Heart-breaking photo of a dead child’s bloody hand holding a tiny crucifix; victim of the terrible Beslan school tragedy of 2004 — the end result of pure Jewish greed* (more below).
INCOG MAN’S INTRODUCTION: Now, if you came here thinking I’m nothing but some evil White “hater” and “Conspiracy Theorist,” etc. etc., you had better think again. The kind of people exposed by a Jew below, are exactly like those now raping the US and sending off our children to kill and be killed for them. Isn’t it long past the time for you to be going along with how these people tell you to think?
Uri Avnery tells us these seven Oligarchs plundered their way to power and how presidential candidates in the US are beholden to the same kinds of “cabals of billionaires.”
When you read the following article written by an Israeli Jew (my bracket notes in red), please make clear note of a few things: 1) The TV series he’s discussing could only be shown in Israel. What’s that tell you? 2) Six of the seven oligarchs were Jewish. 3) He states: “Berezovsky boasts that he caused the war in Chechnya.” This conflict resulted in the above tragedy in Beslan, committed by Muslim Chechen separatists trying to get some payback on Russians who had killed their own children. Read on.
In no way do I ever imply such acts to be justifiable, however, there are hidden causes purposefully ignored by the US media simply because of the Jew’s involvement. Disgustingly, some Jew anti-Muslim propagandists now use the Beslan tragedy to illustrate how evil Muslims are, when it was money-grubbing Jews who started the whole conflict to gain access to oil! Just like Iraq and even Afghanistan (drugs are also a big factor there).
Another thing to keep in mind is that Peter Orszag (right), Obama’s Director of Management and Budget, was once an adviser to these evil Jew Oligarchs when they started their 1990′s rape fest on Russia. Jew-manipulated Wikipedia goes to great lengths to avoid mentioning his Jewishness, describing him as merely ”Hungarian” in the discussion page and saying absolutely nothing about his time advising the oligarchs in Russia. His bio entry had to have been edited by Jewry.
After this, Orszag went to work for fellow Jew Robert Rubin in the Clinton White house, right as Rubin was pushing to drop regulations of credit derivatives; resulting in the mortgage-backed securities mess behind today’s current economic woes. In addition to all this Orszag then went to work as a consultant to the Central Bank of Iceland and it, too, went kaput last year from massive losses.
Everywhere this rotten little Jew goes, big trouble is sure to follow.
The oligarchs: Or how the virgin became a whore
By Uri Avnery, (written in 2004)
This is a TV series about Russia. But it could have been about Israel. Or about the United States. It is entitled “The oligarchs” and is now being screened on Israeli television. [don't hold your breath for this to air on the History Channel]
Some of its episodes are simply unbelievable — or would have been, if they had not come straight from the horses’ mouths: the heroes of the story, who gleefully boast about their despicable exploits. The series was produced by Israeli immigrants from Russia.
The “oligarchs” are a tiny group of entrepreneurs who exploited the disintegration of the Soviet system to loot the treasures of the state and to amass plunder amounting to hundreds of billions of dollars. In order to safeguard the perpetuation of their business, they took control of the state. Six out of the seven are Jews. [I bet the 7th Gentile was owned by the Jews]
In popular parlance they are called “oligarchs” — from the Greek word meaning “rule of the few.”
In the first years of post-Soviet Russian capitalism they were the bold and nimble ones who knew how to exploit the economic anarchy in order to acquire enormous possessions for a hundredth or a thousandth of their value: oil, natural gas, nickel and other minerals. They used every possible trick, including cheating, bribery and murder. Every one of them had a small private army. In the course of the series they are proud to tell in great detail how they did it. [Jews so love to brag to other Jews]
But the most intriguing part of the series recounts the way they took control of the political apparatus. After a period of fighting each other, they decided that it would be more profitable for them to cooperate in order to take over the state.
At the time, President Boris Yeltsin was in a steep decline. On the eve of the new elections for the presidency, his rating in public opinion polls stood at 4 per cent. He was an alcoholic with a severe heart disease, working about two hours a day. The state was, in practice, ruled by his bodyguard and his daughter; corruption was the order of the day.
The oligarchs decided to take power through him. They had almost unlimited funds, control of all TV channels and most of the other media. They put all these at the disposal of Yeltsin’s re-election campaign, denying his opponents even one minute of TV time and pouring huge sums of money into the effort. (The series omits an interesting detail: they secretly brought over the most outstanding American election experts and copywriters, who applied methods previously unknown in Russia.) [think about our media's behavior in the last election resulting in Obama]
The campaign bore fruit: Yeltsin was indeed re-elected. On the very same day he had another heart attack and spent the rest of his term in hospital. In practice, the oligarchs ruled Russia. One of them, Boris Berezovsky, wheedled his way to the upper echelons of power. There was a minor scandal when it became known that he (like most of the oligarchs) had acquired Israeli citizenship, but he gave up his Israeli passport and everything was in order again. [in America, they don't worry about this]
By the way, Berezovsky boasts that he caused the war in Chechnya, in which tens of thousands have been killed and a whole country devastated. He was interested in the mineral resources and a prospective pipeline there. In order to achieve this he put an end to the peace agreement that gave the country some kind of independence. The oligarchs dismissed and destroyed Alexander Lebed, [killed in a very suspicious helicopter crash] the popular general who engineered the agreement, and the war has been going on since then. [look at how long we've been in Iraq and Afghanistan]
September 1, 2004: Chechen separatists (disputed by some) captured 1200 people at local school #1 in Ossetia, southern Russia. They spent 53 hours without food and water, crowded in the school’s gymnasium and the children witnessed beatings and shootings of parents and teachers. Then, one of the terrorist’s bombs went off accidentally (as per officials, but it may have been outside snipers that caused it), forcing Russian elite “FSB” troops to attempt a rescue. In the horrific bloodbath that followed, 344 civilians were killed, at least 172 were mere children.
In the end, there was a reaction: Vladimir Putin, the taciturn and tough ex-KGB operative, assumed power, took control of the media, put one of the oligarchs (Mikhail Khodorkovsky) in prison, caused the others to flee (Berezovsky is in England, Vladimir Gusinsky is in Israel, another, Mikhail Chernoy, is assumed to be hiding here). [this is why you see so many bad things about Putin in the Jewish US media]
Since all the exploits of the oligarchs occurred in public, there is a danger that the affair might cause an increase in anti-Semitism in Russia. Indeed, the anti-Semites argue that these doings confirm the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”, a document fabricated by the Russian secret police a century ago, purporting to reveal a Jewish conspiracy to control the world. [not so fast Jew, no one has proved that — no matter what the Jews say]
Moving from Russia to America — the same thing happened, of course, in the US, but more than a hundred years ago. At the time, the great “robber barons”, Morgan, Rockefeller at al., all of them good Christians [Morgan was found to be in the employ of the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers are known crypto-Jews], used very similar methods to acquire capital and power on a massive scale. Today, it works in far more refined ways.
In the present election campaign, the candidates collect hundreds of millions of dollars. George W. Bush and John Kerry both brag about their talent for raising enormous sums of money. From whom? From pensioners? From the mythical “old lady in tennis shoes”? Of course not, but from the cabals of billionaires, the giant corporations and powerful lobbies (arms dealers, Jewish organizations [via AIPAC], doctors, lawyers and such). Many of them give money to both candidates — just to be on the safe side [this is the standard operating procedure of the Jew — play both ends of the stick].
All of these expect, of course, to receive a generous bonus when their candidate is elected. “There is no such thing as a free lunch,” as the right-wing economist Milton Friedman wrote. As in Russia, every dollar (or rouble) invested wisely in an election will yield a ten — or hundred-fold return [like Wall Street and Israel, as we know].
The problem is rooted in the fact that presidential candidates (and all other candidates for political office) need ever increasing amounts of money. Elections are fought out mainly on TV and cost huge sums. It is not a coincidence that all the present candidates in the US are multimillionaires. The Bush family has amassed a fortune from the oil business (helped by its political connections, of course.) Kerry [part Jewish] is married to one of the richest women [Jewish] in America, who was once the wife of the ketchup king, Henry John Heinz. Dick Cheney was the chief of a huge corporation that has garnered contracts worth billions in Iraq. John Edwards, candidate for vice-president, has made a fortune as a trial lawyer.
From time to time there is talk in America about reforming election finances, but nothing worthwhile ever comes of it. None of the oligarchs has any interest in changing a system that enables them to buy the government of the United States.
In Israel, too, talk about “money and power” is now in vogue. Ariel Sharon [a murderous Zionist terrorist] and one of his two sons have been suspected of accepting bribes from a real estate magnate. An indictment was blocked by the new attorney-general who happened to be appointed by the Sharon government at the height of the affair. Another investigation into Sharon and his sons is still pending. [Omri agreed to a plea deal but has yet to serve any time, Sharon is now a vegetable after a stroke] It concerns millions of dollars that reached his election coffers by roundabout routes, crossing three continents.
Shimon Peres’s connections with multimillionaires are well-known [even "just like a virgin" Madonna, right], as are the huge sums poured out by American Jewish multimillionaires for extreme right-wing causes in Israel. One of the Russian oligarchs is the part-owner of the second biggest Israeli newspaper.
A political scandal concerning the Israeli minister for infrastructure has mushroomed into an affair involving giant multinational corporations competing for contracts for supplying natural gas to the Israeli Electricity Company, an affair of billions in which underworld figures, politicians and private investigators play their parts. This disclosure has made it clear to Israelis that here, too, politicians of the highest rank have long ago been acting as mercenaries for powerful financial interests. [that's the deal, people]
These facts must alarm everybody who cares about democracy — in Israel, Russia, the United States and elsewhere. Oligarchy and democracy are incompatible. As a Russian commentator in the TV series said about the new Russian democracy: “They have turned a virgin into a whore.” [they've turned the US into a whore a long time ago]
This evil little Jew lives free and clear on his ill-gotten gains in England today.
Boris Berezovsky later fled to London and received Political Asylum (more likely paid off government Jews). He’s been convicted in absentia for embezzlement in Russia; many other countries from Brazil to the Ukraine want him for criminal activities, such as money laundering and financing terrorists. In 2003, he changed his name to Platon Elenin, with Platon being the name of a character in the movie “Tycoon,” based on his life. He also partnered in business with George W. Bush’s younger brother, Neil. Big surprise, eh?
In 2006, Alexander Litvinenko (ex-pat Russian writer closely associated with Berezovsky) died from poisoning from the highly radioactive Polonium- 210. The Zionist-owned US media were quick to point their fingers at Putin (just like they did on the case of the Moscow reporter, Anna Politkovskaya, wacked in an elevator by a unknown hitman). ABC told it’s viewers on 20/20 that only Russia and the US were capable of manufacturing Polonium — transparently alluding to Putin ordering the hit — when that fact was patently false: Israel can make Polonium, too. In the late 1950′s Israel even had a major laboratory accident with the stuff, killing quite a few scientists. This has never been reported on in the US mainstream press (because the least mention of an Israeli Bomb is off-limits by the Zionist-controlled US media).
If you’ve read so far, I implore you to start speaking out about these evil people to all you know. The US is now in a real bad way and it’s going to take all of us to put a stop to them. If you blow it all off only simply because you think I’m a “Nazi” or “White supremacist,” then that’s exactly what these evil people want you to do. They want White America to turn a blind eye to what they do in the world and for us to foolishly blame anything or anyone else, just as long as we don’t breathe a word about the almighty Jew!
The problem has been right in front of our noses, all along. Take a stand to put a stop to these devious people!
— Phillip Marlowe
* Now, I realize that blaming Beslan on greedy Jews like Berezovsky may strike you as unfair, etc. etc., but I assure you that if you stand back and seriously look at history over the last one hundred years or so, and study it in-depth — not just the simple way its always portrayed by the mainstream media — you’ll see a pattern of Jew machinations unbelievable in scope for what they do in the world (money, power, and especially anything to do with Israel), regardless of how much pain and suffering it brings. Regardless.
One big problem is that American Whites rarely know who’s Jewish or not. Russian Jew names (other countries like Italy, too) are invisible as compared to English Jewish names. Plus, Jews often purposefully change their names to Gentile-sounding ones to fool the Goyim. Figure it out!
Comments feed for this article
September 9, 2009 at 5:49 pm
“This is a perpetual danger, and every people must fight against the racists in their midst”.
That is why it is essential to fight you and your brethren jews
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, racism is a belief or ideology that all members of each racial group possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially to distinguish it as being either superior or inferior to another racial group or racial groups. The Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary defines racism as a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular racial group, and that it is also the prejudice based on such a belief. The Macquarie Dictionary defines racism as: “the belief that human races have distinctive characteristics which determine their respective cultures, usually involving the idea that one’s own race is superior and has the right to rule or dominate others.”
so you may apply all the sophisms you want, but at the core, all this BS about
“Gods Chosen” and the war waged against humanity due to this lie IS the quintecential racism.
you people declared it long, long ago, you will be defeated
September 9, 2009 at 5:54 pm
Goy with two brain cells
Andrew Jew,
Look just shove your Jew-di mind tricks up your Jew ass already. People of European heritage hate Jews because they’ve achieved HISTORICAL AWARENESS of the Jews’ staggering singular CRIMES against them. If Americans in general do not distrust and resent Jews, this is because they’re pathetic brainwashed fools who are NOT historically aware. When the Jews did 9-11 themselves, this gave every American every right to hate their guts with a passion.
September 9, 2009 at 5:59 pm
Andrew-How is your day? Hope all is well. Man that Uri can write. Its nice to hear a smart well writen counterpoint thats not full of threats and anger. That really speaks to me. Thanx. And you gotta admit, that hungarian joke was funny no matter what side of the fence your on. Now I’d like to ask you two questions & would you answer them honestly without throwing out a quote from Mr. Avnery; (1)Are you Israeli? (2) Do you think anyone anywhere should be imprisoned for denying the holacaust? Tic for tac I’ll tell you this- My real name is Rock ,I hail from southeastern U.S.A.(hence the bad spelling).
September 9, 2009 at 5:59 pm
couldnt have said it better myself Goyw2bc! (really, i couldnt have)
i voted for Dr. Paul myself, this man knowing the deal on Iraq in 2002 is one of the reasons..
September 9, 2009 at 6:04 pm
sorry, that ron paul deal was meant for another blog… oooops!
September 9, 2009 at 6:14 pm
Biker-your hittin them hinningers kindu early are’nt ya?
September 9, 2009 at 6:16 pm
haha. naaahh, i lost my keys, my wallet, my smokes, and tried to kill myself on the kids 4wheeler last night, im taking a break for a week or so lol!
September 9, 2009 at 6:50 pm
Fleur de lis
JTJ says:
“Jews, being of the serpent seed (Enchanters is the literal translation) use enchantments, jingles, commercials, tv show, “news” and the like to BRAINWASH, which is what enchanters do.”
That really struck me as true and got me thinking. Imagine a marginal race; once local peddlers, gypsies, carpet baggers and goldsmiths now having morphed into world class con artists and mind controllers in charge of high finance, governments and big media. The JewBorg with their jewbucks and death machines.
September 9, 2009 at 7:06 pm
Andrew- I wish you would answere my two questions. I read your comment on the other page. That seemed alittle weak. Not really buying the palestinian distaste for holacaust deniers. I hate to say it pal but you putting out Uni Avnery’s articles and not answering my questions doesnt look good. Kinda looks like your just putting out propaganda. I still like to hear both sides of everything and I enjoy his writing so please answere me. But YOU answere me. Thanx.
September 9, 2009 at 7:15 pm
One way the JEW pushes multiculturalism in areas that would normally have nothing to do with it (5,000 or less and White), is to encourage foster parenting by the local Whites.
This way they can embed a few niglets, who will get treated equal b/c White parents, and then they might end up dating a White. It’s all under the guise of being “open-minded”, and the excuse is charity. JEWS can’t bus Negroes in to these area just yet, so connive resort to softer tactics.
September 9, 2009 at 9:02 pm
Leif Oldhart
PLEASE HELP (Two kind favors I’ll ask of you).
1.) Who is the modern German painter who depicts “Russian” atrocities against German civilians — especially women at the end of the war? Who has the link to his site? It’s been a long time. Maybe the made him remove his works from the ‘Net. His work contains nothing of the sensational — he paints to expose things that happened but have been blacked out of history. His work is unforgettable. If you’ve seen it, you’ll remember it without my needing to add the details.
2.)Because… If I can come up with a suitable cover image, I propose to make a printable PDF featuring the atrocity story translated by Ingrid Rimland and linked here, with links to this blog and several other sites. I will post it online and you can download to print. It won’t be long. The cover must be an attention grabber that communicates a feeling of horror without being pornographic or overly disgusting.
You can print it and place it in dentist’s waiting rooms, and muffler shops, etc.
Just please, find me the name of that artist and a link to his site. I last saw it about the time W. Bush stole that first election.
September 9, 2009 at 9:22 pm
In our society, we can clearly see this insidious nature of the Jew. WTC 7 – Pre-wired for demolition on 9/11 as clearly stated by the Jew who just weeks before took control of the WTC complex. How do you think those airplanes hit the Twin Towers, by chance? Neocons – they ran a brilliant Mossad led operation and got a POTUS to go to war in Iraq, to benefit Israel. The US mortgage meltdown – AIG and Goldman Sachs got the US government to guarantee millions of upside down mortgages.
September 9, 2009 at 9:33 pm
so we’re now “dis-enchanted” ? LOL!
Well, hell yeah Biker68. Can you think of a better word to describe how you feel when the blinders come off and you realize you’ve been totally screwed?
Revelation 10
10 And I took the small book from the hand of the messenger and I devoured it, and it was in my mouth as sweet honey, and when I ate it, my belly had become bitter.
September 9, 2009 at 9:37 pm
White Master
When you realize you have been totally screwed, your life is never the same. I remember when I was awakening and found David Duke and Incog, I found myself spending time on their websites and no longer watching teevee.
Everything changes, a fire is lit within, and nothing or nobody can put that fire out. There is no going back, there is no desire to go back….only to move foward with the truth.
September 9, 2009 at 9:38 pm
Definitely not. Racism is a kind of virus that exists in every nation and in every human being. Jean-Paul Sartre said that we are all racists, the difference being that some of us realize this and fight against it, while others succumb to the evil.
Anyone who thinks that being a racist is evil is an idiot. I am PROUDLY racist. My people! My Culture! My God! All the time; every time.
September 9, 2009 at 9:42 pm
I can testify White Master.
September 9, 2009 at 9:47 pm
Pre-wired for demolition on 9/11 as clearly stated by the Jew who just weeks before took control of the WTC complex.
I am always surprised and amazed by the number of people who actually think the the feds could have simply gone onto #7; placed a few bombs and made it collapse perfectly all within a few minutes.
Our people sure have been dumbed down by Jew-run education. LOL!
Yeah Silverstein said we need to pull it, so a group of feds went in and just threw some bombs and viola – mission accomplished.
September 9, 2009 at 9:57 pm
Did a search on google. Came up with zip. Did find a lot of whinny jews though. Always happens when I type in the word German. Imagine that.
September 9, 2009 at 10:03 pm
Fleur de lis
Stranger than Fiction
This is in booklet form at Amazon.com, too. Worth reading.
September 9, 2009 at 10:43 pm
Leif Oldhart
Thanks James. I’ll keep looking.
September 10, 2009 at 12:06 am
Fleur de lis
This is an interesting read deep in the rabbit hole. Tim Rifat interview on Rense
September 10, 2009 at 1:48 am
Fleur de lis,
Whoever wrote that article is full of it. There was never a time when it was acceptable to stone Jews in Europe. There was a time when they were confined to ghettos but that was because of their usury; plus the fact that white European children had this nasty habit is disappearing when the Jews were given free reign. There may well have been some isolated incidences of retribution (I think I can recall a few) but they were never sanctioned. It was simply the result of the evil practices of certain Jews which got the Christian population enraged; and rightly so.
Let’s not forget that it was Poppea (a jew) who convinced the Caesar to begin his persecution of the Christians and it was the Jews who opened the gates of the city while the locals slept, during the Moorish invasion.
Quite frankly, when I read the history of that era I am surprised at the reserve of the White population.
September 10, 2009 at 3:26 am
Another piece of evidence pointing out which group benefited from the murder of John F Kennedy and his brother Robert.
Probably just another happy coincidence for the tribe.
September 10, 2009 at 4:26 am
Interesting vid and it adds another dimension to this part of history.
I believe that this helps explain why Robert was murdered, but I still believe that a bigger reason why JFK was murdered was because of his intention to destroy the jew federal reserve.
In either case, I have always believed that the Jews were behind both murders.
September 10, 2009 at 6:56 am
check this out. Germany cant be proud of the 2000 year old tribal leader that founded Germany….because of HITLER!? Jews, Zionists, and ZOG turned these people into sniveling ashamed of themselves and their history bitches…. i wonder what they have planned for US?!
September 10, 2009 at 7:02 am
“Well, hell yeah Biker68. Can you think of a better word to describe how you feel when the blinders come off and you realize you’ve been totally screwed?”
JTJ and White Master: yes… ive become “DISENCHANTED” ! like meeting your ex wives lover, or learning how MANY she’d had, its painful to understand the depth of this subversion, and stab in the back treachery.
what would happen if EVERYONE knew? we have our work cut out for us, in Europe its already illegal to question the holohoax, we have to get the message out, while its still legal! MORE whites need to WAKE UP!
GOOD on you Rock, for dropping Incog cards in public!
September 10, 2009 at 7:23 am
Whitefella: this vid shows what ive thought all along, that a conspiracy killed JFK. it also shows something i DIDNT ever consider, that JEWS and Israhell were behind it! makes you ask yourself why Teddy turned into a whore for jews and niggaz, he HAD TO, or he was a DEAD MAN! maybe thats the deal?
September 10, 2009 at 8:06 am
Kennedy gave a speech in the 60′s warning against the jew, without specifically naming them. My guess is he was well aware of the Commie jew coup in Russia in 1917 and them slaughtering millions of White Christians, and their similar intentions for the US and the rest of the White nations of the world. (Which we are all now experiencing, by the way.)
JFK was also refusing to allow It’sahell nuclear weapons. How wise he was.
Thirdly, he was making moves to 86 their lousy counterfeiting scheme, the non-Federal no-Reserve private-Bank.
Now this revelation about he and his brother again making efforts to stop their coup in the US, through bringing their loyalty to an alien nation to light.
Like General Patton said, after he got to see the subversive Commie jew first hand in the closing stages of WWII – “We fought on the wrong side.”
Hear, hear.
September 10, 2009 at 8:24 am
LEIF OLDHART: Herbert Smagon is the guy’s name, ill see if i can find a link.
September 10, 2009 at 8:25 am
i wonder which JEW swiped the money here?
September 10, 2009 at 8:27 am
HEAR, HEAR Whitefella! id heard about the federal reserve scheize… wasnt Joe Kennedy a German sympathizer? if so, HE knew the deal!
September 10, 2009 at 8:28 am
LEIF OLDHART: http://www.art-smagon.com/
September 10, 2009 at 8:31 am
LEIF, specificaly here : http://www.art-smagon.com/art002.htm
September 10, 2009 at 8:34 am
the link for the story of the one pic, showing czech jew commies murdering German children at the scharnhorst school is here:
September 10, 2009 at 9:24 am
Joe Kennedy was a supporter of Germany, biker.
So was Ireland. They well remembered that it was the jew infested English government which had deliberately starved over one million of their people to death in the middle of the 19th century, and they were aware that Germany was fighting to stop jew Communists from destroying Germany (and the rest of Europe) just as they had destroyed Russia in 1917.
The Germans failed because the governments of England and the US were just as jew infested in 1939 as England’s had previously been during the Irish Holocaust of the 1850′s.
September 10, 2009 at 11:05 am
the Germans proved that armed conflict wont work. we gatta fight fire with fire so to speak.
September 10, 2009 at 1:15 pm
The Germans failed because the governments of England and the US were just as jew infested in 1939 as England’s had previously been during the Irish Holocaust of the 1850’s.
That’s right! Hitler was very racially aware. Hitler made the mistake of thinking that blood and kinship would keep the US and UK out of the war. He did not count on the fact that England and the US were so corrupted under Jewish control. He did not know that the very leadership of these two nations were Jewish.
But Hitlers BIGGEST mistake was to think that he could destroy the Jewish-control of the German central bank and return the power of printing money to the German government. (Just as JFK was going to do).
As a result of Hitler’s actions, he made Germany an economic powerhouse that the entire world envied – even the United States! This infuriated the Jewish Banksters. What if other nations, already under their claws, decided to do the same thing? An example must be made.
Now, I am no prophet, but I predict that the same thing is going to happen in the United States. Obama is a stop-gap measure and a pawn towards creating a one-world currency. Obama, under the guidance of his Jewish masters, is deliberately bankrupting the US and blocking any method of actual recovery.
As a result of this collapse, the US will have no chance of paying any portion of its debt. This will cause world-wide economic chaos. It already is.
At this point several things could happen:
The Chinese could lay claim to California per the agreement they signed with Hillary Clinton (A JEW – YES A JEW), which would lead to war.
Meet Hillary Clinton’s Grandmother, Della Rosenberg — The Feisty Wife of a Yiddish-Speaking Jewish Immigrant
Martial Law, of course, is already foretold. That will happen.
Resistance WILL happen and with good reason. I fully intend to resist by whatever means are necessary. The FEMA camps are real. They are ready and they are fully staffed; waiting to be filled.
The Jewish Banksters (and all Jews in general) will be sought as the enemies of the US, at which point the Jewish Banksters will fund China and quite possibly Russia in their war against us. (This has already started)
There’s a lot of minutia and it is impossible to predict the exact order and detail, but make no mistake; war is coming! whether we like it or not.
You are most definitely correct that the truth is crucial! We must bear the sword of truth while it is called today! We must get the warning out; we must help to open people’s eyes. This will not avoid war, but it will help prepare our people for it. Do not bother sharing this message with non-Israelites. Do not cast pearls before the swine, lest they turn and rend you asunder. This message is a racial message and it is only meant for our people. This is the final battle.
Hopefully the truly deluded JEW-deo- “Christ”ians, among our kinspeople, will open their eyes. They not only teach the falsehood that that the Edomite Jews are YHWH’s chosen people, but they also teach the message of personal salvation (a VERY selfish concept) and one Yahshua NEVER taught.
Yahshua said that each of HIS people are a stone! HE said HE is the capstone. HE came to teach the message of the kingdom, OUR KINGDOM.
HE is the head of that kingdom and each one of us Anglo-Saxon and related people are stones (building blocks) of that kingdom. This is not a kingdom made with mortal hands.
This is not about the individual and individual salvation, but about NATIONAL SALVATION! And this nation is not determined by man made borders. It is determine solely and exclusively by RACE – our race – HIS race.
The good news is that the outcome is already foretold. And although it will be a time of Jacob’s trouble such as the world has NEVER seen, we will win.
Teach the truth! Prepare for war!
YHWH bless and keep ALL my kinspeople.
September 10, 2009 at 1:22 pm
Just for reference, here is an excellent news aggregator:
September 10, 2009 at 1:24 pm
Here we see JEWS at work pushing their agenda all around the world:
September 10, 2009 at 1:43 pm
kerdasi amaq
We all encounter more than our share of foolish blog posts. Most of the time you simply have to let them be. You could spend the rest of your life correcting drones and automatons who will never have an original or unconventional thought no matter how much you prod them. Their seventh-grade teacher, who was also the track coach, taught them what they know, and they’re sticking to it.
Once in a while, though, for your own sake and for the sake of readers who suspect the post is all wrong but aren’t quite sure why,…
Now, you may say I am being too hard on Che. The poor kid is just repeating what he learned in junior high. How can I blame him? This sort of propaganda is what kids are taught, and we can’t fault Che for simply repeating whatever his teacher said.
I blame him for being so incorrigibly incurious. The brighter kids figure out they’re being fed propaganda of the crudest and most obvious kind, which is designed to make them obedient little servants of their overlords, who claim to protect them from the evil exploiters they read about in their textbooks. These kids seek out the truth, and discover that the real exploiters are the overlords themselves, parasites on the productive economy, who live on the fruits of other people’s labor while blaming the resulting social ills on the various bogeymen the kids have been taught to hate.
The slower kids, by contrast, memorize what the teacher tells them, reproduce it on the test, and repeat it like drones for the rest of their lives.
September 10, 2009 at 1:45 pm
Hillary is a JEW?!?! my god! im actually LAUGHING! where does it frickin END?! just like Billy Mays, i NEVER would have guessed it!
September 10, 2009 at 1:49 pm
kerdasi amaq
I pasted the relevant bits.
September 10, 2009 at 1:51 pm
especially in the age of information Kerdasi, it was different when i was a kid. not to excuse myself for my late coming around, but we had 3 channels growing up that we got with the UHF antenna! all from Pittsburgh. and the ONLY news was word of mouth, or the daily (6 pages, sometimes 7 or paper. that and EVERYONE was a WASP, the darkest we sawin and around ‘town’ were some Italians lol!
with the way things are today though, and all the information available, there really is no excuse…
September 10, 2009 at 1:54 pm
i hit something wrong, the dude in the shades was supposed to be ( )
September 10, 2009 at 1:58 pm
Goy with two brain cells
biker68: “it also shows something i DIDNT ever consider, that JEWS and Israhell [killed JFK]!”
Oh, biker, do I have a book for you!
Michael Collins Piper
Final Judgment: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy
The PDF ebook can be had FOR FREE! (use the ‘download’ button in this site’s text viewer):
September 10, 2009 at 2:38 pm
thanks goy! im on it now..
September 10, 2009 at 2:41 pm
Goy with two brain cells
“not to excuse myself for my late coming around, but we had 3 channels growing up that we got with the UHF antenna! all from Pittsburgh.”
Excuse my impertinence, biker68, but I’d say that’s why you’ve come around AT ALL. The more JEW-VISION people are exposed to, especially at a tender age, the more hopelessly their brains are ruined by it. That’s all it really does! You’re not open to the truth DESPITE an early lack of Jew-vision, but BECAUSE of it. If you’d grown up suckin down 500 channels like the repulsive brats clogging the landscape today, you’d just be another mindless Jew’s robot, like them.
I was driving through a town like something out of a Norman Rockwell painting today, middle of nuthin America, GLORIOUS— and then I saw this strapping white teenager, perfectly good heroic European stock… wearing a HOODY with the hood up on a warm day, walking all nigger-akimbo. Wearing a goddam NIGGER COSTUME, biker, and acting like a fucking brain-damaged mountain gorilla. I could have pulled over and beat him into a coma. The JEW-VISION did that to him, that and another Jew OCCULT front, “popular music.”
I grew up just like you, with just a few channels on a crummy little black-and-white JEW-BOX, and I am positive this has a lot to do with my ability to actually think and SEE.
September 10, 2009 at 2:42 pm
“Unfortunately, they are tripping over themselves and being caught in the very web they are spinning. At this point, we have more denials over this story than actually facts.”
JEWS misleading JEWS? Imagine that.
September 10, 2009 at 2:55 pm
GRRRR dont ya hate that?! everything is effin BACKWARDS! we are acting like THEM! if everyone was acting like US, we wouldnt have this problem would we? but i see your point, white youth are being saturated with the idea that THEY are inferior, and should aspire to be as nonwhite as possible. the 1 black kid in school with mine is only half… his mommy took off to the city, got in with the niggers, and rumor is they passed her around like a doobie at a dead concert. when she got knocked up they all dropped her, and she ran home to the woods… why did this happen ? FIVE HUNDRED CHANNELS OF JEW SPEW!!! dont you wish you were COOL?! and BLACK?! fuckin REVOLTING!
September 10, 2009 at 3:01 pm
Looks like women aren’t too happy with Jewish Feminism:
“A survey of nearly 4,000 women, conducted by Woman’s Day and AOL Living, found that 67% of American women would change what they do “in a heartbeat.”
Another 79% said “no way” would they want their kids to follow in their footsteps.”
September 10, 2009 at 3:06 pm
Hillary is a JEW?!?! my god! im actually LAUGHING! where does it frickin END?! just like Billy Mays, i NEVER would have guessed it!
And no one actually knows who Billy Clinton’s dad is either. Officially Blythe is his biological father but many have commented that he looks nothing like his supposed biological father.
Furthermore, Billy boy has given us clues:
Former President Bill Clinton said yesterday he would head back to the campaign trail for Barack Obama in Florida once the Jewish holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, which he’s not known to observe, were over.
Now, none of these holidays are actually holidays that the true Israelites ever celebrated. These are made up by the Jews through the traditions of the Elders.
Clinton always arranged his Presidential schedule around Jewish holidays.
We were warned of TARES (Children of Cain) among the WHEAT (Israel) precisely because the tares and wheat look almost EXACTLY the same. Yahshua said that they only way to tell them apart was by their “fruits” (actions and beliefs).
And here’s a clincher for me:
Chelsea Clinton will marry Marc Mezvinsky on Martha’s Vineyard this summer, the Boston Globe reported.
Mezvinsky is the son of former Iowa congressman Edward Mezvinsky and former Pennsylvania congresswoman Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky. Like Clinton, he studied at Stanford University in California. He’s also familiar with parental scandal: his father pleaded guilty in 2002 to tricking investors out of over $10 million.
Clinton has been dating Mezvinsky, an investment banker with Goldman Sachs, since 2005.
And if you haven’t guessed it, Mezvinshy is a Jew.
The revelation of the Clinton’s “Jewishness” was designed to be a plus, but it backfired among many of their supporters. (People from all walks of life are starting to see the Jewish snake…)
About the time that the presumed engagement of the Jew Mazvinsky to the Jewess Chelsea broke, the news and Internet were flooded by this story:
A Kenyan man’s offer of 40 goats and 20 cows for Chelsea Clinton’s hand in marriage may still be on the table — and Hillary Rodham Clinton has promised to convey the “very kind offer” to her daughter. BLAH, BLAH, BLAH…
I believe this was an orchestrated event in order to relegate the bigger “Chelsea/Mezvinsky” story off the radar screen. It would have been easy to downplay such event on TV and print media. After all the Jews control that. The Internet is another thing, which is why if you try to search about Chelsea’s life, Jewishness or her relationship with the Edomite Jew Mezvinsky, you instead come up with lines upon lines of that asinine “Kenyan Goat” story instead.
The Jews are master of enchantments and enchantments is nachash and nachash is sometimes translated as “snake”, the very word used in the Eden recount of Genesis.
The created being that conversed with Eve in the garden was not an animal. There is nothing in the Hebrew that would provide any credible support to conclude that this being speaking with Eve was an animal. This was an intelligent, knowledgeable, and crafty created person living in the garden at the same time, and along with Adam and Eve.
In the Hebrew this being or person is called ‘Nachash.’ The Hebrew word Nachash is translated to “shine” (like brass) or whisper (as in enchantment). The Nachash was not a literal snake. The Nachash was, to use literal Hebrew, a ‘shining enchanter.’ He was also ‘shrewd’ (smooth or slick), as a descriptive term in the Hebrew for ‘naked and cunning’ in deceiving Eve.
September 10, 2009 at 3:10 pm
From the definition above: He was also ’shrewd’ (smooth or slick)
Slick Willy…Bill Clinton’s pet name and a clue.
September 10, 2009 at 3:12 pm
I am just following Incogman article and adding more columns of Uri Avneri.
I can’t understand what’s wrong about it and why are your comments so negative.
I did not see any of you guys criticizing Incogman of posting the above Uri Avneri column “How The Virgin Became a Whore”, so why criticize me, I am just doing the same thing.
Uri Avnery’s Column
He was like his name: Yehudi (a Jew in Hebrew). A Jew in the best tradition of past generations: a humanitarian, an honest man who hated violence. Like Albert Einstein, like Sigmund Freud, like Martin Buber. A carrier of “the Jewish Genius” in the best sense of the word, for the good of all of humankind.
Three years ago, when we gathered signatures from prominent personalities on a manifesto in support of a United Jerusalem as a common capital for both the State of Israel and the State of Palestine, I approached Yehudi Menuhin with great reverence, to ask him whether he would be willing to sign the proclamation, even though he did not know me. His response was prompt and generous: “Your name is (underlined) familiar to me and I hasten to add my name to your statement… May we be prepared to give with a full heart what we would expect to receive. Let us be prepared for reverses on the way, but let us pursue our goal, unhesitatingly.” I was impressed by the signature, spanning the entire width of the page.
I was reminded of this a month ago, when, once again, we were gathering signatures from prominent personalities on a manifesto which stated, “WE SUPPORT the right of the Palestinian nation to declare the establishment of the State of Palestine in all the territories of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, with united Jerusalem serving as the capital for both states — West Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and East Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine. The co-existence of Israel and Palestine, side by side, is the basis of peace, security and reconciliation between the two nations.” Again I turned to him.
His response was prompt: “Dear Mr. Avnery… I have allowed myself to suggest a slightly different wording… I do not know if you agree. I fully realize that at the present time the feelings of fear, of hate, of mistrust, an ‘independent’ Palestine would at least momentarily satisfy the cravings of the Palestinian people and would no doubt spell a relief in Israel.
“My own very personal feeling is that the establishment of two states is, in fact, a recipe for a postponed war. I know the euphoria that accompanies a declaration of independence, whether in Senegal, India, Israel and so many smaller states, but within a few years the hard reality asserts itself. Jerusalem would be, as you indicate, the first bone of contention, an outlet to the sea is a second, the sharing of waters is a third; another is Israel’s constant determination to keep the neighboring rival state weak. All these conditions will provide sufficient ground for lasting enmity.
“You are right in stressing that a united Jerusalem must serve as capital for both states. On the other hand, the Jewish population, many of whom would like to get rid of the Palestinian problem, will be the very ones that hope to do so by excluding the Palestinians permanently from Jerusalem. I would like to know what you feel, but of course I subscribe to the United Jerusalem.
“The following is the wording I would suggest:
“WE SUPPORT the right of the Palestinian people to a United Jerusalem serving as the capital of both and all people dwelling in the Holy Land. The coexistence and friendly cooperation of Jewish and Muslim peoples is the only basis for peace, security and the sorely needed reconciliation between the two cultures.”
This time too, he signed with a broad and confident full signature.
I replied to him in a lengthy letter. It was, of course, not possible to change the wording of the manifesto after 440 Israelis had already signed it. “The vision of a common state in Palestine — bi-national.multi-national or supra-national — is indeed very appealing…(But) it seems to me that a dramatic change from a total 100-years-old conflict to a state of total peace is impossible. It would demand too much of human nature as its present state of development. A great prophet, a new Moses, Jesus or Muhammed, could perhaps achieve this, but rare spiritual leaders of this stature do not come on order.”
I added that “there must be an interim stage, perhaps lasting for a generation, in which the craving for national symbols, pride and dignity must be satisfied. Without those, the Palestinian people would feel that they have been robbed of something every other nation has been granted. Also, with the present immense preponderance of Israel in all economic, technological and social fields, a joint state may well turn, at this stage, into a new replica of the old South Africa.
“The two states – Israel and Palestine – living side-by-side, with an intimate relationship imposed on them by geography and economics, might slowly create a feeling of equality and confidence which is a necessary foundation for any step forward. The sheer necessity of working together, in order to create new water resources, for example, might be beneficial. I hope that the two states will quickly grow together, on the European model…”
Menuhin replied to this in a short message by fax: “I do agree with what you say, but how are we going to handle the interim period with two states? One Jerusalem, however, would already be a blessing.”
September 10, 2009 at 3:26 pm
James… you’re the man! wow! too much info almost. but, right now ive got nothing but time, thank you!
Goy: im going to download the book tonight, i signed in and created an account, downloaded the text version, which turned out to be almost unintelligable chicken scratch, the adobe vers. is gunna take awhile, so im gunna get it before bed, thank you also!
September 10, 2009 at 3:28 pm
shalom Andrew LOL!
September 10, 2009 at 3:47 pm
Thanks for the new reference source. Bookmarked. I could probably research just the first three stories and find the dirty hand of the Jew in each of them.
Here we see JEWS at work pushing their agenda all around the world:
Percovich is a very common Jewish name. I would bet $1,000 easy that the whore Margarita Percovich is a Jew.
September 10, 2009 at 3:56 pm
draft dodger, shady business deals making he and wife multimillionaires, LEWINSKY… how the hell did i MISS these HEBE’S?! slick willy indeed!
September 10, 2009 at 4:01 pm
our country is experiencing an infestation of the jew parasite.. somewhat like my dog and the mange mite infestation I am trying to rid him of… the fuckers burrow in deep lay their eggs the eggs hatch and the process starts over.. hard to get rid of an infestation of parasite’s once they are enbedded in the host….
ps. if I am not able to rid my dog of his infestation.. I will put him down …
better he is dead than be a host for bloodsucking parasite’s.. mange mite…
September 10, 2009 at 4:11 pm
yeah Wolfgang, and the parasites invited all their asshole parasitic friends in also! kopf hoch! der kampf geht weider!
September 10, 2009 at 4:34 pm
well said biker68 well said…. we have a long hard road ahead of us brother..a long hard difficult task awaits us …. but like the old saying goes nothing worthwhile is or will be easy…
September 10, 2009 at 5:06 pm
if it would be EASY, the Jews would have already done it! or found some evangelical goy robot to do it for them! i jog every day Wolfgang, my kids and i are in taekwon-do, im at red/black belt, they’re at green. im buying a box of .30-06 rounds, along with a 5 pack of 12 gague 3″ mag 00buck…every week.
before i found this site, i just knew i should be prepared for all hell, with the way the Jews and their democrap and republicant lapdogs ran this country into the ground being the first indicator. bailouts, endless war, shit, 10 years of war broke the USSR, think it cant happen here? to the “other” superpower left at the end of the Jew contrived cold war? think again! yes brother, its gunna be a tough row to hoe, but were WHITE! and that row WILL be hoed!
September 10, 2009 at 5:19 pm
We are White Brother and you are very correct.. we will get it done… Outstanding thing you are doing ..keepin you and your familty physically strong … strong mind and body are essential to ridding ourselves of unwanted hosts… storeing ammo is wise also .. sounds to me you have your shit together… …. blessings to you my Caucasion Brother… blessings to you and yours…
ps… you are aalso dead on target about the enedless zionis wars.. they will bring this nation to its knees… happened to the russians and will happen here too… no doubt… democrap…repubican… two buckets of slop … no difference both bought and paid for by the ruling zionist elite….
September 10, 2009 at 5:32 pm
White Master
Yeah biker68,
That is alot of White Americans attitudes….”That can’t happen here!” Bullshit, it is and it will continue until the “sleeping giant” as some refer to our White race is awakened.
How far this country has tumbled downhill, why should anyone believe it could not get worse, MUCH WORSE!
September 10, 2009 at 5:54 pm
blessings to ALL of you and yours fellow caucasians!
Wolfgang, right on buddy, its already happening! our bridges are falling down, our police are defendants and the criminals plaintiffs! Washington, Franklin, and Jefferson spin in their graves as this great experiment known as America sinks into a third world laughing stock. the bible says that the end will come as a thief in the night.
whitemaster: “like a thief in the night” thats when they’ll wake up! when its too damn late..
September 10, 2009 at 8:51 pm
Short, but very illuminating quote, from Michael Collins Piper, Final Judgment –
Chapter Five
Genesis: JFK’s Secret War With Israel
The history books have told us of John F. Kennedy’s epic struggles with Fidel Castro and the Soviets in the Bay of Pigs debacle and the Cuban Missile Crisis. Yet, only in recent years have we begun to learn of Kennedy’s secret war with Israel. Much of the conflict stemmed from Israel’s determination to build a nuclear bomb.
This is a hidden history that helps explain in part the dynamic forces at work resulting in Kennedy’s assassination.
By mid-1963 Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion hated Kennedy with a passion. In fact, he considered JFK a threat to the very survival of the Jewish State.
Kennedy’s friendly overtures to the Arab states were only a public
aspect of what ultimately developed into an all-out ‘secret war’ between
Kennedy and Israel.
According to Seymour Hersh: “Israel’s bomb, and what to do about it,
became a White House fixation, part of the secret presidential agenda that would remain hidden for the next thirty years.”
As Hersh notes, quite profoundly we see in retrospect, this secret war
with Israel was never once noted by any of Kennedy’s biographers. If
indeed it had been, as we shall see, the mystery behind the JFK
assassination might have been unraveled long, long ago.
Imagine that – “never mentioned by any of Kennedy’s biographers.” Wouldn’t want the lemmings to start doing dangerous things, such as thinking.
As always with the jew, ask yourself the question – Who benefited from JFK’s murder? Castro?! (LOL)
As soon as the traitor LBJ became President guess which terrorist State got the nuclear bombs Kennedy had been blocking.
Now we have the terrorist State of It’sahell run by its usual crowd of homicidal psychopathic lunatic maniacs AND armed with an arsenal of well over 300 nuclear bombs.
The inmates really are running the asylum.
September 10, 2009 at 11:44 pm
Fleur de lis
“As soon as the traitor LBJ became President guess which terrorist State got the nuclear bombs Kennedy had been blocking.”
Whitefella, you may know that LBJ was probably jewish. His actions display it well.
……..”few know about LBJ’s actions to rescue hundreds of endangered Jews during the Holocaust — actions that could have thrown him out of Congress and into jail.”
September 11, 2009 at 2:04 am
Fleur de lis,
LBJ was most definitely Jewish; full blooded at that. So was his whore dog wife.
September 11, 2009 at 12:01 pm
Goy with two brain cells
Well, that sure does explain why LBJ was a vicious traitor, just like FDR— another crypto-Jew
September 11, 2009 at 12:21 pm
Hey Goy,
You’re reading Willie Martin. Good stuff. He was a great CI pastor too.
I suggest some of the articles at http://www.anglo-saxonisrael.com too. Eli James has written some tremendous stuff.
September 11, 2009 at 4:02 pm
Fleur de lis: thanks for the links… my god, LBJ a Jew?! would explain alot, him helping to get Kennedy out of the way so he could join Israhell at the hip to the US