Tamar Jacoby, Über-Jew for Illegal Immigration and so-called Neoconservative but really an operative for the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR).
People need to take a good hard look at the real driving force behind all of this Immigration and Globalist stuff to begin with: The Jewish Supremacist. He’s been the one –all along– behind all of this Immigration crap since the twenties and even earlier (see below for an illuminating PDF history of all their efforts). These activist, Multicult-Jews have wanted it sooo bad for all of the white, Western countries for a long, dam time. Of course, the media won’t say a word, as usual.
But you’ll never see the Jew allow this kind of thing happen to his Sacred State of Israel. You’d be verboten from immigrating there unless your mother is Jewish. Hell, the Jew is always trying to tell us just how altruistic and non-racist he is and yet excludes any non-Jewish immigration into his precious State of Israel. Kind of ironic, eh? More like the absolute ultimate in hypocrisy –as I and a whole hell of lot of other people have finally figured out, lately.
Yet, that’s not at all a problem for him in supporting, marching and legislating, for any non-white immigration –legal or otherwise– in any of the majority white countries. He’s been leading the charge to allow most any (he doesn’t like Arabs) non-white immigration into this country since long before 1965, when the Jew Jacob Javits of NY finally suckered the US government to replace the existing immigration laws –that changed it from 180,000 mostly white Europeans to well over 800,000, mostly non-whites, from any other part of the world.
In the case of immigration policy, there is ample documentation [PDF] of a consistent interest by the Jewish community, both in America and in Europe, in ending the hegemony of the host community amongst whom they live. READ MORE
I highly suggest that you download the above PDF. It’s well worth the paper in printing it out, too. It’s from the social scientist Kevin MacDonald (California State University-Long Beach) who’s now under fierce attack by the Jews of the SPLC for having the unmitigated gall (the Jew’s perspective, as usual) to scientifically approach the problem! In it, you’ll see the real history behind immigration in this country for the last 100 years or so. The Jew’s interest in this whole subject and all the efforts he’s gone to –will simply astound you. The exact same BS that’s being talked about today goes back a long, long time, my friends. Here’s some brief quotes from the PDF:
…Richard Arens, Staff Director of the Senate subcommittee…”one of the curious things about those who most loudly claim that the 1952 act is ‘discriminatory’ and that it does not make allowance for a sufficient number of alleged refugees, is that they oppose admission of any of the approximately one million Arab refugees in camps where they are living in pitiful circumstances after being driven out of Israel…”
…it is noteworthy that well before the ultimate triumph of the Jewish policy on immigration, [Jacob] Javits (1951) authored an article entitled “Let’s open the gates” that proposed immigration levels of 500,000 per year for 20 years…
The 1965 law is having the effect that it seems reasonable to suppose had been intended by it’s Jewish advocates all along: the Census Bureau projects that by the year 2050, European-derived peoples will no longer be a majority of the population of America. Moreover, multiculturalism has already become a powerful ideological and political reality (Brimelow, 1995).
All things being equal, a given ethnic group would be better off if it ensured that the other group had fewer resources, a lower social status, lower fertility, and proportionately less political power than itself. (Indeed, lowering the political and demographic power of the European-derived peoples of the United States has clearly been the aim of the Jewish political and intellectual activities discussed here.)
Oh, the Jew says that he is just so concerned for the downtrodden of the world because he still remembers the sad story about that pre-WW II ship filled with Jews that was turned away from all of the countries in the world, including the USA, and just can’t bear the thought of the same thing happening to another people, even to brown Catholics who freely and openly hate the Jew. Yeah. The Jew gives us absolute total BS about this, since he’s wanted to change the Immigration laws in this country since long before Hitler and the event with that ship.
If you were to look at all the groups and organizations behind this Immigration right’s crap, you’ll find liberal Jews working the phones and handling the fat incoming checks from rich Jewish groups, such as the United Jewish Appeal and the giant, traitorous, B’nai B’rith.
The shrewish woman in the above photo, I once found listed on the board for the NY Coalition of Immigration (her name has since been removed from the site– they’ve been trying to go less visible). But she’s much more than some run-of-the-mill Jewess Big Mouth, dear friends. She’s been a tireless, behind the scenes agitator for Immigration at such places as the Manhattan Institute, a Neocon Think-Tank and in the corridors of Washington, DC. She’s another prime example of the multitude of liberal, corrosive Jews (but who have to “chutzpah” to call themselves Neo-conservative) and who are now working to ensure this country’s demise from within:
The Washington Post reported on May 21— in an article touting Ms. Jacoby as someone just so special—that Ms. Jacoby “has also tried to rally conservatives with arguments that immigrants are good for the economy and therefore good for the country.” Ms. Jacoby is cited as having propounded the theme that “A healthy economy, legality, assimilation—those are all things that conservatives believe in. I’m not ceding those values to anyone.”
One would be remiss in failing to note that the very well-connected Ms. Jacoby is also a longtime member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the New York-based “junior” cousin of the London-based Royal Institute for International Affairs, which acts as the foreign policy arm of the international Rothschild banking dynasty, patrons of Israel and Zionist schemes. READ THE REST HERE
And it’s not just a few groups, either. Take a look at groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and the heavily-Jewish, anti-American and anti-Christian ACLU. These outfits are literally now suing civic localities that are simply trying to pass laws that give them protection from being invaded. Laws that our Jew-corrupted government forces them to do because they really want us to be invaded, in the first place. And these same lefty Jew groups are the first to attack you if you dare raise your voice about it. The Zionist-controlled media treats these people like they have the perfectly good right to TRASH this entire country! It’s just insane what these Jews have been getting away with doing to this country these days and in the past, as well.
By Phillip Marlowe
Please continue reading about this crucial issue to America in my next blog posting… Read here
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November 13, 2007 at 2:11 am
Sick of the crap 2
Yowza! I thought that was a picture of an extra-terrestial! What an ugly thing! If Potock, the fag from the SPLC wasn’t a fag, they would make a suitable pair! Maybe it is better he doesn’t reproduce though….those would be some horrendous creatures! *shudder*
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