“As a thief is disgraced only when caught, so too is the house of Israel disgraced…On your clothes are found the lifeblood of the innocent poor, and yet in spite of all this you dare to say ‘I am innocent!’…The leaders dress the wound of Israel as though it were not serious, and yet, are the people of Israel ashamed of their loathsome conduct? No, they have no shame at all…They do not even know how to blush. They cling to deceit and no one repents of their wickedness, saying ‘what have I done?’…And although you wash yourself with an abundance of soap the stain of your guilt is ever before me…”
– Book of Jeremiah
“Global opinion surveys are being closely examined and the Foreign Ministry has been granted an extra $2 million to improve Israel’s image through cultural and information diplomacy…The country needs to position itself as an attractive personality, to make outsiders see it in all its reality. We are focusing on crisis management, and that is never going to get us where we need to go over the long term.”
– Israel’s Foreign Ministry as quoted in the New York Times
By Mark Glenn
It was one of those old-worldisms my Lebanese grandfather used to often say which I’ll never forget–
“Powder and paint make her the woman she ain’t…”
That may be true when it comes to your average gal, where a little help from her friends at Maybelline and Revlon might be enough to tip the scales in her favor and bring the situation over towards the “plus” side of the equation…
For others however, sometimes it’s better to just leave sleeping dogs lie, no pun intended. As the old saying goes, “beauty is skin deep, but ugly goes straight to the bone”, and in some cases there isn’t a brand of hocus pocus or a mascara wand with enough magic in them to turn a sow’s ear into a silk purse. When Mother Nature has spoken, she has spoken, and as we see all too often, trying to circumvent her decisions can end in disaster. In such cases, the cure can be worse than the condition itself, where someone can go from simple run-of-the-mill ugly to fugly in the time it takes to say “Mazel-Tov” and then, the next thing you know you’re dealing with a face even a mother couldn’t love.
Don’t get me wrong. I think women – despite whatever outward appearance they may have gotten from their mommas–are inherently beautiful. In the right circumstances they are smart, sensitive creatures and I shudder to think what “civilization” would be like without their civilizing influence.
MOST women, that is. Some of course are not like the aforedescribed at all. They are (put in apocalyptic language) beasts, and hell-bent on making this life as miserable as possible for everyone. And of those types, none better fits that description than the wicked witch of the Middle East, Israel.
Merely consider her history. There’s never been a day in her life going all the way back to the earliest chapters of the Old Testament she wasn’t smiting, slaying, seducing or stealing from someone. By all appearances (and using her own family album as proof) it would seem she was a bad egg from the very moment she first set feet on God’s green earth and started hearing voices in her head telling her she was better than everyone else and destined to rule the world. Indeed, as once described by one of her own (who finally had enough of her ugliness and hit the road in search of greener pastures) she is “displeasing to all that is good and contrary to all men”, something clearly corroborated when we consider how she has dealt with the backlash from her own behavior throughout her history…As she rampages through the peace and order of someone else’s existence and all hell breaks loose, is there a reckoning on her part? Is there an examination of conscience over the suffering she has brought to others?
Perish the thought. Rather, covered in someone else’s innocent blood and gore, time and again she wanders back to the mirror to glare admiringly at herself and her actions. Just as Jeremiah (another guy on the receiving end of her wrath) wrote, “Are the people of Israel ashamed of their loathsome conduct? No, they have no shame at all…They do not even know how to blush. They cling to deceit and no one repents of their wickedness, saying ‘what have I done?’…
And it is no different today. The only variance between Israel’s behavior back in the “good ol’ days” and now is that today she has high-priced plastic surgeons to “repair” her image so she can then get things ready for the next rampage.
And this is precisely what we see taking place as of late. Caught red-handed (literally) in the dirty business of Jewish ritual murder in that Black Mass known as Operation Cast Lead (resulting in 1,500 innocent people being holocausted) her High Priests and Priestesses are now frantically involved in emergency reconstructive surgery of Israel’s ugly image. Desperate to distract an increasingly-aware world from the deliberate and religiously-inspired carnage recently taking place, her various make-up artists and magicians work like busy little bees with the same kind of confidence found the opening script lines from the hit TV series the Bionic woman –“Gentlemen…we can rebuild her…”
Everyday, a new face, a new “do”, something – ANYTHING – to razzle-dazzle the masses into falling in love with her again and forgetting what a horrifyingly hideous thing she truly is…Everyday a new press conference where she pulls off the bandages and–“Ta Daaa!” –reveals (what she hopes will be seen as) the face of the kinder, gentler Jewish state. Laying awake nights in terror over the fact that the rest of the non-Jewish world has started doing the math and is beginning to realize the great experiment in Jewish self-rule in the Middle East is – by its very nature – a wild, vicious animal that cannot abide by the norms of civilized society, she is now desperate to get curious onlookers looking in another direction.
As such, her plastic surgeons are hoping against hope that, just as dear old grandpa used to say, “powder and paint’ll make her the woman she ain’t.”
Please finish the rest at THE UGLY TRUTH
Comments feed for this article
March 10, 2010 at 9:15 pm
“god communicates in Hebrew” LOL! that ALONE is frickin GUT BUSTING hilarious!!! people that dont have a country… thrown out of everywhere because they’re a bunch of assholes, murdering Palestinians because “their god said THEY owned this and that, and we’re above everyone”and thats cool with ……. fuckin EVERYONE in the west!! ..well, what happens when a lion eats a jew??? is that lion condemned?! for all eternity?! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhahahahahahha!
but… we’re SPECIAL… we’re CHOSEN..HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhahahahahaha! oh my JEW im about to PUKE!
March 10, 2010 at 9:18 pm
after killing All of those innocent people… they’re CHOSEN?!?!?! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhahahahaha!
March 10, 2010 at 9:20 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
I don’t suppose it’s for us to know.If the kike don’t like, i reckon that is a good indicator as to the veracity of Jesus’ message.As to the established churches.Pfff . Who cares.I myself have no moral equivocations as to how to deal with judaism,its followers and its diabolical history of unquantifiable EVIL.Burn it out and treat the wound. I thank Christ every day for having discovered the True “story of the jews”,using this site as both a torch and compass to show the way.Some irony in that.Here’s some jocularity. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPuRTroOE9c
March 10, 2010 at 9:25 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
If at first you dont succeed.Bin it. http://www.youtube.com/watch#!v=Y1A42I1pvv4&feature=related
March 10, 2010 at 9:28 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
Do forgive me. I don’t have a clue what went awry.
March 10, 2010 at 9:31 pm
@Flanders & Cannibal
Russian Icons are more about traditional Muscovite identity than (yes, I know it was borrowed from the Byzantines over 1K yrs ago, Boyosan) religion.
Of course all this great Christian themed artwork should be preserved, and not just for its cultural value. Look at an image of Christ, even among non-whites until recent subversions, and you see a White man.
A Jewish, Black, or Asiatic Christ? WTF?
Any Christ over than an Aryan Christ is psychologically inconceivable because there isn’t any real empathy in other races. And that’s what Christ is about.
March 10, 2010 at 10:08 pm
I’m not concerned with Christ. Israel is a terrorist, failed state.
March 10, 2010 at 11:17 pm
Re: “you spend all your time on the internet and don’t know Russians”
Вы невежества во плоти — бесстыдное невежество — болезненно невежество. Вы жалкое существо.
March 10, 2010 at 11:28 pm
Октодрочила, на калени сука!
March 11, 2010 at 12:05 am
Octo, you may have learned to hate religion because of your parents pressure, but it seems clear that what you learned is screwed up. If you really believe the following, what are you doing here?
“Any Christ over than an Aryan Christ is psychologically inconceivable because there isn’t any real empathy in other races. And that’s what Christ is about.”
That is what the CZ’s teach all the time.
It is NOT athiesm and agnosticism which the jews seek to prohibit. It is not the true Christians who are trying to force you into joining the CZ churchs. It is jews who are promoting everything which IS anti-Christian.
Christianity is the religion which not only allows you to make a choice to accept it or reject it, but it REQUIRES that YOU are the one who chooses to establish a relationship with God.
March 11, 2010 at 12:11 am
World’s richest men: nary a Rothschild on the list.
Вы – полное мошенничество, и Вы знаете это. Я буду держать пари, что Вы никогда не делали работы твердого дня в вашей жизни.
И для вводить вас к Céline, вы радушны.
I guess I’ll pick up a History of the Church and get the unvarnished truth about Pope Alexander VI, the Archbishop of Valencia, who just happened to be his son Cesare, and likely involvement of Karol Józef Wojtyła in a massacre of Volkdeutsch in Silesia.
I’m sure it will all be there, and more, because church history is the bestest history there is!
March 11, 2010 at 12:18 am
What are you on about, Flanders? CZ = Christian Zionist, I assume?
Aryan Christ is an anthropomorphic projection that exists in the world of art, not the real one, unfortunately. My point was that even non-white artists knew instinctively that if they wanted compassion and mercy, they’d better look Aryanward.
March 11, 2010 at 1:25 am
I wonder why they did not paint a rainbow Christ, Octo? If that is what you are drawn to go for it. Red, yellow, black, brown and white little children of the world is definately the Red (I considered it communist only at one time) concept. It was the predecessor concept laying the foundation for the importation of all of the others into the White world. I would be happy if they had monoculture where they once were and Whites had their own culture back. They could color Christ any way they chose. I presume they did so with the gods they believed in before choosing Christianity.
Yes, CZ is that false religion, Christian Zionism. Satan loves them and all of thier falsely indoctrinated, but tasty, little children.
March 11, 2010 at 1:46 am
“I wonder why they did not paint a rainbow…?”
For the same reason 40 million + Mexs, Central and S Americans fled their shitholes, and black athletes and celebrities flee the hood as soon as they can without looking back.
Because life is better in Whiteland. And you have a better chance of getting largesse and justice from the Whiteman. Of course, the more that come here the more it’s like the places they fled. Theoretically, when America gets filled up with non-whites, we could just “migrate” south of the border because our hispanic brothers would no longer be there, except Mexico isn’t amenable to immigration like the US.
March 11, 2010 at 1:55 am
March 11, 2010 at 1:59 am
March 11, 2010 at 2:00 am
March 11, 2010 at 10:19 am
Ваш мастер в Герцлии, не требуется тратить много времени в сети?
Octopussy’s job here is mostly to attack Christ.
That’s why he turns everything into an attack on Christ, Christians, Christianity, the Church.
That’s the point of his irrelevant comments like: “I guess I’ll pick up a History of the Church and get the unvarnished truth about [etc]. I’m sure it will all be there, and more, because church history is the bestest history there is!”
The issue was historical facts, not history according to any church. But Octopussy constantly twists everything into “Church History” and attacking Christians.
The FACTS are:
1. Kaminski attributed actions and a role to Empress Irene, the Athenian wife of Emperor Leo IV, that she neither did nor was ever in any position to do. And anyway his chronology is at least ten years off, anyway. His purpose is to make stupid people believe that the New Testament was “uttered” (?) by Empress Irene ten years before she became Empress and also somehow, magically, in 325.
2. Kaminski described the Empress Irene as Khazarian, when she was in fact Athenian and pure Greek.
3. Kaminski describes her as “Khazarian” in an attempt to imply that she was somehow disreputable and somehow Jewish. In fact Kaminski is confusing the Empress Irene (Leo IV’s wife), with Princess Tzitzak (Leo IV’s mother), whose baptismal name was Irene.
4. In other rants, Kaminski also confuses the Emperor Leo IV (750–780) with Pope Leo IV (847–855).
5. The point of all this “Khazar” nonsense (regarding Irene & Leo) that the Jews spread, is to imply or assert that the Christian Roman Empire and the Orthodox Church were controlled by Jews. How this could have been is never really explained. The reason they do it is because the Christian Roman Empire (“Byzantium) was the most successful and powerful Christian nation, and it kept Jews out of education and politics. It’s “Khazar nonsense” because Princess Tzazak/Irene died in 750
Facts, for review:
- Emperor Constantine V lived from 718 to 775, and reigned from 741 to 775.
- Emperor Constantine V was married to the Khazar Princess Tzitzak, daughter of Bihar. (They married in 732.)
- Princess Tzitzak was baptised as Irene.
- Emperor Constantine was an Iconocalst. He was opposed to icons of Christ (i.e. he took the Judaic and Muslim position (later also the puritanical position)). He assaulted monks, monasteries and the Church in general. His wife Tzitzak/Irene was a true Orthodox Christian, and defended the Church, the monks, and the Iconography of Christ.
- Emperor Constantine V and his wife Tzitzak/Irene had a son, who became Emperor Leo IV.
- Because his mother was Khazarian, Leo IV is referred to as “Leo the Khazar”.
- Emperor Leo IV lived from 750 to 780. He was ceremonially co-emperor from 771, and actually emperor from 775 to 780.
- Leo IV married Irene Sarantapechaina in 769.
- Irene Sarantapechaina was a Greek, and is known as “Irene the Athenian”
- Leo IV began his short reign as an Iconoclast, and persecuted the Church, just as his father (Constantine V) and grandfather (Leo II) had done. Leo IV was very influenced by his wife to become slightly more tolerant of Orthodox teachings regarding iconography, monasticism, and so on.
- When Leo IV died in 780, his wife, Irene the Athenian, became guardian of the infant Emperor Constantine VI (771–797). She was the empress of the Christian Roman Empire 797 to 802. She is blessed in the Church as one of the Church’s greatest defenders.
- Khazars converted to Judaism sometime between 790 and the early ninth century.
Muckrakers and scumbags like Darryl Bradford Smith, Eric Huffshit, John Kaminski, and, of course, Octopussy, love to just throw around ahistorical, anachronistic and illogical nonsense like “Pope Leo IV the Khazar!” and “Empress Irene the Khazar!” to confuse people about history, to imply that Christian teachings have been corrupted by Jewish interlopers, that the New Testament is a product of Imperial Rome, etc. This is their assigned mission.
They spout their rubbish all the time. Then, if you try to inform people of historical facts, of reality, they’ll say you’re “splitting hairs.”
They are of their father, the devil, the Prince of Lies.
March 11, 2010 at 10:34 am
The importance of knowing the history of the Judaized Khazars is mostly this:
Knowing that many (or most?) Jews in the world today are descended from Khazars who converted to Judaism gives the lie to the mad Zionist idea that “The Jews are returning to their homeland” in Palestine.
That’s why they put so much effort into spreading this “Khazari Pope!” and “Khazari Empress” lies and “Khazari Emperor!” nonsense. So that if anybody makes sensible statements about the Khazari background of many or most Jews today, they’ll be associated with the idiots mentioned above, and dismissed as lunatic morons.
March 11, 2010 at 11:02 am
Дорогие восемьпизды,
Ты идиот сцучка с сцумочкой. Я читал Селин, задолго до тебя взял ваш первый курс хасбара.
March 11, 2010 at 11:04 am
Didn’t degrade you completely enough.
Дорогие восемьпизды,
Ты идиот сцучка с сцумочкой. Я читал Селин, задолго до тебя взял твой первый курс хасбара.
March 11, 2010 at 5:11 pm
Some very unsettling prescience written in 1937, but it could be the West in 2010. 20% unemployment in America, everyone’s pension looted, and the entertainment-propaganda industry is being racheted up. A third of a billion dollars for “Avatar?” Let’s don’t forget that our military and thought police budgets have all been greatly increased as well, and of course, our apparatchik salaries have never been higher.
‘Every Russian administrative agency suffers, is overwhelmed, is condemned to the same grotesque penury, and even to similar nonsense “in manpower, in materiel, in funds”…All of them, except for the theaters, the police, the military, the commissars, and Propaganda…to the same seamy conniving, to the same contraction to one-tenth of a normal budget (by normal, we mean some very modest, very reasonable
“covering of costs”).
‘But do not be impatient, it will cost you nothing to wait! We will soon envy the Russians!… We will become like them! And then become even worse off than they are!… It would seem incredible! Even worse off than the Russians!… We have their disease! The Russian disease! We already have it! We will be rounded-up out in the street.
– Louis-Ferdinand Céline, Trifles for a Massacre ( Bagatelles pour un massacre) (p88)
March 11, 2010 at 6:05 pm
“The Lie is a means which one is not only permitted to employ,
but it is the most proven means in the Bolshevik struggle.”
– Lenin.
‘Under the penalty of remaining as stupid, oblivious, and credulous as a week-old calf, should one fail, one must learn to recognize the marks, the tracks, the possession, and the instigation of the Jews in all of the world’s upheavals, which they have perpetrated…in Europe, in America, in Asia, wherever…where they are preparing the hecatombs, and the systematic, relentless destruction of the Aryan spirit and flesh… One must learn to detect in everyday practice the color, tone, and arrogance of Jewish imperialism, and of Jewish (or Freemasonic) propaganda… One must learn to penetrate, to clarify, to the bottom of all the shadows, through all of the phraseological mazes, between the guide-wires of all the calamities, behind all of the funny faces, the universal lying, the implacable conquering megalomania of the Jew…his hypocrisies, his racism – sometimes incipient, sometimes arrogant, sometimes delirious. Plus that enormous armament in this permanent cosmic apocalypse: his imposture.
‘It is necessary to catch the scent of the devil from a good distance…in all quarters, around the world…within the narrow paragraphs of whichever ostensibly innocent daily paper (either Left or Right)…that little press of the thumb upon the scale, furtive…applied…signal…the favorable epithet…flattery…the augmentation of value, free advertising…the supposedly impartial denigration…nothing is indifferent to the Jewish Triumph… The opportune and even unscheduled addition of a ten-lettered word, of half-ways attempted praise…for the success of the least little Yid “presentation” matters… The buffooneries of no matter which Jew, the most insignificant Jewish painter, Jewish pianist, Jewish banker, Jewish movie star, Jewish hoodlum, Jewish author, Jewish book, Jewish play, Jewish piece of music…proceed to add, now as always, one small stone, one vibrating atom, to the construction of our prison, our prison for Aryans, under Jewish management… At the height of its perfection, the Jewish Tyranny will leave nothing to chance: if everyone is having “»” sex, then everyone will be making Jewish “».” This internal colonization operates either mildly or through force, according to the general utility, of the Jewish rhythms of the moment… In France, the iron hand is still somewhat deadened by the velvet glove, but not for much longer, for soon the cards will have to be laid down, those who aren’t of the right opinion will have their throats cut (they are getting it done already), and the Jew will appear unto the admiring gazes of the prostrate herd, as is necessary! solid, stolid, knout in hand…
– Louis-Ferdinand Céline, Trifles for a Massacre (Bagatelles pour un massacre) (p89)
March 11, 2010 at 9:07 pm
Israeli Soldiers Brutalizing
Palestinian Children
March 11, 2010 at 9:33 pm
Zionism Laid Bare
By Kathleen Christison Alam’s conclusion-a direct argument against those who contend that the lobby has only limited influence: “It makes little sense,” in view of the pervasiveness of Zionist influence over civil society and political discourse, “to maintain that the pro-Israeli positions of mainstream American organizations . . . emerged independently of the activism of the American Jewish community.” In its early days, Zionism grew only because Herzl and his colleagues employed heavy lobbying in the European centers of power; Jewish dispersion across the Western world-and Jewish influence in the economies, the film industries, the media, and academia in key Western countries-are what enabled the Zionist movement to survive and thrive in the dark years of the early twentieth century; and Zionist lobbying and molding of public discourse are what has maintained Israel’s favored place in the hearts and minds of Americans and the policy councils of America’s politicians.
This is a critically important book. It enhances and expands on the groundbreaking message of Shlomo Sand’s work. If Sand shows that Jews were not “a people” until Zionism created them as such, Alam shows this also and goes well beyond to show how Zionism and its manufactured “nation” went about dispossessing and replacing the Palestinians and winning all-important Western support for Israel and its now 60-year-old “exclusionary colonialism.”
March 13, 2010 at 1:25 am
Germany approves 91m. euro for Holocaust survivors
11/03/2010 10:36
“We have taken the assets of 1,000 years of Jewish life which was destroyed in 12 years” to cover the “social welfare needs of Nazi victims.”
March 13, 2010 at 6:46 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
Here’s one of the real Goodfellas. http://weeklyshow.blip.tv/
March 13, 2010 at 7:03 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
Well said that man.
For most of the past decade, Norm Finkelstein has been held up as a paragon of truth and justice. He is a darling of the anti-war, anti-Zionist set, and friend to Arab and Muslim groups around the world. What could be better?—a Jew critical of the Jewish state, and a champion of the Palestinians. But I think it is high time to expose a few weaknesses in his armor, and to make the case that he is, perhaps unwittingly, an apologist for Israel and for Jewish supremacy. I think one can make a pretty good case that he is, in fact, a Zionist stooge. http://michaelsantomauro.blogspot.com/
March 13, 2010 at 7:51 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
David Ahenakew, the controversial Saskatchewan First Nations figure whose comments on Jews were the subject of several court cases, has died at the age of 76, reportedly from cancer.
Read more: http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2010/03/12/ahenakew-obit.html#ixzz0i6jztioU
Via W.R.H.
March 13, 2010 at 10:59 pm
White Wolf
Israeli Historian: Israel could be forced to nuke EU (or anybody else who “threatens” Israel)
It’s as if the makeover isn’t going over too well, and now the blackmail’s out in the open.
Feelin’ squirmy kikes?
March 13, 2010 at 11:00 pm
White Wolf
When aren’t they, I know..
March 14, 2010 at 3:39 am
updated 2:10 p.m. ET, Thurs., March. 4, 2010
JERUSALEM – The killing of a Hamas operative in a Dubai hotel may signal the end of an era: the moment when modern technology finally caught up with the cloak-and-dagger world of disguised assassins and fake passports.
“The last assassination of its kind,” said a headline in the Israeli daily Haaretz.
March 14, 2010 at 5:39 am
Amy Goodman Interviews the Parents of Rachel Corrie
(HAIFA, Israel) – Rachel Corrie was a college student from Washington state who tried to slow the destruction of Palestinian homes in Gaza. She was run down by an Israeli military bulldozer operator while she communicated with him on a bullhorn.
The Israeli Defense Forces were not held accountable. But, the parents of Rachel Corrie this week, are actually having their day in court. They are currently in Haifa, Israel for the civil case involving the death of their daughter.
Amy Goodman of Democracy Now, talked to Cindy and Craig Corrie; two courageous parents who are trying to find justice in a nation that routinely destroys the homes of Palestinian people in its ever-broadening claim of the tiny amount of remaining Palestinian land.
March 14, 2010 at 5:51 am
‘US has no better friend than Israel’ — VP Joe Biden
March 14, 2010 at 6:41 am
so… Biden kisses kike ass. no better friend?! U.S.S. Liberty?!!
how many Canadians have been arrested here spying for Canada? how much foreign aid does Canada get (steal) from the U.S.? how many dual Canadian/U.S. citizens are there in DC? wow, i could go on..and on. how many Danes….
March 14, 2010 at 8:11 am
Yeah, I read that Joe Biden article too… What the hell is wrong with these whores?…. It makes me wonder why people ran for office prior to IsraHells creation… Was it to actually serve this nation?.. It had to of been…
It seems that nowadays their only motivation for seeking elected office is for the chance to officially and unconditionally woo the stench of Israeli smegma.. Any other issue our politicians face is a partisan one… Yet the only thing they can whole-heartedly agree on, no matter the party, is the continual breast feeding of that illegitimate bastard child… It makes me sick!
March 14, 2010 at 9:03 am
Re: “It makes me wonder why people ran for office prior to IsraHells creation… Was it to actually serve this nation?”
To serve the lodges.
Now the master-lodge is BB?
March 15, 2010 at 8:38 pm
Once again, the bright sparks at the Guardian just dont get it.
We’re ALL ‘terrorists’ now, that’s what this whole war on terror crap is about:
Jihad Jamie: Racial profiling under scrutiny after second white Islamist arrested
US citizen Jamie Paulin-Ramirez detained in connection with alleged conspiracy to kill Swedish cartoonist
The two women join a young Nigerian, a fair-haired North Carolina man and his sons, a US army psychiatrist of Palestinian descent, and others who have been accused in the past year of perpetrating or plotting Islamist violence.
And this year, American-born, non-Muslim anti-government protesters flew a plane into a government building in Texas, killing a worker, and shot at the Pentagon, wounding two police officers.
March 15, 2010 at 8:42 pm
Israel claims Jerusalem settlement plan would not harm Palestinians
Netanyahu makes comments after ambassador to Washington says ties with US in ‘crisis of historic proportions’
The Israeli prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, stepped up the row over Jewish settlement plans in East Jerusalem today, saying they would not hurt the city’s Palestinian residents.
Speaking to Israel’s parliament, Netanyahu said the construction of homes for Jews in the city’s eastern sector “in no way” hurts Palestinians. His comments came after an admission by the Israeli ambassador to Washington that Israel’s relations with the US are at their worst for 35 years.
US officials are reported to have urged Israel to reconsider sudden plans to build 1,600 homes in the occupied area, after they were described by one of Barack Obama’s closest aides as an “affront” to the US that could undermine peace efforts in the Middle East.
Earlier, Netanyahu apologised for announcing the plans during a visit last week to Israel by the US vice-president, Joe Biden. “I recommend not to get carried away and to calm down,” he said yesterday.
One of President Obama’s most senior aides has described Israel’s sudden announcement of plans to build 1,600 homes in occupied East Jerusalem as an “affront” to the US which could undermine peace efforts in the Middle East.
Yesterday, David Axelrod said the move, which overshadowed a visit to Israel by the US vice-president, Joe Biden, was “very destructive”.
“This was an affront, it was an insult but most importantly it undermined this very fragile effort to bring peace to that region,” he said on NBC’s Meet the Press. “For this announcement to come at that time was very destructive.”
Axelrod, one of the architects of Obama’s election, is not the first US official to have criticised the decision but he is one of the president’s closest advisers. His remarks came after the Israeli prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, sought to downplay the row with Washington.
Clashes erupt in the West Bank
Israeli troops wounded at least six Palestinians during a confrontation in the occupied West Bank as tension over the Jerusalem settlements plan runs high
March 15, 2010 at 9:05 pm
Great link Cannibal-
I just e-mailed Rizoli yesterday, getting a link to that old “Barnes Review” issue he has with the pictures of Auschwitz camp money on the cover. Have to order it from them…didn’t even know it existed!!!
March 15, 2010 at 10:31 pm
Leaked Zionist strategy Paper to counter BDS –
Here is a leaked copy of the Zionist plan to attack the Boycott and Divestment Campaign Against Israel’s Occupation and to strategy to shut down the debate on the Palestinian issue and to shift it discussion of anti-Semitism and not Israel’s illegal Occuption and illegal settlements and human rights violations.
From Same Site:
Zahir Ebrahim – Response to John Kaminski’s ‘Why no Jewish writer can be believed’
March 15, 2010 at 10:50 pm
That’s a revealing document out of the Jews. The whole thing revolves around PR, not debating at all what Israel does. Amazing the nerve of these people!
Like this:
“The campaign against the University and College Lecturers’ Union’s boycott attempt in the UK was a signal success, mainly due to a classic job of re-framing. The BDS crowd wants the debate to be about Israel and the pro-Israel crowd made it about academic freedom. Although this is an exquisite tactic it runs the risk of leading to a strategic defeat.”
When people understand the clever tactics of the Jew, they see the problem with these bastards.
March 16, 2010 at 5:27 am
Abraham Sandwich from the ADL in an article just posted at Jpost…..
“Israel is a country that has never asked American soldiers, even in its darkest moment, to risk its lives to defend it. From time to time there have been suggestions of security pacts, where the US would have to come to Israel’s aid, and all the leaders of Israel have said that the last thing they would want is for US soldiers to risk their lives to defend Israelis,” he said.
Abe, your Israel and its supporting worms never ask for anything outright. Instead, you’d rather lie (Iraq war), slander (Charles Freeman resignation) and obfuscate reality (M.S.M) into getting what’s desired…. Despiting these tactical traits, the people of this Country, my Country, the U.S.A., are finally starting to realize the perfidy and are tracing the rotting stench back to that sneaky and fraudulently stolen Country… So face the facts Khazar: That snake you defend will soon lose its support from the American public. Whatever happens to it afterwards will be of no interest to us.
March 16, 2010 at 5:41 am
Stolen country Hamonwry? Listen to the head thief, David Ben-Gurion.
“If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti -Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault ? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?”
“We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population.”
“We must expel the Arabs and take their places.”
“Israel has created a new image of the Jew in the world – the image of a working and an intellectual people, of a people that can fight with heroism.”
“Anyone who believes you can’t change history has never tried to write his memoirs.”
Christian Zionists actually SUPPORT this organized theft and murder? Don’t forget that 20% of Palestinians are Christians…how back-asswards and demonic can you possibly be, John Hagee? Proselyte of the Jew, twice the child of hell of the modern Sanhedrin. What does Christ say?
Matthew 23:14-16 (King James Version)
14Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows’ houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation.
15Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.
March 16, 2010 at 6:19 am
“Image creation” aka LIES is what they excel at, right? Why, of course they strive to control mass media first. Hollywood, land of illusion. Quite natural that Jews should flock to a place where they can maximize their potential to delude the most goyim with the least effort, meanwhile getting them to finance their own destruction and like it!!!
“Israel has created a new image of the Jew in the world – the image of a working and an intellectual people, of a people that can fight with heroism.”
“Anyone who believes you can’t change history has never tried to write his memoirs.”
Heroic fighters indeed, those Vainglorious Cowerdz LMAO!!! Only in their own utterly fictitious Jew fantasyland. “Re-framing” history, indeed…it is one of their primary weapons!!! Take their media control away, and my oh my how things start to become apparent.
Guess who has financed Martin Scorcese? Israeli Zionist billionaire…
Arnon Milchan (Hebrew: ארנון מילצ’ן; December 6, 1944) is a film producer and businessman. Milchan produced many films such as The War of the Roses, Once Upon a Time in America, Pretty Woman, Natural Born Killers, The Devil’s Advocate and L.A. Confidential. He is an Israeli CITIZEN.
Looks like even Al Pacino owes his success to a Zionist kike. “Once upon a Time in America,” ok…add DeNiro to the list.
New Regency Productions is a production company founded in 1991 by Arnon Milchan and a subsidiary of Regency Enterprises.
It is located on the 20th Century Fox lot, and Fox is the current distributor of Regency releases since 1998, but is a wholly independent company. Warner Bros. Pictures was the previous distributor. Milchan is also noted for being a strong supporter of Israel. He is said to be a personal friend of Shimon Peres and underwrites the Israeli Network which transmits Israeli television programming to the United States and Canada via cable and satellite TV.
CATCH ON AMERICA!!! You are being taken for a very BIG RIDE…to HELL.
March 16, 2010 at 6:36 am
Christian Zionist John Hagee? He and his followers are only Zionists.. Christian in name only.. There’s nothing else Christian about them.. Much like there’s nothing “federal” about the federal reserve, Or nothing Semitic about Israel. Once people realize this semantic trickery, hopefully they’ll become “Anti-Semantic”, and see the plain truth of Matthew 23:14-16.
Johnny Cash could be singing about Israel with this lyric:
“You can run on for a long time, run on for a long time, run on for a long time but sooner or later God will cut you down”
March 16, 2010 at 6:59 am
“New Regency Productions” LOL!!! Sure…when the Jew Antichrist is enthroned on the Temple Mount…you’ll be seeing your “new regent” allright. All the money in the world will be in his Jew hands, and every Jew will have 2000 goyim slaves. When Lloyd Blankfein says he’s doing “God’s Work,” he’s not kidding…because his God is Satan.
Some more ass-kissers of Arnon Milchan, THE ISRAELI CITIZEN.
2001 – Black Knight – Martin Laurence
* 2000 – Tigerland- Colin Ferrell
* 1998 – The Negotiator – Samuel L. Jackson, Kevin Spacey
* 1997 – The Devil’s Advocate -Al Pacino, Keanu Reeves, Charlize Theron
1997 – LA Confidential – Russell Crowe, Kim Basinger, Kevin Spacey
1995 – Under Siege 2 – Steven Segal
1993 – Heaven & Earth -Tommy Lee Jones
1987 – Man on Fire-Denzel Washington, Christopher Walken, Mickey Rourke
* 1985 – Legend – Tom Cruise
* 1985 – Brazil – DeNiro, Bob Hoskins, Ian Holm, Jonathan Pryce
* 1982 – The King of Comedy -DeNiro
March 16, 2010 at 12:39 pm
Re ADL’s Abraham Sandwich’s “Israel [sic] is a country that has never asked American soldiers…to risk its lives to defend it. From time to time there have been suggestions of security pacts, where the US would have to come to Israel[sic]‘s aid, and all the leaders of Israel [sic] have said that the last thing they would want is for US soldiers to risk their lives to defend Israelis…”
The real reason the Zionist Entity has rejected any formal pact with the Jewnited States is because in any formal treaty the Jewish State would be required to define its borders.
March 16, 2010 at 2:04 pm
And, I believe, have to declare its nuclear status.
March 16, 2010 at 7:10 pm
A very excellent vid here about Gaza and “Cast Lead”: ( Gaza in plain language )
It wont stay here
long as its a featured vid ,the youtube link is here
but has the over 18 block on it.
March 22, 2010 at 4:35 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
Great find over at Penny’s via Maggie that police in the Dominican Republic arrested Puello. Penny also notes that Silsby was caught trying to smuggle *other* children before the children that caused her to be arrested.
“According to documents of the US and Dominican authorities… this person is an important part of a network of alien smugglers (targeting) women and children from Central America and the Caribbean,” added Lebron. (source)
March 22, 2010 at 4:37 pm
Cannibal Rabbi
Forgot the link. http://twelfthbough.blogspot.com/
March 22, 2010 at 5:14 pm
Haiti, Jews and cryptos in Dominican R., Signor Puello, Florida:
Updates in Comments
April 2, 2010 at 12:23 pm
Is that a picture of yo momma trailer park boy?
April 2, 2010 at 1:04 pm
Maybe a lot of hardworking, dispossessed & decent Americans are living in trailer parks due to the theft of their labour & money by the federal reserve & because billions of dollars are sent each year to a crappy little country in the mid-east. & many more Americans are homeless because of these ridiculous scams invented by parasites.
April 18, 2010 at 11:24 am
Cannibal Rabbi
Those horrible Nazis took these people’s homes.
Just chucked them out into the street.
Who would behave in such a callous fashion?
Tsk tsk tsk.
Thank God nothing like that goes on today!
There would be uproar!
Thank God for level headed, clear minded, Fair people.
It’s them we have to thank for the stable, just and prosperous societies we are fortunate to inhabit today.
Three cheers.
HIP HIP……..Ah leave it.