In Israel, Bibi Netanyahu presents VP Joe Biden a symbolic gift of trees planted in his mother’s name. Moments earlier, Bibi “accidentally” leaned on the picture glass, breaking it. He then tells Biden the only thing he can offer is “broken glass.” Brother Nathan Kapner says all this was a cryptic Jew warning. Yeah, these arrogant Jews have long thought America is their bitch. [INCOG]
The Poodle Gets Kicked
‘If Netanyahu has jolted Joe and others out of their romantic reveries about Israel, good. At least now we no longer see as through a glass darkly’
By Patrick J. Buchanan
Actually, Joe set himself up. From the moment he set foot on Israeli soil, our vice president was in full pander mode.
First, he headed to Yad Vashem memorial, where he put on a yarmulke and declared Israel “a central bolt in our existence.”
“For world Jewry,” Joe went on, presumably including 5 million Americans, “Israel is the heart. … Israel is the light. … Israel is the hope.”
Meeting Shimon Peres the next day, Joe confessed that when he first visited at age 29, “Israel captured my heart.”
In Peres’ guestbook, he wrote, “The bond between our two nations has been and remains unshakeable.”
He then told Peres and the world, “There is absolutely no space between the United States and Israel when it comes to Israel’s security.”
As Peres spoke, Biden took notes. When Peres called him “a friend,” Joe gushed, “It’s good to be home.”
Even at AIPAC, they must have been gagging.
Walking around the corner to Prime Minister Netanyahu’s office, Joe called him by his nickname, “Bibi,” declared him a “real” friend and said the U.S. relationship with Israel “has been and will continue to be the centerpiece of our policy.”
Then the sandbag hit.
Interior Minister Eli Yishai announced construction of 1,600 new apartment units in Arab East Jerusalem. Stunned and humiliated, Biden issued a statement saying he “condemned” the decision.
He then retaliated by coming late to dinner at Bibi’s house.
Netanyahu has apologized for the timing, but they are going ahead with the apartments. What are the Americans going to do about it? At this point, nothing but bluster.
Indeed, a day later, at Tel Aviv University, Joe was back at it: “(T)he U.S. has no better friend … than Israel.”
On his departure for Jordan, Ha’aretz reported that Israel plans to build 50,000 new homes in East Jerusalem over the next few years.
Biden may feel he was played for a fool, and Americans may feel jilted, but we got what grovelers deserve. And if we wish to understand why the Arabs who once respected us now seem contemptuous of us, consider that battered-spouse response to a public slap across the face.
Consider also the most remarkable statement of Biden’s first 24 hours.
“Progress occurs in the Middle East when everyone knows there is simply no space between the United States and Israel.”
Biden is saying we are a more effective force for Mideast peace in a region where Arabs outnumber Israelis 50 to one if everyone knows we sing from the same song sheet as Israel and have no policy independent of Israel’s.
How can America be seen as an honest broker between Arabs and Israelis if there is “no space” between America and Israel?
Even with the closest ally in our history, Britain in World War II, there was space between Winston Churchill and FDR on where to invade — North Africa, Italy, France, the Balkans? — whether to beat Stalin to Berlin, Prague and Vienna, who should be supreme allied commander, even whether the British Empire should survive.
Israel keeps its own interests foremost in mind, and when these dictate actions inimical to U.S. interests, Israel acts unilaterally. David Ben-Gurion did not seek Dwight Eisenhower’s permission to attack Egypt in collusion with the French and British in 1956, enraging Ike.
Israel did not consult JFK on whether it could steal enriched uranium from the NUMEC plant in Pennsylvania for its atom bomb program.
Israel did not consult us on whether it could attack the USS Liberty in the Six-Day War, or suborn Jonathan Pollard to loot our security secrets, or transfer our weapons technology to China. They went ahead and did it, knowing the Americans would swallow hard and take it.
Ehud Olmert did not consult President-elect Obama on whether to launch a war on Gaza and kill 1,400 Palestinians. Nor did Netanyahu consult us before Mossad took down the Hamas minister in Dubai.
What Netanyahu and Yishai are telling Obama with their decision to keep building on occupied land is, “When it comes to East Jerusalem and the West Bank, we decide, not you.”
And if Netanyahu has jolted Joe and others out of their romantic reveries about Israel, good. At least now we no longer see as through a glass darkly.
Israeli and U.S. interests often run parallel, but they are not the same. Israel is concerned with a neighborhood. We are concerned with a world of 300 million Arabs and a billion Muslims. Our policies cannot be the same.
If they are, we will end up with all of Israel’s enemies, who are legion, and only Israel’s friends, who are few.
And if our policy and Israel’s are one and the same, the Arab perception will be what it is today — that America cannot stand up to Israel, even when her national interests command it.
Joe’s performance before he got the wet mitten across the face only underscored the point: The mighty superpower is a poodle of Israel.
Also see:
Pat Buchanan Article Is Censored By Human Events
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Comments feed for this article
March 20, 2010 at 8:59 pm
holohoax jew – never ending jewish bullshit
March 20, 2010 at 9:44 pm
The Prodigal Son
Yes, of course you’re right…
But it just hurts to be called a ‘Jew’… It’s hard to let it go un-answered! I think you know what I mean:—-secret-jew-disinfo-agent/
— — —
Cannibal Rabbi,
Thanks… I hear you.
But I’ll ask you – what would you call someone who says, “I hate niggers!”??
— — —
Appreciate it. Good to know there are some rational voices here.
— — —
On another note… Einstein (the plagarist) and Darwin were supposed to be such genii…
But that didn’t stop them from wedding and bedding their own first cousins!
“Marriages between parents and children, brothers and sisters, are not only taboo, they are unlawful.
Despite the long line of family relationships banned in English law, however, marriage between first cousins is not one of them. (Maybe because Queen Victoria had married Prince Albert?)
(…) Religions vary as to what they allow. The Koran prohibits uncle-niece marriages, even though these are permitted by Jews and Hindus.”
Wonder why they don’t mention that according to the Talmud – incest and pederasty are perfectly fine as long as the child is UNDER a certain age?
I.E. The Talmud says sexual intercourse with a little girl LESS THAN THREE (!) is as nothing – because it’s like a finger poking an eye and the tears (read: blood) will come again & again.
I’m sure you’ve all read this… but just in case – pass it around again! A good introduction for deluded Christians who think ‘Jews’ (Pharisees) are ‘God’s chosen’.
March 20, 2010 at 9:52 pm
Here is a good site you probably already know about, Hoff. This links to the article below which asks why are there so few stories from non-jews.
March 20, 2010 at 10:10 pm
elma fudd
Just to say I think there is a world of difference between the semantics of English and American language, please don’t take offence to the UK ‘voice’, sometimes its hard to bite the tongue and sometimes we rant. We are on the edge of the frying pan, and wondering if the fire is extinguishable. Jump before you are pushed? That would take a brave man. Give a man enough rope he will hang himself. Any other idioms I will use in my next sermon.
March 20, 2010 at 10:23 pm
you are quite the wealth of information Akira, thank you!.
a wealth that as with my knowledege of the second jew war..gets us absolutely nowhere…
March 20, 2010 at 11:07 pm
This “prodigal son” has not answered the questions that we put to him to explain his comments or in any way has he put forward anything to show that he is NOT Hasbara or Sayanim…. He just wants to insult other readers!
Sayanim/Hasbarat agents have one purpose in a site like this one… Try to cloud issues or put up as much disinformation as possible…. “Prodigal Son” is falling into that catagory very nicely it seems!
March 20, 2010 at 11:26 pm
The Prodigal Son
What questions?
What comments?
Who have I insulted?
Methinks thou dost protest too much… now I’m wondering about you!
You’re not making much sense there pal…
What have I tried to cloud?
What disinfo?
You used the word ‘we’… but I think you’re alone now.
March 20, 2010 at 11:29 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
Cannibal Rabbi,
Thanks… I hear you.
But I’ll ask you – what would you call someone who says, “I hate niggers!”??
Prodigal son. That depends what his/her name was. I don’t like censorship/ self-censorship in the area of human communication. If anyone has something full of invective and bile to say to me, i want to hear it direct. Who knows it may even be justified and could help me down the road to clean up my act. Sticks and stones will break my bones but names will remind me not to live up to and iustify them. Wasn’t it Ice-T’s wife who said one time in reference to her husbands’ bitch,ho this, bitch,ho that. “If somebody says bitch, I don’t turn around”. It’s only wind. Violent actions are what cause physical injury and death. Violent and blunt language can offset physical confrontation while getting you ready for all possibilities. A warning that the recipient has to acknowledge and decide whether the ends are worth the risk.Goes with the territory. Even if directed at myself.
What would you say to the fellow, who perhaps has more experience in these matters than yourself?
March 20, 2010 at 11:39 pm
elma fudd
Can’t refute questioning contributors, but again, location and local politics may shade opinions. Also ‘national/local’ news can inflame any comment. I read UK paper comments, not articles, and 10% are dropping big hints. Stop being distracted, focus boys. What exactly has Prod boy said, i might have missed something. Watchful waiting .(Medicare for look, note, do fk all) White, female teacher, Methodist, FWIW Marshall
March 20, 2010 at 11:47 pm
elma fudd
Heres my tuppence. Prodigal son seems to have explained hinself pretty well, lets wait for what Hoff has to say, as “prodigal” claims to be “Joshua” from Hoffs site and one of the earliest posters on Bro Nathans site.
Hazing a new guy is understandable, so is suspicion.
I think hes getting a raw deal. Waddaya reckon?
( Incog- you may note that me and “elma fudd” have the same ip, no mystery, im at my sisters. ( stage whisper -”she’s had a few……” )
March 20, 2010 at 11:49 pm
Heres my tuppence. Prodigal son seems to have explained hinself pretty well, lets wait for what Hoff has to say, as “prodigal” claims to be “Joshua” from Hoffs site and one of the earliest posters on Bro Nathans site.
Hazing a new guy is understandable, so is suspicion.
I think hes getting a raw deal. Waddaya reckon?
( Incog- you may note that me and “elma fudd” have the same ip, no mystery, im at my sisters )
Come on Hoff, clear this shit up.
March 20, 2010 at 11:58 pm
Think I covered myself then phew.
Yep am a trans gender jew…
ha ha sleeping in the shed
sister wont make up the bed
March 21, 2010 at 12:21 am
Cannibal Rabbi
Gtrman.I;ve already tipped my hat to Prodigal, I was just answering a direct question as honestly as i could. My way may not be for everybody, but it;s my way.
March 21, 2010 at 1:39 am
Above “gtrman” comment is my sister showing us why women should’nt drink.
Ha ha im “joking”. Im a post-op janist scientologist, and proud.
March 21, 2010 at 1:59 am
The Prodigal Son
Cannibal Rabbi,
Watched the vids…
I don’t know what to say… except – BRUTAL.
March 21, 2010 at 2:07 am
Prodigal – I think yer ok. Why not paste up a couple of your old comments from “Jewise” and “Realjew/Zionist news” and these guys might cut you some.
March 21, 2010 at 3:48 am
American born
@ prodical son
You asked Cannibal Rabbi what he would call someone that hates niggers. I hate fucking niggers and ill list just a few reasons. niggers are prone to violence against those who cannot defend themselves, niggers desire to rape White women, note the Knoxville murders. niggers are 12% of my countries popuation and account for 52% of all murders in my nation. nigger are vile creatures. Im not sure where your from but my experience with people who give niggers the “benefit of the doubt ” usually dont live near the animals. I live in an inner city now, Im from Boston and lived in NYC for two years in the early 90′s. Your view on niggers seems abit nieve to me. Maybe when a nigger level a pistol at your head you may trully understand the savagness of the nigger beast. Maybe when some nigger kills someone you know you may understand. I sure your going to say I know good niggers. Ive heard that before too. See what happens when the “good nigger” you know get arourd a few of his soul brothers. niggers are all the same, feeble minded savages. What has the nigger done in America that is commendable I ask you. Dont give me MLK, Jesse Jackson, Al sharpton or the fraud that was given credit for inventing fucking penut butter eaither. What I call a person who says they hate niggers is aware and not scared to call a spade a spade. Come walk in my shoes and see the daily dealing with niggers I see and I sure you views on nigger apes and nigra sows would change. nigger females are loud and discusting creatures as well. The whole nigger race is pure filth. They are not human.
March 21, 2010 at 4:03 am
American born
@prodical son
I said before I dont think you a jew. But your views on niggers is way off. I suppose you condone niggers dating White women as well. Maybe you think niggers deserve the billions of White tax dollars to buy bling and new shoes. Im sure you think nigger teens are just swell. Great kids, its all the White mans fault that they are at the bottom of society in every nation they reside. Its all YT’s fault. Its not, niggers are fucked in the head, they are prone to violence and victimize White America whenever possible. My next point proves all Ive said. In nigger africa name me one succesfull nation. Name me one nigger nation that has any success. There are none. After Brittish colonization ended those nations went back to savagry. Take alook at the Whites being slaughtered in south africa. niggers know how inferior they are and wish to destroy all progress which sorrounds them. I could go on and on but Ive posed a few questions, Ill leave it that…
March 21, 2010 at 4:28 am
Come on Hoff, clear this shit up
Hoff: l don’t like some of P-son’s stances. Anybody could claim to be Joshua.But what does that has to with anything? Let’s keep a close eye on P-son and what he writes.
March 21, 2010 at 4:32 am
The Prodigal Son
Good call gtrman…
Here’s some of the first comments I ever made on Br. Nathanael’s site, as ‘joshua’… 3rd & 4th comments from the end:
Here are some of my comments on Hoff’s blog right after he first started it:
If you click on the link in comment #15 on that page – this link:
… It will take you to another blog by a crazy dispensationalist/rapture ‘Christian’ site where (oddly enough) I also get mistaken for another ‘Joshua’ who was a ‘Jew’!
In comment #23 on that page – I tell rapture man that I prefer to use the handle ‘The Prodigal Son’ rather than ‘joshua’… explaining that Br. Nathanael didn’t really care for screen-names. You can tell by my comments there (2008) that I’m still learning because I’m sticking up for ‘Torah True Jews Against Zionism’!
What I didn’t know then – is that when those lying ‘Naturei Karta’, etc. ‘Jews’ say they are “Torah True” – what they really mean is TALMUD TRUE! When they say ‘Torah’ – they don’t mean the Old Testament 5 Books of Moses… when they say ‘Torah’, they mean ORAL TORAH… and the ORAL Torah is the TALMUD!
What can I say? Live and learn I guess!
Here’s a comment of mine as Prodigal Son @ Br. Nathanael’s site on an article called ‘Did Hitler Have a Reason to Hate the Jews’… it’s about halfway down:
March 21, 2010 at 4:56 am
American born
Anybody that defends niggers is a suspect to me of ignorance or they are trying to fool White people. I saw a childrens show on TV today with nigger rapper master p. On a kids show. nigger master p is a self avowed killer. His partner nigger c murder is serving time for killing a 17 year old buck nigger. The jews are teaching kids between the ages of 2 and 8 ( the target audience of this paticualar show) that niggers are OK. No need for White kids to fear self avowed murdering black savage. And Im sure the jew paid master p quite abit to spread this propoganda aimed at my kids and yours. nigger rapper master p raps about killing people at point blank range and hes paid to be on kids shows. This is crap. This is jew war pointed at White kids. Same as jew murderous and rapists in israel killing and raping the Palestinians.
March 21, 2010 at 5:05 am
The Prodigal Son
American born,
I take all of your points to heart. You have me pegged well.
Where I grew up there were no blacks at all. Now I live on Vancouver Island… virtually none here either. I did work with one in Alberta for a while… I guess it wouldn’t suprise you if I told you he was a crackhead! There were 50 other white guys on our crew – so maybe he was on his best behaviour.
Maybe I am naive… maybe you’re right. It’s hard to shake the programming you know?
It’s the same with the word ‘Jew’. Anytime I mention the word out and about in mixed company – heads turn; people give me funny looks… I guess it’s just the word ‘nigger’. I’ve been programmed to recoil at that word!
I heard recently that Abraham Lincoln had a plan to return all of the blacks to Africa before they killed him… Imagine how different things would be now if America & Canada was nothing but whites?
I also heard the other day about an Indian reservation here in Canada that kicked everyone who wasn’t Indian off of their reserve! No whites allowed!
It made me think – if they can do it… Why can’t anyone else? I started wondering – what would the world be like if everyone just went back to where their kinds were and stayed there… you know – global segregation; Each to their own. I could almost see it happening someday.
— — —
You don’t remember me man? And what stances are you talking about?
March 21, 2010 at 5:12 am
Wasteful Son — what a joke.
One minute he’s all for multikulti love-ins, the next he’s day-dreaming about global apartheid.
And people get suckered in by this.
“what would the world be like if everyone just went back to where their kinds were and stayed there… you know – global segregation”
= Whites out of America?
March 21, 2010 at 5:31 am
American born
AS far as Whites being kicked out of areas is due to jew denegration of my RACE. The media has taught Whites that we are guilty of injustice. As soon this scam works Whites are subject to injustice. I was watching another jew show called lockup raw. They were mounting cameras directly into cells of White inmates. The White inmates were telling the jew “reporters” to stop filming them. Of course this was staged to make the Whites get pissed off and flip out on camera for this invation of their cells ( which is home for them) Of course the only focused on White guys with bald heads. If they did that to the majority nigger inmates they would have cried racism and got a jew lawyer and sued the prison for millions. But they only ridiculed were only White guys. It made me sick to see the jew producers of this show ridicule the White guys for some good film and propoganda. Im sure they pressed the guards to give them access to some White inmates that didnt take shit. The plan worked and they fucked with them so much they went off. Next came cell extractions and tear gas. All for some anti White Propanda.
March 21, 2010 at 5:33 am
American born
Your begining to turn me on P son
Point well taken…
March 21, 2010 at 5:43 am
American born
@ prodical son
Your of what nationality? Do you can a natural homeland, and where? I know that jews host off countries untill they are kicked out and are nothing but gorified gyspys.
March 21, 2010 at 5:46 am
Wasteful Son says he’s Oirish Canayjin.
So I guess he’s on a plane back to the oul’ sod right now.
+ + +
Better an honest racist than a dishonest Jewbo Hasbarat.
March 21, 2010 at 5:48 am
American born
Excuse my clipped off staments, im tired. But what is your motive by this statment? Do you believe all should return to their blood homeland and why? Are you an anti American whom thinks that Whites are a guilty race? Please respond as you are very suspect to me now.
March 21, 2010 at 6:11 am
American born
@ prodical son
Are you a jew punk that comes here and plays games with arrogance and lies to waste our time? Are you a jew thief that likes to tell Americans that we are like you and attempt to convert us to be trash and make Whites ashamed of our orgins? Are you a subversive jew that takes pride in destroying a noble race. Do you think that jews are superior to the gentile? Are you having a good laugh at my statment now? The jew arrogance is always funny untill they are kicked dead in the ass and shown the way out. Have your fun here p son. I doubt your genuine in your posts here. Your willingness to agree with me on niggers shows your subversive ways. Typical jew bullshit. Your pegged, your were right. Thanks for walking into it. Arrogance is the jews weakness.
March 21, 2010 at 6:33 am
American born
jews are a weak race of liars and trickery. The inbred jew is easy to spot. The eyes are very close together and the pearing beady eyes are joined with the hook nose. Decades of paranoia and deceit keep these punks intertwined in self preservation. They are very aware of the hate and deception they spread and live in deceit thru fear of being discovered. This mindset has set the jew apart from decent races. In their pathetic history of being less than noble they are responsible for millions of deaths. The past they have only makes them more ardent in their evil ways. They are parasites which have no ability to remain self sufficient with out a noble host. The reality of the victim host allways prevelant they ramp up the trickery when the times get good for them as they are a smart race of thieves. When the end is near te jew goes insane and tries to destroy the host. This self destructive way is the hall mark of the jew. Recognizing the end is when the jew shows its fangs. The arrogance can not be held back by this race. It always ends in their defeat. As their defeat is nearing. They see this and panic with the desturction of their hated host which theyve always despiced.
March 21, 2010 at 11:31 am
Joe Biden Got What He Deserved And So Will America
Great piece:
and this guys always good too:
March 21, 2010 at 11:57 am
Why didn’t they just call the SPLC the “White Trash Law Center?”
March 21, 2010 at 12:52 pm
PSon come on down to middle TN and you’ll change your tune in a heartbeat. I don’t hate all of them, just don’t want anyhing to do with them unless absolutely neccesary and never turn your back on them. You give them an opening and you might live to regret it. I’m sure the big intercities are worse. I keep moving further into the country side. Walk a mile in someone else’s shoes before passing judgement. Believe me there are many a day that I do hate efn negrids. Disclaimer: Fucked up comes in all colors.
March 21, 2010 at 12:55 pm
American born
America will too? Americans ? whoa. LOL
March 21, 2010 at 6:52 pm
The Prodigal Son
Let me get this straight… you’re a Japanese white supremacist? What the f**k are you? What’s your ideal world smart guy?
You ever watch that old cartoon ‘The Smurfs’?
You’re like ‘Brainy Smurf’…
You think yourself so smart, but you’re really just an annoying little f**king know-it-all.
On ‘The Smurfs’ – ‘Brainy’ got his ass kicked like a football every episode. The moral of the story?
Nobody likes a know-it-all.
Nobody was talking to you – so piss off Brainy!
— — —
American born,
I SAID, “I wonder what it would be like if everyone went back yo where their kinds were”…
I mean majorities. Indian reservations are majority Natives and they kicked out the minority whites. America and Canada are majority white… if majority rules – why can’t we send everyone who isn’t white back where they came from?
If there’s any whites living in – oh, say Japan – the whites could also be deported from there back to a white land.
It just seems to me if we weren’t FORCED to live amongst each other – there would be no racial problems. Like where I was born – there were NO blacks… so we never had any problems with blacks.
Unlike some know-it-all pricks – I don’t pretend to have all the answers.
March 21, 2010 at 6:58 pm
American born
prodical son
your not worth my time
March 21, 2010 at 7:00 pm
GDL/White Master
Someone please tell me where White supremacism is destroying the world…..HELLO, have you not heard of Jewish supremacism?
March 21, 2010 at 10:09 pm
The Prodigal Son
I spoke in anger. Forgive me.
— — —
American born,
Suit yourself. Hate will get you nowhere.
— — —
Are you telling me there are no supremacists here?
Ashkenazi ‘Jews’ are white. Look at Yasmine Bleeth:
She even has blue eyes!
March 21, 2010 at 10:17 pm
GDL/White Master
The Prodigal Son,
Are you serious or are you playin wit me?
March 21, 2010 at 10:19 pm
American born
@prodical son
its got me pretty far youngster.
Im getting a little tired of you calling me out p ditty.
Lets knock it off huh?
March 21, 2010 at 11:10 pm
The Prodigal Son
Yeah I’m serious!
— — —
American born,
“Calling you out”?
WHAT IN THE HELL are you talking about?! You said I wasn’t worth your time…
March 24, 2010 at 11:28 am
Don Robison
the mainstream media refuses to drop the narrative of “a disagreement between friends”.
The “conservative”, “liberal”, “sophisticated” news shows all show the same bias.
make you wonder who is writing the script?
March 24, 2010 at 12:46 pm
Sue Poor Louisiana Christians
Jews seem bent upon “revenge on all the goyim,” white heterosexual Christian males in particular. To a lesser extent white women, whom they just love to degrade, despoil, and turn into bimbo whores at every opportunity. They are pathologically incapable of realizing that their own behavior is cause of European societies’ rejection of them.
Ruth Madoff, case in point…”It’s the goyims’ fault.” Now I see Madoff’s “victims” are going to get compensated by the government. What a travesty…I’m quite sure most of Madoff’s purloined money is sitting in an Israeli bank, and the supposed “victims” have access to it. That 65 billion didn’t just disappear…
March 24, 2010 at 1:17 pm
What? Me, White supremacist? That’s news to me. Don’t force me to say something like ‘If it weren’t for white wimmin, a brutha would never get a free blowjob.’ That would probably upset some people. Especially the fake White people here.
On the plus side, there are times when Brainy’s warnings to the other Smurfs should have been heeded: in Le Voleur de Schtroumpfs, and Le Jardin des Schtroumpfs, the Smurfs fell into traps set by their enemy Gargamel after ignoring Brainy’s warnings of caution. Fortunately, the Smurfs eventually paid heed to Barney’s warnings, defeated the rotten sorcerer and freed the prisoners.
On the negative side, in all of Brainy’s American appearances, he is voiced by Danny Goldman… Such a slander!
March 24, 2010 at 1:39 pm
you are amazing Akira LOL! where DO you come up with this sh*t?!
Akira is, Japanese/Irish. and he has, to quote Rock “a brainzilla” on his shoulders. step AWAY from the Akira Prodigal.. LOL! slowly back away….
March 24, 2010 at 2:28 pm
Make up your collective mind.
I’m a “White Supremacist”? A Blue creature wearing a Phrygian cap? A Jap? A Gook? A Mick? A Paddy? A self-generated computer program?
Now I’m confused too.
A Zionist Entitition asks: “Smurfs: Cute Little Blue Creatures Or Jew-hating Misogynistic Communists?
Smurf Village is a Kibbutz?
The Jew writes:
“In the Smurfs’ collective, every-body works, there is no alienation and exploitation, and the means of production seem to be in the hand of the workers. … Fittingly, there is no religion in the world of the Smurf. Nor is there a “Rabbi Smurf” either. This is in line with the communist’s rejection of religion as an illusionary by-product of economic exploitation. … The enemy of the Smurfs is the evil wizard Gargamel [who] clearly represents the greedy capitalist. … He wants to capture the Smurfs and turn them into gold. Likewise, his cat Azriel, who symbolizes the capitalist “fat cat”, is obsessed with capturing and devouring the little blue workers.”
Faulty analogy. Smurf Village is autonomous. Kibbutzim are tools of the Zionist ruling class.
The Jew writes:
“Gargamel concocted Smurfette for the purpose of bringing disorder, envy, and jealousy to the communist haven: “A ruthless curse that will make them beg for mercy.” Smurfette’s ingredients were as follows: ‘Sugar and spice but nothing nice…A dram of crocodile tears…A peck of bird brain…The tip of an adder’s tongue…Half a pack of lies, white, of course…The slyness of a cat…The vanity of a peacock…The chatter of a magpie…The guile of a vixen and the disposition of a shrew…And of course the hardest stone for her heart…. ‘ … Like Eve and Pandora, Smurfette tries to bring about the downfall of the Smurfs, but unlike her mythological predecessors she fails to do so.”
Faulty analogy. Eve and Pandora did not try to bring about any downfall. On the contrary, their purpose was to “improve” on creation.
The Jew writes:
“Gargamel was the anti-Semitic caricature of the Jew. … The Smurfs invested their villain with anti-Semitic stereotypes from both the Christian and Communist traditions. … Gargamel and Azriel sound a lot like Hebrew. … Azriel in Hebrew means “God will help” (it is interesting to note that in [the Z.E.] he was simply called “Hathattol” which means something like “caty”). In both Jewish and Muslim tradition, Azriel is the name of the angel of death. In addition, Gargamel’s Godfather was named, Balthazar (another version of God will help – albeit the God “Baal”).
“Gargamel looked like the stereotypical image of the Jew. He is old, bolding with unkempt hair, big-nosed, hump-backed, and wears raggedy black clothes. The only thing that Gargamel is missing is a beard and kippah. He is, in short…a classic example of the ugly old Jew.
“Gargamel is a miserly, two-faced, and diabolic sorcerer who obsessively plots against the Smurfs, and uses his magic powers to capture them so that he can either eat them or turn them into gold.
“Gargamel’s personality and occupation are in line with the medieval Christian belief that the Jews possessed malevolent magical powers (originating in the New Testament assertion that the Jews were children of the devil), and that they would employ those powers in order to capture Christians and use their blood for ritualistic food. Similarly, Gargamel’s desire to turn the Smurfs into Gold is in accord with the Communist belief that the Jewish capitalists (whose God was money) sought to exploit the worker.
“Finally, the size of Gargamel’s body in comparison to the Smurfs (who stand at three apples high) also adds to his image as the all-powerful Jew. Although in the mind of the medieval Christian and communist the Jew was not known for his/hers impressive physical dimensions, the Jew was understood symbolically as a larger than life figure (who else could have committed Deicide or oppressed the masses?).
“And there is good reason to hope. In a recent news conference, Hendrik Coysman, head of Smurf rights holder IMPS, said: ‘There have been dramatic changes in socio-cultural values in the past 20 to 25 years. One of these is girl empowerment. So, there will be greater female presence in the Smurf village and this will, of course, be a basis for new stories and this will probably turn upside down certain traditional situations within the village. ‘
Faulty logic and uninformed perspective. Jewist dialectic. Regurgitated anti-Christian propaganda. The negative aspects of the Smurfs, as well as the nature of their enemy, are all, in fact, Judaic.
March 24, 2010 at 2:32 pm
There’s nothing incorrect about Medieval Jews capturing gentile children and doing ritual sacrifices on them. It’s well documented, just Joogle Ariel Toaff and “Pasque de Sangue”
March 24, 2010 at 3:19 pm
/Blood-passover-the-jews-of-europe-and-ritual-murder-by-ariel-toaff-he-is-a-jew/ The whole book in full text in english.
March 24, 2010 at 3:24 pm
The Prodigal Son
I said, “I spoke in anger. Forgive me.” You’re half Irish?! Well then – you’re not half-bad!
Thanks for the laugh! I needed that… You got the wit – I’ll give you that!
Must be the ‘Oirish’ in ya!
— — —
Thanks for the heads-up…
He is definitely a ‘brainzilla’… (Have you seen his website?)
Luckily if he’s half-Irish – he’s also half-drunk! That’ll level the field a bit!
March 24, 2010 at 3:34 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
Smurfs? look who their leader is.
March 24, 2010 at 3:35 pm
peace back at ya Prodigal, just PLEASE try and not get all liberal or PC on us.. its unnerving. to say the least.
March 24, 2010 at 3:46 pm
They pray to their “Father Abraham”
March 24, 2010 at 6:04 pm
The Prodigal Son
Irish my ass!
He’s Irish like the ‘Russian’ mafia is Russian.
— — —
Leading pop star Bono, from U2, has discovered his Judaism after he approached an ultra-orthodox Chabad Jewish man on a street corner in New York this week.
Bono, from Ireland, told him that he was “half Jewish on account of his Jewish mother.”
He was then told that in that case he was completely Jewish. Bono left, after laying tefillin and taking a Chabad skullcap with him and the young Chabad man was told, by the hundreds of people who had gathered, who Bono was.”
March 24, 2010 at 6:10 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
Here is the messianic midget before u.2.
March 24, 2010 at 6:35 pm
Amazing how all these people are following after the forces of darkness. Are they deceived, or are they willfully doing it? Bono has his Seal Of Solomon 666 on his head. “Jesus, Jew, Muslim” chanting… he appears to be trying to do some kind of magic ritual LOL!!! Whacky.
Messiah he ain’t.
March 24, 2010 at 6:40 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
Hervé Ryssen: I thought so too! But Judaism is a very closed world, very secret, thus after all these years of study, one still learns new things. This time, I explored the criminal world operating within the international Jewish community, and what one discovers there is, strictly speaking, incredible. The fact is that the Jewish Mafia is the main Mafia that exists today on this planet: racketeering, prostitution, drug trafficking, arms trading, contraband diamond smuggling, traffic in works of art, murder for hire, organized swindles, armed robberies, etc. Pornography, casinos, and discotheques are also largely held by Jewish gangsters.
March 24, 2010 at 6:45 pm
Hmm!!! THIS is interesting…I was aware of the Lurianic Kabbalah but did not know of this prophecy (whether it’s true or not) This Luria guy is a kabbalah “heavy hitter” I bet Madonna has a freaking altar to him LOL!!!
As an aside, I can come to no other conclusion than the fact, after observing recent headlines, that Israel seems Hell-bent in an attempt to fulfil its own destiny of total self-destruction as described by a little known prophesy made by Isaac Luria of Safaad (Safed) in the 16th century.
I’ll mention the facts that follow here mainly because Israel, the Middle East, and the concept of Jehovah’s Chosen Ones seem, on this planet at least, to be to most people, the epicentre for the development of the possibility of total nuclear annihilation of the planet, in the very near future,
Luria was a Jewish scholar and seer. He was also an esoteric Gnostic Kabbalist. He wrote about the inevitable mixing of Good and Evil on this plane and the Error that caused the emergence of Evil.
He predicted that the Nation of the Children of Zion would one day be totally destroyed by those whom they had labelled ‘goyim’ (cattle) and who will have awoken en masse to their plight at the hands of the Children of Zion, and will have turned on them as one. These are the words of Luria, a Jewish scholar, a famous Rabbi and prophet, and they were stated in relatively recent times.
March 24, 2010 at 6:51 pm
Former Obama Aide New Head of AIPAC
March 24, 2010 at 7:01 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
Damn those terrrriststs.
March 24, 2010 at 7:14 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
They really should pull their fingers out and get that war started before the window of opportunity slams shut,dammit! Arab League pushes for closer Iran ties
The Arab League chief Amr Moussa wants the 22-nation bloc to engage Iran directly in a step that could undermine U.S. and Israeli efforts to isolate the country, diplomats said Tuesday, AP reported.
March 24, 2010 at 8:43 pm
kerdasi amaq
Hmm, has Obama reached the high point of his political career? It’s all downhill from here for him; so I believe. Assuming that Obama is an OTP, who’ll be the 45th President: Clinton, Palin or Biden?
March 25, 2010 at 10:23 am
Finkelstein says Israel incinerated Palestinian children while the world watched (on the internet mostly, because JEW-rat media won’t show the real story of JEWish terrorism):