Firestorm over Berlin, watercolor by a German anti-aircraft crewman.
Essay By Louis Beam 2/13/97
Though I never knew them, though they died months before I was born, I can not help but to still feel the pain of those innocent people of Dresden who suffered so unjustly, unfairly, and totally without fault February 13, 1945. They make me think of abused children suffering for something that they do not understand. Abused children in a small way share with those now departed souls of Dresden the total unjustness of this world. Innocent people would not in a fair world, a decent world, be made to suffer.
They died this night. So many of them. Bombs raining down upon their heads like manna from hell — the heads of defenseless women and children for the most part. Babies in their cribs. Sobbing children in their mothers arms. Little girls without blemish, little boys full of anticipation at the excitement life promised them. The girls became blemished heaps of burnt flesh. The promise was broken by life to the boys. There would be no future for them.
Even now, across time, distance, culture, language, and ocean, I hear their cries. Ten thousand per second raising their helpless, tortured voices for mercy. No mercy. No relief. Only painful death from planes with United States written on them.
Why did my father’s generation do this? How could they kill all these people — then not know about it?
My father a decorated, battle field commissioned, combat hardened infantry veteran of Roosevelt’s army, told me as I lay at his feet as a small child listening that “Hitler was bad but the German people were good.” The Germans were “very smart” they just had a bad leader he said. He was proud of his role as a soldier in defeating Germany. And if soldiers are without responsibilities for their role in history then he had more right then many to be proud of his many decorations.
Then in 1984 after discovering the horrible truth about Dresden I spoke to my father about it. I told him more people were killed there in a single night of fire and bombing then in England during the entire war. He said “that is a lie.” He refused to believe me. I stressed to him that they were innocent people. He became angry with me. I asked him why they were killed. His anger boiled over and he said I was believing Nazi propaganda. I said to him “there are no Nazi’s daddy you killed them all, there are only people who study history” while pulling an Encyclopedia Americana from the shelf. The encyclopedia while only admitting to a numerical fraction of the dead at Dresden was yet sufficient to exceed England’s total bombing dead.
“These were refugees fleeing the communists” I said, becoming angry myself. “Why did Roosevelt order it done?” I demanded of him.
He read it and became silent. He read it again while running his fingers along the words carefully touching the numbers as if to make sure they were there and real. It then dawned on me. He did not know! He had lived through this time and because of a constant flood of propaganda from America’s news media this horrible war crime and others like it had been kept from him.
I could see this troubled him, for it was from him that I acquired the proclivity of taking up the fight for the down trodden, those abused unfairly. He was a kind man and would have never knowingly participated in such cruelty. I left for home then feeling sorry for Dad. I left him to think in peace. My anger at his being a part of those who did this horrible thing abated.
I swear I will not forget the crime against innocent people at Dresden. I will not forget who is responsible. I will not forget! I am but one small life. One dim light in a world covered with the darkness of cruel machinations by evil men. But this little light of mine, I will let it shine! For only by doing so do I serve my reason for existence, for life, for eternity.
I read as a young person that “all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” Those words became a part of my soul, my life. Love is put to the test when one takes on the suffering of others — when one becomes a voice against evil for those who have none, a target of abuse for doing nothing but standing for justice.
There is no reward save knowing you have done that which is right. And there is hope. Hope that others will make the light that truth is a part of their life, their existence, so that together we become a bright ray for the future. A light unto the feet of all our fellow men who stumble.
In distant Dresden park they lie in their graves now. Rest my unknown friends, you downtrodden and despised of this world. Though we could not speak the same language if we stood before each other, though I never knew your names, and while your faces I can only imagine, you are my departed loved ones. My heart beats for yours. My mind remembers for yours. My tears for yours…
To many Jews, dead Germans like this means nothing but justified payback. And they expect you to feel the same way, or else you’re just another Nazi!
THE FINAL DEATH toll of Dresden will forever be unknown. The ever-accurate Germans counted over 200,000 dead (with an unknown number burnt to ash, possibly upwards of another 50,000). Many cellers filled with bodies were simply burned with flamethrowers and covered over, because the Germans did not have the manpower to clear them out (as a American POW, the Jewish writer Kurt Vonnegut took part in the operations).
Some people blindly discount these figures as mere Nazi propaganda, or blithely label it “fringe group” talk. Funny how they never do the same over Jewish holocaust claims, eh? Even though evidence is strong that it was definitely over 100,000, historians kow-towing to the Jew/PC mind-set of today will say it was 25,000 to 35,000. In recent years, Zionists in the media have been trying to say it was less than 20,000. This is patently ridiculous.
Maybe we should insist on jail time for these Dresden death deniers like they do Whites over the holocaust where they can?
One thing we do know is that the city was jam-packed with several hundred thousand refugees fleeing the raping-murdering hordes of Stalin. The political and military leadership of Britain and America knew this when they ordered the air fleets to drop unbelievable amounts of incendiaries and high-explosive bombs (to ignite firestorms) right on top of the huddled masses below. Strategically and militarily, it meant next to nothing in ending the war. By that time, Germany was basically defeated and everyone knew it. Some in the West now try to say Stalin forced Churchill and Roosevelt to do it, as if that makes a difference.
From what the Allies did to the Germans after the war, we know the Jew-manipulated American and British governments wanted to kill as many Germans as possible. Approximately 1.1 million German POWs were left to starve and die from exposure in muddy fields after the war. Hundreds of thousands of women were gang-raped and 500,000 civilians were herded aboard trains by the Soviets to live short lives of slavery in Siberia.
Because of the Jew control of the Western media, Americans generally know next to nothing about Dresden or any of what happened to the Germans. The Jew just cannot allow anyone else to be as big a victim as them and works to downplay any horrors whatsoever of other races. Especially Whites. You can see this in how they demand people like the Ukrainians not to equate Holomador victims (at least 7 million dead White Gentiles) with the holocaust. Same thing with the Armenian genocides. This also because they had so much to do with both events and they know this, but refuse to admit it.
Another big reason for the Israel brainwashing is that they want us to look the other way as they terrorize and kill Palestinians in the present day. Right the hell now. They expect us to “understand” they need their own “homeland” (which is bogus since most of them are not really the descendants of the ancient Hebrews). Plus, the holocaust industry makes tons of money for Jews all over the world — look at the blackmail operations and how many holocaust museums, movies, books, political groups, etc., etc. they have going on.
One of my biggest breaking points over the “Jew Question” was the release of Steven Spielberg’s blatant Jewish propaganda movie, “Schindler’s list.” This movie had so many patent historical lies and anti-White scenes that I was left infuriated. Unfortunately, the Jew holocaust schtick continues unabated to this day. HBO replays Schindler’s list once every two weeks now and the History Channel is always scheduling Jew anti-White brainwashing.
There’s not a minute that goes by where the Jew does not go on about the GD holocaust. I’m sick of it and I’m sick of them. It’s long past the time for them to shut the hell up.
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June 26, 2010 at 1:20 pm
Germans were still firing V2 rockets at London at the time that Dresden was attacked. The war was not over.
I love the men who so brave flew over Germany to bring destruction in return for the Nazi Evil.
The German people loved Hitler. They conveniently forgot that they loved him when he finally gave up the ghost.
June 26, 2010 at 1:31 pm
kerdasi amaq
It was the British who made it a war of bombing cities. Very deliberately too.
June 26, 2010 at 1:33 pm
White Wolf
“Germans were still firing V2 rockets at London at the time that Dresden was attacked.”
So hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians deserved to be incinerated, aka a REAL HOLOCAUST?!
Fuck you Anony-coward.
Sit tight for the destruction of the Jew Evil, willfully blind one.
The judeo-masonic veil is disintegrating!
June 26, 2010 at 1:39 pm
White Wolf
Manufactured lies are no longer a guarantee of elluding culpability and accountability ANY LONGER! Got that?! Jew?!
June 26, 2010 at 3:12 pm
Count Cherep
From the National Journal site:
A Real Holocaust:
Dresden, 13 February 1945
How approximately 500,000 Germans were “democratically” exterminated in one night
“The Germans would have to be angels and saints to forget and forgive all the injustices, atrocities and cruelties which they have suffered, twice in a generation, without any provocation, from the allies. Just imagine what would we, as Americans, do if we had been treated as we treated the Germans. Our cruelty would have no limits in revenging our suffering!”
Reverend Ludwig A. Fritsch, Ph. D., D. D. emer., Chicago, 1948
The professional liars who act on behalf of the Holocaust Industry and the official historiography of the Federal Republic of Germany shamelessly reduce the death toll of the Dresden holocaust by several hundreds of thousands…
The German cities became huge crematoria
In that horrible night from 13 to 14 February 1945, the biggest war criminal of all time, Winston Churchill, had almost 700.000 incendiary bombs dropped on Dresden – in other words, one bomb for two inhabitants…
The deadly “liberation” came from the skies
The genocide of the German nation destroyed “80% of all German cities with more than 100.000 inhabitants”…
The Germans did not begin the bombing war!
It should be reminded that Great Britain and France declared war on the German Reich on 3 September 1939, and that England began the terror bombing against the German civilian population as early as two days after its declaration of war.
Churchill wanted to roast German refugees
On 13 February 1990, forty-five years after the destruction of Dresden, British historian David Irving spoke at the Dresden “Kulturpalast”. In his speech, Irving quoted the war criminal Winston Churchill: “I don’t want any suggestions how to destroy militarily important targets around Dresden. I want suggestions how we can roast the 600.000 refugees from Breslau in Dresden.”
Read the rest:
June 26, 2010 at 3:51 pm
Are you familiar with Jew evil? If you are not a deceiving Jew-rat it would do you well to realize that in the age of Jew evil we are living in right now, that what is considered good is evil and what is considered evil is good.
Again, from Count Cherep’s last post,
“The Germans would have to be angels and saints to forget and forgive all the injustices, atrocities and cruelties which they have suffered, twice in a generation, without any provocation, from the allies. Just imagine what would we, as Americans, do if we had been treated as we treated the Germans. Our cruelty would have no limits in revenging our suffering!”
Reverend Ludwig A. Fritsch, Ph. D., D. D. emer., Chicago, 1948
June 26, 2010 at 4:12 pm
Frank Fredenburg
I’m sick of the Anonymous jews that post comments here! Other than the Mad Jewess, has any jew ever come on here and said they’re a jew. Talk about dishonesty! Oh I forgot that little puss-bag that came on here a few days ago and said jews never forgive or forget. Two!
June 26, 2010 at 4:21 pm
Subversive Jew-rats not only TRY to hide the fact that they are a Jew-rat, but they also reinforce over and over the line (I’m White and or Christian.)
June 26, 2010 at 5:13 pm
Frank Fredenburg
How many pro jew sites are there on the Internet? I don’t know the answer to that, but you can bet there are far more than the ones that are telling the truth about them. I don’t know if I have ever posted a comment on one of those. Yet anywhere on the Internet where there is a blog that is even remotely critical of them, or their state, they attack that blog. It shows that in their precious little hearts, they are all Marxists or Communists. TO THE CORE!
June 26, 2010 at 5:30 pm
Thats true Frank, the Jew must constantly lie and deceive, scurrying around like the rats they are trying to patch up the holes that are going to sink their ship. We don’t scurry around like rats we speak the TRUTH! Truth will always defeat lies….the Jews have financial/media/political control but they are still little paranoid rats….doesn’t sound like a superior race of God’s chosen to me. Sounds to me like there in over their heads.
June 27, 2010 at 12:58 pm
the ‘V’ in V-2 stands for vergeltungswaffe, i.e. VENGANCE weapon.. get it Anon? VENGANCE. the first wasnt launched until 1944. in total, an estimated 7,250 people, military and civilian, were killed by the V-2. thats less than 20% of the people killed in ONE bombing raid! Dresden.