GET THIS STORY all you White liberal rabbits out there in DUMBASS LAND: A gang of 15 Negroes tied up a 40 year-old White man in SA, gang-raped his wife and beat him to death (he probably had to watch the raping of his wife before they beat the life out of him). Then the animals turned on their 4 year old daughter and seriously assaulted her in some unknown fashion (God knows). The wife was so traumatized by the event she couldn’t even make a statement. Nothing was stolen, either. Go HERE for the report.
Now, if that story doesn’t make you stupid White liberals mad, get this: Dogs and cats belonging to White people are also getting killed — hacked to death, or poisoned (right). Maybe the death of innocent little pets will move you, since your own race obviously means ZILCH to you brainwashed fools.
How can you just sit there? Or look at your fat, gibbering face in the mirror? This is not some “conspiracy theory” either, but real life for these people. Oh, you don’t care, since they deserve it being White and racist, huh? Or you might try to blubber “OK, why should I care?” Because the media purposefully keeps you in the dark, for one. The other is that you should care about human life, even if it’s GD White people, that’s why.
A) Richard Stengel, Chief Editor of Time magazine who recently wrote the suck-up book “Mandela’s Way, Fifteen Lessons of Life, Love and Courage.” You think that Jewboy would say SQUAT about Whites victimized? B) Mandela apparently has no problems with any White getting killed — he even sings a special ”Kill the Boer” song at political gatherings. C) Black politicians are always saying things that get the black population riled-up and never suffer consequences. D) Anika Smit’s gruesome killing went unmentioned in America, as usual. All these White haters know the Jew-controlled Western media and stupid White liberals will remain silent.
Or how about the sad story of the teenager Anika Smits, who’s father came home one day and found her dead – naked, raped and had both hands cut-off between the wrist and elbows, which the murdering blacks took with them as souvenirs or for witchcraft use.
Hell, the black politicians even sing songs about killing White people openly (even Mandela). Why is it that you hear nothing in the mainstream media about any of these things in America? You hear more about Jew authors writing books extolling Nelson Mandela than you will about all of this. NO FRIGGIN’ LIE!
Haven’t you noticed that any White “hate” crimes, slavery and the so-called “holocaust” are the only things they ever really talk about in America? Nonstop?
The Jews have done all this to South Africa and all White countries. Think that’s bull? Look into it and you will see Jewry’s subversive efforts down through the years. Efforts that are have been turned on American Whites, right now!
The Jews in the US media treat Nelson Mandela as some kind of God. Haven’t you noticed that at the very least? The rich Multicult freaks in Hollywood and New York act like they worship the guy. They could care less about Whites victimized and would just call you a “racist” if you dared say a thing. That’s the giant brainwashing gig Jews like Richard Stengel have done to your head.
– Phillip Marlowe
The curse of South Africa has always been its mineral wealth. Before minerals were discovered nobody wanted the country. Only the Boers loved it. Once minerals were discovered everyone wanted a slice. The Rothschilds (spit) financed the Boer war and the British subsequently invaded South Africa. It was the British that incidentally invented the concentration camp during this war.
The Boers (my people) lost the war and we had our farms confiscated. These farms were given to people that proved their loyalty to the British crown during the war. Poor and disowned of their farms, the Boers drifted to the mining towns where they toiled endlessly in the Jew owned mines.
At one stage under President Smuts, there was an uprising when the Jew owners decided that they do not have to employ the Boers, as the blacks were willing to do the work for a fraction of the pay. Many Boers were killed.
The Boers were prevented from going to Afrikaans schools and were forced to speak English, but they started their own schools and became educated. They became the leaders of industry through education and the very next generation in 1948 took the country back by political means without firing a single shot.
The control of the mines however remained with the Jews in Europe. This the Jews accomplished by subverting some Boer leaders. As time progressed more and more mineral deposits were discovered and the Jews wanted to mine these deposits at all costs. The Boers love nature and very often declined permission for new mines to open. It was at this point that the greedy Jews decided that the NP apartheid government had to go.
They then created the military wing of the ANC.
They approached the ANC and made them an offer. They said that they would financially back the ANC and support them with the massive power of their controlled mass media machine. In return all they asked for was certain mineral concessions and the control of the reserve bank.
Of course the ANC agreed as they were an insignificant party back then.
Thus the process of demonification of the Boer that started during the Boer war was ramped up.
Eventually the ANC got the country. The first noticeable thing that happened IMMEDIATELY after Mandela was released, was the move of the mining houses from the JSE stock exchange where they were forced to do business by the apartheid government, to the London stock exchange.
The ANC stuck to their side of the bargain and gave the Jews all the mineral concessions they demanded and control of the reserve bank. Since 1994 over 300 new mines have opened up in SA, often at the expense of the environment. For this they idolized Mandela, even going as far as awarding him the nobel peace price and placing his statue on Trafalgar square. The Jews do so love someone that gives them riches. In view of this it is not surprising that Winnie Mandela, the wife of Mandela accused Mandela recently of having sold out his people.
The whites have grown disillusioned with the fallacy that is the so called rainbow nation. They want self determination and have been expressing this more and more vocally. This is why ET [Terre'Blanch] was killed. The Jews more than anything fear white nationalism.
Comments feed for this article
April 25, 2010 at 5:12 pm
This is how the negroes act whenever they are given more than the inch first offered to them. The usual pattern: White man builds up, negro sees it, wants it, takes it, kills the White man to get what he has, and then sits there are cries because the White man isn’t there to run the show for him anymore.
April 29, 2010 at 12:48 am
While the jew truly despises the negro they are most eager to place blacks (or anyone else) into position so that these propagandized psychotics can act, as jewish agents, to attack and kill White people.
“In 1887, the French and English Rothschild banking houses loaned money to, and invested in, the De Beers diamond mines in South Africa, becoming its largest shareholders.
That was the beginning of De Beers, an entirely Jewish Enterprise Owned by the Jewish Bolshevist Rothschild Banking Family, which is still the most powerful jews today, owning the majority of the federal reserve and currencies of the world, and operate the central banks.
Cecil Rhodes may be considered one of the worst jews, doing the worst damage of history, continuing to this present day. We not only look at the disasters his round table caused prior to and immediately after his death.”
A good couple of articles are in this forum posting which show how the jew works in South Africa to bring about and encourage what is happening. They contain information about the Round Table, the Rhodes scholars and what are known as the “modern” Illuminati.
The jewish media machine worked diligently in the US and elsewhere with emplaced and enthusiastic jewry to encourage divestment and to turn world opinion against White Rhodesia and White ruled South Africa. A jew is not White. All jews are OTW and will never be White.
June 7, 2010 at 2:18 pm
KA Telegraph
“City prosecutors will review details of the Saturday shooting to determine whether to file charges against the officer, a 15-year veteran whose name was not disclosed, The Baltimore Sun reported Sunday.
Tyrone Brown, 32, who had served in Iraq twice, died after he was shot at close range, police said.
“After the advances, the officer and the individual exchanged words,” Guglielmi said. “There was an argument, and the altercation turned physical. At that point, the officer pulled out his service weapon and fired multiple shots at our victim.”"