Tough Bull Dykes were on-hand to mete out “discipline,” or just to chew tobacco as they scope-out any new talent. These Homo Lezbos freely marched around in public, blatantly displaying the foulest signs and disgusting behavior. Photos are from the MassResistance! website — decent people fighting back against this kind of immorality now being forced down our throats!
Unbelievably vile and sick people were out marching in full view of the decent public — all trying to be more perverted and sicker than the other!
Witness for yourself the big-mouthed Sickos in action on our city’s streets (14:08). Note the very first shot in this video appropriately shows some Jew organization’s banner. Go here for a giant-size listing of Jew Groups who have long been at the forefront of radical Homosexual “Rights” since the very beginning!
And the local media completely ignored the whole thing, failing to mention a single word in the local news, even though many streets were blocked off all across the city. When the local or national news media does manage to mention such events, you’ll see them only showing the few Homos who happen to look like normal, clean-cut people and edit-out all the outwardly sick and dressed-up types (like the freak fag on the right).
Also, remember that this was but one event of many radical Homosexual displays foisted all week long on the poor people of Boston. From the website:
“This was one of the official “gay pride week” events sponsored by major corporations and the state’s top politicians. On Friday evening, June 13, this is what anyone who was downtown, including lots of tourists with children, would have run into. These “adults” are a cross-section of the people in schools, businesses, and government who are promoting homosexual causes every day. Go to MassResistance to see more!
Oh yeah, they’ll recruit alright: In our schools, playgrounds and in the media every chance they get! The video shows them chanting “10% is not enough!” Each one of them is dedicated to perverting more of our young, regardless of what any of us has to say. Young children who fall for this government-sponsored propaganda may be sexually confused for quite some time — if they don’t go totally “pink.”
This is what our country is now becoming, ladies and gentlemen. Militant Slimeballs boldly proclaim who they like to do in bed, the kinds of things they like to do — all the while making a mockery of normal, decent people (they love that).
Where will it all lead? Surely a world where complete immorality is rampant and new diseases spring from unnatural acts — like the flesh-eating microbe, USA300 (right), that ends-up in the Hetero community (it has).
Sicko Dykes, who managed to have children (probably in a clinic, or maybe even by a turkey baster), have zero problems exposing the young to such displays.
“Bois” refers to female-to-male transgenders or “trannys,” like the she-male spotted on the right banging on a drum (it’s a female who likes looking like a man, but digs other man-like females). How they keep things “straight” is sometimes even beyond them: If you look, you’ll see little stickers that they use to ”classify” themselves and advertise their sexual peccadilloes.
Note the sign “New Dyke (teach me)” and the sign of one Dyke saying she’s more queer than the rest. Out-queering each other gets them off big-time and is the reason why Homos will always take things sicker and sicker. Doing their thing in front of straight people actually gets them excited and turned on, so that’s why we have to witness this kind of thing in public. Homos are a narcissistic bunch.
These are sick, nasty people who revel in displaying just what they like to do to get off. Stop and imagine for one second if Heterosexual people did this kind of thing in public: This will illustrate the fact that such people are only out to display their sexual perversions in public and it’s never been a fairness issue at all.
We are literally giving away the USA to these kind of people and will now have our faces smeared in their filth as they laughingly parade by us in utter contempt of any decency and morality — Christian or otherwise. And it has been the Jew who has unleashed these evil, totally decadent forces upon America. America was not paying any real attention back in the 1880′s, when we allowed his small presence in the shadows to conspire at bringing in other Jews and, since then, the Jew has worked unfettered to promote and agitate people just like those shown above.
These same Jews (Ashkenazim/Talmudic) vigorously promoted Homosexuality in the Germany before Adolf Hitler, just like they do in the US today and we saw what happened there. Think about it!
– INCOG MAN, 2008
Don’t forget to check out my giant listing of radical Jews involved in pushing the Homo crap down America’s throat. You won’t believe just how much they have to do with the whole ”gay” deal: GO HERE
NOTE! All the Jewish Extremists and Zionists spoken about here are mostly from the Khazari tribe originating from southern Russia (called the Ashkenazi), who converted in the mid-8th century, AD. Not the true Israelites of the Bible nor the Torah Jews (Neturei Karta). These particular interlopers have donned the cloak of Judaism, yet retained ancient criminal and parasitic functions among the Gentile nations. Over the centuries, their behavior has caused the Gentile host populations to rise up and throw them bodily out. This has happened about 79 times. Now, Zionistic elements of them have control of important and powerful parts of America and other white Nations, as well as having their own stolen country in the Mideast that we’re now completely beholden to — no matter what they do to us or what they make us do to the world for them. According to their Talmud, we are nothing but “Goyim” or cattle to them.
Comments feed for this article
July 24, 2008 at 11:34 am
Anon Ymous
On a slightly positive note, I would bet a disproportionately high percentage of the dykes in the “march” are jewish (and not white) women.
The purpose of the entire Jewish-lead homosexual “movement” is to lure WHITE men & women into the homosexual lifestyle in order to decrease the white race in numbers and degrade the general morality, no doubt.
It’s too bad ALL Jews don’t just practice what they preach and do the fag/les thing. Then in 50-60 years, these satanic vermin will cease to exist for lack of pro-creation.
July 24, 2008 at 1:40 pm
Greg Bacon
Thanks for helping me decide what i was going to make for supper.
After viewing these abominations, i no longer have an appettite.
July 24, 2008 at 3:19 pm
Yeah, I’m coming out with a diet book next month, lol.
Trust me, there are far worse imagery from Homos than the above. I just want fellow White people, who still have a shred of decency left, to take a good hard look at where America is headed. Thanks to the Jew.
July 24, 2008 at 5:07 pm
African Man
Good thing I am muslim. I still wonder how Whites view these parasites as Gods chosenites?
One of the main reasons why I will never become Christian. That and the “turn the other cheek” philosophy. Christianity, in my eyes is a victim-hood cult. Islam is in the middle while the jews are to the extreme[hateful]
As for the Dikes, i really would not care if they did not complain so much about “equal rights!” In my country these dikes would be stoned or burned to death. They’re lucky to be even alive. Ungrateful queers!
July 26, 2008 at 9:20 am
Look, I know a bunch of Dykes are now reading all this. I see where you’re coming from.
You’re too weak-minded and spineless to say one lousy thing. You’ll just sit there and sputter your spittle at the screen in your spiteful spasms. Your putrid, pasty faces are now turning puffy and blotchy red as I expose your utter foulness before the world.
When America wakes up totally, we’ll be shutting down your public displays of sickness — permanently!
Got that, Homos?
July 26, 2008 at 9:36 am
These perverts are right at the top my “people who should be blinded and forced to walk the streets of detroit at night until such time as they are dead.”
Course if I were king the first time one of these knuckleheads showed their “puss” around my kingdom they would be tossed down a very deep well.
Society destroying sickos.
July 26, 2008 at 12:08 pm
Lanner Falcon
Just two words:
Mass Extermination
July 26, 2008 at 4:07 pm
I recognize this agenda, and the pro-gay stuff is everywhere. But people have the right to assemble, and having rights means that some people will exercise those rights in ways that offend you.
These events should not have any government backing, and I think everyone would be better off if the homos where more dignified about their lifestyle and kept it in the closet, but some people are just flamboyant by nature so we will always have the occasional “queen”.
Gay lifestyle and gay parenting should not be taught in school, this is in effect indoctrinating. I think that there are some people that are born gay, but others are simply afraid of women or for whatever reason fall into that lifestyle of drugs and promiscuity.
What happens behind closed doors is your business, but if you take it out into the streets that is proselytizing.
While they have the right to assemble, the community also should have the right to oppose them.
July 26, 2008 at 4:19 pm
You make some strong and logical points, my friend. Too bad that the Homos and liberals don’t have the guts that you do.
As for myself, I never cared one “lick” about what people did. It was their own dam business and far be it for me to even give the least consideration.
That being said, the Homos have now pushed things much too far. School indoctrination, like what they are now doing in Massachusetts and Commiefornia has crossed this old boy’s line. Homo marriage? Don’t get me started.
And they should be arrested for public indecency just like Heteros when they exhibit signs like this and public nudity. I’ve had enough of them going off, on what they dig, in our faces.
Also, they want to serve openly in the military. BS! I don’t want flaming homos serving with our soldiers in any way, shape or form.
July 26, 2008 at 5:55 pm
Those photos are surely counter-propaganda and disincentive to those who are seduced by the Hollywood image of fashionable and healthy homosex.
July 27, 2008 at 1:30 am
Well, sick pics, Incog. You know, I’ve done a lot of studying on this. I really think that what poisons are in the food, water, air and soil are responsible. This come from our gov who will puts this crap in there. THEY are to blame for the mutations! I am totally convinced that everything disgusting that engulfs us is because of or a direct result of the JEW who is like a snake and does nothing but intimidate, destroy, and predidate!
July 27, 2008 at 7:14 am
To paraphrase Larry the Cable Guy:
“I’ve got a couple of buddies that like sheep, but they don’t throw a damn parade every weekend’.
‘Nuff said.
July 27, 2008 at 1:00 pm
How is it that they can walk around with their breasts bare and signs that say “F*CK”? If I did that, I would be arrested. Indecency charges. That one mutant should throw those things over her shoulders at least.
July 27, 2008 at 9:40 pm
African Man
LW37, I too agree. I really think Homosexuals are symptoms of the disease called Judaism. AND you right about our food, water and air being poisoned. I have read about fluoride water, and chemitrails.
I am so freaking pissed off at Americans still being asleep. Its like someone being asleep when their house is on fire while fire alarm rings.
Another thing, anyone who thinks Jews are no threat might as well believe Black Mambas make good pets.
July 28, 2008 at 1:56 pm
African Man, you are one of the few who see these things. It must be the country were you are from, as you do not seem like most of the African Americans I have seen. The jew are responsible for putting all this crap in the food, air, water, vaccines. This stuff changes the molecular structure in a fetus, and then encourages the mutant chromosomes as the child grows. People like this were freaks of nature not too long ago. Now they are adored, accepted and understood. I truly believe this has to do with Eugenics, which is a real program, whether people want to study it or not. This stops birthrates, and kills a lot of them with disease.
There are mutations with hermaphrodite bodies. I can’t blame them for being how they are. It is a defect that happens in the pregnancy. Why these mutations occur at such a high rate has to be from what is put into the mother’s body. We didn’t have this many running around being degenerate before. It has exploded in the last 20 years. Yes, I think some are led into it by these “recruiters” but they are not actually born that way. They are just participatiing in degenerate lifestyles now, but may stop later and go back into heterosexual behaviour.
Either way I am sick of them pushing their views of us,demanding to be accepted and to teach young children about this, leaving them confused as their brains develop. The chemistry of the brain can be altered by such things and then they are all messed up in the long run.
July 29, 2008 at 9:49 pm
African Man
I am Somalian. (East African)
I credit my being awake to being Muslim and African (Zionists want our oil)
The truth is easier to swallow for me unlike White Protestants who grow up worshiping Jews as Gods Chosen people and their God, Jesus being a jew.
Most African-American leaders are “kosher” stamped. They’re controlled by Jews and used to agitate Blacks for Race War against Whites.
August 21, 2008 at 3:45 pm
i think u are the sick ones writing such shit we are in the 20th century now it is accepted
August 21, 2008 at 4:51 pm
No, you’re the sick one and, as a matter of fact, the stupid one: It’s the 21st century, MORON.
Who says it’s accepted? The news people? Well, I got some real news for you homo: It’s not.
We’ll be looking for you soon enough. You won’t be hard to find being as stupid as you are.
September 27, 2008 at 5:14 pm
“You’re too weak-minded and spineless to say one lousy thing. You’ll just sit there and sputter your spittle at the screen in your spiteful spasms. Your putrid, pasty faces are now turning puffy and blotchy red as I expose your utter foulness before the world.”
And I bet you are getting off on the ‘utter foulness’ too, rent some porn and work out your issues.
September 27, 2008 at 5:59 pm
Yeah, you’d like for me to watch you perform in that movie called “Psyn with the German Shepards” that you’re so proud of.
Take your stupid little comments on down the road, dyke twit-for-brains.
September 27, 2008 at 6:34 pm
I see that along with watching lesbians you are also into beastiality.
September 27, 2008 at 7:06 pm
That’s next for you sickos to start marching in the streets about.
You Jew Dykes and Homos will do anything to degrade this country.
Guess what? America is close to the end of it’s patience and the sick party is over. You’ll be crying the blues looking for places to hide out as we hunt your sick butts down.
September 27, 2008 at 7:16 pm
Gee, if you kill us all how will you get off?
September 27, 2008 at 7:28 pm
I told you to take your rug-munching Jew face on down the road.
Your days are numbered — America is fast waking up to the evils brought on this country by you sick Jews and your foul Homo cohorts.
My blog is enjoying a huge uptick in hits lately and people all over are talking out loud about EVERYTHING.
The clock is ticking Jew fags.
September 28, 2008 at 7:57 am
ohhhhh scary, are you not tough behind your keyboard with you paper mache threats, numbers are working against you my friend and the clock is not ticking for us it is ticking for you…..
September 28, 2008 at 9:42 am
I guess your ears have been too long blocked by the fleshy thighs of some other fat dyke — so that you can’t hear the rising ire of the American public about so many things, including the behavior of you sickening people.
Your arrogance will end up being your undoing, fat dyke. Enjoy your breakfest, little piggy.
September 28, 2008 at 12:07 pm
Wow, such wit, such intelligence, such insight from a member of the ‘master race’. Based on your responses, I really don’t think that the ones you consider inferior really have anything to worry about from the likes of ‘bright lights’ like yourself.
In the meanwhile, feel free to continue to fulminate against ‘perversity’ since it just proves the point that you ‘doth protest to much’
September 28, 2008 at 1:44 pm
Why thank you, your highness dyke.
And you can take your little “latent homo” crap elsewhere, since I’m quite comfortable with myself and my sexuality. That’s you Jew Homo’s little gambit to shut up straights who dare to say JACK about how disgusted they are with you types.
Guess what? They are still disgusted, just too afraid to say anything for right now. I’ve decided I have had enough of you people regardless of your stupid little methods to shut people up and will happily continue to expose your disgusting ways. That part is so easy to do, anymore.
Your nasty habits are creating foul new diseases like USA300 and ratcheting up our insurance rates the rest of us Whites have to pay for. And all because of the disgusting world of the Homo.
Lotsa Whites are also waking up about the Jew, along with his homo buddies like yourself, so it’s just a matter of time for you slimeballs to have pay the piper for your fun and games of the last few decades.
Did you wash your face after breakfest yet, little piggy?
September 28, 2008 at 3:01 pm
Yeah, closet cases like you are always comfortable with their sexuality when it is all secret and forbidden, it is all the more exciting that way.
I mean who else but a closet case would wonder through a pride parade filming the most explict acts for posterity so that they could examine later in the privacy of their own homes, while all the while, ranting about how disgusting it all is.
Yep so continue to make your hollow little threats from behind that stained keyboard of yours and a final question, how could I ‘shut you up’ on your own forum…I guess it is just more ‘intelligence’ from the inbred master race.
September 28, 2008 at 3:39 pm
Oh, you needn’t worry your fat face on secrets and all, I know exactly the sick things you perverts have to do to get off.
And don’t be talking about any “inbred” business: Jews have the most problems in this department, and the Homos can’t even breed whatsover! That’s why you work so hard to get it in the schools so you can have yourselves some fresh meat down the road.
You are all pedophiles when you get down to brass tacks, anyways.
Right at this moment, you are probably kneeding away at your crotch thinking back about some confused High school girl you did after the march, with your snap-on tools and leather harnesses.
Hell, the readers of my blog can just scroll upwards on the screen and see what sick fat fucks you people really are!
September 28, 2008 at 4:11 pm
On a side note, for all the readers out there at the moment:
America is truly in a bad way right now. Financially and social. We are on the brink of what happened in the Soviet Union in the late 80′s.
All of this is because of Jew meddling and social engineering. We spend way, way too much on foreign wars of aggression, along with entitlement programs for spoiled Negroes and illegal aliens. We are bankrupting and running America right into the ground as we speak.
So, what does this have to do with fat arrogant dykes like “psyn?”
Everything. It’s all connected with the liberal-Jewish dogma of degradation of White, straight America and the obvious hate for White straight males.
Each one of you reading this knows that this is the case. Liberal sick dykes like “psyn” want to cow you into silence so they can continue their perversions openly. They embrace the social destruction of this country just so they can get their rocks off!
September 28, 2008 at 4:58 pm
That homosexuality was removed from the DSM IV because queers threatened the lives of the largely Jewish Board of Directors of the American Psychological Association is enough to reject the movement over all.
Their pedopelic agenda, and pushing this crap in our schools should be enough to bring every decent American out of their closets and bring an end to this insidious, life destroying lifestyle.
September 28, 2008 at 5:04 pm
“Oh, you needn’t worry your fat face on secrets and all, I know exactly the sick things you perverts have to do to get off.”
You are so stupid you don’t even get the joke, it is your dirty little secrets I am referring to. And for someone who is so disgusted by it all you seem to have no problem coming up with scenarios and fantasies about what you suppose I am doing…which indicates to me that you have spent alot of time thinking what you suppose we all get up to. Could that be because you are secretly doing it or just want to do it…come on tell us true!!!
September 28, 2008 at 5:16 pm
September 28, 2008 at 4:58 pm
That homosexuality was removed from the DSM IV because queers threatened the lives of the largely Jewish Board of Directors of the American Psychological Association is enough to reject the movement over all.
Their pedopelic agenda, and pushing this crap in our schools should be enough to bring every decent American out of their closets and bring an end to this insidious, life destroying lifestyle.”
Gee if the APA was all Jewish, how did homsexuality get into the DSM in the first place…..
September 28, 2008 at 5:27 pm
Yeah, you think I get off on your sick shit. More like turns me into a anorexic who vomits all the time. Still kneeding your crotch, fat pig?
Check out my post:
This has a giant listing of JEW HOMOS who are involved in all this sickness.
Like the Jew Frank Kameny who was intrumental in getting the APA to classify fags as normal. He’s also quoted to be all in favor of “bestiality” which psyn seems so into.
You sick fat dyke!
September 28, 2008 at 5:34 pm
<——– See My Name.
September 28, 2008 at 10:22 pm
Oh pardon me, I believe you have been the one to talk endlessly about various sexual acts. For someone so high, moral and superior you do seem to be obsessed sex specifically the following:
Bestiality,pedophilia,masturbation ,homosexuality, and I am sure many others. I think that this exchange just goes to prove how obsessed you are as you seem to insert some new sexual act into every post….and you call me sick.
Oh, yes, you also seem to be into binging and purging too, something closely associated with gay men…good show! Just keep posting a proving what a closet case you really are.
September 28, 2008 at 10:47 pm
There you go again, more of the same “latent” homo tactics in the vain attempt to shut up STRAIGHT White people. Whatever, Lezbo.
Guess what? Straight people can’t stand Homos at all. They’re nothing but a sick joke to us. That’s why you think your tactics will work with me.
So, in effect, your comments only reinforce what I say about homos to begin with. You’ll would never say such things to a fellow homo, since that would be so mean. Oh, boohoo.
But that just illustrates how hypocritical you Homos truly are. But don’t worry — your perversions are far worse than mere hypocrisy.
So suck a big one, Homo. Oh wait — you’re a Dyke (I think) — then go hump some face!
September 28, 2008 at 11:12 pm
This “pysn” is getting to be a real bore. Her Homo blather is so predictible and unimaginative.
What do you think people? Do you want me to let her keep whining?
If it’s not Jew big mouths making a pest of themselves here at INCOG LAND, it’s some fat bull dyke or skinny, pus-filled fag.
Oh well.
September 29, 2008 at 9:26 pm
Right after stating that lesbians would not have the spine to challenge you, you seem upset that one keeps challenging you…hmmm. And the fact that no one else is responding should indicate to you that you are making such as ass out of yourself that even your fellow members of the master race are not chiming in…
And if you don’t like what others are saying you ban them, after all of your rants about free speech and how the ‘jew media’ censors you, you resort to the same thing.
“Guess what? Straight people can’t stand Homos at all. They’re nothing but a sick joke to us. That’s why you think your tactics will work with me.
So, in effect, your comments only reinforce what I say about homos to begin with. You’ll would never say such things to a fellow homo, since that would be so mean. Oh, boohoo.”
Really what does this mean…I am not employing any ‘tactics’, beyond revealing to all how truly stupid you are….Why would I say these things to’homos’, when they are not true…what truly is your point…do you even know?
September 29, 2008 at 9:43 pm
Uh, first off: Hardly any people comment, so my hats off to you for at least doing so.
My blog only gets about 1-2% comments per article of the hits it recieves, if that. I think most are scared to say anything. Sometimes, they get hundreds of hits and not a single comment. Maybe if I was less a mean SOB, then they might comment more.
That comment about lezbos not saying anything was in response to the number of clicks from a lezbo site at the time I first posted the article. I can see what site they come from but not from a home or something (which I would never do in the first place since I believe in free speech unless you are a Jew making a pest for Jew fun).
My comment about tactics was just that. You accuse me of being sick and nasty (in secret) but you would never say the same about those of you who really are sick and nasty openly. Hence, the degree of hypocrisy in your attacks on me.
But let’s drop all pretenses shall we?
You people are simply sick and nasty FREAKS who like to disgust all the rest of us in any way, shape or form. Shocking straights and each other gets you off.
Don’t you sit there and try to tell me otherwise. Readers can simply scroll upwards to see this all for themselves. Also, look at my other posts on the Homo world.
I used to really not care a “lick” about what you people did in private. Really. But you’ve gone way way too far with school indoctrination, Homo marriage stuff, public marches and in the media. Plus, Jews are really and truly fucking up this country.
And you psysn, can go back to your crotch-kneeding while you look at the above shots, too. Enjoy, you crusty-face lezzy.
September 29, 2008 at 10:30 pm
“My blog only gets about 1-2% comments per article of the hits it recieves, if that. I think most are scared to say anything. Sometimes, they get hundreds of hits and not a single comment. Maybe if I was less a mean SOB, then they might comment more.
That comment about lezbos not saying anything was in response to the number of clicks from a lezbo site at the time I first posted the article. I can see what site they come from but not from a home or something (which I would never do in the first place since I believe in free speech unless you are a Jew making a pest for Jew fun).”
I think you flatter yourself to assume that people are ‘too scared to comment’. Scared of what?? If they agree with you and you are ‘right’ they should be proud to post their support. I think most look at your site, and see you for what you are, a scared little person with low self esteem and sexuality issues. Who else would equate courage with posting anoymously on a site. You got the clicks from the lesbian site probably because someone posted your link there to show others what an ass you are. Of course everyone who disagrees with you is a ‘jew pest’ right, this is circular logic at it’s best.
“My comment about tactics was just that. You accuse me of being sick and nasty (in secret) but you would never say the same about those of you who really are sick and nasty openly. Hence, the degree of hypocrisy in your attacks on me.”
I don’t accuse you of being ‘sick and nasty’ in secret, I accuse you of wanting to to the things that YOU think are sick and nasty, hence some of your conflicts. See the difference. Think really carefully now, because I know the last idea is a complicated one for you.
September 29, 2008 at 11:34 pm
Touche, sin, touche.
You may freely think that if you wish. But don’t think that I don’t understand well your inuendoes.
The cool thing is I don’t really need to feel “threatened” by your Freudian analysis of me from afar. I can say whatever the hell I want, here. Likewise, you can pat yourself on the back and tell yourself you got me all figured out.
But all of that is really besides the point, in fact. It’s not really that I care so much about your predilictions for bathroom sex and outrageous attire, at all. That part of it is pretty funny in a way. One homo commenting here, thought I was making a big joke.
The deal is that I really wish to shock straights into sitting up and paying attention to where this country is going and why. Who’s behind all the degradations to our culture, politics and attacks on White people. I probably use you Homos and the Negroes a little too mercilessly, I’ll admit.
But you can still imagine me a closet FREAK if you prefer. I won’t mind.
September 30, 2008 at 11:17 am
Louis from Montreal
You sick homo’s make me laugh. In fact, you make everyone laugh. You’re obviously too stupid to realize it though. Even the most liberal of straight folks find you disgusting, and that will never change, trust me. With all the scientific advances being made in the field of genetics, one day you will be eliminated from the maternity wards of hospitals everywhere. Yes, even the most liberal apologist does not want to raise a gay or lesbian child, and given a choice will terminate a pregnancy before giving one a chance. If you think this is not so, then you are living an illusion.
September 30, 2008 at 10:21 pm
“Touche, sin, touche.
You may freely think that if you wish. But don’t think that I don’t understand well your inuendoes.
The cool thing is I don’t really need to feel “threatened” by your Freudian analysis of me from afar. I can say whatever the hell I want, here. Likewise, you can pat yourself on the back and tell yourself you got me all figured out.
But all of that is really besides the point, in fact. It’s not really that I care so much about your predilictions for bathroom sex and outrageous attire, at all. That part of it is pretty funny in a way. One homo commenting here, thought I was making a big joke.
The deal is that I really wish to shock straights into sitting up and paying attention to where this country is going and why. Who’s behind all the degradations to our culture, politics and attacks on White people. I probably use you Homos and the Negroes a little too mercilessly, I’ll admit.
But you can still imagine me a closet FREAK if you prefer. I won’t mind.”
I don’t think that you are really in a position to take the high road after some of your hysterical resposnes to me and your threat to ban me…You do feel threataned, hence you attempts to put me in my place with endless sexual innuedos. Your dropping that tact just proves my point…
As for your attempt to ‘shock straights’, if that is your aim, your are misguided. I suspect your posting of these images and your outraged comments just serve to titillate you and your audience, titillation which you mask with alot of phoney outrage.
Face it you have been totally out manouvered…
September 30, 2008 at 10:33 pm
Oh yes, Man-Woman, you’ve out-manned me on the World stage. Congratulations are in order; so give yourself a healthy squeeze on your pudenda for me. Think about me, now.
I love titillation, don’t you?
Hey! You can forget about the copy paste job when my comment is right above. I believe people can read it just fine. Or, alternatively, you can type in blockquote and /blockquote at the end of the copy you pasted. Just enclose them in this symbol “>” and the other one.
I’m normally not so nice to bull dykes, but for you psyn — I’ll work at it as long as you work IT.
March 28, 2009 at 4:09 am
This is probably the right thread to post this link:
March 28, 2009 at 4:59 am
Marshall Ellington
E-mail me sometime…
March 28, 2009 at 5:42 am
Marshall Rand Ellington
I thought this site would turn into endless Jewish bullshit.
March 28, 2009 at 5:58 am
Marshall Rand Ellington
Talmudic CRAP. What Gentile in their right minds would listen to what these black-hatted disgusting people have to say?
September 3, 2009 at 2:27 am
OMG, you can’t deal this with common sense, CHAOS, everything is out of control, is that we call hell’s kitchen or what?
So much ugliness gathered all together, physical and spiritual, vulgarity and perversion.
Seriously, you need the hyperweapon to clear all this mess up, something like Bevatron and to leave behind no trace of all this infected dirtly flesh and blood.
Ok, mom, i ll eat all of my vegetables and the peas, just take these monsters away.
February 25, 2010 at 5:28 pm
The Lone ranger
One day these filthy female faggots and psycho-perverts will incur the full wrath of the God who is completely nauseated by their deliberate and shameless dispalys in public.
March 8, 2010 at 5:15 pm
i dont know man, those ‘militant slimeballs’ look pretty hot to me.
June 14, 2010 at 1:41 pm
is this serious?
dude… these are a whole lot of really hateful and really horrible comments… not only advocating violence against the lgbtq community but against jews as well!!
this is really disturbing- not the dykes- but the hatred you have towards us? what the hell is wrong with you people?
June 14, 2010 at 2:02 pm
When they start mainstreaming pedophilia, you’ll understand.
I dont care if people are gay or lesbian,as far as im concerned people are born that way-many disagree. I just dont want to see what appears to be an agenda being pushed in every form of media. Most folks are heterosexual. I realise many gays had hard lives back in the day. Thats largely changed, cant you all just shut up about it now?
Read Henry Makow for further understanding of the homosexual agenda.
This was on Rense today:
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning Youth Suicide Statistics
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth are up to four times more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual peers, according to the Massachusetts 2006 Youth Risk Survey. A 2009 study, “Family Rejection as a Predictor of Negative Health Outcomes” led by Dr. Caitlin Ryan and conducted as part of the Family Acceptance Project at San Francisco State University, shows that adolescence who were rejected by their families for being LGBT were 8.4 times more likely to report having attempted suicide.
Got to go now, Ive got a “Straight Pride” march to organise. On second thoughts, fuck it. I’ll just keep it to myself, if you lot do the same.
Youre being played.
June 14, 2010 at 3:40 pm
Is this serious? Damn right it is.
June 14, 2010 at 3:49 pm
GTRman @ 2:02pm, couldnt have said it better! PLAYED.
remember the dyke “ellen degenerate’s” girlfriend? Anne Heche? she’s STRAIGHT now. hmmm, odd? or was she ever gay? or just pushed into it by twisted hollywierd propoganda? i hope that my daughters never feel pressured to “experiment” .. re-frickin-volting.
June 14, 2010 at 4:21 pm
Joo TV writers at work…lezzies in strange places
June 14, 2010 at 4:43 pm
Off topic but I couldn’t find “It’s a Wonderful Race” LOOK at this spam e-mail I just got, WTF MAN???
jamesmark shipper []
my name is mr james i am a black american based in nigeria i have been a cannibal gent for the past 4 years i transport blacks from africa to every coutry with assurance i have so many people who are tired of life so all i have to do is just for me to advise them to be canniblised and they alway agree all so all you have to do is just for you to send there money for visa which is very little and all you jut have to do is just wait and recieve them with honor
thanks regards
June 14, 2010 at 6:32 pm
Lynda, seeing as youve got your kicking boots on, see “Is this serious?”@1.41pm. Its probably the same poster.
June 15, 2010 at 9:23 am
“is this serious”, here you go, from Makows site just today:
” At the same time, Christian values were under constant assault by “secularism.” Now we are seeing what secularism really means. It is a mask for the Satanism espoused by the Judeo Masonic (Illuminati) elite.
The Illuminati are generally homosexuals who hate heterosexuality. The most obvious example of their power is the gratuitous and subversive attack on gender identity and marriage over the past 50 years.
Specifically, women have been re-engineered to see the traditional feminine role (wife, mother) as “oppressive” and to usurp the masculine role. This has always been an occult objective.
Illuminati Satanists (Communists) want to destroy the traditional family because our gender identity is a bulwark against their control. So, for Father’s Day, The Atlantic Monthly (July-August) runs an tasteless, twisted piece of propaganda entitled, “Are Father’s Necessary?”
“The bad news for Dad is that despite common perception, there’s nothing objectively essential about his contribution.”
They completely ignore that heterosexual children need a heterosexual role model. It’s breath-taking how they can defend “gay rights” and then blithely deny heterosexuality even exists! Say anything you want about fatherhood but don’t whisper a critical word about homosexuals.
Clearly, the fuss about homosexuals is a foil for an underhanded attack on the gender identity of the majority. “Gay pride” is backed by the government and corporate elite — evidence Illuminati banker perverts control everybody.
The article debunks statistics that say fatherless children are five times as likely to live in poverty and commit crime, nine times as likely to drop out of school, and 20 times as likely to wind up in prison.
It argues that these stats compare married couples with single mothers. They should compare married couples with high income lesbian couples.
“The real challenge to our notion of the “essential” father might well be the lesbian mom. On average, lesbian parents spend more time with their children than fathers do. They rate disputes with their children as less frequent than do hetero couples, and describe co-parenting more compatibly and with greater satisfaction.”
And, they conclude, “that two women parent better on average than a woman and a man, or at least than a woman and man with a traditional division of family labor.”
Of course, these “studies” are conducted by lesbians who believe science should conform to their “revolutionary” social objectives.
There is more of the same in the June 7 issue of TIME Magazine: “Children of Lesbians May do Better.”
The authors were surprised “to discover that children in lesbian homes scored higher than kids in straight families on some psychological measures of self-esteem and confidence, did better academically and were less likely to have behavioral problems, such as rule-breaking and aggression.”
The fact that these propaganda lies are published in leading magazines underscores the Illuminati agenda. Want to know how irrelevant fathers are? Ask the children of sperm donors who are desperately looking for them. Apparently their mother’s lesbian partners didn’t cut it.
Google “Children seek sperm donor fathers”. Here is an example. Here is another. The agenda is to make sure all children are fatherless.
The destruction of gender and the family is part of the process of changing Christian assumptions to satanic ones. Generally, Christian assumptions are based on what is natural and healthy; Satanic assumptions are designed to defy what is salutary and natural. (By “Christian” I’m referring to the New Testament, not the Church.)
The Illuminati want to rob 98% of the population (heterosexuals) of the meaning and independence derived from their family role. Thus, they can re-engineer us to serve them.
Satanism wants to prove that man is merely an animal and can be slaughtered without compunction. That’s why the Illuminati media is constantly attacking institutions like family, and degrading us using sex and obscenity.
Other satanic practices gradually being mainstreamed by the Illuminati media include incest, pederasty, bestiality, euthanasia and eugenics.
They will continue to pay lip service to Christian values while continuing to sabotage and destroy them.
June 27, 2010 at 12:50 am
what a freaking moron you are!!
June 27, 2010 at 12:51 am
no, seriously, dude. You’re an idiot.
June 27, 2010 at 12:56 am
maybe I wasn’t clear enough. Or do you spell it enuff? Anyway, you’re a seriously warped little fellow (emphasis on little). No, wait, emphasis on warped. Ah what the hell – let’s emphasize the whole darn think. You’re a grade A (that means really top notch!) ignorant idiot. Moron. Dumbass. I could go on but honestly, that would just be piling on.
When you meet your maker some day, and if that maker, in your mind, is Jesus or his father, how exactly are you gonna explain this vitriolic shite you spew? And if you don’t believe it’s either one of those on judgment day, how in the blazes do you get along in the world every day? Do you really spend all your time hating everyone and everything this much? Does that get boring and tiresome?
Wait a minute!!! It does. I’ll bet it’s tedious and tiresome and sad and boring and lacking in any manner of intellectual stimulation or substance, not to mention genuine human connection or emotional sensitivity. But you’re too freaking stupid to figure that out.
Have you thought about getting a hobby?
June 27, 2010 at 12:58 am
by the way. it’s pedophile, not pedopile. and it’s kneading, not kneeding. really, if you’re gonna engage in debate, spell it correctly. it just makes you sound dumber than you already do.
June 27, 2010 at 1:08 am
White Wolf
Either this article acts like a giant poke with a sharp stick to this little devil, or the hasbrats are trying out their nifty new “attack Incog directly” schtick. Aw, hell this whole website’s a thrust to a viper. And it does appear they intend to try and keep you busy, Incog.
I feared this when you said something like “I ain’t got time to.. babysit”, or something to that effect, just the other day. I gasped in anticipation of an “onslaught” (more like continuous annoyance).
Piss off, anonyfreak. You are lost from me.
June 27, 2010 at 1:51 am
White Wolf
AND, it’s THING, not “..let’s emphasize the whole darn think.”
June 29, 2010 at 2:07 pm
The Lone Ranger
Have you commented yet on the ten-year old boy who will be fronting the gay “pride” parade in Fayatville, AR?
So, this tiny minority group of deviants, who only want to be “treated like everbody else,” has roped in a brainwashed 10 year-old boy to front a public display of deviant behavior and sado-masochistic filth? This is the most nauseating example of child abuse I have ever seen. This boy’s parents should never be allowed to raise children again.