The Fort Knox Conundrum: Chinese say they received bogus bars of gold traced to U.S.
By Pat Shannan
Could over 1 million bars of gold, much of which is still held in Fort Knox, Ky., be counterfeit? An October 2009 discovery that suggests this may be true has been suppressed by the mainstream media but has been circulating among the “big money” brokers and financial kingpins. It is just now being revealed to the public.
Gold is regularly exchanged between countries to pay debts and to settle the so-called balance of trade. It is often also used as a hedge against a falling currency. Gold is regularly traded and stored in vaults under the strict supervision of a special organization based in London, known as the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA). That’s why news of counterfeit gold bars was a surprise to many experts.
In October 2009, China reportedly received a large shipment of gold, containing some 6,000 bars, weighing 400 ounces each. When it was received, the Chinese government asked that tests be performed to guarantee the purity and weight of the gold bars. In this test, four small holes were drilled into the bars, and the metal was analyzed. Officials were shocked to find the bars were bogus. They contained cores of tungsten, with only an outer coating of real gold. What’s more, these gold bars, containing serial numbers for tracking, originated in the United States and had reportedly been stored in Fort Knox for years.
According to gold expert Theo Gray, there are very few metals that are as dense as gold. With only two exceptions, they all cost as much or more than gold. The standard gold bar for bank-to-bank trade, known as a “London good delivery bar,” weighs 400 troy ounces (more than 33 pounds), yet is no bigger than a paperback novel. To put it in perspective, a bar of steel the same size weighs only 13.5 pounds.
This was the problem that the Ethiopians had in early 2008 when they tried to dump millions of dollars in fake gold into South African banks. What were supposed to be bars of solid gold turned out to be nothing more than gold-plated steel. The South Africans quickly figured this out and sent the shipment back—apparently discovering the hoax with only minimal investigation.
The first exception to the weight of gold is depleted uranium (DU). This material is dirt cheap if you’re a government, but is hard for individuals to get. It’s also radioactive, which makes the handling of it impractical.
Interestingly enough, before DU was widely used as a U.S. weapons component to make shells more able to penetrate hardened targets, tungsten was used for that purpose.
But tungsten is vastly cheaper than gold—maybe $30 dollars a pound, compared to $1,200 an ounce for gold right now. It has exactly the same density as gold, to three decimal places. Therefore, it has to be drilled to detect the fraud. The only differences are that it’s the wrong color, and that it’s much harder than gold. Pure gold is soft and can be dented with a fingernail.
At first, many gold experts speculated that the fake gold must have originated in China, which is considered the world’s best knock-off producers. However, the Chinese government investigated and issued a statement pointing a finger squarely at the United States.
The Chinese claim that in 1995 — during the Clinton administration (Robert Rubin, Alan Greenspan and Lawrence Summers) — between 1.3 million and 1.5 million 400-ounce tungsten blanks were manufactured by a sophisticated refiner in the United States, amounting to more than 16,000 metric tons. Some 640,000 of these tungsten blanks were then gold plated and shipped to Fort Knox, according to the Chinese, where they are said to remain to this day. The Chinese contend that the remaining collection of these 400-ounce fakes was eventually gold-plated and then “sold” into international markets.
The global market is literally “stuffed full of 400 ounce salted bars,” said one unnamed expert. “It’s enough to destroy the world markets.”
Not Copyrighted. Readers can reprint and are free to redistribute – as long as full credit is given to American Free Press – 645 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, Suite 100 Washington, D.C. 20003
KITCO report on Hong Kong banker’s discovery
Did the Rothschilds know this was coming?
Comments feed for this article
February 3, 2010 at 2:41 pm
GDL/White Master
And in honor of “nigger history month” being shoved down our throats. I have one thing to say:
February 3, 2010 at 2:46 pm
Need help packing?
February 3, 2010 at 3:00 pm
Meanwhile, Jews are the most racist SOB’s on the PLANET. I guess I should be allowed a free VISA back to Ireland because of my Irish genes, hmm? Why don’t they set me up with a house and a job in County Clare while they’re at it? That’s what JOOS DO in Itsa-hell.
Jews only marry other Jews, while decrying whites who only marry other whites.
Why they do this…I don’t know. Are they trying to preserve “congenitally ugly” for posterity? The more they interbreed, the uglier and crazier they get LOL!!! Throw in the high percentage of Jew fags and lesbians…and they are DOOMED, man. 0.227% and FALLING. Even their own rabbis are bitching about them marrying gentiles. What kind of freaking “bloodline” are these people trying to protect? The endangered tapir?
February 3, 2010 at 3:11 pm
Regarding the KITCO story Incogman has linked to which talks of a coming currency crisis;
The G-20 is quietly meeting in a secluded Canadian location above the Arctic Circle. Strange that the G-20 doesn’t even mention it on their site;
February 3, 2010 at 3:18 pm
GDL, I think you have the correct mixture. It is White with White. We are sufficiently diverse, even amongst ourselves. Now, too much so with all of the brainwashed masses who probably have little hope of recovery. Cooperate when it is to our benefit, but to hell with the other mixtures, including the wighites, if it is not. “Those” are only impediments to our progress.
I agree that the only sane policy for Whites to follow is Whites first, as you point out with the statement you make. WHITES FIRST is an entirely reasonable policy.
“White people first and foremost ALWAYS…..that is what the JEW wants to destroy in us. They want us WHITES divided and mixed in with other races..GD”IT, THEY ARE THE ONES WHO MADE IT THIS WAY! They want White people to be scared to death to be called “racist”, or “Nazi.” Who cares what they call us? They label us gentiles or goyim and them Jews. Again, they can call me what they want. I am a WHITE European/American. I sure as hell am not labeling myself a gentile or goyim to fit in with the niggers etc. I am not playing that JEW game. The White race is under attack in their own nations. The Jew would hide behind a race war, but they sure as hell push White/non-White relations too, or haven’t you noticed?
“Just calling out the Jew makes this automatically about race. My awakening had everything to do with race. When I was young we were constantly told race didn’t matter. The people fueling the Jew fire the most are the White race mixers and backstabbers. If there are Jew aware non-Whites than great, but I focus on White people. I am sick and GD tired of being told “let’s don’t make it about race.” Why the hell are White people the only one’s told to “not make it about race.”
It is about race. RACE matters, always has, always will. If it were not so than the JEW would not be trying to destroy ours?
It is very similar to the statement made by Celine, and for whatever reason or pretense it is devalued, it contains the truth which is the only salvation for resisting Whites who are intent upon ever living in a world which is not dominated by others – whether those others may be other races or simply a bureaucratic one-world. Liberty for Whites and White Americans is only available in our recognition that our freedoms will come only from Whites and White Americans.
We must counter the blinds pulled by the media and those races, the jews and their communist/masonic enablers by countering with the thing which they most fear – our unity, and the promotion of only our White race.
“The Jews aren’t afraid of anything except racism! They don’t care about anti-Semitism. They can always handle anti-Semitism….
Racism! Racism! Racism! And not just a little, not halfheartedly, but completely! absolutely! inexorably! like Pasteur’s perfect sterilization.”
Incogman had brought the quote above to our attention in another postings comments, but this part of the Celine quote is a key, which I think we should’nt ignore. Our salvation is not in a hodge-podge, it is in our respectful and agressive unity.
The review from which the quote is taken is:
February 3, 2010 at 3:34 pm
Lindsay Williams was a chaplain on the Alaska oil pipeline. He says the big oil elites he knows say that the dollar is going to decline between 30 and 50% over the next two years. This currency crisis is coming, it’s manipulated…all part of the “big plan.”
Their advice to him personally was not to own paper assets, period, because they’re only going to be worth the paper they’re written on when the SHTF. Really, when you think about it…that’s all they ever WERE worth.
What makes a $1 Fed note worth any more than a $1000 note intrinsically? Not a damn thing. Back when a dollar bill meant “Payable to bearer on demand 1 ounce of silver,” there was a real difference. But intrinsically, paper is just paper. Whatever figures you print on an IOU, it’s still an IOU.
This current derivatives PAPER SCAM is so widespread, into the so many trillions, globally, it can be called nothing less than the greatest Jew ripoff in HISTORY…dwarfs Bernie Madoff. Unfortunately, they’ve been CAUGHT.
There will be hell to pay.
February 3, 2010 at 3:46 pm
White Banshee,
Watched that video. Awesome. It is so evident. Why can’t people “see”?
Thanks brother. You are a true kinsman.
When I was speaking about the genetics thing, I was talking about the fact that surely the creator would know genetics. HE created genetics after all. I hope you can agree with that at least. I know you think its all based on faith. I could show you why that is only part of the answer, but it would take a long post. You should actually go to and study it yourself.
Also, concerning your video, we cannot discount the fact that the one lone “white boy” beating the drums, was not really white at all. It is pure psychology to be sure. Most White people naturally see themselves in the leadership position. Even the most PC person is not blind. Who were the builders of great societies? Who are the organizers? Who would be the leaders? Of course, the other races have no intention of letting that happen in real life, but the psychology is apparent nonetheless.
February 3, 2010 at 3:48 pm
A few days off the net and seeing too much tv should help convince anyone theres something fishy going on. Ive been doing a “field study,” British tv , especially bbc has to be seen to be believed.
Talk about” spot the white man”- every kids show has black, jew or asian presenters, popular cooking shows, even property shows (where dumbos splurge their life -savings on a “house in the country” thats way bigger and has more rooms than theyll ever need) are all presented by black or chocolate coloured people.
Theyre really rubbing it in.
What got me most angry was a show the other night that tried to bring race into ( yet another) plastic surgery show.
Unbelievable. The 5ft 2 indonesian guy wanted to be taller. Why? Because he was short?
Oh no, to fit in with evil white society.
Likewise the fat black woman with the oversized udders.
And the chinese woman with the flat chest.
And the oriental business man with the 3inch dick.
Had my blood boiling that one , I can tell you.
I suppose if I get my teeth straight its cos I want to look Zulu?
UK readers, “Idiocracy” is on “Film 4″ tonight, 11pm.
Got to go.
February 3, 2010 at 4:00 pm
@ Marshall
I was in error, abet slightly. This is a meeting of the G-7.
Don’t anyone be fooled by the “return to cozyness” bullshit tossed about in the article. That is pure PR horseshit. They’re meeting north of Arctic Circle in the coldest weeks of winter for confidentuality,
February 3, 2010 at 4:02 pm
GDL/White Master
I am not interested in ruling other races or destroying them, it is the Jew who is interested in doing this to our White race….not to mention the non-Whites who scream the White man is dying constantly.
Good White folks don’t have time to be concerned with ruling over or destroying other races, they are too busy building great civilizations and societies, which continually get better and better until the Jew steps in to attempt to destroy it all. The way I see it, we need to put our DAMN feet down once and for all with these people and their non-White pets. No more playing footsie, and powdering anyone’s noses/asses!
February 3, 2010 at 4:26 pm
Exactly GDL,
Non Whites are more than welcome to return to their OWN societies and live as best suits them. They have no business in our nations. I don’t wish them harm UNLESS they screw with us. The Jew, on the other hand, must be completely destroyed. If we can’t see that by now, then we deserve to be invaded by those parasites at a later time. The Edomite/jew pattern is CLEAR! History SCREAMS its truths.
And we should firmly reject any and all Whites who have betrayed our race with their PC crap. Let their names be blotted out of our book of life and be remembered no more.
February 3, 2010 at 4:35 pm
GDL/White Master
“Non Whites are more than welcome to return to their OWN societies and live as best suits them. They have no business in our nations. I don’t wish them harm UNLESS they screw with us.”
Yep, and though yes Jews hate anyone who isn’t a Jew, at the same time non-Whites are their tools to use against White people. Most non-Whites hate us and play the blame Whitey game and that cannot be ignored for one second. Getting around like-minded White folks is very important….for sanity and protection.
February 3, 2010 at 5:03 pm
GDL/White Master
“It is very similar to the statement made by Celine.”
I liked that statement by Celine. I have felt that way for sometime now. When I first started awakening to this Jew created mess I would say things like: I’m not racist but, there are good so and so in each race. I realized that this is rediculous….yeah there are, but its like apologizing for standing up for my race and people. No way man, I stopped all that crap. Our White race is under attack and I am fully standing up for us and not feeling guilty for it one bit. Guilt is a Jew trick!
February 3, 2010 at 5:44 pm
GDL/White Master
Oh yeah, Flanders/JTJ,
The White race traitors are right there with the Jews as far as enemies go. The race traitors are even worse because they betray their own people.
The ones in government are the worst of the worst, while the race mixers/wiggers are severly braindead. I will forgive a repentant White because I was once in a slumber myself. It would be awful Jewy not to forgive a White who has been drilled with Jew spew from birth and was braindead….but awakened.
February 3, 2010 at 5:58 pm
Fleur de lis
If you laugh…….you are a GD jew!!
February 3, 2010 at 6:10 pm
That is one vile son of a bitch Fleur. I have saved this along with a clip from the “pissing on Christ’s picture” episode. Nevertheless, I actually am glad he’s doing stuff like this, because I think nothing short of shock treatment is going to wake any gentiles up en masse.
Maybe this won’t even…in which case they get what they deserve like the genuine idiots the Jew thinks they are.
I think this is how Jews all behave when they think they’re on top. Look at Michael Eisner having his cutesy little interview with Sarah “I’d kill Christ again” Silverman that I posted awhile back…
I think that’s also why they never stay on top for very long LOL!!!
February 3, 2010 at 6:14 pm
Well James, this is easy.
1.) If British Israelism is true, then I’m definitely covered bro, through no effort on my own, just born that way LOL!!!
2.) If it isn’t, then I’m covered as well by trying to practice Christ’s teachings as best I can.
It’s a WIN-WIN
February 3, 2010 at 6:30 pm
GDL/White Master
“Sarah “I’d kill Christ again” Silverman that I posted awhile back…”
That comment by that demented Jew bitch was supposed to be funny huh? I would like to hear someone say: I hope Hitler did kill 6 million Jews, I’d do it again, I f**kin do it again in a heartbeat!
Then see what the Jew has to say…I’d love to see Abe Foxman’s fat-ass face explode!
February 3, 2010 at 6:34 pm
It’s one of the greatest defeats for humanity, that Hitler never actually gassed the JEW-rats. Nothing but scamming liars.
February 3, 2010 at 6:39 pm
Fleur de lis
“Nevertheless, I actually am glad he’s doing stuff like this, because I think nothing short of shock treatment is going to wake any gentiles up en masse.”
Exactly Marsh; keep it coming jews! I’ll pass these vids to some friends/family and tell them ‘jews think this is funny’.
Now, isn’t this the kind of trash that the FCC would get complaints over??
I guess no one is complaining. I am afraid these sickos think we are fully excepting of their trash at this juncture, otherwise they would not do it. Maybe Larry lunches with the FCC jews every week. I dont know.
I am afraid that for the younger brainwashed crowd (below 30) that actually watch this trash, this could be considered real cutting edge comedy and funny. Which is scary. People like us could not crack a smile!
February 3, 2010 at 6:40 pm
GDL/White Master
I believe the Jew-rats actually believe they really are holohoax survivors.
February 3, 2010 at 6:44 pm
And I don’t think we’re gonna need all the Whites, either. Most people will just stand aside and do what they’re told, like always. Traitors to the nation should be shot, no matter what race.
JEWS work hard to create the illusion that they’re all powerful, to discourage examination and the eventual confrontation. Think of how they dubbed Rahm Emanuel the ballerina as “Rahmbo”. Ridiculous.
All we need is a sliver of the White population to get focused, and they know it.
February 3, 2010 at 6:46 pm
GDL/White Master
Was that video supposed to be funny to begin with? Making a joke about a child like that….thats about as low-life and pathetic as you can get.
February 3, 2010 at 6:50 pm
Rahmbo Tinkerbell LMAO!!! Hey…if you think Jews have all blacks under their sway, think again…here are some choice quotes from Louis Farrakhan-
“It was Hollywood whose first movie, what was the first movie? – ‘The Birth of a Nation.’ How did it portray us? And how has Hollywood portrayed us? And who were the Hollywood moguls who portrayed us like that? Am I anti-Semitic or are they anti-black?”
Speech at Mosque Maryam, Chicago, 7/26/09
“There were members of the Jewish community that helped to start NAACP but they were watchmen over how that organization developed, to keep it in a certain line.”
Speech at Mosque Maryam, Chicago, 7/26/09
“Do you know some of these satanic Jews have taken over BET?… Everything that we built, they have. The mind of Satan now is running the record industry, movie industry and television. And they make us look like we’re the murders; we look like we’re the gangsters, but we’re punk stuff.”
“Justifiable Homicide: Black Youth in Peril (Part 3)” speech at Mosque Maryam, 11/11/07
“The real anti-Semites are those who came out of Europe and settled in Palestine, and now they call themselves the true Jews, when in fact, they converted to Judaism.”
Al Jazeera TV interview, 3/18/07
“These false Jews promote the filth of Hollywood that is seeding the American people and the people of the world and bringing you down in moral strength…It’s the wicked Jews the false Jews that are promoting Lesbianism, homosexuality. It’s wicked Jews, false Jews that make it a crime for you to preach the word of God, then they call you homophobic!”
Saviours’ Day, Chicago, Illinois, 2/26/06
February 3, 2010 at 6:51 pm
GDL/White Master
I would love for Rahm “ballerina” Emanuel to personally come to my house to try to confiscate my guns…yeah, then we would see how tough that Jew punk really is. Of course though, he wouldn’t be there alone or to fight, he knows better than that. He would hide behind braindead non-Jews doing his dirty work as usual.
The Jew hides while non-Jews do their dirty work. Enough is friggin enough!
February 3, 2010 at 7:25 pm
“Rahm the Jewel’s” brother is a Hollywood talent agent…
Just think where Rahm could be today if he hadn’t gotten into politics GDL!!!
February 3, 2010 at 8:47 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
Multiculturalism as envisioned by the Gadarene kikes.
February 3, 2010 at 10:22 pm
I ran across this series of articles about the Fed which is the main reason Rabbi Rahm and his fellow ballerinas keep the show going, in order to hide their thefts. I don’t think my browsers copy came out good, but the link should be alright.
Thank God For the Deficit!
“The bankers and their political and journalistic trained fleas, not to mention legions of uncomprehending economists, conservatives and socialists have it all wrong.The reality is that, under the rules of our fraudulent money system, without a continuous deficit, the economy would collapse for lack of money.This is because, except for coins and the $450 mil-lion in greenbacks issued by Congress during the Lincoln administration, all of “our” money draws interest which must be paid, mostly to the bankers.Why don’t Americans realize that a corrupt Congress in 1913 literally gave the American nation’s money-creating power to private bankers (the so-called“Federal Reserve”), who issue money they create out of nothing to buy bonds on which the taxpayers have to pay interest?And the interest on these fraudulent bonds has to also be created by more borrowing. Thus, the money sup-ply has to be constantly expanded, because the interest has to be paid—ahead of any other government expense.If the interest on the bonds is not paid, the money system will collapse immediately. This is why every govern-ment expenditure except interest on the bonds (the“national debt”) is on the table to be cut or eliminated.This is also why it is impossible to reduce the debt because when funds are paid to reduce the debt—to buy back the outstanding bonds and retire them—the money literally disappears from circulation. It goes to where it came from—nowhere.And when there is a shortage of money, that’s reces-sion, even depression.”
February 3, 2010 at 10:42 pm
Good link, Flanders. Here’s the PDF link to download:
February 3, 2010 at 11:29 pm
@Cannibal Rabbi
RE: Badfinger: attn: Marshall
‘Three members of the British rock group Badfinger have committed suicide. Pete Ham, leader and chief songwriter of the group, hanged himself in 1975 when he was 27 years old. Graham Bond, one of the pioneers of jazz-rock in Britain, was addicted to drugs and alcohol and was heavily involved in the occult. He was often “abusive, cruel, and self-destructive” (Unknown Legends of Rock ‘n’ Roll, p. 28). He claimed to be the son of Satanist Aleister Crowley. Together with his first wife, Diane Stewart, he formed a band called Holy Magick, after Crowley’s sorcery. He was incarcerated briefly in a mental hospital. A biography by Harry Shapiro, The Mighty Shadow, depicts Bond at that point in his life as characterized by wild mood swings and obsessed with the occult. He sexually abused his stepdaughter. In May 1974, he committed suicide by throwing himself under the wheels of a London underground train at the Finsbury Park Station. He was 37 years old. Badfinger guitarist Tony Evans hanged himself at age 36.
Three suicides in one band? Badfinger was yet another cash cow for Paul McCartney, who wrote all their material. No wonder he’s a fecking billonaire. Lennon may have been cynical, but no one in that band was more money hungry than McCartney. He asked, “What are we gonna do for money?” after his mum croaks, and he only age twelve: the story behind “Yesterday”, Itz.
The geezer that sent them over to Hamburg said he would catch McCartney arguing with Lennon over jam on toast, because it cost an extra penny at the lunch counter. “He’s got enough jam now, the bastard,” was the his final word on Sir Paul.
Note the bit about genius Cobain.
February 3, 2010 at 11:45 pm
That’s a pretty strange tale Octo. A Crowleyan curse? Wonder how much Mr. SHAPIRO made off his book? Those Jews make money off you whether you’re dead or alive…here’s a Wiki list that will blow your mind on young rock musician deaths…
February 3, 2010 at 11:46 pm
Mel calls Jew interviewer an asshole…I LOVE IT!!! LMAO!!!
February 4, 2010 at 12:19 am
What would it take for you to restore yachts on the shore of Loch Ness, residing at Boleskine House, e.g.?
February 4, 2010 at 12:52 am
First there would have to BE yachts on the shores of Loch Ness Octo, and I doubt there are that many. I would probably have to train Nessie to go around biting holes in them at night just to stay busy man!!! Problem-reaction-solution Octo…DAMN that Nessie, what a menace!!!
Occultist freaky tourists probably visit the place 24/7, so I would turn half of that house into a haunted exhibit and charge admission, complete with a talking Crowley ghost hologram and floors that shake, plus lots of memorabilia for sale. I would live in the other half, and probably add a heated indoor pool on that side at least.
February 4, 2010 at 1:24 am
“I would probably have to train Nessie to go around biting holes in them at night just to stay busy man!!! Problem-reaction-solution Octo…DAMN that Nessie, what a menace!!!”
Cutting someone to sell them a bandaid! Now you’re thinking, man.
Several people associated with Crowley commited suicide, but I think it had more to do with their psychic fragility, which A.C. undoubtedly exacerbated, possibly intentionally.
He mentioned the parasitic nature of the Jew, and seemed a racialist, like any sane man of his time, but then made statements like this one, like the ambivalent Nietzsche:
“They look for a victim to chivy, and howl him down, and finally lynch him in a sheer storm of sexual frenzy which they honestly imagine to be moral indignation, patriotic passion or some equally allowable emotion, it may be an innocent Negro, a Jew like Leo Frank, a harmless half-witted German; a Christ-like idealist of the type of Debs, an enthusiastic reformer like Emma Goldman.”
The only interesting story about him is the mountaineering deaths incident after which no one would climb with him. I would like to know what really happened there, and won’t bother researching it because verifying things Crowley is about as easy as verifying things on…well…other very influential personages.
He had some disgusting habits.
Snakefist, Itz.
Did he sell his soul for rock n’ roll?
February 4, 2010 at 5:27 am
Cannibal Rabbi
Octo.It,s clear that creepy crowley was a c-nt,and not in a good way.Sir(if you please)pall mc’fartney was always a knee creeping bastard,totally in love with himself.He ended up being schlubbed by a one legged harpy whore as spiritually insubstantial as himself.Turds of a feather.Old Kurt was out to “shock” in a juvenile way,to be “against”.He so wanted to be this. Jealous cowards try to control
Rise above
We’re gonna rise above
They distort what we say
Rise above
We’re gonna rise above
Try and stop what we do
Rise above
When they can’t do it themselves
We are tired of your abuse
Try to stop us it’s no use
Society’s arms of control
Rise above
We’re gonna rise above
Think they’re smart
Can’t think for themselves
Rise above
We’re gonna rise above
Laugh at us
Behind our backs
I find satisfaction
In what they lack
We are tired of your abuse
Try to stop us it’s no use
We are born with a chance
Rise above
We’re gonna rise above
I am gonna have my chance
Rise above
We’re gonna rise above
We are tired of your abuse
Try to stop us it’s no use
Rise above
Rise above
Rise above
We’re gonna rise above
We’re gonna rise above
We’re gonna rise above
Then he gets sucked up by the jew record company.Next step he get seduced by a smelly old kike bitch with an eye to the main chance,who takes over his very life.They get hitched and shit a crypto(marriage?rock’n'roll????whos’ idea was that i wonder?)Old Kurt realises his planet sized error ,and seeing no honorable way out ,cashes in his chips.The stinkbag jewslag gets up at an impromptu memorial,squeezes out some kikepiss “tears”in the role of the injured party,and strolls off into the sunset with the unearned $$$$$$$$$$$$$ of anothers sweat.Goy too.Perfect .Job done.Good old Mark.E.Smith(The Fall)hit the right note when he opined,”If i was married to that,i’d top myself”.
February 4, 2010 at 6:09 am
Well I think Kurt Cobain and Henry Rollins are both full shit….
February 4, 2010 at 6:21 am
Cannibal Rabbi
You’ll get no argument about that outta me mister.Meanwhile exclusive footage of anne franks’(for the memory) evil murderers.
February 4, 2010 at 6:38 am
Henry Rollins before he discovered the barbells. The directionless anger of punk, like an AK-47 smoking and spraying on full auto, ricochets and Masonry chips everywhere, instead of one thoughtful, well placed shot.
February 4, 2010 at 6:46 am
February 4, 2010 at 6:50 am
“The last thing people like Ben Bernanke, the kike who was just sworn in for a second term as Federal Reserve want, is for America to realize that a bunch of jews hi-jacked our economy, our government, and stole our homes right out from under us.”- Adam Austin
February 4, 2010 at 7:21 am
Fairly recent movie (2008) about the infamous Beast 666 father Perderabo…
February 4, 2010 at 7:38 am
The beast in me
Is caged by frail and fragile bars
Restless by day
And by night, rants and rages at the starts
God help the beast in me
The beast in me
Has had to learn to live with pain
And how to shelter from the rain
And in the twinkling of an eye
Might have to be restrained
God help the beast in me
Sometimes it tries to kid me
That it’s just a teddy bear
Or even somehow manage
To vanish in the air
Then that is when I must beware
Of the beast in me
That everybody knows
They’ve seen him out dressed in my clothes
Patently unclear
If it’s New York, or New Year
God help the beast in me
The beast in me
February 4, 2010 at 7:57 am
Henry Rollins the all too vocal advocate for gay rights;
Comments on the murdering thieves in Israel
“I dig it, I embrace it, I draw strength from Israel”
OK I get it Henry Garfield your like a gay guy who was frustrated in your youth cause you were gay and jewish, but now your cool with it.
Henry: “Im a jackass of all trades”
degenerate idiot…
February 4, 2010 at 8:50 am
The jews have robbed this country blind. There is no money left. How the hell they are keeping it afloat, I don’t know. But I say let IT FALL!
Maybe, finally, it will get the White man away from his beer and boob tube and do something about this mess.
GDL/Whitemaster, your quote:
“That comment by that demented Jew bitch was supposed to be funny huh? I would like to hear someone say: I hope Hitler did kill 6 million Jews, I’d do it again, I f**kin do it again in a heartbeat!”
I heard a great quote once from my pastor about the Jews. He says that the jews say there is no statute of limitations on Nazi “War Crimes”.
His response: Then there’s no statute of limitations on the crucifiction of Jesus Christ, after all the Jews did say let the blood be on us and our children.
The videos with Larry David and Bob Fagget were real eye openers showing the utter pervertion of the jews. This is how they think of our beautiful Goy daughters and what they think should happen to children.
God’s chosen my foot! By their works ye shall know these devils!
February 4, 2010 at 9:05 am
Cannibal Rabbi
Henry Rollins the all too vocal advocate for gay rights;
Comments on the murdering thieves in Israel
“I dig it, I embrace it, I draw strength from Israel”
OK I get it Henry Garfield your like a gay guy who was frustrated in your youth cause you were gay and jewish, but now your cool with it.
Henry: “Im a jackass of all trades”
degenerate idiot…
Can’t argue with that.
February 4, 2010 at 10:02 am
Cannibal Rabbi
Octo.Notice how Finklestein plays the same”suffering” card his blubbering interlocuter farts forth so as to assume the moral high ground.See what he did there?It’s like i say about telling the truth in the service of a bigger lie.It’s what they do.Finklestein claims his father was taken from a death camp(Auschwitz)on a death march.Prettaay,prettay deft piece of flim-flam.If his story is to stand up to scrutiny,Finklestein should be the second Immaculate Conception.If on the other hand Finklestein was fathered by a mortal then Auschwitz was just a camp and the”death march” was simply a walk.An amble.A stroll.A hike.What seems to drive Finklesteins animus towards shitrael is the fact his parents only recieved $3,500 bucks from the reparations scam.He is a sharp guy so i find it hard to believe he is unaware of the contradictions.I like Nick Lowe.He alsowrote the following toe tapper.Back in a minute.I have to take the dog for a “death march”.
February 4, 2010 at 11:25 am
KA Telegraph
At 1.00 am UK time on this date, 4th February 2010, the Editor was informed that the following were arrested on 3rd February 2010:
• Tony Blair, former British Prime Minister.
• Dr Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board
• Please note that the foregoing statement IS ACCURATE. CONSTRUE what has just been stated: The Editor was informed by transatlantic telephone at the time and date stated here, of the above arrests. This, we repeat, is 100% ACCURATE as presented to you. That’s what we’ve been told.
• Note: The possible ‘cover’ for the arrest of Blair may have been the fact that when the respected former British Labour Government Cabinet Minister, Clair Short, testified on 2nd February 2010 at the Chilcot Inquiry into whether Britain’s participation in the Iraq War was illegal, she denounced Blair as a liar, deceiver and con artist. Specifically, Ms. Short stated that Blair lied to his Cabinet and misled Britain’s Parliament over the Iraq War, accusing Blair of personally ‘conning’ her and of ‘deceiving the Cabinet, Parliament and the public’. Ms. Clare Short said that when she tried to question the legal case for war in Cabinet, she was jeered at, and Blair told her to ‘be quiet’. [Sources: Daily Telegraph, 3rd February 2010, page 12; The Times, 3rd February 2010, page 14].”
wow, but I don’t believe it!
February 4, 2010 at 10:19 pm
“Notice how Finklestein plays the same”suffering” card his blubbering interlocuter farts forth so as to assume the moral high ground.See what he did there?It’s like i say about telling the truth in the service of a bigger lie.It’s what they do.”
I put this stuff up here for those with eyes to see and ears to hear. Uncle Wolf said if a ticzim tells the truth it’s to hide an even bigger lie, and that’s exactly what the mission of Finkelstein and Shamir is, to take you 95% of the way, then make a sharp turn just before the inevitable destination that neither one ever reaches — that Judaism itself is to blame for all this needless suffering.
Jacques Ellul said the purpose of modern propanganda is not to fill your head with shit per se, it’s to render you unable to assess the truth. E.G., I was once watching The Sopranos with my parents, when Tony’s mother learns Tony is seeing a psychiatrist. “That’s just a racket for the Jews,” was her plainly accurate, if not somewhat understated response.
My parents laughed dismissively. Mission accomplished, Izzy.
February 10, 2010 at 9:02 am
Fleur de lis
Speaking of Bad metals…………Radioactive metal consumer products from China.
I think I posted this before. I would be very wary of all metal objects (potential soft kill objects) from China.
Hey everyone:
I was reading a book last night in which a story was told about a small pond that would not freeze in the bitter winter because of a very radioactive stone at the bottom. I got to thinking about this story and all the Chinese goods they say are potentially radioactive from this past Scripps article.
Since it is bitter cold outside in my area, at present, I decided to add a couple inches of tap water to my dog’s metal watering bowl and see what happens. Low and f#$ckin behold the water did not freeze all last night in the below 20 degree coldness outside.
The water in the bottom 3/4″ did not freeze at all and was melt water. The ice above it that formed had very strange radiating air spikes within the ice. You could tell the ice that formed on top was not very frozen solid, nor did it exhibit any crystalization patterns of solid ice. I threw that bowl out immediately this morning.
Also, A small metal mixing bowl I have was able to freeze the water, but the ice slipped out of the bowl immediately with some melt water at the bottom (I checked it as soon as I brought it inside). Not at all expected for freezing temps all night long. I threw this out too.
I am now in the process of checking all my metal pots and other small items to see if water will freeze around them.
Any thoughts about this?
March 16, 2010 at 1:37 pm
This vid of Finklesteins exhibits the typical ‘circular’ logic used to avoid the subject & pile on more BS as soon as he can.
March 16, 2010 at 1:38 pm
P.S. Thanks for the Fink vid. Octo.
March 16, 2010 at 1:40 pm
Also, this & other methods are learned & inculcated whilst studying the Bab. Tal. .
April 25, 2010 at 10:15 am
Just received this email from the jew Democratic party. Notice Goldman Sachs is not on the list of banks to be broken up. Jew bankers are apparently trying to consolidate their banking power via the Executive branch with these new banking reform bills. I guess they don’t need their lesser banking brothers having too much power over the economy with fraud, and relish the idea of just taking them over (via Executive branch decisions) if they feel they become a problem. Bob Fertik the writer sounds like a jew to me:
America’s four largest banks – Citibank, Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, and WellsFargo – have assets of $7.4 trillion, equal to 52% of our entire GDP.
The collapse of any one would endanger the American economy, even the world economy. They are truly “too big to fail.” They also have too much economic and political power because of their enormous size.
Tell Congress: Break Up the Big Banks Now
Senators Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Ted Kaufman (D-DE) introduced a bold bill – the SAFE Banking Act (S. 3241) – to break up the big Wall Street banks. This may be the biggest reform of Wall Street and corporate power in 80 years.
According to the New York Times, “The [SAFE Banking Act] would reinforce a 1994 law that bars any single bank from holding more than 10% of the nation’s total deposits, or about $750 billion. In the years since then, large firms have obtained waivers or used loopholes in the law to exceed that ceiling.” It would also limit total bank borrowing to 2% of GDP.
Tell Congress: Break Up the Big Banks Now
The bill has broad progressive support, including Dean Baker of the Center for Economic and Policy Research, Chris Hayes of The Nation, Prof. Lawrence Lessig, Heather Booth of Americans for Financial Reform, Adam Quinn of Credo, David Arkush of Public Citizen, and Jan Frel of Alternet.
In addition, three Federal Reserve bank presidents – James Bullard, president and chief executive of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis’ Kansas City Fed President Thomas M. Hoenig, and Dallas Fed President Richard W. Fisher – all support breaking up too-big-to-fail banks.
Tell Congress: Break Up the Big Banks Now
Thanks for all you do!
Bob Fertik