said it didn’t matter who did 911, a position which he has since backtracked on (quelle surprise), that i took a closer look at his “act”.
He also buys the the whole shoah sideshow.
Speaking of which:
Willam Harvey’s Shoah tale – Weighed 72 lbs at 20-yrs-old when liberated – Survived the Auschwitz and Buchenwald “death” camps
William is a jew from what’s now the Czek Republic.
Agi Laszlo’s tale – She, her mother, and sister survived two tours of the Auschwitz “death” camp, defiantly told Mengle “no” to being sent to chambers
Agi Laszlo is from a Hungarian jewish family.
Samuel Bradin’s tale – Only member of family to survive, weighed 65lb at 15 y-o when liberated from Belsen – Tells children “We cannot discriminate”
Max Edelman’s sad Holocaust™ tale: “Blind Jew in a Death Camp” – Miraculously survived 8 days without water, escaped being holocausted though blind
Fred Taucher’s sad tale – claims father was sent to Auschwitz in 1938 and killed
Abraham Landau’s tale – “Survived 14 death camps, all other 95 members of his family holocausted”
Why are there so few Holocaust™ stories from non-jews?
The Thirty-Nine Lashes Against the Hoaxacaust
The following are 39 good reasons why you should not believe in the biggest myth of the Twentieth Century:
April 21, 2010 at 9:06 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
True Dub
By Abou Farman
In the Tehran of my childhood, John Wayne was a household name. His swagger was adopted by tough guys in the street, his gun-slinging mimicked up and down the schoolyard. When we played Cowboy Bazi, which was all the time, Wayne was the original cowboy, the archetypal icon from abroad.
He was hardly the only one, of course.
April 21, 2010 at 9:32 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
Thu, Apr 22, 2010
Home News National
Cameron: ‘I will empower UK Jews’
Justin Cohen – Thursday 15th April 2010
David Cameron this week insisted a Conservative government would do “much more to protect and empower the Jewish community” and described learning about his Jewish ancestors as one of the highlights of his year.
The Conservative leader’s comments came in a message to members of the Movement for Reform Judaism, which he used to make pledges on tackling anti-Semitism and education and to appeal for the support of community members in the upcoming election.
Kike first. Kike last. Kike always.
April 21, 2010 at 11:36 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
one tiny brick in the wall of depravity
In Washington state, near Vancouver, a convicted felon (for drug smuggling) has been arrested for running a ‘bestiality farm.’ Warning: gross and depraved. Then again, you probably already heard about it. This lurid story has been making the rounds… because it’s lurid. But why would I tell you about this? Only to illustrate connections. It’s all about connections, and the questions that aren’t being asked.
Vancouver is a hub of international human trafficking. We know this in part from the work of Dave McGowan.
I have referenced Dave’s work in various posts about human trafficking from Drasius Kedys in Lithuania, to Goa, India, to the Tri-Border Area of South America, to the case of Colonel Russ Williams in Canada, etc.
Organized crime is an international phenomenon: human trafficking, organ trafficking, pedophilia, sex slaves, snuff films — all really happening on a huge scale, a scale that cannot be explained without the complicity of some police officers, judges, social workers, military people, politicians, religious leaders, lawyers, bankers, accountants, etc. being involved. Organized. Channels. Networks. Rings. Connections.
For what purpose? To make money. To blackmail. To satisfy depraved lusts. To feel powerful. To abuse.
April 22, 2010 at 1:43 am
I always despised Chomsky.
I heard of him as a “fierce critic” of The Vietnam War. So I read a book of his, and soon realized that he wasn’t a critic of the war; he was a partisan. He supported the Communists.
So he’d yap on and on about “American Imperialism”, and I’d wonder, “What ‘imperialism’? What does America have to get out of Vietnam? What resources? The American people aren’t colonizing Singapore and South Korea and Thailand.
And Chomsky had no criticisms of the Soviets’ ‘imperialism’ in Vietnam, or Vietnamese ‘imperialism’ in Cambodia.
He also supported Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge until Vietnam invaded.
So I never liked him, but at that time it never occurred to me that his Jewishness mattered.
Now I see that for him, all that mattered about S.E. Asia was the spread of his tribe’s Communism for the Goyim strategy.
He also criticized American “WASP” war profiteers, but never mentioned Jews making money off of war.
I remember him on TV debating with William F. Buckley: The nebbish lefty prof vs the elitist capitalist patrician.
Now I know that Buckley was a Skull & Bonesman, and in the pay of the Jews, or a Noachide, all along.
So it was actually: Jew debating with Shabbos Goy.
Alex Shabbos Goy Jones interviewed Chomsky on air a few years ago, then, as soon as he hung up, called him a “tool of the elites”. Then he started saying that Chomsky is CIA — which is probably true, but now if you say that, people will think you’re like the lunatic Jones with his bullhorn.
Jones: “Yeah, Chomsky’s working for the elites, the shadowy globalists…”
And of course Chomskt’s always hated by “the right”.
But never will the NRO or Malkin or Horowitz or Jones or anyone in the leftright JSM say: “CHOMSKY’S JUST A JEWEY, JEWIST JEW!”
April 27, 2010 at 1:20 am
Cannibal Rabbi
“Revolution Muslim” group “threatening” South Park is a black op created by Jewish settler and propagated by (Jewish) left-lib Jon Stewart
The “Radical” Muslim Group That Threatened South Park Creators Was Founded and Run by Joseph Cohen, a Former Israeli Radical Who Used to Live in a Settlement in the West Bank
(American Everyman) — by Scott Creighton –
Jon Stewart, go fuck yourself. You’re a propaganda spewing puppet and you’re no better than Glenn Beck”.
I’m saying nothing.
April 27, 2010 at 10:40 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
Volcano erupts in Guatemala 4/27/2010
May 2, 2010 at 9:40 pm
White Wolf
Speaking of SITE, seems they were all ready to deliver the “blame middle east extremists” goods by way of a vid they found on JewTube (oh but it’s apparently been taken down – no prob, SITE still has it) – BUT WAIT!
It seems ‘authorities’ now have video of a white man taking his shirt off “near the suv”, and it might be a white man who cluster-fucked a make-shift bomb which “couldn’t have exploded” but let us not forget “could have sent schrappnel all over the place” at the same time.
May 3, 2010 at 4:34 pm
May 3, 2010 at 5:20 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
White Wolf.
The “reverse kippah”, or bald spot, adorning the “white man’s” head
Could be a clue as to the perp’s provenance.
May 3, 2010 at 9:23 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
Russian Defense Complex Goes West?
In 2010 the Ministry of Defense tested pilotless aircrafts provided by Russian manufacturers. According to Alexander Zelin, Russian devices did not meet the requirements of the military officers. This was the result of three years of work and five billion rubles of financing.
Now Russia is testing Israeli equipment. If the information of unofficial sources is correct, in the near future Russia is planning to spend a comparable amount for Israeli pilotless aircrafts. Besides, according to Sergey Chemezov, general director of Rostechnologii State Corporation, Russia is planning to create a joint venture with Israel to produce pilotless aircrafts. It looks like the credibility of Russian aircrafts manufacturers has been seriously undermined.