Clever Nazi cartoon depicting the New York or London Times as a Jewish mouthpiece. Guess what? The Germans were right and it’s still the case with mainstream media today!
I’M CERTAIN THAT if you are a regular visitor at INCOG LAND, you’ve seen the occasional commenter coming here trying to imply, or even say outright that I’m really a secret Jew, collecting names and/or putting out twisted messages to screw-up the thinking of White people.
Well, I got something to say to these liars and it’s exactly the same as what Luftwaffe boss Hermann Göring once said at the Nuremburg ”war crimes” tribunal. When fellow defendants asked what they should all say in court, Göring wanted to limit the entire defense to these three words: ”Lick my ass!” That’s right, you sorry Jew bastards: You can lick my White ass!
Me a Jew? I don’t think so, Schmos. I’m 100% American White boy and GD proud of it. I have an ancestor who died under the banner of Robert E. Lee (may God bless his soul) and a couple other family members who fought under George C. Patton freeing Jews in Europe and now I have to listen to you SOBs still going on and on (to infinity) about holoco$t crap! When will you whiny freaks ever shut the hell up?
Read on for more INCOG ranting and take a poll on me being a Jew!
First off, let’s take another look at the Jews behind all this before I fully address the business of me being a Jew “disinfo agent.” God, that’s so funny, I forgot to laugh.
You should already know by now, that most of your Jews are divisive liberals and Marxist types. In fact, most Jews voted for Obama, regardless of all the anti-Obama yapping from the so-called conservative Jews. I read where a poll was taken of Jews leaving the voting booths that put them voting 77% for The Mulatto One and I’m quite certain the numbers were similar for Jews everywhere. This tells us that a majority of them are pro-Obama, liberal Commie-types and the ”conservative” Jews know all this.
But being Jews, these right-winger Zionists ignore that and lamely resort to calling liberal Jews “self-hating,” or Bolsheviks (which kills me since most of the real Bolsheviks were Jews). Some dream up unbelievably convoluted history that says liberal and criminal Jews are something called “Erev Rav,” meaning worthless, semi-Jews whom Moses should have left behind in Egypt when he high-tailed it from the Pharaoh and his chariots.
Erev Rav Jews can be pictured as the sneaky Dathan, slave overseer and early “Kapo” for the Israelites in bondage, in the movie “The Ten Commandments.” He was played by the Crypto-Jew Edward G. Robinson (real name Emanuel Goldenberg). Didn’t you wonder why they kept from choking this guy dead right off the bat? The present-day Zionist, right-winger Jews now think they’ve been saddled with these thorn-in-the-side Erev Rav members ever since the days of Moses.
Yeah, this lame excuse sure does explain things in the modern world, alright. The Jew always seems to find some ready answer for his failings as a “Chosen One.” And make note: If these big-mouthed, war-mongering and Israel-Firster Neo-CON Jews are stuck with the candy-ass, devious Erev Rav Jews — than the rest of us Americans are stuck with the whole stinking lot!
It’s crazy for us as a country to have to deal with bizarre legends that go back to even before any real history was recorded. All these supposed stories about some violent little desert tribe who’s whole religion revolved around sacrificing first-born babies and animals; or putting to the sword all the members of other desert tribes in their way — stealing the gold, land, any good cattle, and enslaving the best-looking virgins for later use back in some fat old Hebrew’s dusty striped tent.
But the absolute worse thing is that most modern day Jews apparently don’t even harken back to the whole Israelite/Moses Technicolor movie stuff at all! That’s right: Besides the Sephardic Jews, the majority are Ashkenazi (about 85% or more); who really belong to a Southern Russia, Hunnish/Turkish race called the Khazars, who spread through-out Europe during the middle ages. Just take a look at a photo of them today and compare it to a photo of Palestinians.
Regardless of the blatant lies now put out by Jewry on the subject, genetic tests strongly suggest that the Khazar history is indeed correct, but the Jews don’t want the casual American to know even a thing about it, since it naturally calls into question them stealing Palestine as their “homeland” in the first place. READ MORE HERE
Another thing about these right-winger conservative Jews: If you read all the stuff that comes out of their mouths, you’ll quickly note that the status of precious Israel is the first and foremost thing to these people. No friggin’ matter what! These are not Americans, but Israeli embedded agents. They try to come off as conservative, flag-waving, Mom and Apple pie, and let’s kill all the evil sand-niggers ’cause they hate us for our freedoms, blah, blah, blah. Same old line of BS, right along with all the phony Bin Laden tapes.
This is all part of the Jew’s incessant paranoia that just goes on and on (to infinity, again).
Next to shaking down shekels out of host populations without too much honest labor, the arrogant Khazar Jews love screaming bloody murder over just about anything they please. The particular ones above have specialized in yapping away on sacred Israel being in “grave danger” from Muslims, censoring free speech (mostly about them) and non-stop holocaust pity fests. The American concept means nothing to these selfish, Jew big-mouths — those Jews ”lucky” enough, get to make money causing the rest of us trouble!
These Neocohen Jews have all kinds of organizations expressly designed to shut-up or manipulate real Americans: JTF, JDL, SPLC, ADL, JDIF, AIPAC, JINSA — you name it, these people have a veritable alphabet soup of loud-mouthed bastards who love to cause trouble everywhere. Let’s not forget how they treat the Muslims, too. They psychologically need to hate those people so they don’t feel all guilty (if that’s possible) when they kill Palestinians. And they want us to hate them right along, or else we’re the Nazis!
How’s that for some typical Jew Spew? Can you believe the GD nerve of these people?
But how did all this lying Zionist Jew crap come about for America? We let the Eastern European version (Talmudic, Ashkenazi Khazar “Jews”) immigrate here in the late 1800′s and they’ve been the bane of America and Whites ever since. We’ve been warned about them many times, too, and not just by the Nazis, either.
Why do you think Jews are so often called “Nation Wreckers?” Because they are that’s why! Every single country they’ve ever lived in, they’ve ended-up getting kicked out, or a lot worse. Sometimes even twice! You think it’s just because Jews are so sweet and innocent? That’s so funny I forgot to laugh — again!
Americans have always had a soft spot for the “oppressed” little guy. This is mostly because America was settled by us regular people escaping the pampered Kings and Lords of Europe. That’s why the right to bear arms and go hunting is so important for Americans. Over in the Old Country, we might get hung if we shot some stag deer in the wrong woods owned by some fat lord and master. No lie.
This American egalitarian spirit has been mercilessly milked by these conniving Jews against our own race! From WWI and WWII to civil rights, all the way up to the present day when Whites daily have to suck down boatloads of pure crapola because of the Politically Correct business these hypocrites from hell have created in the US of A!
OK, let’s get back to the subject of me being a Jew disinfo agent. All my words here on my blog can be carefully read (which I want), so you can decide for yourself. You can go read my “About Me” page and see exactly what I’ve long been trying to tell everyone. Other than additional quotes, I’ve hardly made a change to the page since I first wrote it, over 2 years ago.
But let me put my message here in a nutshell (if at all possible):
Jews have crapped-up their own bed big-time and are the biggest problem facing America and all White people now. From social engineering, to changing the immigration laws to favor non-Whites (1965), to doing whatever they can get away with in trashing White demographics and racial solidarity. Jews are often seen at the forefront of fomenting dissent and pushing a wide variety of immorality in their owned mainstream media, politics and society, all the while living as financial parasites and scamsters.
These people are pretty much only loyal to Israel and work as daily PR spinmeisters and propagandists for that rogue nation. Shamelessly, they blackmail the world for money and sympathy over the falsely inflated ”holocaust.” But most of them could care less about non-Jewish genocides, horrible Israeli war crimes and oppressions against Palestinians (Gaza), Israeli treacheries (USS Liberty), false-flag terror (9/11), MOSSAD assassinations (Dubai) and spying on America, no less.
If all that was not enough: Back in our once mostly White countries (thanks, Jews!), these hysterical hypocrites happily work as censors and ”thought police” to intimidate us Whites with PC slanders, push for Globalization and the NWO, protect the Jewish International Agenda and absolutely anything whatsover to do with their devious behavior and race.
A race that is totally self-serving, totally subversive and totally sorrier than gully dirt. It’s these people who have been the real “agents provocateurs” and racial “fifth columnists” of all time!
Americans are fast getting fed-the-hell-up with these non-stop trouble-makers. Since so few of them actually join the US military and ever see overseas service — us Whites going all Nazi scares them a whole lot more than any rag-head Muslims. Trust me.
Getting back to me (again): Far as I’m concerned, if I was a secret Jew, then I would have to be the world’s biggest self-hating Jew — ever! Hell, if I was, I would have killed myself long ago, or else gone totally bonkers. It would make me the craziest Jew SOB who ever strolled the planet, and that’s saying something.
For crying out loud, what other possible explanation could there be?
One thing you need to understand is that Jews are masters of the lie. They love to play upon your doubts and confusions. They also understand well the lingo of pro-Whites and use it to establish themselves before they start dropping little bombs of suspicion, mistrust and out-of-left field accusations.
Some of these tricky real-life Jew disinfo agents might even give themselves names like “White Patriot” in the attempt to fool you on the Internet, as they dispense foul Jew lies and made-up nonsense.
These tricksters will also zero in and attack any Whites who make strong comments about the Jew as not being “White enough” so that we start in on each other. Nothing pleases the subversive Jew more than getting a bunch of Whites riled-up and hurling invectives at each other! Hell, they’ve been using this fun little game to get the Negroes militant about Whitey ever since they’ve been here.
Another thing these Jews do is play bizarre head games by trying to paint a picture that the Jews are so prevalent and wide-spread that each of us are really secret Jews and just don’t know it. They may well have a point here — sorry to say — since far too many Whites have been so throughly brainwashed by Jewy-thinking they’ve become mini-Jews themselves (like Christian Zionists and White liberals).
Because of Internet exposure, the Jews are now starting to get scared and know how little their real “on the street” control is over the rest of us. Like most flim-flams, it’s all been a giant charade and cardboard Potemkin village.
Sure they have money, but big Jewry has just about turned all that into worthless paper. The have the media, but what can smarmy pro-Zionist anchorpeople and the usual Jew media pundits do when the power goes out and we’re out in force? The biggest threat they have is in sparking a race war as a parting gift to a country that once gave them succor. They’ll hope we’ll kill ourselves before we finger them and turn our sights on the real culprits.
So, let’s conclude my rant session here and let me reiterate for the umpteenth time: I’m a White Caucasian of European Christian descent, whose ancestry has been traced all the way back to Jamestown, Virginia. I like White women and song, drinking tasty adult beverages on the occasion, fishing, hunting and exposing the lousy Jews now hell-bent on ruining the country of America!
I’m definitely, unequivocally not a Jew. No way, Jose. Got that Jews and anyone else who wants to listen to those big fat liars?
– Phillip Marlowe, the INCOG MAN
Yeah, yeah, I know I go on with my ranting. The short answer to accusations of me being a Jew? Lick my ass!
Here, I’ll let you be my Judge and Jury. If convicted, I’ll spend my time in SPAMblinka, along with the Jews and XXX spam links I get bombarded with. Cast your vote NOW!
Comments feed for this article
March 7, 2010 at 7:21 am
Nazi gassing never happened. just more Lying Jew Scumbag propaganda bullshit.
March 7, 2010 at 7:29 am
The black slavetrade was a jewish monopoly. lt was the Jews that traded the blacks to America. The whole slavetrade was a – JEW ONLY! enterprise.
Read the jews OWN word who was the slavetraders. 100 percent JEW ONLY sources.
March 7, 2010 at 8:41 am
Cannibal Rabbi
Hoff thanks for the links.Any info on Hitlers Platterhof speech from May ’44? There are a couple of pages up on Amazon.Tht’s all i can find.Thanks.
March 7, 2010 at 9:07 am
正教会の智 “You’d better not be a Jew, because you link to my site, and that might make me a Jew too. And I’m not getting circumcised no matter what!”
Circumcised?????????????? You don’t have a penis, you dim-witted yenta.
March 7, 2010 at 9:13 am
No, I don’t have a “penis” unless I’m in a doctor’s office. Otherwise I have a cock. Sorry if that excites you. Who the fuck are you anyway? Varange? Sounds like a nickname that Jewess in Sex and the City would use for her cunt. “Oh, my varange is so itchy…” Or is what your pimp calls your asshole?
March 7, 2010 at 9:30 am
正教会の智 “Varange? Sounds like a nickname that Jewess in Sex and the City would use for her cunt.”
Varange refers to the Varangians, ninth-century Vikings who first brought Western influence to Russia and helped found the first Russian state in Kiev. Varangians are also known as the Norse mercenaries who founded the elite corps of Byzantine armies. Sorry if this explanation isn’t crass and immature enough for you to comprehend.
March 7, 2010 at 9:33 am
Anyone who is an expert in church history, as you claim to be, would certainly know who the varangians were.
March 7, 2010 at 9:58 am
Marsh, youre right of course : 43,000 pairs of shoes are not 6,000000 pairs of shoes.
Is it just me, or are they mentioning “gas chambers” less and less in the ever-rolling hollow propaganda?
March 7, 2010 at 10:09 am
Cannibal Rabbi
gtrman.I think you may be right about that.Playing it down you might say.All the while allowing the gentile dupes to run with the ball.Haven’t they glided seamlessly on to the”hollowcrock of bullets”?The next redoubt. 1 a : a small usually temporary enclosed defensive work b : a defended position : protective barrier
2 : a secure retreat : stronghold
March 7, 2010 at 10:15 am
Itchy Varange, I know very well what a Varangian was, and a Varangian Guard for that matter. But an itchy varange like you sound’s like something Janeane Garofalo suffers from. If you were trying to come up with a big, butchy, Viking-sounding name, you’d have been better off with “Molly Hatchet” even. Better come back with a new name if you expect to get any hasbaring done around here. I shouldn’t really tell you this, but if you want to stir things up, you might try offering some sort of contribution to the war against Judonia before you just start insulting somebody who makes a habit of actually Naming the Jew and outlining their Protocolled schemes. Just showing up and shouting “You’re a kike! You’re a yenta! You’re a Jew-boy!” might impress the more feeble-minded, of course.
March 7, 2010 at 10:19 am
gtrman and Autopharage Rabbi,
They don’t really need to harp on all the time about the Holy Gas Chapels any more. They’ve already trained a generation or two or three to just spout their Holohoax propaganda on command, genuflect to Yad Vashem, and act as public censors of anything threatening to Jewry.
March 7, 2010 at 10:39 am
Sorry, I meant Autophage Rabbi. It’s a tribute.
Speaking of nicknames, I hereby decree that hasbara will henceforth be known as Janeane Garofalo’s Itchy Varange.
+ + +
More on the Jew Filter:
“The Robe” an ostensibly ‘Christian’ movie is now on the Talmud-Vision.
Scrpitwriters include:
Gina Kaus, Jew: Regina Wiener, the daughter of money broker Max Wiener, married the Viennese musician Josef Zirner, but he died in World War I (aaww, that’s a little holocaust…) . She was the mistress and common law wife of the banker Josef Kranz and used the last name Zirner-Kaus. Four years later, 1920, she married the writer Otto Kaus.
Albert Maltz, Jew: One of “the Hollywood Ten”. From Brooklyn. Columbia Universit.
Philip Dunne: “Catholic” war-mongering Communist.
Lloyd C. Douglas: Protestant. He has the lead writing credit, but I think this was contractual, since he wrote the original novel, and the movie outline. In fact, he died 2 years before production.
Director: Frank Ross. Apparently not Jewish, but Ross could be Jewish. Sometimes a version of Roth, Rothstein, etc.
Producer: Henry Koster, Jew, who “suffered greatly from anti-Semitism”
Score by the Jew Alfred Newman. A lot of people don’t get the importance of this, but most major Hollywood productions have Jewey soundtracks. And yes, they sound Jewy. Schmaltzy would be a good synonym. So, for example, a “Christian” story like The Robe will be sure to have no inspiring Christian music.
Studio: 20th Century Fox. I.e. 20th Century Jew, Jew, Jew and Jew.
Incredibly, the cast is almost judenrein! (Of course, Richard Burton was married to a Jewess.)
March 7, 2010 at 11:48 am
Too true Hoff. The ultimate tv show would be “Cooking with Hitler in Shark Prison”. Actually, the other day the Hitlery Channel had a new series, “The Russian Revolution In Colour -gtrman-
by Hoff: HITLER – Now in Colour. All jewowned Hitler-media has ALWAYS NEW Hitler this, and N-E-W Hitler whatthefuckever, Hitler-Hitler-and more H-I-T-L-E-R.
Just watch all Hitler-channels and tell me ONCE Hitler-channel mentions the jews who ran USSR. l have been watching History-Channel for two months now. l’m jew-wise, l know what to look for – the jew – and even l got brainwashed. All the time l asked myself: – Where is the jews?
l had some 50 cabel-channels. l watched at least 200 hour on msm, mainstreamedia, and not once was the jews named. lt was anything BUT the jews 24-7. Starting at ten at night at least 8-10 cabel-channels had free porn. 80 percent lesboporn.
Who owns all cabel-channels? lt’s a jews world, do anything you like – but don’t talk about the jews.
-jew? What jew?
March 7, 2010 at 12:23 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
What jew talkin; ’bout willis?hehehe.
March 7, 2010 at 2:42 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
I think we could all be wrong.Who could make this up………………………………..“In the death camp of Sobibur the process of killing was still more perfected. A special brick building was constructed there, and as soon as about 800 people passed into this building, the heavy doors were locked and an electric engine in an adjoining ving pumped poison gas into it. As a rule, in fifteen minutes all the people were dead; then the floor in the building slid apart automatically and the bodies fell into the basement, from where they were taken in special carts to woods and buried there.” Forgive me.The Nazis made me doubt your veracity.
March 7, 2010 at 6:01 pm
The Populist
Great picture;
I like your stuff about the jews, although I don’t agree with your racial views.
March 7, 2010 at 6:06 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
Populist.Get some decent glasses and you will.
March 7, 2010 at 6:18 pm
GDL/White Master
I don’t agree with the Jew’s racial views, and their anti-White ramblings.
Out with the JEW,
March 7, 2010 at 6:18 pm
“The ultimate tv show would be “Cooking with Hitler in Shark Prison”.
Followed by “Jew Tracker”, in which an Nazi SS trooper on horseback chases down escapees from various concentration, I mean death, camps with the aid of a Cossack sidekick and a pack of snarling Dobermans.
hmm, maybe I should copyright that!
March 7, 2010 at 6:24 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
Populist.Let me offer an analogy.When i was a kid ,I had a ma and pa and several siblings.Now the family across the way was to all intents and purposes identical.What we didn’t do was swap half of our family for half of their family on a permanent basis.We went with what we had as a family.Ifsomething tragic happened in our family,we didn’t blame our neighbours,and vice versa.If the family over yonder did something bad,we would decide as a family that it was probably in our best interests to avoid that family.We didn’t give them the keys to the door and tell them to make themselves at home.Because that would have been dumb.
March 8, 2010 at 12:38 am
Hi every-one! I am bad with timeframes. March reminded me today that I haven’t posted here in a bit. OMG. There are not enough hours in the day!
Incogman – I just sent another Tea Party person to this site. Yee Ha. He’s a Christian. He’s asking me if the stuff tell him about Jews is true. I expect he’s be dropping by here this week.
I know you will do me proud. You all will. Another White – who is already hip to our dire demographic situation – is ready to come into the Light of Truth.
Incogman – if you are a Jew -so am I. And I AIN”T.
March 8, 2010 at 12:47 am
Thanks, Nemesys. Tell your friend I’m a little raw at times, so he doesn’t get too shocked. It’s tough being Mr. Nice guy on the topic, sometimes. If I know what name he will use, I’ll give him a warm welcome. Or try to.
March 8, 2010 at 1:33 am
Incogman – he;s very circumspect. I don’t think he’ll sign on for a very very long time. I’ve gotten him to read the Talmud – but he can’t believe that “the majority of Jews could think that way”.
I sent him a link to this site, cause your “rawness” – I call it “straight on no BS factual reality” – is absolutely necessary.
Thanks for your devotion to exposing the truth about the meltdown.
March 8, 2010 at 2:33 am
Re: “he can’t believe that “the majority of Jews could think that way”. ”
But they don’t need to subscribe to every Talmudic precept, or anything like that. However, it’s in their culture: the racial supremacism, the paranoia, the double-standards, and so on.
Perhaps you could ask your friend what’s Christian (or so-called “Judeo-Christian”) about advocating or defending the rape of girls under 3 years old.
For evidence of pedophilia, see the jpg files here:
March 8, 2010 at 2:34 am
Are you aware of Come See and Hear? They have the complete Soncino edition of the Talmud.
If you look around there, you can find some zip file of the entire site, so you can search it offline, or have it in case the site disappears into cyberspace one day.
March 8, 2010 at 5:08 am
You don’t need an E after an umlaut. Göring is the correct spelling. To help anglos with pronunciation and those too lame to use character map you put an E after the letter that should have the umlaut.
March 8, 2010 at 7:24 am
@ orfeo negru
what is a “farm shit loader” ? do you have experience there? just get promoted to herd insemination supervisor and know they’re looking for a guy? 20% of the nation is unemployed asshole, so your calling them all losers.. HA! eat a dick JEW.
i liked Karen better when she was ray zerwitt….
March 8, 2010 at 10:56 am
Ray Zerwitt
Is Biker bullying Karen out now? How many women do you see posting, since you and your penis comparing friends made Incogman’s blog ‘the cool table’, for your little dick clique? Not to mention the others who really had something to say.
There have been hints, suggestions, vivid word pictures, warnings, comparisons of what you and your little dick clique are doing to this blog. Of 440 comments, I’ll bet more than 40 were yours.
You’re proving to me that chutzpah is based in narcissism, stupidity and blindness. Are you one of those ugly people that just can’t stop looking in the store window thinking “Wow, I look cool in the store window”?
Another jew trait you demsonstrate is your topical solutions… SHOOT EM! The white man cleans up his own house, first. When TSHTF, there will be empty potpipes, crackpipes, and in the case of Cannibal Rabbi – tweakpipes. It won’t be as titillating as you and your little dick clique make it out to be. You will be the first to cry, when your vibrating butt plug needs new batteries, and you can’t get any.
I’ll speak for myself when I say “STFU, for a change!”. You’re drowning out the quality, with the jew aim of running it off, permanently.
March 8, 2010 at 11:14 am
Ray, seek help for your dick obsession. Seriously.
March 8, 2010 at 11:58 am
ohhh fuck you. because i post you cant? got yer panties in a wad razor? my posting must have been a block on your creativity, or original thought jewboi. because out of 440 comments, in fact THOUSANDS of comments, ive not seen one from you that was worth a shit. ive learned not one gaddam thing from you. American, Hoff, GTRman, Marshall, Geronimo? VOLUMES. since coming here my favorites are a disorganised overflowing MESS. and NONE of that is due to YOU.
circumcision is relevant, its a JEW ritual that is MORE of their satanic shit directed against infants. if you take it as a dick obsession, i agree with Geronimo, that YOU have the problem
yourself and Karen NEVER post. but you and Karen are pissed at ALL that post regularly. F*CK you and Karen.
“round one to the barbarians” so..WTF have YOU contributed asswipe?
March 8, 2010 at 11:59 am
there asshole, Biker didnt post the above.. LOL! all better now? take your ball and run along now…
March 8, 2010 at 2:29 pm
There’s a pattern in the tactics used to combat movements. First is suppression or non-recognition. Failing in this, next comes the smear through distortion, misrepresentation and the sowing of confusion (is Incogman a jew?). However, the smear needn’t always be negative. A positive smear is often effective for creating a haze around the truth, crippling the developing movement while discrediting their enemies (Rothchild/Illuminati/the Pope are behind all these evils but David Duke is a black- hating Nazi) The third tactic is infiltration in order to sabotage the movement at the appropriate time, meanwhile diverting energies into harmless activities (was John Lennon really Brian Epsteins gay lover?) If all else fails the movement is brought into line with their agenda (tea parties and Sarah Palin)
March 8, 2010 at 2:35 pm
Why wouldn’y you post it?
March 8, 2010 at 2:35 pm
Sorry, I jumped the gun.
March 8, 2010 at 2:39 pm
orfeo negru
Biker unemployed corner of the day.
Dude here is the latest list of classy jobs for you loser.
* Sewage treatment workers
* Hazmat diver
You should contact the following manager at
Those are real special dude – 7 bucks and a bigMac loan.
So whino – run for the sewage and get your small rats a dinner.
March 8, 2010 at 2:50 pm
GDL/White Master
orfeo JEWgru needs to be SPAMblinka’d! He is nothing but a worthless distraction. Israel needs to get a life and stop sucking off of the United States….worthless Jew bastards.
You sound like a Jew fag with your pecker fetish.
March 8, 2010 at 2:55 pm
Karen, was your first comment here the one done on the 6th, in this thread? I had noticed it and didn’t have time to reply at that time. I’m not asking in a way to be tricky – I’m just curious. Thanks.
March 8, 2010 at 2:56 pm
Hazmat diver? Don’t you mean “driver?” Wow Orfeo, filling out your profile at must be a real brain teaser. I don’t think Incog is hiring… sure you’re in the right place? Science to the rescue Orfeo…we can help you find that elusive “R” key, and throw in free snacks to boot!!!
March 8, 2010 at 3:01 pm
Karen said: “If all else fails the movement is brought into line with their agenda (tea parties and Sarah Palin)”
Add to the list.
March 8, 2010 at 3:07 pm
Palin is a stone cold Zionist stooge. It doesn’t even MATTER what her other agendas may be. She has seamlessly moved from MOOSE hunting to MOOSELIM hunting, call the Fish & Game Dept.!!! :-O
March 8, 2010 at 3:25 pm
Homosexual ‘ray zerwitt’, and ‘karen’ much prefer we argue with them here, rather than spend time over at Incog’s newest thread regarding the ugly truths about Israel.
Hammer Israel and the criminal JEWS that support that little prison.
Israel is failed state, right ‘razor’?
March 8, 2010 at 4:30 pm
allright!!! after i post, karen and unfufu reply, at about the SAME TIME!!! LOL! just what DOES a Hasbara make these days?!
think im a JEW? HA! ask marshall, he has seen pics of me, knows my hometown, and my given name… but then, none of you assholes really want a damn thing to do with a Marshall ass whipping do you? im not a jew, and im not anyone you would want to mess with in person, TRUST ME. i dont need the store window hasbaRAT, ive got guns and buns of steel… typical jew, jealous of Kelto-Germanic DNA.
yes gayray, IsraHELL is a failed, satanic little hellhole of a place… right?
March 8, 2010 at 4:52 pm
sorry, i forgot to include YOU Flanders, and of course INCOG. ive learned alot from you both. as i learn.. my writing will improve, and then maybe eventually it will be good enough for hoity toity elitist JEW Ray. not that i give a shit RAY… im going forward, you’re going DOWN.
March 8, 2010 at 6:30 pm
Ray Zerwitt
I sure have a way of getting jews singing jew tunes. “american” is a surprise to me. I didn’t think he thunk he was a member of the little dick clique. Or Gdl, although I had my suspicions of that one. Thanks for revealing yourselves. As always, I AM taking notes of the jewish characters here. You are forwarned. I WILL be watching.
March 8, 2010 at 6:32 pm
How about that racist, criminal Israel? That’s all we want to talk about.
March 8, 2010 at 6:43 pm
GDL/White Master
Yeah Ray,
Let’s talk about Jews and Israel, not Muh Dik.
March 8, 2010 at 6:48 pm
and who gives a shit if you do gayray? say Israel is a piece of shit .. SAY IT! SAY IT!!! LOL!
ohhhhh! gayray will be watching!! oh the fear! and what the hell are you gunna do when you’re done watching gayray? BITCH.. its all ya can do…
i ran more than one jew outta here.. say you’d wipe your ass with the talmud.. you fuckin CANT lol.. you fuckin CANT! JEW.. I BIKER, wil wipe my ass with your filthy jewish shit.. wow.. GO AWAY.
March 8, 2010 at 6:55 pm
kerdasi amaq
You should treat people with more respect, White Patriot. Say your piece and have done with it. Don’t blow people off: just because they don’t immediately fall in with your ideas. Plant seeds; let them grow. From what I’ve seen elsewhere, I like what you say!
If anything set up your own website!
March 8, 2010 at 7:20 pm
Biker, your comment had nothing to do with mine, as I never read your comments. I only commented because someone made the claim that I never do. Yes Flanders, it was me on the 6th and American, so sorry to have upset you, but I went onto the Israel topic blog and mistook it for a Beatles blog. So long.
March 8, 2010 at 7:22 pm
GDL/White Master
Stick around and bash the Jew and Israel with us.
March 8, 2010 at 7:40 pm
Oreo Negro, you have nothing to say that anyone cares about and have never contributed squat – Get lost. Ray, if you are sincere (which I doubt) – contribute. Karen, I think you got caught in the middle of a brew and from what I can tell, you are straight arrow and deserve respect.
I’m not trying to speak for Incogman, but this is my opinion, and I think that of others who do contribute here.
Anyone coming from here from the outside will wonder what the hell is going on and these little skirmishes should not be taken to reflect on the good information that is contained inside. Incogman’s posts are great, and so is a lot of the information contributed by people who comment here. Some who come here do so to make these pithy comments in order to make the site look bad, and they do that for a reason (usually in parts of the thread most viewable to others) and it is normally done on those posts with the best information in them. Don’t let these types of commentary disrupt your search for real information.
I suggest that we all regroup. Let’s stop feeding the ticks.
March 8, 2010 at 7:54 pm
Karen, please reconsider. You had good (constuctive criticisms – fair ones in my opinion) things to say and were not treated right. You have also had constructive postings, despite the critical treatment given to you. This has already been discussed at another place and Incogman agrees.
March 9, 2010 at 1:57 am
Incogman said…
“I’m not that important…”
Thanks for responding Incog!
What if you are? What if a task,…a giant task were to fall into your lap one day? Ambush-like in its overall effect. Something you never asked for or even expected and wanted. And yet, your blogging has been nothing but a prepatory stage. Conjecture on my part? Maybe!
When I was a young lad, I use to rummage around my father’s den at times during those long summer afternoons when I had the house to myself. And there were times when I would look at my father’s personal library without understanding what I was actually seeing. There would always be this certain book that would “call me!” It wasn’t so much the book itself, because I was so young to understand anything inside, but what was on the spine of the book itself. The book was Speer’s “Inside the Third Reich” and on the spine was a most healthy black-and-white swastika! Only now do I realize that it was here in which my future struggles were born.
Maybe the most giant of tasks can just fall into our laps and transform our whole being and purpose. Only then do we understand the burdens of Atlas and Sisyphus! And then to ponder the weight that Nietzsche carried within? Oh my! Why, it brought him madness!
I hope you don’t mind Incogman, but I’m going to hang out at your blog for a while and post an occassional comment here or there. Grimm’s virtually inactive these days and Curt has exited stage left for an act or two. And there isn’t too much else worth the time anymore. Nihilism! Nihilism! Nihilism!
“Eleven pass, and then
Athene takes Achilles by the hair,
Hector is in the dust, Nietzsche is born,
Because the hero’s crescent is the twelfth.”- Yeats
March 9, 2010 at 2:04 am
“here is the latest list of classy jobs for you loser…
Hazmat diver”
They better have a platinum health care package, or I’m not even applying!
March 9, 2010 at 3:03 am
This “sports short” is bound to get Ray worked up!!!
‘Can we have a shot of you in the water now, Jon?’
Without a tremor of hesitation he turned and strode down over the fractured shale and into the shallows, kicking up spray, and – when the waves were rising to his thighs – dived in. Some of us winced involuntarily. He surfaced and swam front crawl to about 100 metres out, then cannoned back towards us in a strong Butterfly. Standing with the water round his knees and showing no discomfort from the cold, he posed again for the cameras, his grin broad and confident. His trunks had turned semi-translucent and it looked like his testicles had contracted to neutrons in the freezing sea. Now only a fingernail-sized smudge pressed against the wet nylon. It was hard to tell if he knew we were looking, but there was no doubt that despite his otherwise impressive physique, Jon Moors, 32 year old CanadIan triathlon champion, was the possessor of a penis way, way smaller than average, and – wittingly or not – he was putting it on display.
March 9, 2010 at 10:49 pm
Classic Marshall.
March 11, 2010 at 11:21 am
Don’t be sad about being called jew , incog man . Because one of the symptoms of the zionists’ (sickness related to mind) is if someone challenges them hard they blame him/her of being jew. that is an escape way that some of non-jews –and even much more than the whole jew population of the earth- are very cute and intelligent and much more than every single jew !
so cheer up!
March 15, 2010 at 7:25 pm
another jew watch-dog organization. This one specially set up by congress with tax payer money just to protect jew activities around the world….
“SEAS was established by the Global Anti-Semitism Review Act of 2004, and is a part of the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (DRL). DRL produces the State Department’s annual reports on Human Rights Practices and International Religious Freedom, and SEAS provides input on anti-Semitism for these reports.”
March 17, 2010 at 3:07 pm
A J-w? This guy’s calling him a fag… although I have much more respect for the Incogman than for this Jewribs guy.
Left the following comment:
You criticize Incogman’s site for hate?
“Jewsribsinbearjaw” <—- uhhh… and that's not hateful sounding… thought you were the most slavering mad imbecile out there when I first saw your site.
Your article extrapolates from the Philip Marlow name a little too much.
Incogman has got at least one virtue on you though, he doesn't censor critical comments.
I remember having a discussion with you on this site, then all of a sudden my reply didn't show up!
I think he has more integrity than you.
I agree that many people posting on his site are either misguided or provacateurs of the same genus as the Hal Turner variety.
March 17, 2010 at 3:49 pm
Who cares “who’s a JEW”? Gentiles just need to keep sharing the truth about JEWS and Israel, and they’re criminal ways. You’re playing the game with yourself now, ‘analchore’. You’re probably used to that by now.
It’s stuff like this that Gentiles care about:
March 17, 2010 at 4:37 pm
And this is certainly something Gentiles would find interesting: