There’s a scene in the movie “Dr. Zhivago” where the Commie half-brother (Alec Guinness) slips into the marching Czarist army in the early days of WWI, specifically to undermine and subvert fellow Russian soldiers later on.
Folks, this is precisely the kind of thing insidious Jews so admire and love.
Much like the Jew above, Jason Levin. Levin is a middle school teacher in Oregon who came out and said he wants to destroy the Tea Party by any means necessary. Even dressing up as Hitler and carrying “racist” and “homophobic” signs at rallies to smear the movement to the unaware. He even suggests misspelling slogans to make Whites look stupid and redneck. He’s also suspected of using his school’s computers to create a website called “Crash the Tea Party.”
The Jew freak on his MySpace account, calls himself a “black lesbian trapped in a White body.” Right. Basically, he’s bragging that he likes to do black chicks (or wishes to). Notice how he conveniently leaves out the Jew part? Jews know well to come off as Whites, especially when they do or say things that might alert the Goyim to how Jews really are.
Yep, the devious little Jew wants to provide anti-White visual fodder for the Jew media and the now obviously anti-Tea Party media. Hell, the media has gone out of it’s way to have people read all about this Jew peon to begin with!
This guy appears to have come out too openly, or perhaps he’s trying to alert fellow Jews of the possibilities?
Think about it deeply here, why would he say this kind of thing, if he was a true “agent provocateur?” No, the guy wants the concept to get out there as far as possible and is using the media to do so. And the scurrilous mainstream media appears to be purposefully helping him.
He even said he plans to gather people’s names and social security numbers at these Tea Parties. And what pray tell does he plan to do with them? Identity theft or turning them over to his Jew buds in the government? No, I think he wants to instill paranoia and garner more media attention to further his nefarious Jew aims. He would like to see copy-cat Jew Rats do what he suggests!
Hell, they are already have Jews subverting the Tea Party from within, anyways.
Why do you think Sarah Palin gets so much attention? Because she toes the Jew/pro-Zionist line, that’s why. Embedded Jewry in the Tea Party support her, right along with the owned media (giving her attention, lefty or not). NeoCON Jew Bill Krystol alerted Big Jewry to her potential as a running mate for Ziopuppet John McCain and she is at least half Jewish to begin with.
You think anyone who told the truth about that sorry country of Israel and how they are using America would seriously get anywhere? Don’t make me laugh. When you step back and look at the big picture, Jews have now got America coming – and going!
And no, I’m not trying to suggest some conspiracy exists between this Levin guy and International Jewry (that I know of). All I’m saying is this Jew is merely acting out of his inner Jew subversive self – just like far too many of these bastards when it comes to White countries.
Scroll up and take another look at the beady-eyed Leninist bastard. Look hard at the guy – I mean it.
This is precisely the kind of Commie Jew creep who once worked for the Soviet Secret Police and had no problems killing millions of White people for Lenin (right) and Stalin. If he could, this guy would gladly put a bullet in the back of the head of each and every member of the Tea Party and be a hero to his Marxist Jew chums forever.
These White-hating Jews did it before, and they are working towards a day they can do it again. Check into it and you’ll see.
Jew lowlifes like Levin have been given far too much leeway in the USA. All of them are either 1) Commies like this guy, 2) liberal pied pipers to foolish Whites, or 3) Israel-Firsters — embedded PR agents and spies for Israel (Jews are usually all three to various degrees).
Jews have long been enemies of the American concept and White people for quite some time now. They all need to be forced out of government, banking and the media. Maybe even frog-marched and ass-kicked with a big steel-toed boot right on out into the Mexican desert, before they do any more damage to America!
– Phillip Marlowe
Comments feed for this article
April 16, 2010 at 10:27 pm
I’ve seen Rev. Manning’s videos all over pro-white sites. I wish him the best of luck in his efforts with his people. The use of his material for “they aren’t all like that” purposes is detrimental.
Think about it, if “they aren’t all like that” why is Rev. Manning so strong worded when he address’ his people?
April 16, 2010 at 10:57 pm
Julian Lee
Dave and others — read the 5th comment down, by “Rhein” here at He says it’s down to American Whites to turn the tide for the rest of the White world:
Being quick to attack each other, even on anonymous chat forums when there’s not real proof of anything, is something we have to leave behind. Agents, actors, and false-flag posters can be tripped up soon enough. If a fellow is stating a view that’s mostly right or in our favor, let him keep on.
April 16, 2010 at 11:06 pm
American born
Im a big fan of Pastor Manning as well. He is the exception to the rule that proves the rule. At first this nigger confused the fuck out of me becasue he hates niggers so much.
He makes a great case for obama being a fag. Some of his other sermons are DEAD ON.. He sees niggers as the complete useless animals they are even though he is a nigger. Amazing to me. This fucking guy amazes the fuck out of me…LOL
April 16, 2010 at 11:18 pm
Thanks for that Mr. Lee. my brother appears to agree with me about the importance of the “struggle” here. I have no problem at all with 9-11 debunkers or “holocaust” deniers. My questions were meant to understand a different strategy. That got me attacked once again. Like I said before, I didn’t come here to make friends with icons or avatars. I am very serious about understanding what people think and I stated that here before. I’ll give anyone that treats me with respect the same in return.
If people use their “sockpuppets” to attack me, whatever. That will not deter me in my efforts.
April 16, 2010 at 11:40 pm
Right, Julian! Our people are at different levels of learning. Even without that our learning experiences are going to differ. White Americans are not going to subject themselves to political correctness, especially when it has been used so much as a tool to divide. So long as they don’t go “off the wall” or demonstrate a clear counter-agenda we need to cultivate and maintain respect as much as possible.
Julian, On the quote from Rhein:
“Our ancestors knew it all. All their knowledge and warnings and pleas to do something are almost forgotten. We spit on their graves and listen to their enemies. So-called “patriots” take part in the spitting. So-called “WNs” say they don’t care.”
Most of us have just begun to learn about what it was that our ancestors had to say about the jew. Their messages have been almost entirely removed from our present-day, “documentable”, sources. We see that what they had to say is true because we engage with each other and search for answers through the internet which has been only a recent development, despite our familiarity with it. It is up to all of us to make those messages heard again and to make them understandable in the context of what is happening to our people in these modern times. We must work together to make this happen and our time to do that is likely to be shorter than we would hope. We should focus on advancing the positives in our work, until there are substantial evidences which should be called to everyone’s attention.
April 16, 2010 at 11:53 pm
“We must work together to make this happen and our time to do that is likely to be shorter than we would hope.”
We must have (at least a small) understanding of this anger that divides us and be able to deal with it. No one will ever know it all but, that doesn’t matter. All that matters is we know enough!
April 17, 2010 at 12:08 am
How 25 Jews Controls the American Elite – by Hoff
You don’t think 25 jews can do that? They can and they do, and l will prove to you how they do it. One jew – mind you – ONE jew writes a half page in Jew York Times (also known as New York Times). What this One jew writes is very good for the jews, so what do you think the ten jews that controls the whole TalmudVision (TV) in America and the ten jews that controls all the jew owned papers in America do? Those 20 jews post up what this One jew wrote in Jew York Times.
What they do is that they post up what this one jew said and spin it wholesale. Every single nonjew the media-jews talk to is FORCED by 25 jews to talk about what this ONE jew wrote. When those 25 jews have spinned this for a week there will be not one nonjew elite that has not heard about what this ONE jew wrote in Jew York Times. The ENTIRE nonjewish elite will know what this one jew wrote and do you know why? Because some 25 jews talked day and night about what this ONE jew wrote.
April 17, 2010 at 12:22 am
Another Example How Jewish Power Works
Just show me one single american elite that don’t know who the Lying jew Bill Kristol is. Do you know why the entire ameerican elite knows who the jew Bill Kristol is? Because 25 jews spin this ONE jew 24-7 wholesale.
There are 300 million americans and EVERY single american with the least interest in politic have heard about what this ONE jew wrote in Jew York Times. What did it take? Some 25 jews who controils all “media”.
April 17, 2010 at 4:13 am
Dick Stallion
I recently watched a video on YT of country music star Lee Greenwood singing at a Sarah Palin rally (Palin actually flashes the satanic hand sign in the video that I watched)…on stage with Palin was a blond woman who looked very familiar to me, couldn’t place her at the time though. I found out who she was a few days later…Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, wife of Illuminati/NWO Overlord, Sir Evelyn de Rothschild!
The Tea Party movement was started by a group of Jews for the purposes of bringing disaffected republicans back into the fold (Zionist control).
April 17, 2010 at 8:56 am
I noticed this Rothschild woman making news commentary on regular TV a couple of years ago. Like Andrea Mitchell, nobody knows where she came from until they are hip to the overall plan DS.
April 17, 2010 at 1:52 pm
Incog, insted of your bellyaching, try pushing the white man back in power again.
David Petraeus for President: Run General, run
With many voters yearning for an outsider, and military officers looked up to, General David Petraeus could be a powerful presidential candidate and a potentially accomplished President.
April 17, 2010 at 1:58 pm
Petraeus is an ISRAEL-FIRSTER. That’s why you dig him. So STFU, traitor.
April 17, 2010 at 2:07 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
“The little guy, the average American, is a domestic terrorist threat as great as al-Qaeda.”
Robert Mueller
Homegrown violent extremists also pose a very serious threat. Homegrown violent extremists are not clustered in one geographic area, nor are they confined to any one type of setting—they can appear in cities, smaller towns, and rural parts of the country. This diffuse and dynamic threat—which can take the form of a lone actor—is of particular concern.
I see davidovitch the whiterthanjew are, is still haunting the site with his insidious insights, cast as pearls before swine, in a typically high handed manner.
They amount to, “sockpuppet blahblah, my brothers/sisters blahblah, AkiraAkirabadwrongblahblahblah, PC=marxist blahblah. Where i live, be wise and prudent blahblah. I only wish to look further,i’m more concerned with my own people blahblahblah. Comedy break, You’re friggin hilarious Incog, seriously though, blahblah. Unmarked grave, i’m lovin’ it, you’re an a-hole too Incogman,,you earned a bit of respect from me, ’nuff said (?????)blahblahblah. Braggin’, split lips, chipped teeth, IVE GOT THE BIGGEST SCARS OF THEM ALL blahblahblah. I concentrate on stories of victory,Dude, i’m just trying to lay another layer on you already thick skin blahblahblahblah. No one will find the truth when they only seek to confirm what they want to believe yapyapyipyap. In my view, racial awareness, racial pride yipyipyapyapdronehrrrmmmhrmmmm. Divisive fools, defeat or divide us, I.P addresses,you will knowhrmmmhrmmmmblahyapdroneyipyap. When you’re rid of me you can have your ringleader back. I promise nothing thoughyaddayaddayipyapdrone. No one cares what this crazy Dave thinks. Do they???Blahblahblahblahyaddayapyip.I’ve already accomplished one of my points for coming here, I’m close to the next one… Please, help me on my way out!
FILTH!blahyaphrrmmmmyipyapyipyapdronesnore.Trust me friend, I have dignity, that’s why I freely linked to a comment where he called me “The Jew Dave”. I’m not even close to as stupid as I represent myself here, Flanders.
Come on! Grow a pair Flanders.cuckoocuckoocuckooblahblahblah. A bit a reading from “Crazy Dave” for anyone who cares to understand these things in the slightest:Hahahahahaha.Yeah, I’m an a-hole.aroogablahblahyipyap.
This poster is a clown by any definition. What it is crying out for is a swift , hard , kick in the balls with a steel toe capped boot.
April 17, 2010 at 3:11 pm
Yep, I refuse to vote for anybody that supports terrorist Israel. That is the only issue that one needs to know if they want to save this country. Israel is all the traitors care about.
April 17, 2010 at 7:34 pm
Yeah, so then encourage Palin.
What a WACKO.
This is MORE PROOF of YOUR Bolshevism. You hate a General?
YOU SUCK!!! THAT IS WHY YOU ARE HATED by the Military, you EVIL left wing Bolshevik slime.
I told everyone that I know on OathKeepers about your LYING ASS.
No more proof necessary.
April 17, 2010 at 7:36 pm
You can take that shit back, or suffer DIRE consequences Incog. You are FINISHED, I will put the nails in the coffin of your blog once and for all.
FINISHED in the Blogoshphere for calling Dave Patreaus a “Traitor”
What have you EVER Done Incog, name your MOS and tell us all about YOUR service.
You deserve what is coming your way.
It is coming INCOG.
April 17, 2010 at 7:37 pm
I can’t stand Palin and all the Jew suck-ups they allow in politics today. All puppets, fool. I work for the day we drag all your subversive asses out of your hidey-holes and give you the big boot!
April 17, 2010 at 7:38 pm
Off my blog for threatening me, Jewess. Enjoy SPAMblinka!
April 17, 2010 at 8:03 pm
[...] April 17, 2010 at 1:58 pm [...]
April 17, 2010 at 10:19 pm
hmmmmm… Levin=Lenin? any coincidence? both have rat like features
April 17, 2010 at 10:24 pm
Yeah, look at the Jew. He’s a reincarnation of VI Lenin. A minie version, anyways. I’m certain he fancies himself a Red, too.
April 17, 2010 at 10:41 pm
You know, did it ever occur to anybody that we are wasting our time typing out what we are already thinking?
Apparently so, because anyone can. We are in a new environment where people can be just who they want to be.
Virtual vs. Reality.
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
Interesting to see Bob Dylan say he made a “deal with the commander” LMAO!!!
April 17, 2010 at 10:49 pm
JEWS talking about JEWS.
When I was down, you just stood there grinning…
BING!!! Did anyone ever consider Bob Dylan was actually not his real name?
April 17, 2010 at 11:03 pm
Oh dear, Thermo went nuclear again. She’s radioactive!
April 17, 2010 at 11:08 pm
That’s interesting. Zimmerman is probably the worse singer EVER, yet he sold millions of albums and led a destructive movement that turned American upside down. Now he talks about how he made a deal with the devil. Interesting.
April 17, 2010 at 11:08 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
It always puzzled me how such a nominally “anti-establishment” figure could get all the way from the 60s ’til now, without catching a bullet in the brain pan, when everybody else was being shot like ducks at a circus sideshow.
You just couldn’t imagine such an Adonis could be a kike.
April 17, 2010 at 11:32 pm
Had to send Mad Jewess to SPAMblinka for threatening to bring my blog down.
She sent in her husband to pretend he’s a White guy, but he gave himself away. Those JTF’s! So stupid they are almost funny (as far as Jews go).
April 18, 2010 at 1:40 am
Haha, they are a riot, Incogman. I like Thermo, if she wasn’t so pro-Israeli she’s be one of us almost. She’s Christian, hates commies, and likes white folks. You should see some of her posts about Waxman, I spewed my coffee all over my screen on one of them! I don’t think she cares for the muds either. Besides, she sings a lot better than Dylan!
I hope you lead lined your spamblinka room, thermo is at megatonnage right about now! Who was “American Born”? Was that a JTFer too?
April 18, 2010 at 2:10 am
American born
@orion 14
Im still here orion. So now your calling me a jew?? LOL
April 18, 2010 at 2:17 am
You certainly sound just like the JTFers here about supporting troops and killing all the muzzies.
April 18, 2010 at 2:23 am
American born
I dont think you have a clue about me or my beliefs orion. Im not going to waste my time defending my statements to you. Go pick a fight with someone else.
April 18, 2010 at 2:34 am
Yeah, I have a clue, and you’re right about it being a waste of time.
April 18, 2010 at 9:58 pm
Heh. Check out the comments on this vid on JEWTUBE. The vid is shit, but
on a jewish website..check the comments!
April 19, 2010 at 9:54 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
Zionist Billionaire
Abraham Koch is worth $19 billion, an old line aristocratic German Jewish family. They own Koch industries.
They are a major backer of the “Tea Party”
April 19, 2010 at 11:05 pm
Gen. BetrayUS. They are all jew suck up tools. I’ll be damned if I’ll ever vote again. Tea Party = another booger snatcher to split the conservatives in order to give Obammy another term.
April 25, 2010 at 10:18 pm
I wanted to add this link so all to see what jew agitprop looks like. This is beyond the pale BS here. Tim ‘Halfenheimer’ Wise is part jew and really doesnt like white people standing up to their eventual desolution.
April 25, 2010 at 10:34 pm
I got something for that Jewboi Tim Wise to imagine:
“Imagine INCOG MAN and his buds chasing your Jew ass down while carrying some heavy duty rope.”
April 25, 2010 at 11:01 pm
Did you see the comment on that Tim Wise column:
“Goatsinger said…
“I’m a schoolteacher currently teaching To Kill a Mockingbird. You’ve just handed me tomorrow’s lesson. Thank you, and keep it up. I’m proud of you.”
Anyway, Wise misses the point that whites are the majority, therefore a few hundred “extremists” (shouting or spitting or swearing and the other stuff Wise mentions) out of more than 200,000,000 Whites, is not such a big deal.
If a few hundred Arabs mobbed the Fairbanks Alaska town hall, waving guns and shouting “Allahu Akhbar!” they’d tend to stand out more…