Jews, like this one, despise Jesus and Christians and never pass an opportunity to mock Jesus and you. Here’s a so-called “anti-Racist” activist who’s really nothing more than a big-mouthed, narcissistic and anti-White Jew. This disgusting swine actually had the nerve to post this, along with his arrogant sexual boasting, on the Internet for all the world to see!
Look, I’m not going to sit here and try to tell you I’m some kind of big Christian and all. That’d be a big fat lie to you. I will say this much: I do sympathise with Christianity and my brother and several friends are what they call “Born-Again.” In fact, much of what I write here is to wake up people –just like them– to the real deal.
Maybe, just maybe, I’m standing off to the side enough, that I might be able to see some aspects that you might not on the inside. I’ve been watching this show going on now, for years, and it’s increasingly painful to see: Basically, you’re being lied to and screwed over by these people. Hate to be so blunt– no question about it. But let’s take a minute and look at a few things.
These people don’t care about you. They never have. They look down their noses at anybody who believes in Jesus. Evangelicals are routinely dissed by the “Secular Humanists” or “Secular Progressives,” all the time. But what real bunch forms the inner core to all of these kinds of people? The Zionist Jews (not the Torah Israelites — those are the true Jews). Always have. Except when some of them want you to join the “Christian-Zionist” movement and support the Zionist, apartheid State of Israel. Then they change their tune, alright.
Some Israeli Jews literally spit on the few Christians in the streets, who’ve managed to still live there –for crying out loud!
And they do it over here in the US, too, metaphorically. Oh, you see it all the time. Movies, TV, Books. All subtly and often-times openly mocking Christianity. You know exactly where I’m coming from. You get all kinds of things, more and more, and as time goes on –it just gets worse. Even when candidates run for office, their Christianity is now probed and dissected, like it may be cause for trouble later. You think they’d do that kind of thing to any Jew? What a laugh.
Both the Secular and the Orthodox Zionists, think you should join the groups called “Christian-Zionists,” through churches and even on college campuses. They financially support these groups with money from Jewish groups like the ADL and even from a foreign country –Israel itself! It may even be your own tax dollars that we give them as US “Aid to Israel” (now at 10 billion a year!). Could anything be more insidious and traitorous?
They want you to support their never-ending wars against their Arab enemies on the one hand while on the other, they blatantly trash and corrupt your churches from within. They use their owned-media to propagandize you into hating the Muslim and then if you turn the channel, you’ll have to see some new insult to your core values. The “chutzpah” of these people is literally beyond all comprehension, anymore!
And are these people truly God’s Chosen Ones? Or is that being callously used for their own purposes? Could it be a lie to begin with? Keep in mind that many Jewish Supremacists are not really the Jews of the Bible after-all, but the Ashkenazim branch that originated from the Khazar empire of southern Russia and only converted to Judaism during the 8th Century, AD, well over 700 years after Jesus died on the cross (On the Khazars Conversion to Judaism).
And doesn’t the New Testament say that God has now made a new Covenant with all people, Gentiles and the Jews, as long as they now accept Jesus? Did not the Jews once turn their backs on God and break his Covenant, when they selected Barabas for mercy over Jesus as Pontius Pilate and the Sanhedrin looked on?
But what’s really angers and truly frightens me to the core, is that they’ve actually made blatant efforts to subvert you from within. Just like they did to our media and government, they’ve made purposeful efforts in this department. It’s all part and parcel to a long-term master-plan to turn what Christian churches, that they can, into something they call “Noahide” groups.
Noahide is their term for Sons of Noah, or “Righteous Gentiles.” These are Gentiles that have accepted their subservience to the Jew, those Chosen Ones who are closer to God than you will ever be, according to their religious views and also to the general views of Jews just like the one in the photo above.
Our most pressing task, to put it simply, is to launch an international Noachide revolution without delay. The process has already begun, with dozens of tiny Noachide [Noahide] communities having appeared throughout the United States, generally composed of former Christians who have abandoned that religion. The task of organizing the revolution can be divided into… Read more here
Could the above quote (from a Chabadist Jew website) be alluding to Christians that have been subverted? We know that they are indeed public Noahide denominations that openly celebrate the Jewish mysticism of the Zohar and are becoming increasingly popular with the “with-it” set. But are some Christian denominations actually led by secret converts despoiled by money and fame? It appears that a secret plan to create a “Universal Church” may be what’s really going on.
Thinking about all this kind of thing gives me the heebie-jeebies –big time. This seems to go beyond NWO kinds of things and has the look and feel of a Satanic plot. I know that sounds wild and all, but look at it this way: America’s whole concept was the separation of Church and State, if you didn’t like church you just didn’t go. Now, it appears that forces are making a concerted effort in this department and for reasons that can only be either a truly evil or a Jewish Supremacist plot. Or both, who knows?
Look at the big picture –all across the board and not just at Christianity. Do you not see a pattern emerging? This country is purposefully being molded into a Jewish Supremacist State– slowly, but surely. They tried to do it in Russia with a “coup de main,” during the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. Now, they’ve taken a different tack, one that hopes to accomplish this very thing but without us coming to our senses before it’s too late.
These people have made it clear, by their writings, that Jesus Christ and his followers are evils to them and their Orthodox leaders have a sworn duty in life to both enslave us all and to eradicate any worship of Jesus on this planet. And this whole thing may be seen not only in their religious writings but across the board: our Government, the Economy, our Culture and Society– and now even the beliefs that you hold so dear!
And, if you happen to be a Hindu, Buddhist or a Pagan or some such thing, or an Agnostic or even an Atheist –you think you’ll get a free pass in this “Brave New World?” Think again. Any of you Gentiles who come under the thumb of these crazies will be forced to toe the line on the whole cotton-pickin’ deal and that’s a fact, Jack! Forget the dam Muslims taking over– it’s been the Jew all along!
So you had better wake up to all this and now. And all of you Christian-Hating Gentiles need to back-off because you are only making it worse for yourselves in the long run. Christians may turn out to be your best friends and allies– that is if they finally wake up to this nefarious plan and start giving the big boot to the fat false prophets among them.
By Phillip Marlowe
Continues in: “Christians: You Must Wake Up to These Evils! (II)” Click here to finish this article.
Start your research into this here: America Under the Talmud
Comments feed for this article
March 15, 2009 at 1:43 am
Incogman, there is only one thing that these Christian zionists need to know (besides Ben Netanyahoo! calling them useful idiots) and that is reading up on who Cyrus Scofield was. All of their crap relies on the fraudulent, zionist paid for Scofield Reference Bible. Scofield was a petty criminal. A failure. He was taken up as a shabbos goy by one Samuel Untemeyer, a zionist kike. The rest is history. The zios hijacked Christianity in the late 1800s as far as the Baptists and Evangelicals go.
March 15, 2009 at 2:04 am
You all hate Jesus Christ in this blog and none of you is Christian.
When NOTHING MORE TO COMMENT you start using Christ for you Satanic benefits.
You are the lowest level Hypocrites.
March 15, 2009 at 2:08 am
Robert ,are you for real?
March 15, 2009 at 2:19 am
I love Jesus, he warned this silly Goy boy of the jew. I believe in the ‘Goodness’ of man and his\her inherent spirituality more than any religion or man spun paradigms.
March 15, 2009 at 4:32 am
Robert – you are an idiot. You are a TOOL. I follow The Christ. The Christ, when He returns, will post HERE. Even though many of the posters are not Christians, they are RIGHTEOUS. (Even you, Gncarlo!) Righteousness is it’s own reward. Try READING the ACTUAL New Testatment – the NEW one, Robert. Don’t be lazy.
March 21, 2009 at 11:11 pm
You’ve chosen the right word: SWINES! These damned-to-hell Nazis ARE swines. The “Orthodox” of them will walk by a church – ANY church – and turn their faces the other way while spitting and cursing Jesus. Their claim is that Jesus is phony and that he is boiling in hell in human excrement.
This is Judaism for you! It’s OK for them to hate, kill and massacre in the name of their “religion.” But you (we) better not even THINK about the same.. because then, we’re “anti-Semites!” HOGWASH: 99% of these infidels are from the ghettos of Europe or the slums of NY.
March 22, 2009 at 1:36 am
Steve in TN
How pathetic, this faggot wanting some of Jesus. If there is a hell… this puke in the photo will sit at Satan’s right hand with the rest of the anti-christ bunch next in a line.
March 22, 2009 at 2:08 am
Will save the pictures for the trails and expullsions if we or the children win.
‘Do it for the children’. ‘It takes a village’ to ridd a village of pedophiles, queers and baby killers. Ask Hillery.