FRANCE’S PRIME MINISTER has got to be one of the biggest SOB-ing Jew rats out there (note the “one of”). The only way Whites in the US might even remotely hear anything on this guy is because of the Internet, since our Jew-controlled media will not dare breath a word that might possibly awaken a few Whites to what Jew rat finks like Sarkozy are up to.
Remember this when reading about this guy: This is a Prime Minister of a major European country, and not some minor flunky Jew in Israel. If you’re White, I can assure you the more you learn about this Jew character and the rest of his cohorts, the angrier you’ll get.
And make no mistake, this guy is indeed totally Jewish. Jewry (including embedded Jews at Kikepedia) have tried to play the crypto game (secret Jews) on us Goyim by saying he’s a Roman Catholic, but don’t you believe it. His mother was from a rich crypto-Jew family in Greece, making him 100% Jew.
Read on and watch a short video from David Duke on Sarkozy.
In addition, the French newspaper, Le Figuro, revealed documents showing Sarkozy may have been a Mossad asset back in the ’80′s called a ”Sayan,” meaning a fifth-columnist for Jewry. Hell, he probably still is one when you take into account all the slobbering support he does for Israel today. This guy is no Frenchmen, but an out-and-out Internationalist Jew, just like all the traitor Jew rats we now have here in America.
Just this past spring, at the G20 Summit in London, Sarkozy had the nerve to blame all the world’s economic problems on the “Anglo-Saxon” model of capitalism. Can you believe that crap? With all the Jews neck-deep in global financial shenanigans since time immemorial, this sorry SOB comes out and publicly says that White people are the ones at fault. Talk about total Jew chutzpah!
Just imagine that: This Jew dares to blame ”Anglo-Saxons” for the economic mess. He knows all about the real money Jews involved, believe you me. The few Goyim involved are little more than their owned “shabbos goys” or greedy parrot fish — darting in to take a bite from the Jew criminal feeding frenzies.
Some recent examples from what we know: Jews Alan Greenspan, Robert Rubin and Larry Summers (Samuelson) led the efforts to repeal the Glass-Steagall act, enabling the OTC derivatives market. This allowed Hank Greenberg of AIG to create the financial weapons of destruction that greedy Jews like Goldman Sachs joined in on. When the housing bubble (helped by Jew Barney Frank) burst, the FED’s Ben Bernanke and Goldman Sachs* insider man and crypto-Jew, Tim Geithner, funneled tens of billions of taxpayer dollars to bail both of them out (at a thieving 100% original “value” of the OTC’s). These Jews have done everything they can to keep the American public clueless about it. Most still are.
What about the Jew’s involvement in creating the Central banks that enslave our countries? Just what race of people do you think the Rothschilds, Warburgs, Rockefellers, Kuhn-Loeb, Lazard brothers and all the rest of the Zionist Crime Network are? All “Anglo-Saxons,” Jew?
This Jew control of money has allowed them to control our governments and media. They’ve been gradually whittling away at our racial solidarity ever since. One only needs to read what they themselves say, and look at the big picture going on today. Once you understand the enormity of their long-hidden, deceitful war against us, no longer will you be confused as to who the real perps are behind today’s world troubles and why.
And I guess Sarkozy also missed the entire Bernie Madoff affair and how he laundered billions in scammed money through Israeli banks via his still free-as-a-bird Jew partner, Ezra Merkin? Maybe Sarkozy didn’t even read about the French financier, Rene-Thierry Magon de la Villehuchet, who killed himself in New York shortly after finding out about losing over a billion of his client’s money thanks to Madoff’s model of capitalism?
Sarkozy threatened (or pretended) to walk out of last year’s G20 Summit, unless a global financial regulatory agency was formed, which is basically what all the filthy Internationalist NWO Jews really want, in the end. See how these bastards turn around any mess they’ve created from the start to favor themselves even more so at some point down the road?
This is the standard operating procedure for these NWO rats. If you haven’t figured that one out by now, you’re just the putz they think you are.
And think a minute here: What if Sarkozy was a White big shot who said blacks were responsible for something? It would be non-stop in the media. This is how these Jew hypocrites get away with pure murder anymore — because the media keeps you in the dark about real Jewish behavior. But Jews everywhere could care less when it comes to attacking White people, simply because they know that most Whites will keep it zipped out of fear of them calling us “anti-Semites.”
Hell, smiling American Jew rats see no problems even giving Sarkozy public awards all the time (above right)!
Midwest Free Press does a good job describing the situation:
Blaming White people is nothing new to Jews like Sarkozy. After-all, according to both the media and academia in the United States, White people are primarily to blame for the individual failings of all non-whites, despite how much good we’ve done for the world. Who cares about silly contributions to human advancement like modern chemistry or aeronautical science. Those things are pale in comparison to the fact that we shuffle minorities into prisons for crimes we cause them to commit. But in all seriousness, the act of Sarkozy blaming “Anglo-Saxons” for the downfall of the world’s economies might be the most hypocritical statement I’ve ever heard. The mere fact that Sarkozy went out of his way to say such a statement shows that he is well aware of the situation and is deliberately trying to sway public opinion, much like the Jews in the media do every day. They have successfully used this guilt tactic against us for generations. Just look at the outrageous gains they have made by associating all forms of White cultural pride with genocidal mass murder. They have truly proven that if you repeat a lie often enough the masses will eventually accept it as fact, even if it is the most erroneous of claims. READ MORE HERE
Jews are rats, pure and simple! How much does White America do (need I remind you?), so that precious Jew country of theirs, Israel, survives? You might think these bastards would do everything they could to stay on our good side. But they don’t give a rat’s ass what anyone thinks — after-all, they are the “Chosen Ones,” remember?
And it’s not only just this. No way. The guy comes out telling the French people that Whites must interbreed with the other races. Unbelievable! But true. In a speech in December, 2008 he tells young students at the Ecole Polytechnique that the French must “crossbreed,” or intermarry themselves with other cultures in France, which only means White French mating with non-Whites after all the Muslim and African immigration over the years (all due to Jew and globalist social meddling).
Pretty GD hypocritical since both his first and second wives were Jews and his son just married a Jewess!
Of course, with these hypocrite Jews, none of the interbreeding business ever does go for them. Just like in Israel. Sarkozy fully supports Israel as nothing but a Jewish State. Whites in France can just suck on a big one far as he’s concerned. This is why our countries are being stolen right from under our feet as these Jews continue to get away with pushing these things; simply because if you dare say something about it, they scream bloody murder about you being the hater!
Jews would love to see the entire White race turn into a dumbed-down, mulatto mud. If you think about it, you’ll see this being pushed constantly in the media. It truly is a form of racial genocide.
Sarkozy even told the French that Whites must accept being passed over for jobs and promotions in favor of non-Whites. He hires this Algerian guy, Yazid Sabeg, with express orders to create discriminatory practices to screw Whites over. Imagine that: Coming right out and openly telling Whites they had better put up with it all, just so the other races get special treatment. Hell, the subversive Jews have done this exact same thing to American Whites with Affirmative Action, when you think about it.
Sarkozy once wanted to make each French school kid adopt a “ghost” from the holocaust, as part of the Jew holocaust brainwashing efforts. People criticized the program as too ghoulish for children and they would lack the maturity, so they dropped it. But Sarkozy’s idea was a prime example of the Jew’s sheer death cult obsession with the holocaust. The guy is clearly a Jew Extremist.
These Jews are liars, hypocrites and con-artists. They are doing everything they can to keep unaware Whites in the dark and to think Jews are merely fellow Whites with a different religion, when nothing could be further from the truth. They are a secret, poisonous race, everywhere they target our race for marginalization and eventual destruction. No question about it.
It doesn’t matter one whit where these Jews live: Paris, New York, Chicago, Washington DC — they are all in it together. As long as we keep allowing these subversive SOB-ing rats to get away with what they do, the more they’ll destroy our race. And we’ll never, ever see one iota of what they do in the Jew-controlled media. No way. If we don’t somehow put a stop to these bastards our children and our grandchildren will suffer for it. Hell, all of us are suffering from what they are now doing to our countries.
– Phillip Marlowe
* Goldman Sachs was Obama’s top financial contributor for his election. It’s all a giant Jew Job on America!
Nicolas Sarkozy and the genocide of European Mankind. This video exposes the hypocrisy of Jewish extremists like Sarkozy who support the Supremacist State of Israel based on the preservation of the Jewish people while at the same time he tries to destroy the European French people!
Europe and the world must learn what is behind the destruction of our heritage and our freedom.
It is no accident!
Comments feed for this article
February 14, 2010 at 5:31 pm
I can’t find that ex-pat discussion we were having, so I’ll just put this here. Jew Henry Makow’s letters from ex-pats: reminds me of Penthouse forum letters. There’s truth in them, but they are not quite legitimate, read a few and see if you disagree.
“I am an American woman married to a man from Guatemala. If anything were to happen to my husband, I would NEVER go back to American men. American men are whimps, along side FOREIGN BORN latinos, they seem dull and lifeless. I did not set out to become involved with Mexicans and Guatemalans: the whole long, bizzare story is at my website: , but when people ask me why I feel the way I do, I say: “once you taste the salsa, who wants to go back to ketchup?”
– Christine
On the plus side, Christine does not pass my three second rule, and considering the amount of time it took me to merely scroll down her new age garbled blog, my sympathies are with her Guatemalan husband.
February 15, 2010 at 2:28 am
Cannibal Rabbi
but when people ask me why I feel the way I do, I say: “once you taste the salsa, who wants to go back to ketchup?” You think maybe she steers the conversation in that direction so can deliver this devastating bon mot?Sound like some party!How could i have missed it . Wilde is spinning in her grave(no.It’s not moving).
February 15, 2010 at 6:02 pm
“You think maybe she steers the conversation in that direction so can deliver this devastating bon mot?”
Not at all. She’s a strong, smart woman who “has the courage of the opinions. . .of others,” like every other poxy bitch.
February 15, 2010 at 9:54 pm
Voir Dire
New poster here. Anyone else visit American Renaissance? They won’t post your comment if you mention the Jews. Anyone else had the same experience? — Mark
Welcome, Mark, to the world of true freedom to discuss what REALLY is the source of the metastasized cancer infecting and killing the West. I am a defector from AmRen who blogged there for several years and used to financially support the organization for years. I’ve written extensively on many blogs (including this one) since then about my strong conviction of how AmRen came to be co-opted by the Jews with certainty after the 2006 AmRen Conference and quite possibly even before then. Before I defected, I emailed every single blogger from there who’d ever contacted me or that I’d forged cyberspace friendships with and gave a long summary of my case against American Renaissance and its censorship of “the Jewish Question.” Here is a brief summary I wrote recently on a piece by Alex Linder (do note that Curt Maynard has made a very compelling case that Alex is quite possibly another false operative working for our federal Leviathan) and another co-author. I am the last poster in the commentary:
Again, welcome aboard the REAL truth movement where Jared’s phony, propagandistic, and disgusting co-opting of a genuine patriot, Thomas Jefferson’s, belief/quote “There is not a truth existing which I fear or would want unknown to the entire world” for HIS motto is actually realized.
February 20, 2010 at 11:59 pm
Sarkozy in the Jewish Press
March 14, 2010 at 6:30 pm
In regards to that rat Sarkozy–anyone that charges off a 250k shower in his bathroom on to the public needs a kick in the butt–all the way out the door.
March 25, 2010 at 9:26 am
Makow is just one of those guys that needs a submissive (aka–act less, manipulate more,driven by greed) gook female .
March 26, 2010 at 1:13 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
A Revisionist breeze is blowing…
Are the officials of Jewish organisations sincere in their constant denunciations of anti-Semitism? At any moment, and for no apparent reason, they’re apt to cry wolf or, rather, yell about how “the womb of the horrid beast [that gave birth to Nazism] is still fertile”. If need be they invent this purported anti-Semitism, either on the occasion of phoney attacks or of other incidents unrelated to hatred of Jews, or else put down to anti-Semitism what is in fact merely anti-Zionism. If France, to take but this one example, were prey to chronic anti-Semitism she would not choose for President the grand-nephew of a rabbi, who, what’s more, surrounds himself with Jews, visits Jerusalem to declare his undying love to the State of Israel and, albeit in a token manner, commits France militarily to the Israeli camp [1]. On the other hand, the Jewish organisations’ leaders do seem sincere when they speak out against the dangers of what they call négationnisme (“Holocaust denial”). The spectre of revisionism haunts them and they don’t know how to ward it off for, despite frantic media hype in favour of “the Shoah”, they see the spectre growing.
March 26, 2010 at 2:33 pm
“Makow is just one of those guys that needs a submissive (aka–act less, manipulate more,driven by greed) gook female .”
Well, certainly they’re very popular with everyone. What’s the old line, “I have nothing against Chinese women. In fact, I think every white man should have one.” [Ha ha. O ya. Tha's vely funny. Rearry rearry funny.]
Of course they’d be the main female movie stars in the world if it weren’t for the insane craving that your Hollywood Jew has to ravish tall blond blue-eyed “shiksas”.
Anyway, don’t be so defensive. It’s sad. Jealousy is an extremely unattractive character flaw. Besides, not all White woman are less popular than “gooks”. It’s just that for every 1 Michelle Pfeiffer there are 500 Rosie O’Donnels.
As for Makow, he was married to a Flippa, so he’s been there, done that. I guess he found out what so many have also discovered: that Asian women are on average the least submissive women on the planet.
I guess that when you wrote “submissive”, you meant “respectful”.
There must be some reason for all this “yellow fever”, and it can’t be just because they’re the best-looking.
But come on, let’s cut out all these racial insults. Don’t force me to start talking about White women, racial politics, submission … let’s not go there.
However, what is about Bruthaz and the fat, ugly White chicks who love them?
No, that would be beneath me. Let’s not go there. Let’s just leave you to stew in your festering envy and leave it at that.
March 28, 2010 at 4:10 am
The NAZI’s lost already. Get over it…
April 20, 2010 at 11:53 pm
GDL/White Master
“Why did French President Nicolas Sarkozy hand-deliver a letter last week to President Obama from fugitive director Roman Polanski asking for leniency? Eric Pape on Polanski’s private plea for clemency.”
Because there both worthless Jew-rats.
Funny I don’t see Sarkozy with an African immigrant woman but instead a Jewess….(bottom of article) Jew=lies, deceit, hypocrisy, corruption, and murder/genocide.
June 12, 2010 at 10:46 pm
This is for Octo. I just found your idiot comment about my website (google search). If you had bothered to read my story, and clink on the links in the story that lead to documents in both English and Spanish, maybe it would have occured to your foggy logic that the story was no Penthouse Forum fairytale. If I could forge documents that well, and could come up with a story like that in my imagination, then I would not be living in penuary right now. Any time you want to e-mail me, I will provide you with all the information of the witnesses, who were there. Washington County Oregon has criminal records available to the public, that proves everything I wrote actually happened. The name of the Cornelius Police officer I referenced in my story is Craig Wellhauser. Why don’t you call him and ask if all I wrote was true. He was involved with Jose and I more than once, and he’s not happy about my blog. So you’re sympathys are with my husband Carlos? He’s damn lucky he has me to send him money. He’s in Mexico, barely hanging on. How dare you write about me, when you don’t know me, and you didn’t even bother to read my story. The reason my true story reads like a fantasy to you, is because your life is a couch potato existance. You probably never leave your computer. I, on the other hand, don’t have a computer. The only reason I have a blog, is because a kind stranger read my story (that I hhad e-mailed to someone) and offered to make my blog, because, he said, “you need to share this story with the world”. Anyone who wants proof that the events I wrote about actually happened, just e-mail me at my blog.
June 12, 2010 at 10:52 pm
June 12, 2010 at 10:53 pm
This is for you Kristine….WHO GIVES A SHIT!
June 12, 2010 at 10:56 pm
Why the hell don’t you go run down across the border to be with your Mexican. You can set in urine/feces water together and star gaze….Get a life retard!
June 12, 2010 at 11:00 pm
Kristine. Im weeping but, get this, the other day i bought some beansprouts but they went soggy before i had chance to use them. 35p down the fucking drain.
and YOUVE got problems?
June 12, 2010 at 11:02 pm
It’s OBVIOUSLY not a Penthouse Forum fairytale, because it didn’t start with the phrase, “I never thought I’d be writing you, BUT…”
I think Octo is busy at the Irish Infowars site.
June 12, 2010 at 11:05 pm
Kristine is obviously some New Ager wack-job, who still hates her White daddy for not bringing home a pink Unicorn for her 12th birthday.
June 12, 2010 at 11:09 pm
American born
Kind stranger=jew
June 12, 2010 at 11:13 pm
Kristine needs to send her money to the White people in America who have children and have been displaced from their jobs by Jewish greed and immigration.
Kristine, every other GD Mexican needs to be with Carlos….IN MEXICO!
June 12, 2010 at 11:15 pm
Whoa Gtrman, beansprouts taste like dirt. Dirt itself is alot cheaper and has more essential minerals.
Grow your own wheat sprouts, practically overnight!!! You only pay once for seeds and then rock on with no more pence invested.
June 12, 2010 at 11:16 pm
Now thats REAL healthy eatin Marsh.
June 12, 2010 at 11:19 pm
American born
Your SPIC husband is with his real wife down in the pit hole of mexico. He used you for citizenship you whore..
June 12, 2010 at 11:20 pm
Marsh, rest assured, my “own wheat sprouts, practically overnight!!! ” everynight. Know what i mean, buddy?
Thats right. Ive got a yeast infection.
June 12, 2010 at 11:29 pm
Start with garlic GTRman for the yeast infection. Garlic will also scare off the parasitic vampire Jews and they will send their foot soldiers to deal with you… which case you’ll need a gun.
June 12, 2010 at 11:29 pm
Whacky Jew says eating dirt is great for ya, so what’s not to like? Is it kosher though…hmm…the question indeed. “Jared Diamond” seems to have majored in “Gastrogeology”
June 12, 2010 at 11:30 pm
Kristine is sobbing away right now at all the hate… either that, or she’s looking at her bank account after Pedro cleaned her out. Dumb ass.
June 12, 2010 at 11:31 pm
Marsh, eating dirt is a sign of iron deficiency. Hmmm, now we know why the Jews are sucking the blood out of White nations….they are low on iron.
June 12, 2010 at 11:34 pm
LMAO Incog!
Yeah Kristine read American Born’s comment and now she is looking at her bank account sobbing. She is probably getting ready to call her White daddy and tell him how much she loves him and is sorry for degrading herself to the extreme.
June 12, 2010 at 11:34 pm
American born
You think shes weeping now, wait till she goes for a check up and finds shes got an STD..
June 12, 2010 at 11:35 pm
nothing but vampires on the tv now……and thats just the news channel….
June 12, 2010 at 11:42 pm
Yeah, GDL — the Jews have turned our countries so inside out, that freaks like this occur.
June 13, 2010 at 12:04 am
Cannibal Rabbi
The whole world is living in “penuary” right now! What makes YOU remarkable?
“He’s in Mexico, barely hanging on.”
What’s he hanging on to? Who fucking cares?
“The only reason I have a blog, is because a kind stranger read my story (that I hhad e-mailed to someone) and offered to make my blog, because, he said, “you need to share this story with the world”.
Was he a manipulative kike? Who used you like a toilet tissue, for his own ends?
“Anyone who wants proof that the events I wrote about actually happened, just e-mail me at my blog.”
I’ve got EVENTS. E mail me, post haste.
Beat the fucking rush.
Only 200 days ’til Christmas!!
June 13, 2010 at 12:06 am
Kristine’s searching for Fernando crap:
“Once two fawns (Mexicans) came up and sniffed my legs. One evening an owl (negro) flew down and perched beside me, so close I could have touched it, for half an hour. Something else I noticed. Worried and troubled people (diverse peoples) would come to the Lily pond (whore house) and confide their problems to me. I tried to listen with empathy and let them sniff my legs and lick my feet.”
June 13, 2010 at 12:11 am
Why is a yeast infection a problem Gtrman? Yeast + Wheat Sprouts, you almost have German Beer. Go green, dammit.
Marsh has homegrown cures for STD’s as well. Crabs for instance-
1.) Douse your pubic hair with lighter fluid
2.) Light it on fire
3.) The crabs will run to the end of your pecker
4.) Stab them to death
June 13, 2010 at 12:15 am
American born
Kristine, you a sick whore…
Im sure your pet SPIC is as equally disturbed as you. Im glad hes not in my country anymore. Join him down in the pit. Ever been south of the border Kristine?
June 13, 2010 at 12:25 am
Cannibal Rabbi
10 out ‘o 10
Still chuckling!
June 13, 2010 at 12:31 am
Damn Marsh!
June 13, 2010 at 12:47 am
Kristine- we sympathise, really. Write a blues song and make your money back.
June 13, 2010 at 1:41 am
Cannibal Rabbi
Once they got you by the heart Kristine………
June 13, 2010 at 7:27 pm
This is for GDL- I WAS just displaced from my job as a Janitor at SBM Site Services (in Hillsboro Oregon) by illegals. I am now in the process of filing a discrimination charge (race, national origin) with EEOC. No doubt it will be dismissed because I’m white. I worked with an all Mexican crew, and they forced me out after 2 weeks. I know most of them are illegal. I don’t take crap off of Mexicans, anymore than I do from whites. If you want to do something about illegal immigration go after companies like SBM, who live off of cheap illegal labor, because the government wants it that way. If the government enforced the labor laws on the books, and gave zero tolerance to companies like SBM, the Mexicans would all go home tomorrow. As for “who gives a shit?” you must, because you left 10 comments.
When I set down my story into words I vowed that I would only write the unvarnished truth, because people who invent stories that they try to pass off as fact, always get caught in their lies, sooner or later. This will NEVER happen to me because I was scrupulous about only writing the truth. Anyone can check the facts: first you can call the Washington County Courthouse at – 503.846.8888, ask for records. Jose’s criminal history is public record. On June 15th, 2005, Jose Manuel Alvarez-Garcia D.O.B May 8th 1977, was arrested for assaulting me (Kristine, my maiden name is in the report). At that time a No contact order was activated, BUT NEVER ENFORCED. His last arrest in Oregon was Sept. 15th. He was removed from the Washington County Jail Oct. 17th and sent to the Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma, WA. Next, call the Cornelius Police Dept. 503.359.1881 and ask for officer Craig Wellhauser. He was the main cop involved, (out of all the asshole cops I delt with because of Jose). He knows about my blog, and is probably not pleased that I have recorded his racist comments for posterity, but he MAY speak about it if you stroke his ego. Then you can find someone fluent in Spanish who can translate the police report from Mazatlan on my blog. Have this person call the shop that worked on my car in Mazatlan. The shop owner will verify that everything in the report happened. The shop number is on the receipt for parts, on my blog. It’s listed under Ana Silvia Alzerete. Most of my documents have phone numbers. Cornelius Auto Sales in out of business. German Auto works has a new owner, but my BMW records probably are still in their computer, under my maiden name.
As for Carlos- you should be so lucky to have a wife as loyal as me. I know damn well that IF you have a wife, she would never drive thousands of miles alone through Mexico and Guatemala to deliver YOUR clothing.
This is for Octo- GARBLED New Age blog, eh? I could write you under the table any day. As for “New Age” you are showing your ignorance. Reincarnation as protrayed in ancient Persian astrology, predates all major world religions. So some New Agers are interested in these topics. Some New Agers claim to talk to Jesus too. Does that make anyone who prays to Jesus a New Ager? What really bothered you about my log was to learn there are folks out there who actually have genuine exciting lives in the real world, as opposed to a dull vertual existance in cyber-space, spewing foulness. It was foretold to me that when I went public with my story, the spawn of the devel would persecute me. I will pray for you all, because you certainly need it. One more thing, may webmaster is no Jew.
June 13, 2010 at 8:04 pm
Kristine: I sure hope you don’t pay your “webmaster” a lot, since it’s only a blog it doesn’t really take all that much to set up.
June 13, 2010 at 8:16 pm
You are a race traitor to your own people. Mexicans are trash and are only in America for the purpose of Jewish communism. You made shit remarks about White men in favor of Mexican men. No little puny Mexican BOY compares with a REAL White man.
Whatever bad has happened to you is deserved……its called KARMA right. Being a race traitor only brings negativity into your life because you are going against GOD’S natural laws.
June 13, 2010 at 9:38 pm
American born
You will be a victim of your pet SPIC soon. Wake the fuck up Kristine.
June 13, 2010 at 9:47 pm
American born
Kristine he beat you? And you go through all this to defend him? Whoa.
Do you have ant self respect?
June 14, 2010 at 2:45 pm
there is something wrong with you guys
DUDE THAT IS THE PRESIDENT OF FRANCE! and a great one at that! hes much better than any of the presidents weve had (except maybe obama). what is wrong with you nazis? the fact that hes jewish has NOTHING to do with ANYTHING. its just his religion, which is something that should be PRIVATE (although you wouldnt understand taht seeming as you go around trying to shove your beliefs down everyones throats)
June 14, 2010 at 2:52 pm
I think we have a new,”From those who work to confuse and silence us” quote nominee.
Actually, the fact that he’s jewish has EVERYTHING to to with EVERYTHING.
I bet youd be spitting blood if your pres was a Muslim, you hypocrite.
I pity you. Seriously.
June 14, 2010 at 3:18 pm
Just another little queer hasbarat. What is wrong with us since we do not suck down Jewish propaganda and bow down to Jewish Talmudic hate you ask?
We have a GD functioning brain JEW!
June 14, 2010 at 3:19 pm
“one of my first priorities will be as president, will be to end these wars in Iraq, and Afghanistan, and you can take that to the bank” -Barack Obama, 2007
so what makes Obama a great president? he has done NOTHING, but continue the policies of the LAST president! how can that be?! the JEW Rahm Emanuel running the white house? the JEW Ben Bernanke controlling the cash? the JEWS that OWN the banks, that control the federal reserve? or the TWO JEWS IN THE SENATE, Lieberman and Sanders, the ONLY ‘independents’ .. (and by being ‘independent’ with the senate split the way it is, ALL votes depend upon how THESE TWO CHOOSE TO VOTE ! ) calling the shots? is that why Obama is no different than Bush? is this coincedence?
HAAA! you had better wake the hell up Moron!! there is something wrong with YOU guys! pussies and cowards afraid of crossing PC lines to get to the TRUTH!
Obama is a puppet, a TOOL! run by jews and jewish interests, as is Sarko the jew.. and it seems that you are also. you’re in great company dumbass.
June 14, 2010 at 5:37 pm
TISWWYG, weren’t you running this schtik over on LBGTQ thread? The ‘shoved down the throat’ metaphor doesn’t play so well over there so you saved it for over here.
Wash your mouth out with holosoap, you lying Jew.
The fact that Sarkozy is Jewish has everything to do with the fact that he middle management for Jewry in France.
He is attempting to ethnically cleanse the White French population by telling French women they have to miscegenate with Blacks.
Get it straight – who is getting what, shoved down whose throat and every other orifice you Jew mindfucker.
June 14, 2010 at 8:54 pm
Mr. Incogman, My webmaster has never charged me a dime. He puts up my photos and video, and I post the text here at the library. He does it because he’s a nice guy. Some folks do good in the world for no other reason than it feels good, imagine that!
Yep, I’m crazy all right. Crazy as a fox running to the bank. I’m in no hurry. Fernando will turn up when the time is right, and then I will sign one of the book contracts that have been offered to me. I knew from the very beginning that I had a whale of a story on my hands,and that it would eventually make me money. That’s why I held on to it, and have never let go. Everything that happened will be worth it in the long run. When you know what’s coming in the future, you don’t waste time worrying.
The main motivation for me from the begining is that I like to run off to the far corners of the world and have wild adventures in exotic locals. I’d be interested in reading some of you folks’ most exciting travel stories: Was it the trip to boy scout camp when you were 10?; the graduation trip to Disneyland?; the family reunion in Omaha 10 years ago? In my 50 years I done more, seen more, and been more places than most people would in ten lifetimes.
I hope everyone continues to perpetuate the myth that the entire country of Mexico is a dirty, dangerous rat-hole. I don’t want it all cluttered up with ex-pats when I finally scrape together the money to leave here for good. There’s too many Americans living down there already. In the last 13 months I’ve been to all the places in Mexico that are supposed to have piles of head-less corpses in the streets, and bullets wizzing through every intersection. It’s garbage. NOTHING HAS CHANGED DOWN THERE. These are scare stories invented by the NWO to keep the kiddies at home, paralized by fear. Similar to all the phoney beheadings in the Middle East, about 7 or 8 years ago. The only reason I bothered to post here is because your site is still sending traffic to my sight, 4 months later, and I don’t dig being called a liar by idiots too lazy to fact check, or even read what they are criticizing.
June 14, 2010 at 8:59 pm
Dingbat – “I hope everyone continues to perpetuate the myth that the entire country of Mexico is a dirty, dangerous rat-hole. ”
Well, when the inhabitants arrive here en mass they turn they proceed to turn entire neighborhoods and cities into a dirty, dangerous rat-holes. Explain me that one.
And if its such a paradise why are so many leaving???
June 14, 2010 at 9:01 pm
Kristine you are a New Age freak wrapped up in your own personal drama. Nobody is interested in your BS so stop coming here to insult us just as you have done before.
Grow up and stop acting like a 10 year old kid. You’re a deluded fool who is brainwashed by Jewish propaganda. Stop focusing so hard on Spiritual things and return to the Earth to help get America back on track..
No damn body wants to go to Mexico. If Mexicans want out why the hell would Whites go there? Don’t speak about vacationers in Cancun and then say White people are heading to Mexico. You are a deluded freak and no one is taking you seriously. You are an advanced Spiritual being in your own liquidated mind.
June 14, 2010 at 9:05 pm
Kristine, I am a rich and famous book publisher based in London My sumptous offices are RIGHT NEXT TO the famous Berkinum Palace, where Lady Di lives. I must say Im terribly impressed by your writing thus far; I can picture,”Tales of Fernando” as a box-office smash and maybe even a musical on Broadway.
I will offer you $17 dollars for complete control of manuscript, concept, copyright and licensing agreements.
In return you can help out on my kibbutz.
June 14, 2010 at 9:11 pm
Too late GTRman, someone already got the rights
June 14, 2010 at 9:11 pm
GTRman, I’ve seen crazier New Agers than this “ding bat.” One dude insisted that Jesus was his little brother.
Go figure!