From Council of Concerned Citizens
This is not from some “conspiracy website,” this is a nationally syndicated CBS news article from their bureau. Even CBS news is now calling this an “internet kill switch.” The left-wing Huffington Post is also calling the legislation an “Internet kill switch.”
Obama is being handed broad unprecedented powers over the internet that could easily be abused to silence free speech.
From CBS News (Washington)…
The White House is one step closer to having the authority to flip the Internet “kill switch” in case of emergency.
The Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs approved a cybersecurity bill called PCNAA, or Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act on Friday. The bill would give the president the power to call it lights out for the Internet if there is “a cyber attack capable of causing massive damage or loss of life.”
The legislation would force companies such as broadband providers, search engines, or software firms that the government selects to “immediately comply with any emergency measure or action developed” by the Department of Homeland Security. Anyone failing to comply would be fined.
The idea behind it is not new. A draft Senate proposal that CNET obtained in August allowed the White House to “declare a cybersecurity emergency,” and another from Sens. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.V.) and Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) would have explicitly given the government the power to “order the disconnection” of certain networks or Web sites. contacted the Senate Committee to find out who voted yes. It turns out they all voted yes!
Here are the members:
Joseph I. Lieberman (Introduced the bill)
Carl Levin
Daniel Akaka
Thomas Carper
Mark Pryor
Maty Landrieu
Claire McKaskill
Jon Tester
Roland Burris
Edward Kaufman
Susan Collins (Co-sponsor)
Tom Coburn
Scott Brown
John McCain
George Voinovich
John Ensign
Lindsey Graham
All of the above people voted to give Barack Obama the ability to unilaterally kill the internet for up to four months!
Comments feed for this article
June 30, 2010 at 12:43 pm
Pastor Present
Jeremiah 51:19-23 is where YHVH calls Israel his battle ax. Also Daniel 2:34, 35
Dan is the serpent by the way that causes the horse to throw it’s rider.
Rechabite means rider. That’s the house of Kenite (Cainite) scribes of 1chr2:55 and Jer 35. Go see if YHVH is their father in Jer 35. The horse is the symbol of bulky military might. Israel never used them in battle.
Dan is the judge of all of his brothers Israel. Is the judge liable to judgement. Dan isn’t represented of the 144,000 in Revelation. Dan is also called the young lion. Ps. 91? And the eagle. Danites were the craftsmen of the temple Solomon built. They know building secrets. They surely did found the masons. Remeber, it’s YHVH’s locust army, for correction. If Dan can stop the jews, he’s not doing it. Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. I think Dan has them by their withered nuts.
Phoenicians are also called Enochians. When they ruled the seas, Israel, under david, ruled THEM! They wouldn’t allow any ships, not phoenician sail west on the pacific, because they had colonies in America. See the “Los Lunas” stone. The toltecs eventually wiped them out. But, they probably built the cliff dwellings. They also had tin mines and smelts around the great lakes. You won’t find that in the scribe’s history books and you won’t find hebrew in the indo-european tree of languages, but it’s there.
June 30, 2010 at 2:01 pm
You GD pathetic faggot as Jew….Incog please remove this worthless Jew Debbil at 1:55 p.m. and his faggot Jew garbage!
June 30, 2010 at 2:04 pm
Carter: “US Candidates MUST do as Israel says”
Kay Grigg:
“Do ZIONISTS/ISRAEL Control the U.S. Government ?”
June 30, 2010 at 2:05 pm
Carter: “US Candidates MUST do as Israel says”
June 30, 2010 at 2:16 pm
“Zionists are the Cuckoo in the nest ”
June 30, 2010 at 2:25 pm
Count Cherep
Maidhc Ó Cathail: Guess Who Wants to Kill the Internet?
It would be hard to think of anyone who has done more to undermine American freedoms than Joseph Lieberman.
Since 9/11, the Independent senator from Connecticut has introduced a raft of legislation in the name of the “global war on terror” which has steadily eroded constitutional rights. If the United States looks increasingly like a police state, Senator Lieberman has to take much of the credit for it.
But what is it that bothers Lieberman so much about the internet? Could it be that it allows ordinary Americans access to facts which reveal exactly what kind of “friend” Israel has been to its overgenerous benefactor? Facts which they have been denied by the pro-Israel mainstream media…
Read the rest:
June 30, 2010 at 2:26 pm
Ain’t that the F-ing truth! A-Men, Brother.
I think their would be, like, 98% approval (subtracting the 2%) for this.
The drawback is we would all get carpel tunnel and blisters at the rate they are going.
June 30, 2010 at 2:37 pm
What fricking part did you not get “american patriotard”? You die and get maimed, kill and maim milllion upon millions of innocent iraqi and afghan people on the OTHER side of the earth. And for what? Because your Jew Masters tell you to. “Spreading Democracy” jew style while the JEW controls YOUR state. Just how fucking RETARDED can an american PatrioTARD be?
June 30, 2010 at 3:51 pm
How simple
Yashua was a Levitical Pharisee from a Roman Tribe close to Gallilee who later moved to arizona close to Nazareth but he was an Israelite an apostate Pharisee that became Jesus who was in the first or second Temple who was not jewish but he was a jew, sorry there were not invented yet but he later became known as from the tribal of the welsh ………. Keep on braking your heads psychos.
June 30, 2010 at 3:53 pm
And in actuality the “american patriotard” could be called an “israeli patriotard” because they are supporting a false disguise of “what’s best for America” when they are really supporting the evil acts and desires of Israel.
June 30, 2010 at 3:58 pm
White Devil
Hey Incog, why don’t you remove this pathetic GDL (Gonad Dangling Licker)
who posted at 2:01 today. We all know he’s a closet fag who sleeps with the Niggers! You want fag punk? Maybe you need a RPG up your worthless Nazi Wannabe ass Punk.
And for your information Incog, you were foolish to delete my comment about Hebe Ber Man because I am a Baptised and Confirmed Roman Catholic and my suggestion concerning how leftist Commie Scum like Hebe er man are a lot more pertinent than this Internet Suck Ass Punk openly queer Projectionist any day!
As for you GDL here’s a good site for you to flog your Dong to…
I figure now that you are done sucking Incog’s ass, you might want to go suck some Nigger Dick you worthless subserviant Lackey Cunt!
June 30, 2010 at 3:59 pm
“And in actuality the “american patriotard” could be called an “israeli patriotard” because they are supporting a false disguise of “what’s best for America” when they are really supporting the evil acts and desires of Israel.”
GDL so true, so we need to exterminate those “american patriotard” as they support evil acts .
June 30, 2010 at 4:02 pm
And America,
These Jews are the type of people (3:58 p.m.) that are controlling your government, military, media, and children’s minds. Is there any wonder that America is in the shape it is in.
Children of the DEVIL!
June 30, 2010 at 4:10 pm
White Devil
Why don’t you tell us something we don’t know and you just learned last week
Mr. GDL. (Desended from the Children Or The Corn-Hole!)
Dump Lying Suck Ass Brown Nosed Lackeys!
June 30, 2010 at 4:15 pm
White Wolf
I’ve known alot of Catholics, some “bad” Catholics that “didn’t give a shit” anymore, even – and NONE of them spew like you do, jew white devil.
You jews Are “white” devils.
Nothing complicated here.
You are a poor “fooler” of “goy”.
June 30, 2010 at 4:20 pm
No alliance, not exterminate but educate. The problem is that the American people who are not Jew-aware have an IQ level that equals their favorite television station. Take the Fox News lover….”now here’s a news station for White America” they will say…LMAO!…whatta joke.
The Fox News IQ individual is screaming “kill all those damn Muslims” while they love “poor wittle” TERRORIST ISRAEL! They will usually be against non-White immigration but they usually will not bring up racial issues. They are however usually more conservative people and are a step up from the MTV IQ level males who are wannabe gangsters, and the females who dance to (lil jig a boo wayne) like they have a turd stuck to their ass they want removed.
Educating people beyond their television is the key, and raising them up to a level of free thinking individuals.
June 30, 2010 at 4:26 pm
So how come those “american patriotard” that support evil acts . did it in WW2, you did not have any TV then and they were supporting evil acts.
I do not accept your pathetic view extermination of each “american patriotard” who support evil acts is the answer.
June 30, 2010 at 4:28 pm
Yeah “white” devil it looks like you are into some real jew porn. anyone can click on your little jew monicker and check it for themselves (If this disgusting kike doesn’t change it, before you do)
Whydidn’t you call yourself “white king of all conquerors” or something? is it because your a mexican? a black? or just a stinking jew?
June 30, 2010 at 4:29 pm
When I read your post, it screamed Jew to me…I don’t give a flying flock what you accept!
June 30, 2010 at 4:35 pm
Yes the Proud Jew shows you how stupid you are !
June 30, 2010 at 4:40 pm
You GD Jews are boring as hell. Your crap is old and played out. One is trying to distract with discord and distractions, while the other can’t even hide his perverted demonic fetish for negroe’s peckers….must come from the Jew’s sexual insecurity and the lack of manliness in the typical puny Jew.
June 30, 2010 at 5:14 pm
White Devil
No Quarter:
I call myself the White devil because I despise worthless low functioning Nigger Beasts, and I’m fully aware that they all refer to us as this behind our backs and among themselves because being Voo Doo and fear motivated sub organisms this is something that makes them shake in their shoes and drop their Jenkem bottles when they hear it right from the Jig imagined “Devil’s” mouth!
Negroid beasts are extremely primitive and superstitious simian beings. I find in dealing with them it’s always best to confront the crude savages just as they collectively envision us as being in their pea brains.
I’ve read your posts before and I seem to remember they were seemingly written by my impression of how a sane and rational guy represents himself and the hard nosed no compromise war we must all fight against these left wing communist and one worlder shit heels who as a major part of their plan for world domination keep forcing us to assist in importing , supporting and breeding these Jungle Muds while at the same time enabling them and hog tying us with hate crime laws that don’t apply to muds and Jews. And gun control laws which give the Niggers and Beaners the ultimate advantage over we White Christians being that we are the only ones who stand to lose if we are sent off to Nigger College because most of them have nothing and have no problem with being sent off for years because being the Monkeys most of them are they thrive in the prison environment.
I may or may not choose to post another comment here again according to whether or not whoever edits these comments decides to make his decisions of the quality of the content of my submissions or prefers to edit them out in blind servitude to the projections of a brown nosing snitch wannabe who doesn’t have the slightest idea of who I am or what I’m about.
Thank You for your intelligent inquiry into this rather stupid waste of bandwidth.
June 30, 2010 at 5:50 pm
Thank you for your instruction How Simple.
The dumbed down goyim will just smell the jewspew on your brainwave, uummm jewspew, pour more moojuice lite on their cocopops and crunch down the lot.
Here’s a question for you. How many times did Jerry take his cereal box out of his cupboard on the famous ‘Soup Nazi’ episode of Seinfeld?
If you know the answer you could win a free trip to the Holy Land.
Have a nice day
June 30, 2010 at 6:01 pm
Obammy complained in a speech hardly a few months old that there is “too much information” available and this bill is the result of too many people seeing through this administration’s agenda.
“The president will never take over — the government should never take over the Internet,” Lieberman said during CNN’s “State of the Union,” according to a transcrip.
He took over the healthcare, automobile, housing, banking industry and looking to take over more. Who would believe that devolving monkey isn’t going to take over the internet.
So how does one know when a threat from Israel is imminent? So why would you shut down the Internet after it’s happened? Hasn’t the damage been done. Obammy will have to launch a pre-emptive strike against the US whether there is a legitimate threat or not. I still believe this is what will happen when they crash the economy.
I would like to hear more from commenters here about your view of Agenda 21.
June 30, 2010 at 6:37 pm
How Simple.
so was he a Levitical Pharisee from a Roman Tribe close to Gallilee who later moved to arizona close to Nazareth but he was an Israelite an apostate Pharisee that became Jesus who was in the first or second Temple who was not jewish but he was a jew, sorry there were not invented yet but he later became known as from the tribal of the welsh ?
Stupid Lynda , 2000 years and you haven’t figure out who you believe in.
Hopefully in the next 2000 years you will ask youself HOW STUPID CAN ONE BE ………….
June 30, 2010 at 7:17 pm
Jew Simple: You are boring and your closest claim to wit is being a nit-wit. Mocking Christians is as religious as many of you imbecile jews get to having a true religion.
June 30, 2010 at 7:21 pm
White Wolf
Anybody can go back and read the actual ACCURATE insight which Lynda has so kindly shared here, SimplyaneffinJew.
“Yashua was an Israelite of the Tribe of Judah. He was not a Jew. He was from the Gallilee.
He was not of the Pharisee Sect – the sect of the apostate Israelites and the converts of the Tribe of Edom (brother of Jacob) – which usurped and corrupted the Israelite Covenant faith.
Jesus condemned the Pharisee sect which later became known as Judaism. This sect and these people later became Jews – from the tribal land of Judah where they dwelt at the time of their Second Temple (the seat of their money scam over the Roman world), their puppet king Herod, their high priest Caiphas who had usurped the Levitical priesthood of Israel.
The Jews persecuted the faithful of Israel and executed Jesus of Nazareth. They called down his blood upon themselves and their children.
Why don’t you log onto Real Zionist News and see if you can run that ‘Jesus was a Jew’ schtik over there.
The Church is the new Covenant and the new Israel. And it is going through exactly the same purge that Israel went through at the time the Jews infiltrated that tribe, gained ascendance and utterly corrupted and debased that Covenant faith – which Jesus of Nazareth denounced to such extent they crucified him.”
Kinda funny how you threw “arizona” in there – HOW STUPID ARE YOU?! SimpyaneffinJew?
June 30, 2010 at 7:40 pm
White Devil
Lynda, Hummm. I get it GDL has another User Name!
Before I leave you good folks in peace I’d like to point out this GDL guy’s typical niggerbable reply in His/her 4:40 pm reply above.
You see, when you blog against a Jig he will always try and insinuate that in having stood up to his queer innuendo that you somehow lack manliness or that he has a dick (or Strap-on) which is somehow superior to yours in length or girth. Typical of the limited imagination of the dim witted Negroid pea brain. To these Pin Headed Cretins with baboon blood coursing through their filthy stinking carcasses the entire universe revolves around their STD infested and dripping Jigaboo ape rods.
As far as my manhood is concerned fuck wad, I’m an Honorably Discharged
Vietnam Era former Marine who has seen more action before I was sixteen than you will ever see in your useless pathetic life.
I have a son and two daughters and fathered the first girl when I was thirteen
and in Jr. High school, My son is a active duty Navy Seal stationed in Norfolk.
And my first daughter is an internationally acclaimed film and stage actress.
What kids have you ever brought into this world sitting there on your fat Walter Mitty ass kissing up to the Cogman by randomly attacking anyone posting here who’s name you don’t recognise in your ignorant and delusional mind as being a regular poster on this site?
You attack me partially for the reason that I have the balls to address this web site’s comments section using the very name the enemy fearfully calls us when they think of what they can expect when we unleash our full potential on their cowardly inferior asses. It’s sort of like the names Leathernecks or Devil Dogs. These are the names our enemies put on us based on their own fear of what havoc we are capable of unleashing upon their asses in battle. So we proudly embrace these names which we who understand the full nature of the cowardly mindsets of the enemies who name us and proudly accept these names of theirs as complementary and wear them as a badge of honor.
If the world Devil frightens your pansy ass then maybe you should go hide under your pink poster bed instead of insulting men who you envy and despise
for suggesting we employ methods of commie extermination your computer typing fat body could never conceive of being brave or capable enough of carrying to fruition for the better good of the white race.
You wouldn’t even know what a 7.62 by 52 MM cranium shot was unless it hit you in your head. You are probably too busy watching “Dancing With The Stars”, and “American Idol” to learn which end of a firearm the bullet comes out of.
I killed my first enemy combatant when I was sixteen years old, and I was up against eight of them all fully armed Mr. dipshit! How many kills can you honestly claim you’ve accomplished during the duration of your arm chair Walter Mitty Career in dealing with Communist assholes like Hebe R Man Huh Mr. know it all about everything and everybody?
Do yourself and everyone else here a favor and in the future just remain on this site’s topic instead of making a clearly recognizable public jack ass of yourself by blindly attacking other posters who are clearly on the right track toward dealing with the problems we are constantly being burdened and genocided with by the left wing Jews who have infiltrated and usurped our former government you presumptuous little squirt.
Cogman, my apologies Old Bean for using up this much space, but it was the next best thing to somehow finding some way to get my hands around this insulting AssHole’s neck. Hopefully this creep will discover there plenty of really deserving targets out there in the real world for him to try his advanced Asshole skills on. I hope he learns a valuable lesson or two in the process.
June 30, 2010 at 8:56 pm
White Wolf
KKK might be able to use a guy like you, White Debbil – ‘d you really kill those ‘enemy combatants’, all 8 of ‘em? Or just the one? What’d the other 7 do? Boy are you a big man. Proud of killin’ for jews you are – you can hang your ego on it!
You spew like a jew, accuse GDL of what you yourself are so talented at doing, then PORTEND to shove a little “you are foolish Incog, I’m a Roman Catholic” and then some “I killed enemy combatants, kid in the jew military, kid in the jewlywood”.
Boy aren’t you all over the place.
June 30, 2010 at 8:56 pm
Sen10L: “The president will never take over — the government should never take over the Internet,” Lieberman said during CNN’s “State of the Union,” according to a transcript.
He took over the healthcare, automobile, housing, banking industry and looking to take over more. Who would believe that devolving monkey isn’t going to take over the internet.
So how does one know when a threat from Israel is imminent? So why would you shut down the Internet after it’s happened? Hasn’t the damage been done. Obammy will have to launch a pre-emptive strike against the US whether there is a legitimate threat or not. I still believe this is what will happen when they crash the economy.
I would like to hear more from commenters here about your view of Agenda 21.”
Good comments and good questions, Sen10L. I’ll give my opinion – it. Sustainable development (SD) and Agenda 21 (A-21) are both programmed treachery run by traitors. I think you are smart to question both the intent of the “leadership” which should be obvious to everyone by now and the viability of the sustainable development concept.
Sustainable development is only a name to cover for a series of steps which have been happening for a great many years, and not just in the US or even in the West. The UN has simply “legitimatized” sustainable development with a name, and with a home place at Agenda 21. I saved this quote from a source on Agenda 21, which I think most accurately describes the program which is intended to be so complex that most people cannot unravel what is happening. Thus, they feel hopelessness and give up with opposition, or the active opposition is spread so thin by the number of happenings. Giving up in frustration as we have been hit with one thing after another has happened to a large extent with many people.
That is why it is important that people learn to identify the jew as the primary carrier for NWO, as the jew and their media serve the important purpose for the Rothschilds and the jew international bankers who are imposing the NWO using various combinations of those jews and the jew guided masonics to push the NWO programs through, including those programs under the umbrella of SD or A-21.
“Many in America attempt to fight against one issue or another as they try to understand what is happening to their country. But most fail to see the whole picture and are being crushed under a well organized “divide and conquer” tactic that keeps them reeling from crisis to crisis.” This is a statement from a source whose name or link I neglected to keep, but it best explains the basic strategy of those implementing the peicemeal steps necessary to reach the banksters goals.
Sustainable development, though usually couched in terms associated with the enviornment or with North American Union is basically a child of one of the creators of the concept of the EU, Clarence Streit, and it is an extention of that concept designed to embrace other regions until the regions have been combined into a jigsaw pattern intended to eventually evolve into the NWO, headed by whatever institution is chosen or created to do so. Below is a link to a book by Streit which lays out many of his views.
A Proposal for a Federal Union of the Democracies of the North Atlantic
Clarence K. Streit (1939)
The names most associated are not those of the Rothschilds or other bankers behind Sustainable Development (They try to stay low-key and hidden, of course), but their front agents such as Maurice Strong, George Soros and Mikael Gorbachev working through the main institution set up for that very purpose, the UN, and innumerable NGO’s set up primarily to give semblances of legitimacy and credibility (though they are often controlled hollow shells) throughout the international stage.
Here is a Canadian Free Press article which calls Agenda 21, “The Death Knell of Liberty”.
Another article calls, “Sustainable Development: A Global Agenda Structured On Population Control”, and there are other articles at this link.
They didn’t work to get the threat to close the internet for nothing and certainly they intend to use it and countless other assorted means for controlling people and information.