‘Zionist Jews do own and control Hollywood and the media. So beware of their lies and deceit. The truth is precious.’
By Texe Marrs
Do the Zionist Jews own Hollywood and the media? Are they using the media to mold and shape American opinion by constantly injecting Zionist propaganda and bias into news programs, movies, television shows, even children’s cartoons and entertainment?
The answer is so blatantly “Yes!” that you wouldn’t think these questions are even worth pursuing. But recently, the untoward comments of a patriot talk show host made me stop and rethink it. Are there people out there-even in the Patriot Movement-who really are that much in the dark, who deny Jewish influence in the media?
Recently, when a caller to a talk show on the Genesis Radio Network suggested that the Jews control the media, the host went wild. He raged on and on, playing the race card. He branded the surprised caller and others like him who are weary of Zionist influence “Nazis” and “anti-Semites.” Angrily, he denied Jewish involvement in any conspiracies and ridiculed those who had the audacity to suggest that Jews run Hollywood or the media. Then, in a real fit of spewed venom, the talk show host demanded that the caller and all others who believe like him should go out and hang themselves to promote population reduction.
As if that wasn’t hateful enough, the pro-Zionist host then stated that all the “Nazis and Anti-Semites” who opposed Zionism and the Jews should plug in an electric toaster, hold it to their naked bodies, jump into a bathtub filled with water, and have a party.” In other words, kill themselves.
Quite a rampage by the supposedly “patriot” talk show host. And all because the poor caller had dared to propose undue Jewish influence over the media.
Hearing the actual taped broadcast of this unbelievable tirade by a pro-Zionist advocate confirmed my resolve to inform good folks once again of the truly dictatorial grip that Zionist Jews have on the media. The best way to do this is not to rage and spew venom, but simply to present the facts, to document the truth of Jewish control of the media.
What Do Knowledgeable Jews Say?
How about going to top Jews in the media themselves and see what they say? Take Joel Stein, for example, columnist for the Los Angeles Times newspaper and regular contributor to Time magazine. In his column in the LA Times (Dec. 19, 2008), Stein says that Americans who think the Jews do not control Hollywood and the media are just plain “dumb.”
“Jews totally run Hollywood.” Stein proudly admits. He then goes on to provide a long, long list of Hollywood/media chieftains-all Jews!-to prove his point. On his list: Fox News President Peter Chernin; Paramount Pictures Chairman Brad Grey; Walt Disney CEO Robert Igor; Sony Pictures Chairman Michael Lynton; Warner Brothers Chairman Barry Meyer; CBS CEO Leslie Moonves; MGM Chairman Harry Sloan; and NBC/Universal Studios CEO Jeff Zucker.
That’s just the top brass at the studios. Then there are the actors and entertainers – predominantly Jews, from Barbra Streisand and Gwyneth Paltrow, from Adam Sandler to Ben Stiller… Jew, Jew and Jew again. As Stein wryly remarks, even the head of the Actors’ Union, the Screen Actors Guild, Alan Rosenberg, is a Jew.
“The Jews are so dominant,” writes Stein, “I had to scour the trades to come up with six Gentiles in high positions at entertainment companies.” “But lo and behold,” Stein says, “even one of that six, AMC President Charles Collier, turned out to be a Jew!”
“As a proud Jew,” says Joel Stein, “I want America to know of our accomplishment. Yes, we control Hollywood.”
ADL’s Foxman Admits Jewish Control
Stein says he then called Abe Foxman, Chairman of the Jewish ADL, to ask him, why don’t more Jews just come out and boast at this great accomplishment? Foxman responded by admitting that yes, it’s true that most of the top execs “happen to be Jewish.” In fact, Foxman told Stein, “all eight major film studios are run by men who happen to be Jewish.”
Ben Stein (no relation to Joel), the well-known Jewish actor, economic commentator and writer, when asked “Do Jews run Hollywood?” stared blankly at the questioner, then retorted, “You bet they do-and what of it?” Shahar Ilan, writing in haaretz.com, the internet division of Israel’s top daily newspaper, commented, “The Jews do control the American media. This is very clear, and claiming otherwise is an insult to common knowledge.”
Neal Gabler, also a Jew and a noted media researcher, wrote an entire book outlining Jewish control of Hollywood. It was entitled, An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews Invented Hollywood. But to really see how the Jews, in their own publications and press, view the reality of Jewish control of the media, all one has to do is take a look at a recent issue of the Jewish Daily Forward, which featured an article entitled, “Billionaire Boychiks Battle for Media Empire.”
Billionaire Jews Battle for Media
This fascinating, look-see article discussed how the Jews had for decades owned the media and now were competing; that is, vying, to buy one of America’s most powerful media companies, Tribune Company, which owns 23 television stations, a baseball team, and many major newspapers, including the Chicago Tribune and the Los Angeles Times.
“However, it turns out,” gloated the Jewish mag, “we’ll have a Jew in charge of the (LA) Times, which was once one of old Los Angeles’ most famous WASP (White Anglo Saxon Protestant) institutions. What a great day for old LA Jews!”
The publication noted that among the Jewish billionaires (“boychiks”) vying for the Tribune media empire is “Liberal, Jewish, media mogul David Geffen.”
And who, pray tell, is the current owner of the Tribune Company? Why, that would be Jewish billionaire Sam Zell. Zell is a major donor to Israeli, Zionist and Jewish causes. His own rabbi proudly reports that Zell is “a committed Zionist, a generous supporter of Israel, and a member in good standing of the synagogue.”
Asked who his own favorite newspaper columnists were, Zell quickly answered, “Charles Krauthammer, Thomas Friedman, and David Brooks.” Surprise! The trio are all ardent Zionist whack-jobs who clamor over each other demanding the U.S. attack Iran, provide billions more in foreign aid to favored nation Israel, and so forth.
Local Newspapers Owned by Foreign Agents
So powerful is the Jewish control over the media that Nathanael Kapner, a rare Jew who converted to Christianity and now is adept at reporting these things, asserts that no longer can we trust our local daily newspaper. “Zionist Jews have taken over the ‘local newspaper’ in America,” Kapner writes. Indeed he explains that there basically is no local newspaper anymore, because, “Most local newspapers are owned by companies controlled by Zionists whose offices are hundreds of miles away.”
Kapner provides manifold evidence of Zionists’ dominating control of the media at all levels. The Newhouse Empire of the Jewish brothers Samuel, Donald, and Theodore Newhouse, Kapner says, “illustrates the insatiable appetite for opinion control:”
“Today, the Newhouse Empire owns 40 local newspapers across the U.S.A. These include the Newark Star Ledger, the Cleveland Plain Dealer, the Portland Oregonian, and the St. Louis Globe-Democrat.”
Then, there are the vast array of magazines run by the Jewish Newhouse family-including the New Yorker, Vogue, Golf Digest, Glamour, Gentleman’s Quarterly (GQ), and the massively circulated newspaper insert, Parade magazine.
Jewish Media Spew Out Pro-Zionist Propaganda
The fact that Zionists control virtually every media outlet in America is no doubt why the American citizenry hears only one version of events in the Middle East-the pro-Jew, pro-Israeli side. This led Dr. Kevin MacDonald, professor at California State University, to write:
“In the contemporary world, organized American Jewish lobbying groups and deeply committed Jews in the media are behind the pro-Israel U.S. foreign policy that is leading to war against virtually the entire Arab world.”
This Zionist bias and propaganda spin by the Jewish-owned American media is not new. As far back as 1978, the noted Jewish political writer Alfred Lillienthal, in his revealing book, The Zionist Connection, stated:
“The most effective component of Jewish connection is probably that of media control. It is well known that American opinion molders have long been largely influenced by a handful of powerful newspapers, including the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the St. Louis-Post Dispatch (All Jewish Families).”
To further illustrate the breadth of Jewish media control, we note that Jewish magnate Arthur Sulzberger’s media empire today includes not only the New York Times (which, in Stalin’s day, systematically covered up the genocidal crimes of Jewish commissars in Communist U.S.S.R), but also the Boston Globe, the Lexington Dispatch (NC), the Gainesville Sun (FL), the Ocala Star Banner (FL), the Tuscaloosa News (AL), the Spartansburg Herald Journal (SC), and the Santa Barbara News Press (CA). Each of the newspapers Lillienthal mentioned back in 1978, in turn, owned and still owns dozens of others. So tainted is the news because of this that almost every newspaper in America endorsed President George Bush’s radically pro-Israel policies in the Middle East, including Israel’s savage butchery of Lebanon and Palestine.
There can be no doubt. It is easy for us to document the massive dominance over the media by evil Jewish shills who are continually hostile to pure American interests while, everyday, unabashedly spewing out reams of misleading Zionist propaganda. Time magazine, Newsweek, NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX-and many, many more are all owned or run by Jews and operated solely to further the aims of the traitorous, anti-American, ever-growing Zionist World Empire.
All America is in the Grip of the Hidden, Red Iron Fist of Zionism
Of course, the media, even as important as it is to our culture, is only a bit piece of the whole that is now, regrettably, under the big thumbs of the Jewish Zionist elite. Our educational establishment, Wall Street, the banks, the Federal Reserve, our Congress, the White House (just consider Rahm Emanuel, the Zionist Israeli freak who is Obama’s White House Chief of Staff), and our judiciary-each and every one is infiltrated by Zionist radicals who put Israel and their own “Chosen People” first, to the detriment of everything sacred to honest, God-fearing, hard-working Americans.
So, the next time you hear some ignorant rube on talk radio or elsewhere shoving the race card in your face and ranting and raving about “Nazis” and “anti-Semites” who “claim” the Jews control the media, why don’t you just reach out and turn that radio dial to another place. And please, don’t forget to also let the radio network and station manager know of your displeasure.
The fact is that the dishonest Zionist shills out there promoting Zionist lies, drivel, and nonsense truly deserve our contempt.
The Truth is Precious
As for Texe Marrs and Power of Prophecy, we have long pledged ourselves to telling you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. And part of that truth, simply put, is this: That yes, absolutely, Zionist Jews do own and control Hollywood and the media. So beware of their lies and deceit. The truth is precious. Let us work together to protect and nurture it.
(Texe Marrs, Author and Researcher may be contacted at www.powerofprophecy.com)
Article Source: Rense.com
Watch this video.
Comment left on Youtube about my video “The Nation Wreckers,” (HERE):
“i’ll be witness for my mother who’s worked as a producer for abcnews for 3 decades now. she’s always said that if herself or any1 else employed by her company dared to question the terrorist state of israel & more recently the obama bin biden deity, they’re to be fired immediately . so there’s got to be some truth to this video, we cant deny it…”
– SymAmineC8H11N
Comments feed for this article
June 11, 2009 at 10:32 pm
Steve in TN
Thank you JP.
I don’t think people will believe the truth. It is just too incredible. They find it easier to believe a lie than the truth. I can’t explain it other than that people trust & believe the jew media; whether it is some stupid commercial to sell you the shit they want you to buy or the information they peddle to unsuspecting readers or listeners to indoctrinate on current affairs. Until they goyim can be convince that the media is nothing but lies, it’s a complete lost cause–in my opinion. One might ask you…. what is TRUTH??? Is that the same thing as opinion? How do you find truth if recorded history is swept out the door? Tell me what is the truth? Respectfully, Steve in TN
June 11, 2009 at 11:08 pm
Steve in TN
Only WHITE MAGIC can defeat the black stuff. — JP
That was interesting stuff. I just wished the scourge of Judaism would magically disappear. That’s my truth. So, should we love the Jew since love conquers all??? Sorry, it’s all I can do to look at them and not become physically ill.
June 12, 2009 at 4:23 am
You have a mind I could listen to for hours and, no doubt learn something from. You think, you apply. Wisdom, also an inquisitive nature questioning, whats taught VS what experience tells them, regardless of how simple\complex they are teach me too. Nothing said here is designed to debate anything you put forth, only to explore.
I tried to inspire background thought on the mater. Perhaps I am lousy at it or it’s mis-placed here. Both? Not to be solved here; does not apply to many here. They are quite well read as you. People will formulate their own conclusions, based on their own level of receptiveness and understanding. Now to pose a consideration or two on a few things you mention in general on ‘civilization’ and so-called ‘history’:
“… the events of which should completely explain human evolution and its present end products.”…“…this hypothesis reflects an unfamiliarity with the enormity of natural history, evolution, and Earth, and the unknowable of most of it.”
I still see too many gaps to trust any of the accepted ancient history to far. Regardless of how much data or any conclusions, however insightful to mundane. Not so much in the general outline as the particulars of racial offshoots, archeology and even myths and legend which are highly discounted and ignored. Things like cohesively connecting all the races. I see some of the mainstream histories and genetic assertions are not near complete enough or proved enough to come to any real conclusions. I’m not an economics major, but I have seen enough of jew-nomics 101 (graphs, fine print and all) to know they’re full of shit.
I don’t believe we ALL descended from the one mama in Africa. There are counters. I find some merits. Because we share common genetics traits does not prove or disprove we descended through linage deviation, neotony deviations or anything else. I don’t see enough proof. All the old tales of bazaar mating and perversions of the gods and worship of them, their actions. To common and to far spread to discount them all as folklore (IMO). They are the basis of most temples. Mesopotamian, I lean toward aftermath and remnant survivors, not origin. Wrong? Not for denial or of lack of searching.
In fringe, I see a moth or a wasp as opposed to a bee or butterfly in nature, I ask myself, ‘are these normal’. The first(some) seem more destructive and some seem to play no real part in ecological balance or maintenance. Same with predatory creatures of all kinds. Natural to offset imbalance in inherent population maintenance or created predatory purpose rather than a natural expression? I can not comprehend vastness of nature, no doubt. Is it the work of ancient ‘gods’. Even prior man. Brings me to the question of how much have been created in perversion. Darwinizing our outlook, yielding possibly false assumptions about the character of man, beast and nature in general. Clichés like, ‘We are sinful by nature’ and ‘It’s a dog eat dog world’, come to mind . It certainly does ‘appear’ to be. Does part of the problem lie in the possibility of being artificially advanced beyond our social evolution or an unnaturally created diversity?
Time, agenda and method take on a whole new meaning if you live for hundreds of years, manipulate time\space or are advanced enough that genetics and Nani-tech, even perhaps thought form are your new gears and transistors of play. The more I learn of the world the less ‘speculative’ such things become – to me. Science is proved wrong every day, by science. Much operates as religion. We plain don’t have enough facts, in spite of the assertions of fact or truth. Modern public ‘ET’ may be ALL psy-ops. These things while fringe, are ingrained in the New Age, mother-earth, Green/Red party, channeling, ETs and occult Elite manipulation psy-ops, they set the unspoken and even spoken to the nation under current of a lot of NWO agendas. For now it just BS.
“If a technological civilization anything like the present one preceded this one by many thousands or even millions of years, the artifacts would be so abundant that it would simply be impossible to keep it a secret.”
I see there is tons of such evidence all over in plain sight, some documented, some buried intentionally in many proverbial archive drawers, not to be opened here, covered elsewhere, and all over the planet, in line with, yet denied by science. Quite terrestrial. Arguably, and not so, all over: rock fossils (nails, human bones and such, not just foot prints), histories texts and art in plain sight. In dirt, unlikely, period. Some may yet to be found. Some possibly so organic in nature that they may not be found, if current, if existing at all, millions of years, not thousands, buried and dissolved most of it (No use here). Enough remains to question. I find a lot still unanswered that doesn’t fit. The rest of what you say is enticing, but would take pages, much in agreement. Your studies surpass mine in history proper… Closing this end of Pandora’s Box. Now you can really kick me…maybe I’m a victim of ‘Western Civilization’
Last thing is: “That’s what “civilization” really is: Planet-Cancer, organized by people so insanely Evil nobody else “gets it.” Also other civilization comments by all:
I feel this is an issue of semantics’s and mis-labeling. Like most forms of Govt in principle, would work if truly applied. Ideal or not. Most forms of govt are not what we say they are, in practice. Civilization is inevitable. What we call civilization in practice is abominable. Some I would put off to the growing pains of mankind. If executed in a civil manor, it can be that which propels us to new heights and levels of discovery, if not, it might well ruin us. It’s coming. No amount of facts or speculation will changes this truth for me. It’s coming. And…
“Hey, when the hell do we get to turn this thing into a real MOVEMENT?” ~ JP … I’m thinking…
June 12, 2009 at 4:32 am
” Talk about your “invasive species!” ~ Leif Oldhart
Yep an purty much every thing else you said. They seem dominated by the reptilian portion of brain, no ET thing implied at all.
June 12, 2009 at 9:08 am
You asked:
“what is TRUTH??? Is that the same thing as opinion? How do you find truth if recorded history is swept out the door? Tell me what is the truth?”
If you were to just *poof* vanish this second, the physical reality that is all around you — the water trickling in the stream, the bugs chomping leaves in the trees, your wife running errands somewhere — would continue unperturbed, at least until your absence was noticed, would it not?
This ever-present physical reality outside our skin, that is infinitely larger than each of us or all humans combined, is Truth. It’s not arbitrary or ambiguous at all; it’s absolutely definite. Have you ever seen an object denser than air fall UP when released? The illusion of its ambiguity is in our heads; it’s not reality itself that causes this dissonance, but the failure of our frail intellects to attune to it, to even acknowledge that it is greater than us, that we are subordinate to it. Narcissism and solipsism are profound delusions that the opposite is true, that we are “God” and reality is subordinate to US. It’s a cognitive tendency of infancy, but it’s always present in our minds and we’re always vulnerable to it, and people unconsciously succumb to this sneaky little bastard all the time.
Truth is what you see and sense right in the front of your mind, when your eyes are truly open and the clawing greedy me-me-me-ness of your mind is truly suspended.
To me, God is literally the physical fabric of the universe, and love of God, reverence and humility in the presence of God, means struggling to always remain cognizant of the primacy and magnificence of the physical world.
This world speaks to us, Steve! It communicates directly. One has to be in a calm quiet place, alone, completely free of worries and inner preoccupations, and truly emerge from Self to hear it. I don’t mean dramatic moments of clarity, like Hollywood-style psychic episodes, but more a steady long-term cumulative experience. Such experience and sensitivity was probably always in short supply, but it’s getting much rarer.
And I don’t mean it speaks with words. I mean primal sensory input that people usually shrug off as “random,” or don’t notice at all. We all tend to have these yammering insistent voices in our heads that tend to muddle or misinterpret our experience of raw physical reality.
The bible is a very imperfect scripture compared to this physical Word, which is absolutely perfect, not tampered with by other men or diminished by the limits of human language. This Word of the World is God’s true scripture. You don’t even have to be able to read to access it— an animal can do it, and I suspect they do. Unlearning is more important to restoring this ability than anything schools pound into us.
History is not dead dusty boring nonsense in books. It is the main tale the physical world is yearning to have us know. It is a living force, a physically present memory, all around us. We just have to open ourselves to this presence, and incredibly rich verifiable visions of the past pour into us as if they just happened. TIME is an incredible enigma that science has never penetrated, and that we take for granted far too much. As humans, we are mostly locked into a specific experience of time, but the essence of my experience of historical discovery has me suspecting time is far more dimensional than we usually imagine.
Perhaps most of all, you have to be worthy to receive this message, because it’s not just you longing to know; there is clearly a sentient sapient presence — physical reality — opposite you that is granting your wish because it has been witnessing you all along, and it loves and trusts you now and wants you to know it consciously.
June 12, 2009 at 9:08 am
I’ll have to get back to you
June 13, 2009 at 1:14 am
Steve in TN
Thanks JP. Enjoyed the reading of your mind. Do you do drugs? Just kidding. Interesting thoughts. Preech!
June 13, 2009 at 12:36 pm
I was feeling pressed for time and got flaky in my dash to say inexpressible things quickly. Please let me edit some of that. I’ll keep it as brief as I can.
I have never experienced God or the Great Spirit or whatever it is plopping knowledge about history into my lap. That was flaky bullshit. How it works is, you have to do all the sweaty mental legwork yourself, do the research and work through all the blind alleys and pit traps, form all the rational connections and conclusions yourself. Real history is extremely rational and coherent; it has to be. The way Jew Fake History is so incoherent is a dead giveaway.
It’s like working on a million-piece 15-dimensional jigsaw puzzle with no picture on the cover to work from. Or being a blind man climbing Mt. Everest alone. That’s what it really feels like. You’re struggling to attain the Ultimate Summit of Truth. What saves it from being impossibly difficult is that all the major pieces of historical Truth are common knowledge; we’ve just been taught to interpret them wrong and fit them together wrong.
I believe this recovery of the world’s Truth is why we are here. We each are being tested.
And then when you get it right, the moment you surmount a lesser pinnacle of the Mountain of Truth, “God” floods your body with confirmation, scintillating energy and elation. It’s the “Eureka Moment,” but I’ve had it happen when there was no confirming evidence, no empirical grounds for feeling triumphant, I was just idly musing to myself, and I’m very rigorous about these things. It came from outside of me, like a giant wave of the ocean crashing over me. I know it sounds crazy, but it just DID. I was stunned and spooked the first few times it happened.
At other times, when I have ventured into subjects no one should ever touch (topics that become inevitable when investigating the “Jews”) I have felt this God-energy leaving my body, abandoning me, when it had been moderately present all along. It’s a “sinking feeling” like no other, or maybe like being in an elevator when the cable’s snapped. This was also totally unexpected and eery.
This is what I was thinking of but saying poorly.
I have been an atheist most of my life, but now I find I can not be. This Presence has spoken to me too clearly, and it was through intrepid “secular” questing for Truth that it happened.
To return to your very important conundrum, “what is TRUTH?,” how can I convey to you the fundamental awareness and conviction that there IS Truth, i.e. reality that is always present external to us and independent of us? I can’t. Call it “an intellectual bias” if you want, but also know it’s an extremely important one. The contempt for this “bias” is an attitude that most fundamentally sets the Jews apart. They are solipsist-narcissist-nihilist abortions who don’t believe in Truth at all. In fact they hate it and long to annihilate it.
The ideal of Truth is a bedrock predicate of morality and sanity, as I see it. You might as well ask, “is there really air? Is breathing ‘rational?’ Do we really have to breathe?” Well, in an absolute sense, no— but if we don’t we die. And people who abandon the reverence of Truth also “die” in a sense. A crucially important part of their brains turns black and rots.
Stop believing in Truth and you’ve crossed the fatal Rubicon to becoming THEM.
You also asked:
“So, should we love the Jew since love conquers all???”
We should hate their stinking guts and fight them tooth and nail, but we must remain disciplined. What comes naturally to this feeling will not work.
All that “turn the other cheek / love thy enemy” stuff in Christianity is, I think, the exoteric presentation of an awareness that was simply too much to ask of average people: the “Jews” are these super-ancient very sophisticated Mesopotamian decadent elitist scum who know every weird elite trick for destroying predictable human reactions to themselves, so if you do the hot-head thing and just lash out violently at them, they’ll just destroy you using your own energy. That’s all you’ll “accomplish.” They’ve dealt with this reaction 10,000 times before, so they’re the inscrutable kung-fu masters of crushing it.
So IF YOU ACTUALLY WANT TO WIN instead, you shouldn’t go that route. Instead, you have to keep your cool and remain every bit as intellectual and strategic as them.
But it couldn’t be explained this way to average people. They’d just get confused and dissatisfied and go shopping for some simpler shit to believe. So they were told “turn the other cheek” instead because this is how that sensibility translates to the emotional level most of the time. Everbody can understand this rote, trained emotional response just fine, even retards.
But meanwhile, while Jesus et al were instructing them this way, he expressed a very different feeling directly to the Pharisees, i.e. the Mesopotamian Satanist “Jews,” basically baiting them to kill him:
John 8:42-47
Jesus said to them,
“If God were your Father, you would love Me, for I proceeded forth and have come from God, for I have not even come on My own initiative, but He sent Me.
Why do you not understand what I am saying? It is because you cannot hear My word.
You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
But because I speak the truth, you do not believe Me.
Which one of you convicts Me of sin? If I speak truth, why do you not believe Me?
He who is of God hears the words of God; for this reason you do not hear them, because you are not of God.”
I kind of explained all this already, Steve. Why are you not getting it?
See also Matthew 23, an excerpt of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.
June 13, 2009 at 2:22 pm
You said:
“I don’t believe we ALL descended from the one mama in Africa. There are counters. I find some merits. Because we share common genetics traits does not prove or disprove we descended through linage deviation, neotony deviations or anything else. I don’t see enough proof.”
This essentially means you’re rejecting evolution as a theory of human origin. Whether the common ancestor was a human “Eve” 250,000 years ago or an insectivore 100,000,000 years ago, evolution always arrives by some route at the conclusion that there was a common ancestor, not just for humans but for all vertebrates.
If there’s no common ancestor between Africans and Europeans, why is our anatomy 99.99% identical? Things like hair and skin tone are pretty trivial in this scheme. You know, there are caucasians in India who are just as dark as any African.
Rejecting evolution is your right and prerogative. It just means there’s not much point in you and I debating this stuff, cuz we fundamentally believe different things, so there’s never going to be a resolution.
“They are the basis of most temples.”
Actually, what I see empirically in temple architecture down through the ages, from the neolithic stuff right down through the gothic and modern variants, is the co-optation of TREES and FORESTS as the primordial scene of our spiritual feeling. Think of stone columns as giant simulated tree trunks, or the Gothic cathedral as a soaring forest canopy that filters sunlight. I didn’t come up with this interpretation, just restating it because it’s so perfect. Historians of architecture had this pegged long ago.
“I see a moth or a wasp as opposed to a bee or butterfly in nature, I ask myself, ‘are these normal’. The first (some) seem more destructive and some seem to play no real part in ecological balance or maintenance.”
These insects and many others are actually fantastically important to the natural order because they’re pollinators. Insects as a whole and flowering plants as a whole evolved together and are totally interdependent. Do you like flowering plants? They wouldn’t be possible without “icky bugs.”
“Same with predatory creatures of all kinds.”
If you think about it, “peaceful” vegetarian animals are just as aggressive toward plants as “nasty” carnivores are toward them. We just “moralize” the two cases differently because we tend to empathize with and humanize other animals more than we do plants, but this is actually completely arbitrary nonsense. Actually, if you’ve ever tried growing a garden in deer country, it’s pretty damn easy to switch over to seeing deer etc. as nasty parasitic vermin!
“I see there is tons of such evidence [of previous technological civilizations] all over in plain sight…”
Where? Show me.
“Civilization is inevitable.”
I totally disagree.
“Some I would put off to the growing pains of mankind.”
And what are these “growing pains” leading to? Toward humans living in nuclear-powered bubble-cities on a dead fucking planet, that’s what. Like I said, a TERMINAL CANCER. Wowee zowee, what “progress”! How “glorious!” Yeah, let’s fly off into space and go find other Gardens of Eden SO WE CAN FUCKING KILL THEM. We’ll just chalk it up to “growing pains.” I mean, who gives a fuck, anyway? The universe exists so we can jerk off while gazing into a hand mirror, right? Right!
June 13, 2009 at 3:56 pm
JP this is all fascinating stuff to study…where can the ultimate answer be found? You know, if you accept “evolution” doesn’t it follow that some variations of humanity are more “evolved” than others?
I saw a funny exchange one time about the old “Which came first, the chicken or the egg” argument, from an evolutionary perspective. It went something like this:
At some point in pre-history, there was a creature that very closely resembled what we today call a “chicken.” Maybe it was part reptile, as birds are supposed to be. Anyway, this creature can be labelled as the “Pre-chicken.” It mated with another similar enough to itself so that conception between sperm and egg could occur, but neither could be correctly identified as “a chicken.” They were both “Pre-chickens.”
The female laid an egg, from which what we currently call a “chicken” sprang. Therefore, the egg came first. TADA!!! SOLVED!!! My question is, does a chicken or pre-chicken give a damn what we call it?
Does a deer wonder if it is harming the plants it eats? The deer is just doing its thing. It’s true that deer, in the process of “doing their thing” overpopulate…OK…so they’re good at it!!! YES, they become a menace to their own environment eventually, as I’m sure you know…there are specific times when we are allowed to have “doe days” and there are times when Fish & Game steps in and says the herd is getting too big for their current environment…they can be legally “culled.” Hunters come out, and it seems to work all the way around. Is this a good thing for the future of deer in general? I think so. They have no conception that they are eating all the plants up that they need for the future. Yet WE can see that’s what’s happening, so it’s incumbent upon us to “manage” their populations.
In NO WAY am I suggesting that similar programs are appropriate for people. Henry Kissinger does, though…referring to “useless eaters” and GOYIM as “human cattle” are you catching my drift?
Marsh :-O
June 13, 2009 at 3:58 pm
Steve in TN
I get it JP. ‘Just hoped you would spell it out in a way most people can understand. That was the reason for my asking you to elaborate. Thanks again for your patience.
June 13, 2009 at 5:09 pm
I think we are on a similar journey here from what you have thus far written so eloquently. I had a “Eureka” moment myself back in about 1993. It was roughly like suddenly realizing most of what you see and hear is utter bullshit.
Where do I go from there? It was a bit frightening in way, but also empowering in the sense that I’m pretty hard to fool these days.
If there is some “ultimate truth” that explains our existence and purpose for our lives, I would have to say that a fundamental dichotomy exists (to me) between being concerned with our current physical reality and whether or not there is an eternal spiritual reality that transcends and is more important than what we ALL have to go through here. Man, woman, child, animals, insects, plants, etc…all live BRIEFLY in the scheme of “physical history” and die.
Life is short for anyone around this planet, one way or another, isn’t it? I turn 45 TOMORROW(happy birthday YAWN)…and yet…I still FEEL YOUNG…because there are so many things I want to explore and learn about. To ME…my SOUL IS ALIVE…and yearning for TRUTH. There’s a song I heard back in the 70′s that is still true with me today…but until I had a “Eureka” moment with a woman back in ’93…the song never even really made sense to me.
LINK for everybody…it ain’t gangsta rap or hip-hop LOL!!!
Then again, if we as human beings have no “SOULS” and are just “intelligent animals,” why do I feel this way all the time? LOL!!!
June 13, 2009 at 5:19 pm
Okay Steve, sorry I got testy. It’s just hard to be certain anyone here isn’t a snake in the grass (having encountered some incredibly devious Jew infil-traitors over the years), and also so many people don’t WANT to get any of it. Anyway, I hope that helped you, or somebody.
I’ll get back to you
June 13, 2009 at 5:38 pm
DAMN!!! BAD LINK I just Googled it and it was free…now I guess they want people to sign up…how about going to Gary Wright’s website, and finding out how he’s doing personally? You know, I am going to talk to RONNIE SPECTOR soon, she’s a sweetheart…hmm. What might she have to say about PHIL SPECTOR?
Hellywood can’t police itself. No JEW can police themselves. JEWS are in open rebellion to the simplest modicums of human behavior that even children can easily learn. The Ten Commandments…are any of those a “Bad IDEA?”
Apparently SO…or there would be no reason for the “sages
June 13, 2009 at 5:43 pm
..MAIMONIDES? The ‘RAMBAM?” Have you seen the crap this guy had to say? LMAO!!!
How about trying to LIVE by 613 behavioral rules every day when you CAN’T EVEN OBEY THE TEN COMMANDMENTS?
DUH? “Judaism” what a hoot!!!
June 14, 2009 at 6:49 am
Steve in TN
Happy 45th Birthday Marsh!
June 15, 2009 at 12:30 am
Of course organized kikery owns the mass-media.
Avoid TALMUDVISION (TV) like the plague! If you have kids do not allow them to watch it EVER!
June 16, 2009 at 2:24 am
Things in common, mean only that. I do denounce the current model of evolution, absolutely and implied relations and dependency. There are 10s of models I can think of that cannot at this time, be proved or disproved. And I base my feelings on evidence that will not be debated here that, I fell if allowed would stand and contradict much of what the current liars spew as evolution and history. I still prefer the term pre-history, as so-called ‘natural history’ denies and ignores it. I stand by this and I believe in BOTH creationism and evolution as an entwined paradox.
I was ‘questioning’ (not debating) for ideas sake the degree of predatory nature, not the fact that it occurs, and should or shouldn’t. There is however a large degree of difference in sentience between a plant and animal with out even getting into the idea of purpose and design of lifeforms and the way they may or may not be effected by same. Truth is species could be just as regulated by genetic predisposition as being stalked. JUST IDEAS as a return commentary. As for civilization I stand by my comment and have found no argument to sway me. It gave you your computer.
I’m done as you will NOT change my views on this and I will NOT changes yours.
As for show you, NO I’ve spent years on it and SCREW jew-school, try Forbidden Archology, Man as old as coal on an friggi’n on. If you don’t agree with such or don’t think them having proved themselfs enough. Fine. One has challanged the mainstream to debates, they will not. I’m not here to argue and have explained myself more than I would normally bother with. I DON”T CARE. GROW UP.
July 3, 2009 at 7:47 am
Great… another site I can bookmark and never come back to
August 5, 2009 at 12:48 pm
How Jewish is Hollywood? - Forbidden Truth
[...] [...]
December 8, 2009 at 6:48 am
December 12, 2009 at 3:02 am
The protocols are there to be read , The Babylonian Talmud is there to be read & as for ‘Ram Bamm’ what an ass! If you read enough you will conclude , Hitler was not such a bad guy. A Rothchilde dupe , all Bearnaised up!!!
December 12, 2009 at 3:16 am
Bye the way, I really like this site. & I don’t want anyone to forget about David Irving or that old sweetheart Eustace Mullins. I s this gonna be the 100th time for them or what??? Howling winds , snow that bites, & lots of Xmas lights ,happy new year too . Bella. ( Thank you Incog.) !!!
December 12, 2009 at 3:40 am
The crowd is growing bigger…:-D Can’t keep the truth locked up when you don’t control the media anymore Jews…
December 12, 2009 at 4:08 am
Well , I want to clarify , I mean is this about the 100th country that ‘ these people’ have been kicked out of??? And what about everybody googles up that ‘Kosher Tax ?’ Huh ? What TF gives ??? besides us that is !!!
December 12, 2009 at 4:25 am
I mean is this about the 100th country that ‘ these people’ have been kicked out of??
Hoff> it’s 15o times the jews have been expelled, starting in Egypt 2.ooo years ago.
December 12, 2009 at 9:07 am
lucy van pelt
re: Jews Hollywood Media…The reason for filth in movies, violence on t.v., degradation of music & literature, popculture & pornography goes back to the Jewish Law, formulated in Babylon. The Law was to give materialism precedence over the spiritual, to draw man away from growth and downward towards his baser instincts…Beethoven versus rap…Terrence Malick vs Mel Brooks…Dostoevsky vs Philip Roth. Light vs Dark. The Eternal Battle.
December 12, 2009 at 11:48 am
Good call Lucy, but actually that law preceded the Babylonian captivity. Jesus Christ referred to it as the “traditions of men which render the laws of God to no effect.” Before the Talmud Bavli, or Babylonian Talmud was actually written down, it was the “oral tradition” of the Pharisees.
The Pharisees of Christ’s day, and the modern Chassids, contend that this secret “oral tradition” was given to them ONLY by Moses at Sinai. The Ten Commandments and Torah were for the masses, who were of course busily engaged in raucous depravity and golden calf adulation.
Give a listen to shows #12 and #13 here for more:
Texe Marrs and Michael A. Hoffman II, “Judaism Discovered” 1 and 2.
December 12, 2009 at 1:00 pm
lucy van pelt
Thank you. I’m really not up on biblical history.
December 12, 2009 at 1:29 pm
Elizabeth Whitcombe has done some research into pop music:
Jim Giles interview:
December 13, 2009 at 9:27 pm
The Word of G-d is perfect, JP. If you’re encapsulating the Alpha & Omega within the confines of this World as TRUTH; then I’m moving on – far above and beyond your “truth.” I’ll glance your way on my way out (on in) buddy. The Word tells us not to be of this world. That’s my Truth.
December 13, 2009 at 10:10 pm
That’s no excuse Lucy!!! Study up!!!
I just e-mailed her OnOurOwn, we’ll see if she responds…
AllAmerican- Christ did say His Kingdom is not of this world…I’m glad it isn’t, because somewhere in this vast universe there has to be something better going on LOL!!!