While the traitor media goes on and on about protestors making a big stink about Arizona’s tough new anti-illegal bill, one would be hard-pressed to notice that the plans for the Amnesty bill have apparently come to an end.
After renewed questions about his sexuality, Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina has abandoned Amnesty like pretty boys do with a broke old faggot at a bath house. Co-drafted with Jew Senator Charles Schumer of Jew York at the behest of Barry Soetoro, Ziopuppet in the White House, the bill would have given 20 plus million Mestizos citizenship. Already, they are costing this country billions.
Even the orthodox Jew boy Senator Joe Lieberman, says the Tea Party and Arizona’s tough new law signals an end to passing the bill in 2010. Now if we can just pass a bill kicking these GD Jews out of the country!
ABC World News Tonight made a big deal about the supposed unconstitutionality of the law (like when have these people given a damn before?) and try to tell you a bunch of businesses will not be coming to Arizona for conventions and the like. But it also failed to mention one thing about all the other states considering passing the same kind of tough bill to do what the lousy Zionist-corrupted Fed refuses to do — enforce the laws and protect the borders.
Crazy Jewess Dyke and Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano (an Italian crypto-Jew name) blubbers that the border is sealed as much as possible. Right. I guess all the illegals are flying over here first class? Yeah, maybe they are and our government is paying for the ticket!
Why not station a few roving sniper teams down there and give them plenty of ammo? That’ll take care of things fairly cheaply. Hell, I’d do it myself for free, just as long as I get to put up a few heads on my trophy wall!
We need to keep up the efforts in alerting fellow Whites to the Jew’s true nature while we can, but let’s take just a moment to celebrate and pat ourselves on the back. America is now rapidly waking up and things will get much worse for these Jew traitors soon enough. Much worse!
Maybe, just maybe, we can turn things around and make Soetoro’s life miserable in a big way. Keep it up!
Comments feed for this article
April 28, 2010 at 10:37 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
Only if you think a jew is white.
I know. It was jews to me.
She said in an interview once she had nearly been kidnapped and the rest by ted bundy!!
I give her a pass as i’ve never known the bird to chime in on the benefits to humanity of shitkikery..
Here’s another jew who had half a clue.
April 28, 2010 at 10:56 pm
I personally doubt that there is one re-elected member of congress who is not controlled. The system is set up for that type of control. Someone who deviates soon finds that the “powers behind the scene” (primarily through media control) are on their back. It is not confined to intraparty or intracongressional medling. Powerful forces, jewish attack forces, are soon on their trail in order to teach the new members who actually run things.
Does it matter whether it is legal? Not to them. Not so long as they can continue doing it.
“As it turns out, CREW is funded by Democracy Alliance, a Soros controlled organization. Democracy Alliance has gone out of its way to hide that it funds Democrat and “progressive” groups such as ACORN, the Sierra Club (also funded by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund), and the dismally failed Air America Radio. Anna Burger, the secretary-treasurer of Service Employees International Union (SEIU), is vice chair of the Democracy Alliance. Earlier this year, SEIU goons attacked tea party members in Missouri.
Bachmann is the target du jour of Democrats because she supports the tea party movement and has moved closer to positions held by Ron Paul and the Libertarians. Mainstream Republicans in general oppose the constitutional precepts of Ron Paul. In October, for instance, the neocon Sen. Lindsey Graham. “I’m going to grow this party. I’m not going to let it be hijacked by Ron Paul,” said Graham at a town hall meeting in Greenville, South Carolina.”
April 28, 2010 at 11:06 pm
I sincerely believe a sea change is going on. What we see in the mainstream media is the tip of the iceburg. People know something is not right and are speaking out. This scares the Jewish power structure and they are doing whatever they can without tipping their hand too much.
April 28, 2010 at 11:10 pm
We all are aware of how it happens. We hear about it every day. We know the suckers who do the pay-offs and the recipients. It doesn’t stop at congress. It goes deep into the fabric of what our nation is and what it should be, and we know that the objectives are not those of our founding fathers, nor the objectives of our preceeding generation, and certainly are not ours.
It is time that apathy is recognized as being the assistant to treachery that it truly is. Those who don’t have the time to inform themselves and to recognize the extent of the problem – ARE THE PROBLEM! They don’t have to know the full details, but they should know enough to be TRULY PISSED OFF, and to be ready to join anyone else in resisting what is happening.
“So when I asked in the comments section (scroll, baby, scroll) of the Yale 360 article why the authors didn’t disclose the RBF-CCS [Rockefeller Brothers Fund and Center for Climate Strategies - Flanders] funding relationship, the answer from co-author Sassoon was that they were disclosed — in RBF’s annual reports! That Leftist version of “pay no attention to that man behind the curtain” transparency was then followed by, “So what!” In other words, “you idiot readers ought to be well-acquainted with funding specifics of our multi-million-dollar foundation.”
Then, in keeping with the global warming alarmist playbook, they suggested I disclose who my funders are. So in response I asked if they could share some of that Standard Oil/Exxon slathered Rockefeller dough they enjoy with little ‘ol me. That comment hasn’t been posted at Yale 360 as of this writing.”
April 28, 2010 at 11:18 pm
“……jewish attack forces, are soon on their trail in order to teach the new members who actually run things.”
Those are AVDE’s, you fool.
Advanced Verbally Divisive Entities.
April 28, 2010 at 11:28 pm
A sea change is definatily occuring. I think thats whats wrong with the economy, really.
People are scared and hunkering down waiting for shit to go down.
Maby someone else has said it already but in regards to the Curt Maynard incident. Maybe theres nothing on the MS about it cause it would bring attention and exposure to sites like this one and people would get a taste of another veiw.
They wouldnt want to accidentally wake everyone up now would they?
April 28, 2010 at 11:28 pm
Incogman, I hope you are right. I don’t see the change myself, though I feel some “in the air”. I do see a hell of a tremendous change in the comments in certain places, but I still see the distraction sites where no one seemingly has a clue. That is the gap which must be broken and it is up to all of us to make sure that it is. We need to find a way to interject appropriately intelligent comments into those casual sites so that even those who try to avoid knowing are forced to understand that they are behind times by not knowing themselves.
How do we stop people from considering it to be chic to be the first to view movies which are the (profitable and the propaganda) basis for all the media attacks against Americans?
Why should people attend theaters showing those or allow their kids to do so?
Aren’t they being allowed to have comfort at the expense of all of us by spending and supporting the trash which is adverse to all of us? Two hours in a plush seat for a couple returns fifty bucks for each to the jew media and the “oh, the so cool movie, I just saw” gives incentives to others to help fund the propaganda.
April 28, 2010 at 11:32 pm
You can see an uptick in the diversity propaganda in the media. It’s becoming obvious to the braindead, even.
Once enough people are clued in, it will spread like wildfire. Keep spreading the news! When “critical mass” is reached, nothing will stop it. I believe we are on the cusp as we speak.
April 28, 2010 at 11:43 pm
Incog I was paying for my car being fixed today and the guy behind the counter asks another customer how’s he doing as he walked by…..He responded with “not too bad for a dumb white man”
I chuckled hardy. I almost was able to say “I been feeling that way lately too”, but missed my chance when the other guy spoke first.
Obviously that man is feeling an awakening or is fully awakened.
Hell that could have been you Incog…Was it? lol
April 28, 2010 at 11:44 pm
The Prodigal Son
I repeat:
Bethlehem (where Christ was born) was in Judea – not Galilee.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
‘When Herod the king heard this, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him. And when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he inquired of them where the Christ was to be born.
So they said to him, “In Bethlehem of Judea, for thus it is written by the prophet: ‘But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, Are not the least among the rulers of Judah; For out of you shall come a Ruler Who will shepherd My people Israel.’ ” ‘
- Matthew 2:3-6
April 28, 2010 at 11:53 pm
No, Fleur, it wasn’t me. Could have been though. I’ve been known to get up on the soapbox in public a lot. Whenever someone says something like that, I immediately reinforce what they say and drop in some other stuff. I had a bunch of people listening to me at a convenience store just the other day and all of them were nodding away!
April 28, 2010 at 11:55 pm
Oh yeah, I told them all about the 1.2 billion going to black farmers as “reparations” and why we heard nothing in the media about it. That fired them up!
April 29, 2010 at 12:05 am
Cannibal Rabbi
Prodigal Son.
Don’t set too much store in the psychotic ramblings of a psychopathic baby murderer, mediated by a fellow who didn’t come in to the picture ’til a quarter century later, by which time everything apart from the infant slaughter was rumour and speculation.
Go with what Matthew witnessed.
April 29, 2010 at 12:15 am
Popularity which can’t be ignored. What nature of attacks should we expect to see?
“A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely voters in the state shows that 56% now approve of the way Brewer is performing her role as governor. Two weeks ago, just 40% offered their approval.”
April 29, 2010 at 12:31 am
What’s up with the new font?
April 29, 2010 at 2:08 am
Ed in Salt Lake
Incogman said…
“Curt was one hell of a writer. Women can sure make a man go crazy.”
I started posting comments a few years back during his PC Apostate stage; one day I told him that I felt I understood his fighting spirit better than any of his visitors. Why? Because, I understood his INTENSITY AND SUFFERING!
We eventually established an occassional email and letter correspondance, but we still mostly communicated through his blogs. I also sent him money on occassion when he needed a little help. His bitch-ass wife bilked him for almost everything.
Curt’s intensity and intellectual depth was balanced by a child-like disposition and innocense. I told him on a few occasions to show more of this playful trait of his. He concealed much because he possessed much. Important ingredients when this world of ours has now been turned upside-down and inside-out by our bloodthirsty Kabbalists. We have lost a giant in this battle!
Curt and I also shared a history of/current opiate addiction. The Papaver Somniferum helping both of us beat and numb the odds as our deaths approach(-ed) us from the other end like a rifle-shot. And both of us dealing with a congenital broken heart born from a broken world. Curt Maynard was a torch-bearer and most of you missed it. A shooting-star!
I believe Curt intentionally killed his wife and stepdaughter ONLY! He spared HIS kids!… especially his daughter Danielle who came into this world a precocious little Starchild. Even though Danielle is half- Mexican, Curt’s light shines through her which was evident in the videos he posted of her on his Youtube account. Very talented youngster!
I’ll miss my “morning newspaper” now that Curt is gone. I’ll miss his lack of guilt when confronted with constant criticism. I’ll miss the relentless self-determination and resoluteness ploughing through the mediocrity of Modernity. I’ll miss one of the mentally toughest and brutally honest personalities I’ve come across on the Web. I’ll miss what I felt to be a kindred spirit. I called him Tyrannos!
Someone who wasn’t afraid to AGGRESSIVELY question and interrogate. Everything from the Apollo “moon-landings” to,…YES INCOGMAN!…A woman’s love! No rock left unturned. Those who are born into the Light and the Purity of the Heart must suffer its consequences Even,…even if it makes you go mad!
I’ve always felt those who criticized Curt because of his race-mixing to be weak and reactive. I understand the angle of argument, however, the chronic complainers that whine and bitch how Curt just wasn’t perfect enough for “the movement” reveal more about themselves. The self-righteous! Those called anonymous and those simply inferior and base souls who are always pointing fingers and degrading while doing nothing with their life, while someone like Curt- a creator- was busy screaming from the rooftops,…building!… thinking! Add all these people up and you still lack a whole and complete Curt Maynard. A strong man! A shooting-star shining out, over, and above the mob!
I felt Curt to be divided about his marriage and children at times, but generally he did his best to make the best of the situation. Nietzsche once wrote that a “woman’s love destroys a man more than it saves him.” Something to ponder! The madness that can be unleashed vis-a-vis the primal energies of woman and sexuality. A Siren’s song emanating from an unknown future!
Good buy Curt!
“Cruellty has a human heart,
And Jealousy a human face.
Terror the human form divine,
And secrecy the human dress.
The human form is forged iron,
The human form a fiery forge,
The human face a furnace seal’d,
The human heart its hungry gorge”- Blake (The Divine Image)
April 29, 2010 at 3:08 am
Ed, Thanks for posting that. Curt had several people making threats against him and mentioning his wife and kids before he (or someone) closed off his blog. He said he was passing along the information to the sheriff. I tried again to reach his blog about ten minutes ago, and it has changed status from being open by invitation to closed for violation of terms and conditions. I am one of those who are not convinced at all that he killed himself, though I wasn’t in position to know about his true feelings were about his wife. I noticed, too, that his fatality happened in the beginning of what appears to be a more remote area between populated areas.
April 29, 2010 at 3:11 am
I’m wondering about the font, too?
April 29, 2010 at 4:59 am
The Prodigal Son
Cannibal Rabbi,
I don’t need to put any faith in what Herod said or didn’t say…
We have witness from the Old Testament – in which Micah prophesied around 700 BC that the Messiah; the Shepherd of Israel would be born in Bethlehem in the land of Judah.
Judah was the Southern kingdom… Galilee was in the Northern kingdom of Israel. Roman Judea was in the South – in what had been Judah. Galilee was North of Samaria, far from Judea.
We have the witness of Matthew – who also would have been alive at the time of Herods infanticide.
But most importantly we have the witness of the Church founded by Christ and His apostles- which was (and is) led into ALL TRUTH by the Paraclete; the Holy Spirit, the Church – whose Holy Tradition was handed down by the apostles… The same apostles to whom the Scriptures had been to their minds opened by Christ and to whom all had been revealed.
Jesus lived most of His life in Galilee – but He was born in Bethlehem of Judea that He might fulfill all of the O.T. Scriptures which had foretold of the when & where of His coming.
April 29, 2010 at 7:28 am
“You can see an uptick in the diversity propaganda in the media. It’s becoming obvious to the braindead, even.
Once enough people are clued in, it will spread like wildfire. Keep spreading the news! When “critical mass” is reached, nothing will stop it. I believe we are on the cusp as we speak.”- Incogman
I’m observing the same things. People that I shared the facts with several months ago are coming back and asking follow-up questions. The best part is we can count on JEWS to push even harder at exactly the wrong time! Use it to your advantage. There has never been a better window of opportunity that right now, as JEWS are exposing themselves every single place we look.
April 29, 2010 at 1:05 pm
Matthew 4:15: “Galilaia ton ethnon,” Galilee of the Gentiles, was a quote from the prophet Isaiah [Isaiah 9:1-2].
Galilee became a Assyrian province in 734 B.C.
In Jesus’ time, the region had a mixed population, including non-Jews who had descended into Judaism during the Maccabean era.
Many or most Galileans, including the Jews there, were culturally Hellenic, and were therefore looked down as “second-class” by the Jew religious and tribal authorities in Jerusalem.
+ + +
Now they’re so embarrassed by the nebbish pedo Woody Allen that they’re trying to tell us he’s not Jewish:
April 29, 2010 at 1:09 pm
About that JYC video above:
I’m all for saying Barack Hussein Obama
Ben Shalom Benanke
Rahm Israel Emanuel
April 29, 2010 at 1:16 pm
“What would you do if you lived in New York, and New Jersey started firing missiles at you!?”
I’d wonder why they were doing that.
April 29, 2010 at 1:25 pm
Ok Prodigal. You owned me on that one. Now, considering the Nazareth/Galilee angle, what are the odds that any of the original disciples may have been gentiles? This is great stuff to examine and think about.
April 29, 2010 at 2:30 pm
From those who work to confuse and silence us:
“We should have killed all of you JAPS, sneaky devils.”
– Mad Jewess
I think YOU confuse yourself, incognito Bolshevik and your allies, we keep you alive for entertainment.
Akira the JAP prick, that answer that you just put up above is EXACTLY how the Kommie Jews in NYC reacted after 1993 WTC.
Bolshevik Friendly site here folks.
April 29, 2010 at 3:22 pm
Also, inother words., Akira, you ugly, flat faced, mean spirited, Anti-Christ:
Basically YOU are saying is that illegals are shooting at us here in the S.W., (America) and YOU are wondering WHY.
What a phoney Liberal scumbag you are. Please, you all can fool some of the peope some of the time, but you cant fool me, and you certainly CANNOT fool NORMAL people.
You know… I apologized to this Jap-SCUM BAG on LoriMaries blog, since the JAP SCUM thinks ALL Jews are the same, The JAP gets it back, to Fukkin bad–then goes so far as the incogfaggot to insult NORMAL people by calling Obama a Zionist it is beyond laughable.
He is SO Zionist <LOL that the WJC are speaking out against him?
Okkkk-WHATEVER DUMMIE, it is world COMMUNISM for the LAST g'd time.
Christians are not going to turn their back on Zion. Why? they believe that Jesus IS the cornerstone OF Zion, physically and spiritually, however, they WILL turn on Communism, and THAT is why you have no NORMAL Christians posting here.
Ron Lauder 'stands up to the MOSLEM, Obama: http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2010/04/ronald-lauder-and-wjc-stand-up-to-obama.html
****Really, this blog is deluded, sick, insane, and the reason you ARE open,is that nobody takes you morons serious anymore except the psych patients that post here from State Hospitals.
April 29, 2010 at 3:31 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
Prodigal Son.
Keep your hair on, i’m just messing with you. I’m not the one who abandoned my family and had to come back with my tail between my legs!
From your woody allen link:
“I would like to set the record straight. Neither complaining nor guilt are Jewish ideas. In fact, they are both completely antithetical to the teachings of our heritage”.
On the same page an ad in memory of rabbi whine-berg. The article itself is essentially an extended whine.
When is the last time you had a shower? With soap that is?
You’re not in the ghetto now you malodorous minger.
You seem to be more pungent than your usual odiferous self.
In the name of Christ, make an effort.
April 29, 2010 at 4:32 pm
Christ said His Kingdom is not of this world Paulette. Kind of leaves modern Israel out of the picture doesn’t it? LOL!!!
1.) Trenton 2.) Tel Aviv answer any time Pookie…
April 29, 2010 at 5:05 pm
Re: “Neither complaining nor guilt are Jewish ideas.”
Complaining is. Guilt isn’t.
April 29, 2010 at 5:08 pm
Of course Jesus is the “Cornerstone of Zion” and twas he greatest of the Israelites.
But this stinking abomination occupying Palestine is neither Zion nor Israel.
April 29, 2010 at 6:36 pm
The Prodigal Son
“Ok Prodigal. You owned me on that one.”
Not trying to ‘own’ anyone… It’s not about the ‘ownage’ to me – it’s about the truth.
“What are the odds that any of the original disciples may have been gentiles?”
As I said before… the word ‘Gentile’ is an English construct. The original Hebrew word ‘Goyim’ in the Old Testament which ‘Gentiles’ was tranlated from did not mean ‘non-Jew’ – it just meant ‘nations’.
The original apostles were circumcised followers of the Mosaic law… so no – you couldn’t call them ‘Gentiles’.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Cannibal Rabbi,
“I’m not the one who abandoned my family and had to come back with my tail between my legs!”
Care to elaborate on that – cuz I have no clue what you’re talking about.
April 29, 2010 at 6:42 pm
So Paulette the mad, hairy JEWbag suggests that JEWS could yank the plug on Incogman at any time, but because they’re so benevolent, they LET this blog continue?
My opinion is JEWS can’t do a damned thing about what is coming their way, and many of them know it, even if madjewbag can’t see it.
You’ve been sold up the river worse than even the dumbest of Goyim, big Paulie.
April 29, 2010 at 6:45 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
Prodigal Son.
It’s a joke about your stage name!!Hohoho.
Get it!!
April 29, 2010 at 8:02 pm
The Prodigal Son
Ah, ya got me there, Eater of Fellow Pharisaic Teachers!
Luckily the Father accepts all children who will repent of their ways – all of those who accept and obey His one faithful Son.
Including the ones with their tails between their legs!
April 30, 2010 at 12:34 am
Foreskin Burglar
Cannibal Rabbi,
I find your name to be very offensive.
As a Jew, I am deeply offended.
You are offensively implying that Jews eat the flesh of men.
By the way, do you have any foreskins lying around? I’m in the mood for a little snack.
April 30, 2010 at 2:33 am
Ed in Salt Lake
Why did Curt go from asking for a few donations to pay a month or two of his Internet service one day, to saying he was “going on vacation” and would return all donations just a few days later?
Any other insights or knowledge you might have come across- let me know!
April 30, 2010 at 9:12 am
Cannibal Rabbi
foreskin buggerer.
Glad to have offended jew, i’m only sorry it couldn’t be in the physical realm.
I’m truthfully stating you seek to feed on the flesh of your SUPERIORS, like the lice who dispatched your fellow kikey, pikeys, during wwjew. That must have come as a surprise, parasites feeding off the parasitic. Oh the irony.
Being in need of a snack, perhaps you could chow down on what’s left of your daddies cock, he could do likewise, then every hebe is happy.
April 30, 2010 at 9:27 am
I’ll bet that Foreskin Seeker will enjoy sharing with Pelosi.
“If you tune in to C-SPAN to watch a House debate, chances are that you’ll see Novotny, 34, the first openly gay House reader, introduce a bill by reading it aloud.”
Ed, The threats I was talking about came in the form of comments at the PCA blog. I think I remember a request or a mention for funds, which seemed out of character for him, but I don’t remember the details. I didn’t connect that when he later asked for information about a vacation to Ireland. I will watch for more info and leave it in this thread if I run across anything really of significance.
April 30, 2010 at 1:01 pm
Not to worry Cannibal…science to the rescue bro!!!