The Immigration Gumball Video: It’s the real-life stats (yet easy to understand) behind the whole thing and in a non-racist fashion (like that should make a dam difference, anymore). Just take 9 1/2 minutes out of your life and you’ll do a complete 180° after the first 3 or 4 minutes or so. Even if you’re a cardigan-wearing liberal-type and hate my guts because you think I’m such a Nazi!
They are people out there who, if you told them that bug-eyed monsters from Alpha Centaurus had just landed on the White House lawn, would run for their closets and get old Grand-pappy’s M1 rifle out, to protect kith and kin. Those same people might spend their time watching Battlestar Galactica and playing with the X-box until the Aliens come.
Now, I’m not trying to cast any aspersions about Sci-Fi channel aficionados out there, but this illegal immigration stuff is quite real, people are just not waking up to it and have little idea that this will really turn this country into a futuristic scene –a horrifying futuristic scene. That may sound alarmist and doom-mongering but it is, frightenly true. Sure, we don’t have Aliens running around with ray-guns zapping people on the streets. But we’re definitely being invaded, alright.
The above video is something I’ve shown to a liberal-leaning young lady and she said that it frightened her more than Al Gore’s movie: An Inconvenient Truth. Now, that’s saying something if a liberal finds it scarier than Global Warming. If you haven’t seen the above video, I implore you to watch it. It’ll only take 9 and a half minutes of your precious life and will give you a whole new perspective on what I’m about to tell you.
Left unchecked, there are only a few possible outcomes to all of this. One, that this country becomes a Third World cesspool, with people’s lives looking like bit-parts from the movie Blade Runner and the environment completely shot to hell, or two, we’ll probably have some kind of Civil War over it, as America breaks into ethnic enclaves. That’s right, another bloody Civil War. Someone published a book about it in the late ‘90′s and it’s become eerily accurate. It’s called Civil War Two by Thomas W. Chittum. You can DOWNLOAD BOOK here and I recommend it to all.
Now, some say we might have 38 million of them here. Can you believe it? All that back and forth over Immigration Amnesty and Border fences and ICE raids is utter BS. They want this. This is part and parcel to the North American Union and you can take that to the bank. They want this country to become a Third World cesspool because they’re trying to turn everybody into Third Worlders. Or everybody that’s a Gentile– Black, White, Yellow and even Brown!
Walsh said his analysis indicating there are 38 million illegal aliens in the U.S. was calculated using the conservative estimate of three illegal immigrants entering the U.S. for each one apprehended. According to Walsh, “In the United States, immigration is in a state of anarchy — not chaos, but anarchy.” ILLEGAL ALIEN POPULATION
And it’s not just letting in people who do menial jobs, ones that whites will not do. It is also targeting the middle class through something called H1B visas. This is when they import foreign workers expressly to save on salaries. Like bringing in Indians from Asia to do computer support. You know, those information jobs they promised you when you got laid off due to NAFTA? They outright lied to this country. That’s right, they’ve purposefully increased the number of these imported information workers. This keeps the wages low, since you cannot get a job unless you work for Third World rates. Oh, they say that it’s to fill expected demands but guess what? Those expected demands will come as they hand out those pink slips. Maybe your’s will come tomorrow. Here, on the elites behind it all:
Besides coalitions of ethnic minorities, the main danger facing Europeans is that wealthy, powerful European elites are often unaware of, or do not value, their own ethnic interests. Frequently, they in effect sell out their own ethnic groups for short-run personal gain. There are many contemporary examples, most notably the efforts by major corporations to import low wage workers and outsource jobs to foreign countries. VDARE IMMIGRATION
Now, I know that lately they’ve been having highly publicized ICE (Immigration Custom Enforcement) raids on US factories and what not, but these have been mere pin-pricks to the real problem. Fact is, these busts are not even close to one drop’s worth in a sea of illegals. The Zionist Michael Chertoff goes on TV, all acting tough about it and coming out against that ridiculous plan by the Jew governor of NY Eliot Spitzer to give them all driver’s licenses. But all this kind of talk is nothing but sugar-coated PR bull to lull the public about the whole thing –like they’re doing something about it. What a joke on us.
That driver’s license thing, in the news, was because Hillary was confronted by question during one of the recent Democratic debates. Of course, she tried to sidestep it but provided an opening to her opponents. But traitorous Hillary knows the reality: That these people are here to stay, regardless of what she’s got to say about it– now or later.
And not only has Spitzer wanted to give them driver’s licenses, but he’s also picking up the tab for any of them that may have to undergo Cancer treatment. The Feds and harried Hospital ER’s (who are legally required to attend to them) have been paying for the rest. That’s right, working people in this country, who cannot afford health insurance have to go Bankrupt, or even do without, if something happens to them–but if you’re an illegal, breaking our laws, then it’s A-OK for the tax payer’s or the Hospitals to take care of it for you. Illegal Women do everything they can to get here to have that anchor baby– and our hospitals do it for free! It’s become so bad that many Hospitals have gone out of business over it. Over 300,000 illegal mothers pop an anchor baby here– every year, free of charge!
All of this is nothing but a full-scale ruination of this country’s future. America will be no more. Sure, you may not have any illegals in your neighborhood yet, but you do have them close by. They might just run into you on the highways one night, as they careen down the road drunk on Mescal or Beer. Two beautiful, young teenage girls, in my neck of the woods, were killed, horribly, in this very way.
So you had better think hard and fast about this subject matter, because sooner or later you will be confronted with it in a big, big way. Watch that video once again. Or better yet, show that video to your wife and kids. That’s right. I know it might scare them to death, but they’ve got to get scared–and angry. It is, after all, their future too. Everyone has to learn about this and stand up and say “enough is ENOUGH!”
By Phillip Marlowe (the INCOG MAN)
Further installments with critical information are: Just What Have They Been Up To and the second installment: Just What Have They Been Up (II) Or just skip to the chase and find out who and why this is all being done to the country: The Real Immigration Deal (all here on my blog).
And check this out: David Duke’s Jewish Led Alien Invasion from his book (and do buy his book: “Jewish Supremacy,” it’s worth every penny –I promise).
IN CASE THE LINK FOR CIVIL WAR II: The Coming Break-up of America, does not work (seems to have a server issue) then you can get a compiled version here:
Comments feed for this article
November 13, 2007 at 2:23 am
My comment on finding ‘Civil War 2′ ended up on another story’s comment page when I clicked ‘Submit’. I wonder why? I was posting under the story on illegal immigration. I’m trying it again. I probably hit a wrong key! Sorry!
November 13, 2007 at 2:28 am
The link from here worked– looks like a problem on their end. There was a note in red there about the server. Check tomorrow. I’ll see about another link, in the meantime, just in case. Ill delete the other comment that went elsewhere.
November 13, 2007 at 6:39 pm
The realities of migration in the USA and in Canada are radically different. Perhaps a more realistic approach lies somewhere in the middle.
December 22, 2007 at 10:54 pm
Estell Allen
As soon as the proposed superhighway goes in, watch that red chart go straight up. There will be no more United States of America. The illegal immigrants will colonize this territory.
December 22, 2007 at 11:07 pm
Oh without a doubt. Note that Giuliani’s Law office is handling the paperwork for that NAFTA Super corridor (I-69). The new Attorney General, the Orthodox Zionist Michael Mukasey has a son working in that law office.
It’s all a crock, people. Giuliani and Hillary are both Jew-approved insiders, dedicated to the destruction of the middle class in the good old USA. Spread the news. Ron Paul may be our last, best hope. Paul knows all about it, too.
They’ll call all of this “conspiracy theory” to ridicule people into staying silent. Don’t you believe it. It’s all a lie and an attack on this country by the liars.