Activist Jews marching in support of the illegal invasion of this country by non-whites. Jews have been up to this BS for well over a hundred years –and the Jew is winning.
Just look at those big-mouthed Jews, above. Jews like this, all work extra hard in trying to prove that they care so much– about the Immigrant. But they’re all acting on some Jew gut-level instinct, one that attacks any non-Jewish White majorities, in whatever fashion they can freely get away with. Oh, they may act all buddy-buddy on a personal level with you, but the real deal is that you’re just another dumb-ass Goyim to them, allowing them to get away with it all.
Although they may well be shitting in their own bed in the end, it makes little difference to them, at all. Even some of their own recognize that this may not be good for the Jew in the long run, but are powerless to do anything about it. This becomes more and more prevalent as Jewish political and cultural clout continues to get out of hand. It’s Jews gone wild!
If you oppose their views they’ll slander you by calling you things like “Xenophobic” and the new bullshit label “Nativist.” As if being a native to this country is now such a bad, evil thing! And that’s when they’re being nice about it. Of course, all of us white Americans who are against any of this, will be called out-and-out Evil-Nazis-KKK whiteys. I can’t wait for the day when these traitors to America really see some mad people –up close and personal!
And look at just who these Jews are really supporting: Latino groups such as MEChA and La Raza who espouse blatant racism against the white Europeans and literally calls for his expulsion from the American Southwest (that’s right!). And these INVADERS actually get direct funding from Jewish groups (such as the B’nai B’rith), a few corrupted Christian churches (like the Unitarians) and a variety of Globalist population-manipulators, like the mega-money Ford Foundation. Also, International Corporations now pay them blackmail (or maybe inducement?) money and they’ve even been the recipient of your US tax dollars, actually voted in by our AIPAC, Zionist-corrupted ”government” –can you believe all this traitorous crap, anymore?
This past May, the Latino community in Los Angeles, held a violent demonstration march for the Illegals here in America. This is the one where they went nuts and fought with the police (and the police were blamed for it). To help provide support for these anti-American Latino groups, the following Jew organizations were involved:
- Teaching Tolerance – Division of SPLC [Jew-owned Southern Poverty Law Center]
- University of Denver Center for Judaic Studies
- GLSEN-Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network
- Allied Jewish Federation of Colorado
Gay and Lesbian Alliance - Jewish Mosiac: Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity
Now, you may wonder what these Jew and Gay right’s groups have in common with the Illegal Latino community? Nothing –it is the Jew element at work, that puts forth all this phony altruistic, lovey-dovey shit to explain it all, but the one real goal, from those who instigate this crap with all the money, legislation and media support, is to destroy the white demographics of this country, by allowing the brown hordes to invade this country. What was once your country, America!
But it’s evident that the Latinos are getting cocky and tired of Jew meddling in their affairs. It seems a falling out will soon occur, at least on some political levels, since they want power commensurate with their new majorities. The Latino believes in Aztlan, the reconquest of the US Southwest. And the Latino can now get dual nationality with Mexico, just like the traitorous Jews with Israel. But the Latinos don’t want to see what little tax dollars they pay to the US government end up going to the State of Israel. Can you blame them on that one?
Of course, even that may not stop the Jew from supporting them, if you can believe it, after all the main thing is to destroy the white majority. It’s the end that justifies the means. Here, this was from an anonymous email. I quote from it because it really hits the mark. The full post is here in my blog: Read The Rest Here!
The Jews know that if American whites ever catch on to what Jews have been doing, then a white nationalist reaction against Jewish power, as in Hitler’s Germany, could occur. It is precisely to prevent that eventuality that Jews have worked unceasingly to shatter the white racial back bone of America. If whites become fragmented and isolated in Third World America, Jewish power can rule unopposed.It should be obvious to you, ladies and gentlemen, that as America has declined as a white nation, Jewish power has grown ever greater. That correlation is not mere happenstance. It is cause and effect. Some of you, ladies and gentlemen, may be offended by the hard truth. You may regard it as an unwarranted attack on personal friends of the Jewish faith.
So be it. Political realities cannot be altered by personal relationships. The hard fact is that America is being destroyed as a white land because the interests of one particular group require that it be so. That group is the Jews. Both logic and the hard facts support the conclusion. Some of you shall be scared off by the Jewish angle. But unless YOU, ladies and gentlemen, understand why you are being flooded with the Third World, you will not be able to evict them from your land. You will be stymied at every attempt.
Now, I know that all this angers you, as it should. But this is reality. And if we don’t do something about it soon, then we’ll have a real catastrophe in our near future and your children’s future will never be what you thought. Although, the shameful Amnesty bill was shelved in May due to overwhelming efforts of the people out there, the issue is still very much with us. Lately, they’ve been propagandizing successes by Immigration police over a few hundred here, maybe a thousand there. This is not even a drop in the bucket. It’s all candy-coated PR Bull defecation, as usual. They are acting like they’re doing something and they’re not doing a damned thing.
Oh, they could if they wanted to. Back in the fifties they had a program called Operation Wetback that effectively rounded them up and shipped ‘em back. But the brainwashed liberals don’t want that, because the Jew-owned liberal media tells them it was much too harsh and, get this, too Stalinistic. But it’s all just so fine with them that America gets trashed because that’s the agenda the media bosses order them to push. And ask yourself this: If you knew about the things you saw in that Immigration Gumball video and you worked in a newsroom, would you be for it? Of course not. Neither would most people, even a lot of lefty, big-mouthed Jews. But they know, just like everyone else, that they have to keep that paycheck coming in so they won’t end up like the rest of us poor slobs will soon enough!
You may be saying that “Oh, we don’t really know the Jews are conspiring to do all of this.” You’d better think twice about that, Sports Fan. We know the Jews are the driving force to Globalization (they want it bad!) and it’s them, along with their traitorous Gentile Elite buddies, that are quietly creating the North American Union (yeah, it’s true, alright). And the Jews have built-in shock troops in the lefty liberal Jews, all working on inner Jew instincts along with brainwashed white minions to appeal to your softer side, wanting you to believe that it’s for the best now and we need to, have to show compassion for the downtrodden of the entire planet. It’s nothing but a BIG, FAT LIE on you –the American people!
Or you might even call it something like Corporate Fascism, too, in your wish to explain away the Jew in all of this. But make no mistake, whomever you point fingers at, it’s all going down, Jack. And it’s taking you with it. No, the common denominator is the Jew –you can see him in all his social engineering– as well as the outright media manipulation and misdirections over this critical issue. Here, a powerful Jew once said this about Globalization a long time ago:
“We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent.” –Jewish Banker James Warburg, February 17, 1950, as he testified before the U.S. Senate.
Now, you may be fortunate not to have any of this effect you today. But it will, most definitely, tomorrow. I’ve seen it. I traveled the entire country a few years back and I saw Illegals, almost everywhere I went. I’ve seen people get in car accidents with the Illegals fleeing the scene because they have no insurance. I’ve seen 20 of them move into houses and proceed to tear everything to pieces and let the yard go to hell. I’ve even witnessed Illegals butchering an old Alligator Snapping Turtle, who must have lived for a hundred years before being caught and killed by the stinking Illegals!
Oh, they’ll be moving in, alright, my friends. Violent crime will go way up (Illegal Immigrant Crime); drunk Illegals, high on Mescal and Beer will be careening down the highway and you’ll get laid off and won’t be able to find any job that pays a dam, anymore.
When will you decide to do something? When it’s much too late?
By Phillip Marlowe
Read more on this critically important subject: DUKE’S JEWISH LED INVASION CHAPTER HERE!
Comments feed for this article
November 14, 2007 at 1:47 am
Well, as per time immemorial, our ‘jewish’ ‘friends’ have overplayed their hand and the plan has now become obvious to many of those who do NOT approve.
As has happened before, the host population will react and reassert their own, majority interest.
The question is, where will they go this time when they are expelled?
Face it jews, no one likes you, no one wants you.
As you sow, so shall ye reap.
In the vernacular, payback is a bitch.
November 14, 2007 at 10:12 pm
Great piece Phillip!