The oil pipeline to Haifa, Israel. The US sent the Israeli government a telegram, thanking them for all their help with Iraq (like what, pray tell?!) and offering the pipelines as a present (all of this was previously worked out–read the article). More work for Haliburton, yeah! 2003 Jew News article
Every time this government’s elected leaders try to tell you that they want to do this or to do that, just say stop and say loudly: BULLSHIT! We’ve heard your stories, before.
Here, we have another Washington Dog and Pony Show, once again led by the Democrats Nancy Pelosi (married to a billionaire Jew) and her co-star, Harry Reid, yammering on about how they’re going to change the direction of the war in Iraq and fight Mr. Bush tooth and nail, but will now it seems, quietly, give him a blank check.
Hell, they’ve been building 14 bases over there as PERMANENT to begin with. That’s right, folks we’re there to stay, or at least as long as it takes to get away with turning it over to the Israeli Zionists, eventually. Plus, they’ve built a 700+ million dollar Embassy, the size of the Vatican.
Haven’t you figured it out yet? It’s all BS. Always has been, too. They do things in DC only to please themselves (Elite Gentiles and Israel Firster Neocons) and their Zionist allies in Tel Aviv. And there’s little real difference between Republicans and Democrats, too. Just different names for the same AIPAC lapdogs. Always has been that, as well.
This has all apart of a Neocon, Globalist Zionist scheme for something called “Eretz Ysrael.” This is where they expand the borders of Israel to include what they think to be the real Israel of the Bible. Also, they believe that all this has been promised them by the British way back in 1917 with the Balfour declaration (and all Gentiles, anywhere, because of the Holocaust).
This includes: Much of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, the Sinai and some of Iraq and Saudis Arabia. The Zionists, along with his fooled Gentile cohorts, have visions of Oil pipelines stretching all the way back to Haifa, on the Mediterranean. And his bearded Holy Ones think that this is all part of some grand scheme to lure the Mossiach (Messiah) to finally appear among the Chosen. The “Zohar” tells them so.
The Israeli Mossad (or Israeli elite group of some sort) have been in Iraq since day-one. Too bad few American Jews have. You know how many American Jews have died in Iraq AND Afghanistan while serving in US forces? 17! That’s less than a Mexican bus crash, for crying out loud. Proportionally, it should be over 200. What a big, fat joke! Jew dead US Servicemen
And when the Jew Messiah finally comes (soon, according to them), the borders to Israel will magically expand to cover the entire globe! At least that’s what the freaky Orthodox Jews are saying about it. Trouble is, many Zionist Jews think the same and deluded Christians are going along with the whole shebang. But Evangelical Christians think it’ll really be Jesus who shows up to the little end of the world party– too bad for the Jews, eh? That’s when they’ll have to convert, since they won’t do so now. And what if it’s the Jew Messiah? Well, then the Christians get the shaft–big time– Noahide Slavery forever and for all of us Gentile Goyims. And no more Santa Claus or Easter Bunny stuff, anymore — since all Christian Idolatry will be verboten!
It’s a horrific combination for us regular Americans. Power mad Pax Americans, Zionists, Money Grubbing Jews, Big Oil Fat-cats, Military/Industrial complex salesmen, Zohar Jews and Jesus Freaks. Trouble is, such things have a nasty way of getting out of hand– fast. History is littered with the dead from such thinking. And with the kinds of weapons at the fingertips of these people– we gotta lot to think about here.
You think they’re going to let some Mad Iranian Mullahs and Ahmadinejad screw up their little Mideast plans by having the big stick (nukes)? Nah, they sure as hell won’t. Hell, less than a week after 9/11, General Wesley Clark says he saw a plan that listed out most of these countries (above) for eventual attack. This has been in the works for quite some time, now. The whole nine yards. They’ve had these plans from before Bush took office. That’s right, one of Bush’s former cabinet officers, Paul O’Neill, said as much in his book The Price of Loyalty, that the first week in office Bush had plans to attack Iraq. Makes you wonder about 9/11, huh?
So, I guess the rest of us have to go along with all this until we find out who the real Mr. Messiah will be. Jew or Jesus? Any takers?
– Phillip Marlowe
Comments feed for this article
August 28, 2008 at 8:45 pm
Get a Life you moron !!!!!!!!!! all these things are happening because of you!!!! We don’t need racism in this world… and all of you ignorant idiots are dumb!!! im sure u will delete this post but i hope this site shuts down ur stupid pig AND IM WHITE BTW… C–k sucker Hope you die soon enough so we get ppl like you outta here hope u all get hit by a bus or something because you dont deserve to be called humans!
August 28, 2008 at 11:25 pm
Did you even read this? Or just picking up whatever to paste your dumb comment in?
“We don’t need racism in this world”
This article had jack to do with racism, fool. No wonder brainwashed people like you are so easily manipulated by the corporate media into wars for the elite. You’re an idiot.
June 11, 2009 at 11:25 pm
Fleur de lis
Oil for Israel and the it’s jewish Banking founders.