Imagine hosting a party for a few friends at your house, or those you think are your friends. The party is relatively small and intimate. Everything seems to be going fine so you decide to turn in for the night without ending the party. You tell everyone they can stay and party on. Big mistake.
The next morning you wake up and find the house trashed from one end to the other. There’s a couple of half-dressed people splayed-out in the living room, you’re not really sure if they are sleeping or dead and are afraid to check. Your humidor, refrigerator, liquor and medicine cabinets have all been ransacked. You had some really expensive champagne stored for you and your wife’s anniversary, but that’s gone. The entire downstairs smells like a rank mixture of cigars, weed and vomit. You don’t want to find out what happened to the family pooch.
Talking with people, you hear that so-and-so got real drunk, invited a lot of complete strangers over, started agitating and working everybody up. You go and find the culprit and ask him to leave as politely as possible. But he refuses. What’s more, he turns around and calls you a “hater” in front of everyone. He tells whoever is listening that the only reason you want him out, is because you’re the problem. He does this right in your face, smiling away when no one is looking. Read on.
Not only that, the guy comes up with some bizarre arguments to say it’s not really your house to begin with and belongs to everyone equally. Whatever he says appears calculated to make all your guests angry at you, while patently ignoring anything about him. The whole thing keeps escalating and getting worse by the minute.
You know you would grab the SOB by the scruff of the neck and frog-march his lying ass to the door and out of your life forever. Anyone would. Hell, some of us might have gone for the family shotgun right off the bat. When do you finally realize enough is enough and do something about it? That’s the whole point right?
Of course, this is all just a crude allegory for how I now see things going on today in America with the Jew.
What they don’t want you to know: More White people have died in race* genocides than any Jews — ever. In fact, the biggest genocidal killers of all time were Jewish Communists and not the Nazis. They’ve flipped everything around so much that most people don’t know where to start. At least 7 million Ukrainians were purposefully starved to death by Stalin’s brother-in-law, Lazar Kaganovich, in 1932/33.
I knew a lot of things about this problem for years and years, yet I refused to speak out about it. I didn’t want anyone to think I turned into a “hater,” “Nazi,” and all the other slanderous terms they’ve come up with to silence White people (quite a few). But it comes to a point where enough is enough and a person must say something and soon.
I happened to know a bit on some of the subject — the so-called “holocaust” business. And I do mean business. The whole thing is a giant money-making and extortion racket for the Jews. Notice I did not capitalize the “H.” I think all Whites should never capitalize that word any longer. Ever. Plenty of other races have suffered horrible things in history. What’s worse is that White people have been the biggest victims of purposeful genocide and don’t even know it. That’s because our race’s sufferings have been swept under the carpet by the very same people who work ceaselessly to turn the holocaust into a new religion that all of us must now worship.
Not only have the Jews cynically used the supposed “holocaust” as a massive shekel-generating operation, they’ve used it as a weapon to shut up anyone who dares to breath a word about them. They want people to consider critics as potential Jew killers and concentration camp guards. You can’t say a word, or people see you dressed as a Nazi in their heads. Hell, just commenting on that fact will make the Jews call you a Nazi!
Just think for a second: Historically, it’s totally proven that tens of millions of Whites have died at the hands of Communists — Jewish or not — yet this is rarely mentioned in the mainstream media like the History Channel, even though they have countless documentaries on Hitler. Doesn’t that make you the least bit curious, if not down right angry?
Now, I happen to know that a large percentage of Communists were, in fact, Jewish. Jews are seen all through-out the Marxist/Bolshevik/Communist business, not only in Russia but also in White countries in the West, like America. Most of the murdering Secret Police, like the CHEKA, NKVD and Gulag (Siberian slave labor camps) overseers, were Jews. But the Jews do everything they can to keep the lid on all that in the public domain, like in history books and Wikipedia. Also, confusion over Russian names helps out a great deal and Jews (especially those in the public) often change their names to Gentile-sounding ones, even in America and Europe. These are called “crypto-Jews.” It’s not surprising they do this, considering.
The whole Communist ideology ended-up killing way over 100 million people, quite possibly upwards of 200 million, not only in Russia but in Eastern Europe, China (Mao killed 70 million) and Indochina — places where the Jews did not even live. That’s how horrible the influence these people have had on this planet’s history.
And some people talk about Nazis, Christianity and the Vatican? What a sorry joke. Jews have been directly, or indirectly, responsible for more human misery in the world than any other race — ever.
Anytime a person turns on the TV there is something on the holocaust and Hitler, Nazis, KKK, Whites killing Indians and Negroes, etc., etc. Never did they do things on the massive starvation and killing of White people in Russia and Germany. Because of the Jew’s role, even the tragic and sad story of the execution of Czar Nicholas and his family hardly gets any mention, even when all the details of Jewish involvement are patently blacked-out.
It was obvious that a real disconnect was going on. And, knowing the things I did, I could see that it was totally because of Jewry. It was incredible, but really happening. This race was working quietly among themselves to keep the wool pulled over America’s eyes. And I knew that Jewry presented a real threat to my race.
Nowadays, everyone sees the efforts in pushing race-mixing in the Jew-controlled media, both Hollywood and mainstream TV. But these hypocrites surely don’t want that for themselves and work openly to keep fellow Jews from what they want Whites to do. This, plus other divisive social engineering like radical Feminism, immorality, anti-Christianity, Abortion (whether you are for it or against it) and homosexuality, are forms of genocide of OUR RACE, pure and simple. As such, I consider all of us Whites to be in a silent racial war with these people, whether other Whites knew it or not.
(TV commercial still on the bottom right is from a multinational campaign against intermarriage. In Hebrew, it reads “assimilating and getting lost to us.” Imagine a pro-White or Christian organization running that kind of ad in America or anywhere, for that matter?)
I could see them involved heavily in propagandizing race-mixing for Whites in the media, while at the very same time trying to limit it for themselves. Although they could not openly do so on the same mass media level, I saw organized, below-the-radar efforts where they worked to dissuade fellow Jews from race-mixing, even with White people. Efforts, that if were done by us Whites in any organized form, would bring down open and loud media condemnation about it being ”racist.”
Jews push for race-mixing, anti-Christianity and various other socially corrosive movements all the time on TV and in Hollywood movies. It is blatant and in your face. For example: Jewish Media Mavens like Barbara Walters of the View trot out Seal and that White model wife like media royalty. I knew that Jews, like Barbara Wawa, belonged to the Council of Foreign Relations and run with the same elitist, globalist crowd behind the NWO. She even once dated Henry Kissinger, a truly evil Jew globalist schemer.
I found out they were completely behind in overturning America’s Immigration policies and openly espoused non-Whites to come here for their own racial “comfort.” Almost all of my friends knew nothing about the landmark 1965 legislation they forced down this country’s throat that had the entire racial percentages of immigration turned completely around. I found out it was easier to immigrate to the US if you were a AIDS-afflicted Nigerian instead of a White Irish man or woman. I once even had a British friend unable to immigrate here due to the anti-White immigration laws fostered by Jewry.
These nervy Jews have giant, well-funded organizations dedicated across the country and world, dedicated to shutting-up White people. Like the B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation League (ADL), SPLC, ACLU, Simon Weisenthal Centers, and uncountable numbers of smaller groups like the Jewish Defense League. It seems like Jew’s entire lives revolve around causing trouble about something, somewhere. Not only did these Jew Thought Police attack Whites on immigration, etc., etc., but also worked at eliminating the symbols of our religions, like Christmas and Easter. If that wasn’t enough, these bald-faced hypocrites are now pushing for war with Iran. Why? Because of Israel, that’s why.
But the absolute final straw was 9/11 for me. Digging deep into it, the more evidence I saw of false-flag perfidy and Jewish involvement. The fact that all the new revelations were ignored by the media only confirmed what I already knew deep-down: 9/11 could never have been so successfully covered-up unless backstabbing Zionist Jews and owned, “Shabbos Goys” (greedy Gentile slaves to the Jews) were neck-deep in the whole thing!
It’s absolutely astonishing all the evils Jews now get away with because they pull the ”anti-Semite” line of bull on Whites. From: WWII war-mongering, WWII deceit, holocaust lies, holocaust enforcement, holocaust evidence hoaxing, German genocide, racial and social strife; attacking White institutions, social engineering, perverts, oath breaking, lying, censorship, kosher rackets, NWO scams, 9/11, war-mongering and religious hate; Israeli aggression, oppressions, spying, parasitism and false-flag attacks; PR spinmeisters for Israel, disloyalty, world gangsterism, red mafiya, organ snatchers, financial scam artists, homosexuality, immoralities, rabbi pedophiles, immigration, communism, political genocides — so many world-wide and historical things involving Jewry that it makes your head swim. Literally.
It was easy to see where the disconnect occurred with White people. It was called “Politically Correct.” Sure, I knew of PC long before. You couldn’t talk about these kinds of things in polite company or, chances were, you would be immediately branded a racist and hater. Thinking deeply on the matter, I realized that this was precisely the blinders put on White people’s heads that has kept us from seeing clearly or, at the very least, voicing even a mere mention. It was so pervasive that it not only censored America in the mainstream media and personal social interaction, but reached all the way down into our own families.
This whole mind-set prevents people from speaking about even the obvious. Everybody knows how Whites will not go certain places in cities because they justifiably fear becoming victims to black crime. But do they even know how bad things really are? What’s the real reason the media stay so silent when some absolutely horrible crime gets committed on Whites by blacks? Why is the media so circumspect about race crime stats? Why are Whites in the US kept so blissfully ignorant of the horrible farm murders in South Africa? Because they don’t want Whites to wake up and see the Jew!
It just got worse and worse when it came to these people. Every time I turned around there was another Jew hypocrisy staring me right in the face. The Jew-controlled prostitute press has been constantly propagandizing† us about Muslims and Iranians being the biggest danger to the world, yet never a single word was ever uttered about Israel and what they ever do. On one hand, Whites get continually vilified in the US media for being so racist and evil, going back centuries, yet Israel is virtually the most racist and immoral country today — right the [deleted expletive] now. It was incredible.
Every five minutes we have something on the Iranians trying to get the bomb. But have you ever seen anything in the US news about the Israelis having the bomb? How about that time when old White House reporter Helen Thomas (forget the biz about her being a liberal for a moment) tried to ask Ziopuppet Obama about it during a WH press conference and he just ignored her with a lot of gibberish? Did you know she no longer gets to ask questions?
And who says Israel is some kind of sane and rational country when it comes to nukes? Pissed-off Palestinians might shoot a bottle rocket, resulting in some high-strung Jew woman having a conniption fit, and the Jews kill 1,400 — hundreds of women and children — in retaliation. They routinely blockade Gaza from food and medicines and don’t even allow them to fish off their own shores. Israel kills any of them they please and then afterwards deem the victims ”terrorists” to excuse it!
Now the Jews have been getting the media to jack us up about evil Iran and Ahmadinejad. The Jews will not allow countries not in their control to stand up to them and if it means more Americans dying, then so be it.
Does anyone remember all the paranoia pushing about Saddam Hussein? How about the “yellow cake letters” hoax and Iraq WMD paranoia that has cost America 5,000 plus dead? Same pre-war propaganda is going on now with Iran. Guess what? Iran signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and has on-site inspectors, which Israel refuses to do. Plus, there is no evidence of secret bomb development in Iran (they are at least 2 years from possibly doing so). Yet the war-mongering Zionists often fabricate intelligence, such as the Iranian ”neutron initiator” document recently published by the Times of London.
Just like their Thought Police apparatchiks, the Jews have an immense Zionist Power Configuration head-lock on Capital Hill and America’s foreign policy. From Jew “Neocons” to giant Zionist lobbies like AIPAC, Council of Presidents, American Jewish Committee and JINSA; these people now virtually control and intimidate ”our” government into doing whatever the hell the demanding Jews want. It’s blatantly apparent that these ”Fifth-Columnists” and the Jewish-owned national media have only one loyalty, and that’s to Israel — not America. They even allow these bastards to have dual-citizenship and serve in Israel’s military (WH Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel is but one example).
If we keep letting these war-mongers get away with all this, we may find ourselves in another terrible World War (worse than WWII) and one where we come out on the losing side. Think that’s so impossible? History is littered with wars that people once thought were impossible.
Anytime people bring up these things, they quickly accuse them of being the bad guy. Sure, I knew that all Jews are not this way, but way more than enough of them are. Way more. At what percentage does one have to get to and realize it? 60%? 80%? It was just like the Abraham arguing with God on how many righteous people still lived in Sodom before he destroyed the place with fire and brimstone.
Did anyone ask how many righteous and innocent people were in Dresden when the Jewish-corrupted British and Americans bombed it to hell in WWII? They did it right when the war was pretty much over and Dresden was filled with all kind of refugees from the murdering Jew-led Mongol hordes of Stalin. How about the allies keeping Rudolf Hess locked-up forever, or when they purposely delayed the execution of Julius Streicher just so it would fall on a Jewish holiday (Rosh Hoshana)? Hell, they executed many Germans by hanging just for being “anti-Semitic,” having nothing to do with Jew-invented ”war crimes.” Women and young girls, too.
It was all Jewish payback. Note that most of the Jewish holidays revolve around the killing of non-Jews. Of course, they try to tell everyone that all these “enemy people” deserved their wrath. Compare it to the celebrations of other faiths and peoples, as well as to current events.
Speaking of Jewish hateful vengeance, how many people know the incredible evils — the rapes of tens of thousands of White women, forced slavery and starvation genocide of Germans, both civilian and POWs, after WWII? Few in the casual, non-history aware American population. Hell, more Germans were killed after the war than Jews during the war — even if you believe all the lying crap they try to tell you about the “holocaust.” Once again, more evidence of Jewry’s immense snow-job they have going on America’s head.
Traitorous ”Israel-First” Jews have created a nightmare for America now caught up in Israeli Jew hate: 1) Israeli “Settler,” (really a land thief) harasses old Palestinian woman on Palestinian territory. 2) Israel military sniper tee shirt bragging about shooting pregnant women. 3) Palestinians are treated worse than dogs by the Israelis; sometimes they die trying to get to a hospital because Jew checkpoints hold them back. The Jews don’t care. Jews even have special roads just for themselves alone. 4) An immense wall to ghettoize the Palestinians built with US taxpayer dollars. Think about our border problems with illegals — just who is more important in Washington, DC? 5) The Israelis used Phosphor munitions on the Palestinians in Gaza last year — a clear war crimes violation. 6) Little Palestinian girl in Gaza crying about one of her family killed by the Jew bombing. You should see some of the photos of what those bastard Jews did that I don’t put up. Truly despicable. 7) Burned victim of Israeli Phosphor attack. The Jews also experimented with something called DIME munitions (Dense Inert Metal Explosives) — an unbelievably horrific and inhuman weapon. I won’t post those photos, either.
And these Jews have the gall to call me a Nazi?
I also knew that the whole business about them being “people of the bible” was cynically being used to curry favor with America’s Christians. But, knowing the history of the Khazar kingdom and something of the people who called themselves “Jews,” one could see they were really little more than some bizarre, mixed-up race from eastern Europe and southern Russia. Plus, they were hated and kicked out everywhere they went, much like a sophisticated version of Gypsies.
I knew that they had a reputation through-out history for cheating those around them. Now, many of them controlled the economies of the West, from Central Banking with the Federal Reserve to Wall Street to the White House. In Russia, these criminal Jew mobsters practically raped the country in the 1990′s. This is happening in America today, as Jews are exposed left and right, running giant Ponzi schemes for millions, even billions. Hell, it seemed like nine out of ten White collar criminals turned out to be Khazar Jews, like Bernie here.
Trying to talk about it with close friends and family often resulted in sheer anger and emotion. I’ve literally had people break down, cry and run off like little children. Sadly, I realized, that being afraid of and avoiding confrontation was a major weakness in my race.
Even otherwise “conservative” Americans refuse to see the elephant in the room. They complain about democrats, liberals, Gays, Obama, Islamic Terrorists, “culture wars,” Hollywood, affirmative action, black militancy, tax and spend politicians, etc. etc., but can’t bring themselves to see the real root of the problem because they are too scared of being called a “Nazi” at the next cocktail party or barbecue, like I once was. I could only take some cold comfort in the words of Henry David Thoreau:
“There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root…”
Often, people who barely know much about the holocaust and 9/11, make remarks to the truly knowledgable that are little more than veiled ridicule. You could ask them things like: “Do you know the flight number of the planes that hit the World Trade Center” and they go mute. How could they possibly have the nerve to ridicule the idea of 9/11 being a inside job, if they only knew what the media told them and even then few real details?
What was I to do? Should I go postal? March in the streets with a sign? Go down to my local ABC affiliate and demand air time? Right. Although I was heavily involved with certain aspects of computers, especially earlier in my career, I was not really into the Internet much at all. Basically, I knew people were out here talking about things, but I avoided it for years. Most of what I knew about the “Jew Question” came from obscure sources and occasional nuggets I gleaned here and there from books, some even at the local library.
About the best thing I could do was start talking openly to any who would listen. Oh, I knew that would be hard. And, sure, I knew that all Jews were not to blame, nor did they get secret instructions from some kind of Jew headquarters. That was another thing that Whites used to block any thought of the matter. It was inconceivable, so why waste the brain cells or time, they might tell themselves.
But I knew it was much more involved than that. Because of the enormous complications, the problem hid in plain sight. One only had to look at the way things really were, instead of what they wanted you to see.
Should you say anything about what they are doing, they have the unmitigated gall to call you a ”anti-Semite,” or a whole host of slanders they’ve created to shut you up. Being a free-thinking and patriotic White American, I have damn good reasons to be “anti-Semitic.” I also think the term is nonsense, because the Arabs and Palestinians are true Semites, while the majority of ”Jews” are not really Semites. More accurately, I’m a huge ”anti-KHAZAR.”
Regardless of whatever you call them, these people have been a real poison to the concept of America, all White people and even the world at large. Without a doubt, these people will be the ruination of America if we let them. Just turn on the TV and pay close attention for a few minutes and you’ll soon see some example of what I talk about in this article.
Why do you think these (expletive deleted) people have ended-up getting kicked out of every country they’ve ever lived? Just blind superstition of medieval peasants every time? Please. If you stand back and look at the over-all situation today, you too will reevaluate the deal. Most assuredly.
Thank you in advance for reading and thinking about this.
— Phillip Marlowe
* Make no mistake, Jews are a race and not a religion. They consider themselves precisely that, no matter how much they want Whites to think it’s all nothing but religion (most are really secular or atheistic). But with other races, they act like “persecuted” non-Whites whenever it suits them.
† Note: For propaganda to be truly effective, the target audience must never know it’s propaganda. And the best propaganda is created by those already brainwashed.
Please go to the embedded links for more information on what I talk about here (I jam-packed it with links). Go to the links in my blogroll to see what others have to say. Also, you can read quotes from Whites over the years HERE and revealing quotes out of the Jew’s own mouths HERE. This is not some wierd conspiracy nonsense as Jews would have you believe (if they cannot refute it, or the “Nazi” slander doesn’t fit, they often fall back on ridicule in a transparent attempt to confuse Whites).
My blog will eventually be deleted, Jewish efforts are underway as we speak. If you come to my address and see this: “This blog has been ‘archived or suspended’ due to Terms of Service Violations” then you will know that Khazar Jews have successfully had me censored since they cannot have Whites to even start thinking about these things.
As a White person, you need to think seriously about all this. And now. This is exactly why we have things the way they are anymore and is why things are going to be much, much worse for us unless we all do something — as soon as possible!
Take the time — make the time NOW!
Comments feed for this article
January 9, 2010 at 5:27 pm
Re: “the far east has used swastika’s for centuries, but they point the opposite way Hitlers did.”
Sorry, but that’s not the case.
『 万字(まんじ) 』 紋 と その関連紋:
January 9, 2010 at 5:38 pm
Let us pray:
January 9, 2010 at 5:48 pm
Arizona Swastika:
The right-pointing Swastika is more common in South Asia, the left-pointing one more common in East Asia.
Image Google: स्वस्तिक
Are the Jews going to hit this with their American-gifted jets?
January 9, 2010 at 5:50 pm
Give us this day our daily noodles.
January 9, 2010 at 6:02 pm
kerdasi amaq
insert “ash-can” into the appropriate spot in Jimbo’s comment. Make it read much better!
January 9, 2010 at 6:02 pm
RE: Swazis: I was joking. Boyosan thinks he’s the only one who knows the Asians, American Indians, Greeks, Vikings and everyone else used it both clockwise and counterclockwise.
I find it interesting that Guido von List called it the Aryan Cross around 1910, well before it was supposedly “co-opted” by the NS.
January 9, 2010 at 6:04 pm
And not only in Asia. Also in Europe, by Kalmyki, Greeks, Cellts, etc.
And for biker:
January 9, 2010 at 6:11 pm
Correction: Guido von List said that the Swastika has always been the Aryan Cross. And I think he’s right. Like the accupuncture points tattooed on Otzi’s body, it was transmitted from Aryans to Asians thousands of years ago.
A lot of what is considered esoteric Eastern knowledge re: martial arts and physiology has Aryan roots.
When the Yellow man finds an oasis in the desert, he maintains it.
When the Black man encounters an oasis, he turns it into a desert.
When a White man finds a desert, he turns it into an oasis.
White people invent and forget.
Yellow people copy and remember.
Black people do neither.
“From the corruption of women proceeds the confusion of races;
from the confusion of races, the loss of memory;
from the loss of memory, all understanding;
and from this — all evil.”
— Bhagavad-Gita
Vedic, i.e., Aryan India
January 9, 2010 at 6:13 pm
Anyway, Octopussy is the Nazi-wannabe yindao who thinks that “Civilization is whites!”, and claims to have “channeled” Hitler, so why he would be the one to object to being called a Nazi is a mystery.
I believe he even tattooed a swastika on his Thai lady-boy’s ass for when the viagra just doesn’t help enough.
Ctrl+F: “Octo” here:
January 9, 2010 at 6:16 pm
You need healthy interests, Seamusan. Get off the internet for awhile. Even if it’s only down to the pub.
January 9, 2010 at 6:23 pm
Happy Year of the Tiger
January 9, 2010 at 7:35 pm
OK, you Nazi Atheists and Japanese Christians, let’s a break it up! Let’s see a new Axis pact signed.
January 9, 2010 at 8:00 pm
the jews that read this blog JUST LOVE THIS!!!!! even more than they love reading about whites pissed off because of circumcision.. (gatta take a break here) if majuki the grand mawali came to you and said “you ALL MUST cut off your noses, my god jumihjew hitsu nokfambali SAYS that you MUST ! chop off your nose NOW or burn for eternity….. and everyone does it.. HHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA fucking HILARIOUS!!!! keep it up! the jews NEED more morons!!!funny how on the other side of the Himilayas, all this shit is fuckin MYTH. i know everyone fucked with me for my Bhuddist leanings, but FUCK YOU ALL! if your religion has ISRAEL in it, YOU are a fucking MORON! YOU are a slave to THEM.
the Eskimo’s are all into this also, they are SOOOO worried about whats goin on in jerusalem… whites hating whites because of something from JEW rew-salems lot. man FUCK YOU ALL. derrrrrrrrrr rik de derrr derrr rik der derrr im a slave to a fucking myth derrr rik de derr der rik de derrr the jews own me because of the brainwashing ’bout jew ru salem
January 9, 2010 at 8:04 pm
Roger that, Skipper.
January 9, 2010 at 8:07 pm
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! drop the moronic itrospectives, what do you SEE, what do you FEEL, what do you KNOW, as in what can your dipshit ass gather from whats around you? not from skin color, not from social status, what the fuck do you KNOW? that you’re being FUCKED from the invasion of aliens? the prepetuated dumbing down that divides, and makes us easier to rule? keep arguing, it will ALL be posted at first light forum. so they can dissect it. and RUIN you, BEAT you, so they can WIN.
who wants that?
January 9, 2010 at 8:07 pm
I’ll have what he’s having.
January 9, 2010 at 8:14 pm
dude, ive had ALOT…
January 9, 2010 at 8:16 pm
I REFUSE to believe that!
January 9, 2010 at 8:17 pm
3 shots vodka, splash of OJ, failing white society as the backdrop… dont we ALL get ignorant? dont we all get pissed? dont we ALL want to BEAT THIS?! then why are we fighting one another?
January 9, 2010 at 8:18 pm
HA! go on..
January 9, 2010 at 8:23 pm
January 9, 2010 at 8:30 pm
There’s nothing to drink here, but I’m not going out tonight. Speaking of getting fucked up, an Air Force guy I knew told me about some opium wine he had in Turkey. He wanted to get “trippy”, you know, hallucinogenic. Well, he didn’t trip, but he did get FUCKED UP.
Speaking of which, did you see this character I posted up a while ago:
In the Carpathians he had fought together with Grigory Semenov,
and were posted to Siberia at the same time. One of Ungern-Sternberg’s
favourite hobbies after he was promoted to the rank of Major-General
was to enter taverns, consume enough vodka to achieve double-vision
and then fire at the other patrons, logging how many he could hit. To
his astonishment, it remained a constant fifty percent of those he
aimed at. Despite his tiny head, it took enormous quantities of
alcohol to make him drunk. After a few years of developing his hooby,
drinkers across Siberia learned to flee when he kicked open cafe doors
with a boot.
Ungern-Sternberg felt the pull of the east: the mountains,
rolling steppes and the icy wastes of Genghis Khan’s stamping grounds.
He studied the tactics used by Mongol warlords and was fascinated by
their courage and stamina. When his total of dead customers became too
high for his addled brain to recall, he was struck with a revelation.
He later compared this blast of insight with satori, the enlightenment
experienced by Buddha. This noble divulgence was as follows: by
slaying people he was doing them a favour. If they were unable to
protect themselves, it meant they were feeble and living under poor
Karma. By dying in a state of innocence, they improved their position
on the rungs of the cosmos.
How’s that for “Buddhist leanings?”
January 9, 2010 at 8:43 pm
FUCK Octo, ill deal with this in the morning. O- dark thirty. tooooo much! Peace white brother, or WAR ya sunnofabitch! im ready for both…
January 11, 2010 at 3:36 pm
HEY! im BAAAAAAACCK!! one twisted buddhist does not the entire group a bunch of assholes make. as with rogue Priests and even Rabbi’s. Koresh was Christian, just because someone flips out and ‘claims’ a religion doesnt make everyone practicing it bad..
on the opium wine? lots of Turks in Germany buddy, had me some UZO that had the poppy extract, felt something cold on the side of my head after about 10 shots… it was the ground. got back to base (id been in country for about 2 weeks) told my roomie about it, (he’d been there for 2 years) and he flipped “man dont EVER get anything from the Turks!! you DO know that you will now be HOT for the whizz quiz?? ” hehehe no quiz luckily, and i learned to stay away form the Turks.
January 11, 2010 at 4:15 pm
I tend to be taken seriously when I’m joking, and taken as a joke when I’m being serious. I’m not disparaging Buddhism or Vedanta one bit. I did some very serious meditation back in the day, and need to get back into it to process some of the shite I’ve been through these past few years.
I think this Ungern-Sternberg is a fascinating individual. Lenin said 50 good men could have beat him. 50 Ungern-Sternbergs would have been a few too many, but 4 or 5 would might have made quite a difference (in combination with 45 less individualistic men), and would make quite a difference today.
“had me some UZO that had the poppy extract, felt something cold on the side of my head after about 10 shots… it was the ground.”
I actually LOL.
January 12, 2010 at 2:58 am
January 12, 2010 at 4:28 am
WTF IS that, some kind of Peruvian makack?!?! LOL!
January 12, 2010 at 4:29 am
dabbled in buddhism in Korea, went hand in hand with Taekwon-do…”peace on earth, till i kick your teeth out” haaaaaaaaaaaaaahahaha!
January 12, 2010 at 4:33 am
It’s a Zen Lemurwitz. Check out the beak.
January 12, 2010 at 4:39 am
You’re a hero, incogman. Don’t stop your work even if they delete you. I am archiving your pages as fast as I can. Others should, too.
January 12, 2010 at 5:15 am
Octo, I think you have a photo of a crypto-jew Himalayan Rabbi snapped just after a circumcision gone bad.
How else that hook nose?
What other could it be dangling from his mouth?
January 12, 2010 at 5:21 am
aaaaak! Flanders, too early for that visual! LOL
January 12, 2010 at 10:22 am
kerdasi amaq
“THE solution to Europe’s tension over immigration does not lie in the violence of southern Italy in the past week, or in the government’s sharp and inflammatory response. The explosion of rioting in the Calabrian town of Rosarno has led to an ugly evacuation of immigrants, mainly African, that has been dubbed “ethnic cleansing”.”
I didn’t think the Italians had it in them.
“The Pope called for tolerance of immigrants, but Roberto Maroni, the Interior Minister, caused uproar among human rights groups with his statement that the Rosarno tension was “the fruit of the wrong kind of tolerance”. That is consistent with the long opposition to immigration from right-of-centre parties. But they will be criticised too if the tension continues to flare, and if the response is as ugly as that of the past few days.”
The “wrong kind of tolerance”; you can say that again.
January 12, 2010 at 11:11 am
kerdasi amaq
“The president refused to sign the parliament’s bill, which would have penalised the Icelandic people for the mistakes of the executives of the Icelandic banks. He concluded that this was not reasonable as the banking mess was not the fault of the average Icelander. Iceland will have a referendum on the issue now.”
“They have decided that the people — not the elites or the “insiders” — must decide. This country clearly is a proper democracy; not one run by politicians who are part of an insider group up to their teeth in property and who can’t see that they represent the people, not the elite.
In its most simple terms, Iceland is a country with a banking system attached. In contrast, Ireland is a banking system with a country attached to it.”
“Iceland is showing our politicians another way. These are not easy decisions — and it would have been much better if the country had never got into this mess — but at least they are dealing with it. Similarly, it would have been better if we never got into this mess too, but here we are.
Iceland proves that there is an alternative — are any of our politicians, from the President down, prepared to listen?”
Maybe this will cause some very deserving international financiers some grief and mental anguish. How dare the little people stand up for themselves!!!
January 12, 2010 at 11:17 am
The Icelandic people have a choice… Perpetual servitude and enslavement to the Zionist bankers, or freedom!
Is there any other choice?
Lets just hope they don’t get coerced by a corrupt MSM and their own corrupted government into voting for the former…. They could become a true beacon of freedom for the rest of the world by voting for standing up against Criminal Jews….
January 12, 2010 at 11:29 am
White Patriot
NTS- The puppet says the hour is late:
Breaking News – Obongo Signs Martial Law Executive Order
Let’s Rock
January 13, 2010 at 11:27 am
What’s a “domestic enemy”? Nancy Pelosi and her fellow Congresscritters must be laughing their socks off; because the American People are too dumbed down to figure it out.
January 13, 2010 at 1:31 pm
YYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! Dr. Paul NAMES THE JEW!!! and Pelosi gets named as a whore for Israel.. two birds, one stone…
great one SBD !
January 13, 2010 at 1:33 pm
the sad part about this is the PROOF that the satanic 51st state has the other 50 BY THE BALLS.
January 17, 2010 at 10:26 pm
January 17, 2010 at 10:40 pm
The Jew stabbed this country right in the back on 9/11. They will pay!
January 17, 2010 at 11:42 pm
The US has an awful lot of back wounds, the Lusitania, Pearl Harbour, Tonkin…, are but just a few…
9/11 had to be the final wake up call!
The jews and those who sold them their soul, have had a starting lead for far too much time, they know we are on their trail. We will hunt them down to the last one!
January 18, 2010 at 12:43 am
White Patriot, the wording on that “executive order” is worrisome. It is another clear writing on the wall that plans are near to shutdown the US.
“(d) synchronization and integration of State and Federal military activities in the United States; and
(e) other matters of mutual interest pertaining to National Guard, homeland defense, and civil support activities.”
It can have no other meaning, regardless of what the disinfo agent had to say.
Ultra R. and Incogman, the next false flag will be the big one. Whether it is domestic or from our aircraft carriers being sunk, there will be another one. These vermin just can’t resist continuing to get into your face, again and again, once they start. They don’t care if the American people know. They just want to push Americans as far as they can. They want Americans to either throw them out or to submit to them.
They feel invincible with an international network and a Poppa Rothschild, who will buy them everything they want and need. They’ve been thrown out of so many countries and others who have fought them have been taken over and punished, if not immediately, then after their networks and media have cleared the way.
January 18, 2010 at 4:54 am
i get a little sick to my stomach everytime i see footage of that Octo, im lost for any other words save FUCKING BASTARDS.
January 18, 2010 at 7:35 pm
Fleur de lis
Akira, no doubt you have read about the Maitreya, the world savior. This Maitreya they finally trot out will be the jew commie, world governing anti-christ messiah for the goyim.
Maitreya says to ‘share’ (ie steal your wealth and distribute crumbs to the new egalitarian mulatto slaves)
January 18, 2010 at 7:46 pm
Fleur de lis
Excellent to read that Akira- [The Seal of the Antichrist Becomes a Reality]
This ties in with the new Anastasia, Ringing Cedars of Russia series.
Check it out everyone. The answers/confirmations are in here.
January 18, 2010 at 10:33 pm
Fleur de lis
ObamaMaitreya is coming!!!
January 19, 2010 at 4:33 pm
Fleur de lis
Maitreya and the coming global religion part 1
January 19, 2010 at 4:41 pm
Fleur de lis
Bright star shines for Second Coming. Possibly
There is encouraging news for anyone with an interest in signs and wonders, or desperate for a chink of light in the prevailing gloom – which probably means most of us: a saviour is finally at hand.
According to the Share International News Service – in a press release captioned ‘Christmas Miracle’ – a ‘large bright star’ will be appearing in the sky sometime over the next few days, or possibly weeks, heralding the appearance on ‘a major US television programme’ of the new World Teacher, known as Maitreya, who will be ushering in a new age of peace, wisdom and understanding.
And not before time, I hear you say.
Share International is the organisation founded by Benjamin Creme, the Scottish painter and clairvoyant, and Britain’s most redoubtable millenarian, who has been prophesying the coming of Maitreya for the past 26 years.
January 19, 2010 at 5:03 pm
I lived in brighton, uk for years and kept finding these piss-poor photo-copied flyers announcing “Lord Maitreya” s return every now and then.
The “lord” needs to up his P.R game!
Christ, a website at least!
January 21, 2010 at 4:54 pm
“The man who murdered Osama bin Laden…”
January 24, 2010 at 11:00 pm
KA Telegraph
““You are not the first Jew in history trying to advance himself at the expense of his people. There were traitors before you such as Josephus Flavius and others, who in all likelihood also celebrated their bar mitzvah but we remember them as traitors, seeking riches and honor, at the expense of their people.
“Unlike the Government of Israel, we will not bow and participate with all those seeking to hurt the Jewish People”, promising if Emanuel comes to Yerushalayim to mark his son’s bar mitzvah, he will be met and escorted by protests “as is fitting and not with candies and flowers”.”
comment No.12
“…if Emanuel comes to Yerushalayim to mark his son’s bar mitzvah, he will be met and escorted by protests as is fitting and not with candies and flowers.”
Oy vey! If not candles and flowers, are Emanuel and his THIRTEEN YEAR OLD SON going to be **met with rocks and spit **(Rachmana Litzlan)? In no way should the bar-mitzvah of an innocent child be an occasion for a political protest.
These right-wing fanatics have the chutzpah to announce in advance that they intend to perform a huge Chillul HaShem. Shame on them…they are just as much a disgrace to Klal Yisrael as they claim Rom Emanuel is. LEAVE THIS INNOCENT BOY OUT OF IT, FOR G-D’S SAKE!
February 7, 2010 at 6:41 pm
OMG, you are still STILL Jew bashing here?
I am not surprized God has not smitten you by now.
WAKE UP, GROW UP, WISE UP, STRAIGHTEN UP…before it’s too late.
February 7, 2010 at 7:58 pm
Fleur de lis
SuperScreamingChickenhawk say:
“OMG, you are still STILL Jew bashing here?”
No, no, you got it all wrong assclown, Incogman is exposing the criminal jews. Isnt it obvious?
Get your occultic flag of death avatar out of here.
February 7, 2010 at 8:34 pm
ISRAEL-FIRSTER JEW, superscreamingeagle says:
“I am not surprized God has not smitten you by now.”
Real smart comment there bozo Jewess. And yeah, I know you’re buddy-buddy with that Mad Jewess creep. Both of you are insane little idiots. Maybe God had you type that since you’re obviously trying to put words in his mouth. Just like the arrogant Jew.
February 9, 2010 at 9:26 pm
Incogman, I am friends of sort with Mad Jewess. I try not to hate ALL Jews but I do hate the ones running America. Why do you two hate each other???? On some points you agree–is the split at Israel and its ZOG influence the holocaust or what. I love your truths as well. Maybe I am just fucking stupid????Help me out here…..
February 9, 2010 at 9:37 pm
OK, will do, Northstar. The Jew is basically a subversive and trouble-making creature. Note carefully, how Jews like Mad Jewess act all conservative, etc. Sure, she probably is. But when it comes to Israel, no way will she ever say a thing. In fact, Jews like her are chiefly concerned with Israel, first and foremost. Our blind support of Israel is costing America dearly, yet people like this could care less because they are Jews!
We are on the wrong side here! Israel is a evil country and for us to ally ourselves with such evil will ruin America. Go to my “About Me” page above and read George Washington’s quote.
Jews like Mad Jewess may talk about “bolsheviks” and the liberals, but they surely (and obviously) ignore the Jew’s giant hand in all of it. Note how a Jew Neocon (ostensibly a conservative) Elliot Abrams suggests that we open our borders to Haitians. Does that make any sense? It does, when you realize what the Jews are doing to America.
Go back and tell her you’ve had enough of her spiel!
February 14, 2010 at 12:12 am
You need to repent. I will not waste my time engaging in your nasty rhetoric……
February 14, 2010 at 12:16 am
your jewdie mind tricks are hopeless here numbnitz.
February 14, 2010 at 12:58 am
You tell ‘em, anti-Zionist!
The Jewess “superscreamingeagle” thinks she can stem the tide of awakening Whites by using a patriotic American name. The comment from Northstar obviously scares her. She’s a pathetic excuse for a tricky Jew — note her previous comment that I used for my quotes sidebar, where she tries to arrogantly claim foreknowledge of God’s actions and judgement like the “repent” bit here.
Jewess: You only dig yourself deeper coming here.
February 14, 2010 at 2:05 am
What?! Repent for making reparations! Telling the truth about your pathetic tribe. I am surprized God has not smitten you sorry ass by now. It will be a great day when you get back a thousandfold what you’ve meted out. Take the beam out of your own eye than you might be able to remove the speck from your neighbor’s eye. Hypocrite!
February 19, 2010 at 1:46 pm
Propaganda antimestizaje para judíos « qbitácora
[...] Fuente: Incog Man. [...]
March 5, 2010 at 3:02 pm
2 propagandas que se complementan « HURANIA
[...] Fuente: Incog Man. [...]